When to do an enema after eating

To carry out cleansing you will need Esmarch's mug – a rubber heating pad with a long elastic tube and a plastic tip. It is not recommended to clean the rectum using a bulb syringe; it holds a small amount of water and cannot effectively clean the colon.

Colon cleansing enemas are made with the addition of decoctions of beneficial herbs, lemon juice, garlic or vegetable oil to enhance the effect of water on feces. Use boiled water, cool it to 36-39 degrees. But we would not recommend you experiment, because adding any acids or irritating substances can cause damage to the intestinal wall !

  • Esmarch's irrigator;
  • water – 2-3 l.;
  • decoction of herbs (sage, calendula, chamomile);
  • oilcloth or medical diaper.

It is best to do an enema at night 2 hours before bedtime or early in the morning, at 5-6 o'clock.

Colon cleansing according to Walker

This method involves introducing a large amount of water (2-3 liters) into the colon and holding it inside for 10 minutes. You need to fill the Esmarch rubber heating pad with water and close the tube with a clamp. Lubricate the plastic tip with Vaseline or vegetable oil.

The tip is inserted into the anus while standing on your knees, leaning on your elbows, the head should be below the level of the pelvis, and the heating pad itself should be suspended at a height of 1-1.5 m.

Once all the water has entered, carefully pull out the tip and try to hold it. To do this, it is better to lie on your stomach, but some people even manage to walk.

After 10 minutes, sit down on the toilet and ensure that the water is completely drained from the intestines. It may come out in portions, this is normal.

Colon cleansing according to N. Semenova

This scheme is considered one of the most aggressive among the numerous methods of cleansing the rectum. It involves performing an enema twice a day, early in the morning and late in the evening for 2 weeks.

Colon cleansing according to E. Shchadilov

You can use a softer technique. E. Shchadilov developed a scheme where each subsequent enema should be carried out one day earlier than the previous one, and a total of 11 procedures will be carried out:

  • day 1 cleansing;
  • 2 cleansing – after 5 days;
  • 3 cleansing – after 4 days;
  • 4 cleansing – after 3 days;
  • 5 cleansing – after 2 days;
  • 6 cleansing – after 1 day,
  • then – 5 days, 1 enema.

If the cleansing was carried out correctly, then there is a feeling of lightness inside the abdomen and intestines.


Losing weight with an enema is indeed possible, but not by burning subcutaneous fat deposits, but by providing a laxative effect. This procedure helps to liquefy and remove stool and cleanse the intestines of toxins. When carried out correctly, it will have a healing effect on the body. Benefits of a cleansing enema:

  • accelerates weight loss (in some cases, up to 5 kg of feces are washed out of the intestines, which before the procedure were tightly adjacent to its walls);
  • helps reduce the toxic load on the body by removing waste and toxins;
  • helps eliminate long-term constipation, improves peristalsis;
  • can be used to treat intestinal diseases - hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • prevents inflammation of the prostate gland in men;
  • allows you to adjust the body to active work, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, accelerates metabolism;
  • improves the process of absorption of nutrients from food, accelerates cell function.

Nutrition before the procedure

The result of an enema largely depends on the nutrition before and after the procedure. It is recommended to follow a diet where heavy, fatty, and salty foods are excluded from the diet. The diet consists of products of plant origin, lactic acid products. You will need to drink a lot of water. Vegetable or olive oil and honey are used as a dressing. You should eat in small portions, often.

Compliance with the rules of enema is the basis for successful cleansing of the intestinal tract and obtaining the expected result. If you are not sure whether you are doing the right thing or not, it is better to go to a hospital, where qualified medical workers will help with administering an enema.

How often can you do an enema?

Before finding out how often and how many times you can do an enema, it would be nice to understand for what purpose you are going to do it. It’s one thing if an enema is therapeutic, and quite another if it’s cleansing. There is also a type of enema called diagnostic - a special solution is injected into the intestines, which is not visible through x-rays.

Ask why you can’t do it more often, can there really be any harm from cleansing the intestines? Indeed, using this technique too often to empty the intestines can cause considerable harm to your health.

The fact is that mechanical impact damages the normal functioning of the rectum. And frequent use of an enema can wash out the entire intestinal microflora, which also will not help improve digestion processes. After all, it is the microflora that is responsible for the absorption of nutrients into the blood. Remember how you felt after taking antibiotics for a long time, when doctors talked about microflora disturbances. Not particularly good, probably, but here it could be even worse.

We recommend reading: Treatment of hemorrhoids

And besides this, the constant use of an enema will contribute to intestinal difficulties in absorbing not only nutrients, but also water, and dehydration is not far away. Experts also say that constant use of enemas causes an addictive effect, especially for young people.

As a result, the rectum is “lazy” to work on its own, which leads to constant constipation. So the answer to the question “Is it possible to do an enema often, namely, every day?”, the answer is unequivocal - it’s impossible. Of course, unless such frequent procedures are prescribed by your doctor. In all other cases, it is necessary to take a break of at least one day between enemas.

If we talk about cleansing enemas during diets aimed at weight loss, then it is usually recommended to do 6-7 sessions, not forgetting about a break of 1 day. In total, the entire course should not take more than 2 weeks. By extending the duration of these procedures, you risk harming the body.

So, when deciding to resort to cleansing enemas during diets for the purpose of losing weight, think several times whether losing a few kilograms is worth serious problems with the digestive system. Which may require long-term treatment, and it’s not a fact that the kilograms will not return to their rightful place.

Before finding out how often and how many times you can do an enema, it would be nice to understand for what purpose you are going to do it. It’s one thing if an enema is therapeutic, and quite another if it’s cleansing. There is also a type of enema called diagnostic - a special solution is injected into the intestines, which is not visible through x-rays.

The mechanism of action of a cleansing enema.

Practice shows the high effectiveness of cleansing procedures using an enema. There are cases when a person lost up to two kilograms at a time. On the first day of the procedure, this occurs due to the removal of food processing products. How can enemas help you lose weight?

An enema does not directly remove fat cells from the body. Its action manifests itself indirectly. Entering the human intestine, the contents of the enema washes feces out of it. Sometimes they are compressed so that several procedures are required to remove them. The intestinal walls, covered with decaying masses, lose their ability to function normally. With the help of an enema, the walls are not only cleaned, but damaged areas are restored and begin to work in the correct mode. The intestines again begin to pass nutrients into the body, remove waste and harmful toxins. The weight loss effect is ensured by the normalization of the functioning of the intestines and the other digestive organs associated with it. The body stops creating fat reserves from excess food.

Nutritionists recommend that in parallel with the course of cleansing enemas, you switch to eating low-calorie foods, increasing the volume of fresh vegetables and juicy fruits. Then the effect achieved by enemas will last for a long time.

How to do an enema for weight loss.

It is better to choose a bathroom as the place for the procedure for the first time. When acquiring a skill, the process can be carried out in another room.

Be sure to provide a device near the procedure site for fixing the container of the Esmarch mug at a considerable height from the floor (hook, nail). According to the rules, this container should be located at eye level. Place a bottle of Vaseline (baby cream, vegetable oil) and a pack of napkins within reach.

A measured volume of liquid is poured into Esmarch's mug. In the first procedure, one liter of liquid is poured; during subsequent procedures, the volume can gradually increase. The clamp on the hose should block the flow of water at this moment. The mug is fixed in a suspended state. The tip should be lightly lubricated with oil or Vaseline.

The most comfortable position for performing a cleansing enema for weight loss is the so-called knee-elbow position. The person takes the indicated position and carefully inserts the tip of the hose into the anus. The next step is to remove the clamp or turn the locking device so that the fluid begins to flow freely into the rectum. Doctors recommend helping the water move by performing slow breathing exercises. The front wall of the abdomen should move as much as possible when inhaling and exhaling. When all the liquid has moved into the intestines, the tip is removed.

After the procedure is completed, the liquid should be retained in the body for some time. At first it will be a few minutes, and later the retention period should be increased to half an hour. The body itself gives a signal when to go to the toilet and empty the intestines.

Nutrition before the procedure

The result of an enema largely depends on the nutrition before and after the procedure. It is recommended to follow a diet where heavy, fatty, and salty foods are excluded from the diet. The diet consists of products of plant origin, lactic acid products. You will need to drink a lot of water. Vegetable or olive oil and honey are used as a dressing. You should eat in small portions, often.

Compliance with the rules of enema is the basis for successful cleansing of the intestinal tract and obtaining the expected result. If you are not sure whether you are doing the right thing or not, it is better to go to a hospital, where qualified medical workers will help with administering an enema.

When to do an enema after eating

Carrying out cleansing measures to restore the normal functioning of the digestive system is carried out if indicated. It is used to rid the body of toxins, reduce body temperature, eliminate food poisoning or to combat pathological conditions. The effectiveness of the technique depends on the correct application and frequency of use.

Today in medicine there are three main types of enema procedures aimed at forced emptying of the colon:

  • Cleansing enema after meals. Shows itself well in the fight against chronic constipation. Often the use of cleansing measures is caused by emergency situations. Used before childbirth, surgery, medical examination. Detoxification procedures are rarely complete without the use of a cleansing enema. It also helps remove years of accumulation, waste, and toxins from the intestines. Used for weight loss, reduces weight. The solution for manipulation is made from purified or boiled water. The temperature of the solution is sufficient to dissolve compacted fecal matter, but not sufficient for absorption by the walls of the intestinal tract. Water at room temperature between 26 and 32 degrees is suitable for this.
  • Hot enema. From the name it is clear that the injected solution has a fairly high temperature. The liquid is heated to 42 degrees and used when spastic constipation occurs. Hot water helps relieve spasms and remove fecal matter. The enema is administered under the supervision of a doctor on the territory of a medical institution.
  • Cold type. Here we use a solution cooled to 20 degrees. Its use is indicated if the patient is bothered by atonic constipation. Cool water has an irritating effect on the walls of the colon. As a result, physical activity increases, feces begin to move towards the exit faster, and emptying occurs naturally.

Each procedure has an indication determined by the doctor.

Enemas with additives work much better than ordinary enemas

Hypertensive enema

Use a solution of table salt or magnesium sulfate. Prepare the solution as follows: 1 tsp salt or 2-3 tsp magnesia per 0.5 tbsp. water. The solution should be at room temperature (24-26 degrees) before administration. These solutions strongly irritate the mucous membrane and cause profuse stool after 30 minutes.

Enema according to Gerson

The essence of the method is a large number of cleansing enemas (6-8) per day. Water temperature 38 degrees with a decoction of green coffee and lemon juice. With the addition of G. Shatalova, these enemas look like this: volume of water 1.5-2 l, 0.1 l of coffee decoction, 3-4 tsp. lemon juice and a glass of beet juice. The procedure is carried out for 7-10 days, after which the number of enemas is gradually reduced. At the last stage, they are done within a day or two. Such enemas are recommended when treating with mildly toxic and poisonous drugs, when a lot of toxins circulate in the blood.

Beet enema

Peel 500-800 g of raw beets, finely chop or grate, pour 1-1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 20-40 minutes. Strain, cool to a comfortable temperature. Beetroot enema is effective for chronic constipation, restores intestinal motility well, and eliminates dysbacteriosis. When conducting a course of such enemas (5-12), the regularity of bowel movements begins to coincide with the amount of food intake. It acts very gently, so it can be recommended for children.

Herbal enemas

These are enemas made from decoctions of various herbs. They promote the removal of gases and have a weak astringent effect. Before doing a herbal enema, you need to do a cleansing enema. After introducing the strained broth, lie on your right side and wait until the solution is absorbed.

Honey enema

Dissolve Art. a spoonful of honey in a glass of boiled water, add tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. After entering the intestines, retain the liquid for 10-15 minutes.

Coffee enema

In Art. boiling water add 3 tbsp. spoons of ground natural coffee (not instant). Boil for 3 minutes, keep the solution on low heat for another 12 minutes. Then strain and cool to room temperature. A coffee enema works similarly to a honey enema. They activate the mucous membrane of the large intestine, promoting the removal of toxic substances, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands, liver, and gall bladder. Use with caution for people with high blood pressure and an easily excitable nervous system.

Why do you need a colon cleanse?

Feces accumulate in the intestines, which in a healthy person are excreted naturally. But if problems arise with bowel movements, some of the feces can stagnate in the “pockets” of the colon, cause discomfort, and become the cause of a number of diseases.

It is believed that forced rectal cleansing helps get rid of toxins and parasites. Doctors do not have a definite answer on this matter, but most of them believe that it is impossible to cleanse too often.

For preventive purposes, the intestines should be washed no more than 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. And this must be done by following certain rules.

The best time to perform an enema

The question remains controversial: when is it better to do the manipulation: in the morning or in the evening, how long should you wait after eating?

Depending on the purpose, the procedure can be performed overnight. In the evening, an enema procedure is performed if this is provided for by the conditions of preparation for medical procedures or the effect of the injected solution will begin in 8-12 hours. After dinner, the wait is 1.5 - 2 hours. Recommended period in the evening when it is permissible to apply the solution: from 9 to 10 o’clock.

Enema activities in the morning should be carried out between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. At this time, the active phase begins in the intestines, enhancing the effect of the solution. The manipulation is done on an empty stomach, before meals. After the enema, you are allowed to eat only 2 hours later. In this case, the food should be light, easily digestible: juices, products of plant origin.

Enema for weight loss

Many people dream of losing weight, but cannot achieve the desired effect, despite great efforts. The thing is that a significant proportion of our weight is often made up of waste products accumulated in the intestines.

Unfortunately, some deposits (stones) can be extremely difficult to remove from the body. Only a weight loss enema can help in such cases. With it, it won’t be difficult to get rid of everything unnecessary and very quickly move the scales in the desired direction.

How to keep your intestines clean and healthy - video:

It is necessary to remember a number of nuances, correctly determine the frequency of the procedure and select the optimal composition in order to effectively get rid of extra pounds and stimulate normal intestinal function and good metabolism.

Simple tips will allow you to carry out the procedure easily, with virtually no pain, and get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Give an enema correctly and lose weight

You will need to remember the basic rules of the procedure. You can also use the popular method of Nadezhda Semyonova, which has long enjoyed well-deserved trust:

  • An enema using this method is given twice a day. This is done once before breakfast, and a second time late in the evening, before dinner.
  • The classic course is designed for two weeks, but you can limit it to seven days.
  • It is advisable to take the course with preliminary preparation. If you have had an enema several times throughout your life, you should wait to take the Semyonova course. The body must “get used” to the procedure.

Colon cleansing with an enema, what and how - video:

The main thing is to know how to give an enema correctly. We will answer common questions.

  • How to do an enema correctly?
  1. You need to prepare Esmarch's mug in advance. The prepared liquid is poured into it.
  2. You need to lie on your side, spread an oilcloth, and bend your legs. Having assumed the so-called “fetal position”, you can get down to business.
  3. The spout of the mug is clamped; if there is a tap, it is screwed on.
  4. Then the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted very carefully.
  5. After this, you can open the tap slightly and begin to gradually pour in the composition. Details are in the video above.
  • When to do an enema?

It is best to put it on in the morning, although for some people the evening time is more suitable. The procedure is carried out before eating, but it is advisable to drink well before eating.

  • How often can you do an enema?

It is worth remembering that Semyonova’s enhanced course is not suitable for everyone, and it is better for beginners to abstain from it right away. The best option is to give an enema once a week. This frequency will allow you to regularly cleanse the intestines, but at the same time not have a very strong impact on it. Then you can gradually reduce the intervals between procedures.

  • Is it possible to do an enema every day?

Yes, this is exactly how they work according to Nadezhda Semyonova’s method. But it is advisable to conduct such a course no longer than two weeks. If you really need to lose weight quickly, but you are a beginner, it is advisable to stick to a schedule where you give an enema every other day.

  • Which solution is better to choose?

For beginners, plain water or an enema with chamomile are suitable; you can also prefer urine, listening to Malakhov’s advice.

  • Do I need to drink before and after the procedure?

You should definitely drink before giving the enema, but you should not drink immediately after the procedure. Let at least half an hour pass.

  • How many times to do an enema if you need to quickly lose weight?

In any case, it is not worth carrying out the procedure more than twice a day. Experts do not recommend giving an enema after every meal, since the load on the body in this case is too great.

  • How important is it to maintain proportions?

What if a more saturated solution works better? Be sure to study the recipe, do not make oversaturated solutions! The liquid prepared according to the recipe will be effective and safe, but a solution that is too saturated can harm the body.

  • Why keep liquid inside?

Indeed, after infusing the liquid, you must be sure to stay with it inside for 5-10 minutes. This way the solution will have a better effect and “distribute” to different parts of the intestine. Malakhov recommends additionally doing small exercises: raising your legs above your head, turning over from one side to the other, walking around the room a little. As soon as the urge appears, you need to go to the toilet.

  • What results does the procedure give?

Many people are interested in how much weight they can lose when using enemas with different compositions. It all depends on how many kilograms of unnecessary deposits have accumulated in the intestines. They are the ones who will come out, so the possibilities of the procedure are limited by this parameter.

Now you can do an enema for weight loss at home! Follow all recommendations, carefully select solutions. Be sure to monitor any reactions of the body and do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

Enema water: temperature and recommended volume

It should be noted that the temperature of the enema water depends on the disease for which it is prescribed. According to the temperature regime, enemas are divided into:

  • Cold (cool) – water temperature from 12 to 20°C;
  • Normal (ordinary, purifying) – water temperature not higher than 36°C;
  • Hot – the procedure is carried out at a water temperature of 38-42°C.

Some doctors do not recommend using enema water above 40°C, explaining that at elevated water temperatures there is a high probability of cramps in the intestines, and there is even a risk of severe conditions.

Cold enemas are given for insufficient bowel activity (lazy bowel syndrome), atonic constipation. Hot ones are appropriate for spastic constipation, severe poisoning with pronounced intoxication and after heavy feasts (as a cleansing procedure). A regular enema is given before operations, in the middle of labor (immediately before childbirth), with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Despite the fact that in practice there are different temperature regimes for this procedure, doctors advise using mainly warm water for enemas (optimally - no higher than 36°C).

There are no particular contradictions or disputes on the part of doctors regarding the volume of the enema. The recommended volume of liquid is from 1 to 2 liters, for medical procedures – from 200 g to 1 liter. For example, in case of severe constipation, when the body is poisoned by decay products (headache, nausea, nagging pain in the stomach, etc.), the recommended enema volume should not be less than 1.5 liters, but it is better to administer 2 liters of liquid.

At the same time, with a medicinal enema, the volume of injected liquid can be much less (200-350 g), since the main thing in this procedure is not to ensure the release of feces, but to retain the medicinal composition in the rectum for as long as possible.


I heard a lot of positive reviews about colon lavage with herbal solutions for weight loss, so I decided to try the product myself. The method is far from pleasant, but it really works. In one go, I managed to remove all the impurities and accumulations from the intestines and lose 3 kilograms. I plan to repeat the cleaning again in a few months.

A friend advised me to supplement my low-calorie diet with cleansing enemas with ground coffee, supposedly they remove processed food products from the body and improve metabolism. I tried it and was very disappointed. After the procedure, side effects appeared - skin rashes, severe pain in the lower abdomen, severe diarrhea.

To facilitate the functioning of the digestive system, I do cleansing enemas with soda every six months. The effect of the procedure is amazing - the functioning of the stomach is completely improved, heaviness in the stomach and chronic fatigue go away. I think a huge benefit of cleansing is weight loss. In one procedure I manage to lose from 3 to 6 kg of excess weight.

To lose weight, I decided to do enemas at night. I read that you need to undergo 10-12 sessions to get the desired effect. I managed to hold out for exactly one day. Terrible sensations - nausea, an irresistible desire to go to the toilet, and after the enema there was also pain in the anus. I have no desire to experiment anymore.

We use an enema to combat extra pounds. A few nuances

Now many people are increasingly using an effective method for weight loss - a cleansing enema for weight loss. The popularity of the technique is growing, but some nuances cannot be forgotten.

  • The harms and benefits of enemas are widely discussed. Some believe that artificial bowel cleansing is not only ineffective, but also harmful.
  • It is necessary to obtain specialist advice before using the technique if there is the slightest doubt about the body’s capabilities.
  • It is necessary to take into account contraindications and obtain recommendations from doctors. For example, how many days you do it matters a lot.
  • A specialist will help you draw up an exact schedule of procedures, but you can also determine the best option yourself. The main thing is to always listen to your body and prevent serious side effects and pain from occurring.

  • The benefits and harms that an enema brings for weight loss largely depend on the subtleties of the technique and the person’s state of health. Of course, you cannot give an enema if there are contraindications.

Reviews from doctors indicate that in the absence of contraindications, individual intolerance to the procedure and if all recommendations are followed, artificial bowel cleansing is very effective.

  • You cannot give an enema if there are any inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Enema is contraindicated for serious gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For hemorrhoids, artificial bowel cleansing is also not performed.
  • Of course, intestinal bleeding also does not allow you to get rid of extra pounds thanks to an enema.

You will also need to take care of the correct implementation of the procedure and proper determination of the optimal schedule.

Which enema composition should I choose? All interesting recipes

Now it's time to choose the composition of the enema. At home, you can carry out the procedure not only using simple boiled water, but also using effective formulations with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and soda, chamomile infusion, and herbal teas.

  • Pay attention to different recipes, alternate them. Gradually, you will determine experimentally which of them are more suitable for you, which are more comfortable and more effective for getting rid of excess volumes.
  • Please note that the procedure is aimed at purely mechanical weight loss. You should not expect a rapid restructuring of metabolism. Your main goal, which is quite achievable, is to eliminate excess weight, remove deposits and fecal stones.
  • Later, after regular procedures, you will see other results. Thus, intestinal function will generally improve, gases and unnecessary deposits will stop accumulating, and the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

Choosing enema recipes

  • You can choose the classic option. Just take water.

Please note that this should not be tap liquid.

  1. The water must first be left in a jar with a wide enough neck to allow all harmful chemicals to settle.
  2. Then you need to bring it to a boil and cool. The temperature should be close to body temperature.
  3. You can do this enema in the morning and evening, since it has virtually no effect on the condition of the mucous membrane.
  • Clean urine.

According to Malakhov, they give an enema with urine. A well-known specialist recommends using simple, evaporated urine. Malakhov believes that it is this kind of liquid that is perfectly absorbed by the body and effectively removes the entire contents of the large intestine. Urine is completely safe, it does not injure the mucous membranes and is suitable even for very sensitive people.

A lemon enema also does a good job of cleansing the body. You can add a tablespoon of lemon juice to half a liter of water, or you can also add a spoonful of honey.

Please note that honey can only be used in combination with lemon juice or vinegar, otherwise you will get an undesirable effect, as the water will become too sticky and sweet.

  • Do an enema with salt and soda.

Experts recommend preparing so-called “sea water” and rinsing the intestines with it. To do this, just take simple soda, salt, and boiled water.

For half a liter of water, a tablespoon of soda is enough; you need to add a little less salt. An enema with only salt or soda also helps.

Add salt at the rate of two tablespoons per liter. You can add more soda, about one and a half times.

  • Apple cider vinegar enema is also popular.

However, it is worth noting that it is with this composition that one must be extremely careful.
It is important not to injure the intestines and mucous membranes. The composition should be at hand. To prepare a liquid with apple cider vinegar, you need to add about one tablespoon of vinegar to 500 milliliters of boiled water. There is no need to pour in any more. This is a wonderful cleansing enema, but be careful.

  • Herbal enemas are effective.

Most often it is made with chamomile, since this composition is the mildest, completely safe, and will not harm the body. Interestingly, an enema with chamomile not only does not injure, but is even capable of healing. Plantain and sage are also used.

  • Many people choose a composition with coffee.

It softens in its own way, but at the same time has a good cleansing effect. You only need one tablespoon of coffee per half liter of water. It is better not to take green coffee. You can make the composition with tea.

It is important to always listen to your body so as not to miss signals due to negative influences. If you do not make the solutions too saturated and give enemas very often, your health will definitely not be in danger.

How to do an enema for weight loss

In order for the procedure to be as effective and safe as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare and administer an enema. Experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special device from the pharmacy - an Esmarch mug, with a volume of at least one and a half liters. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the cleaning solution in advance. Cool it to the desired temperature.
  2. Fill Esmarch's mug with liquid by first closing the tap on the tube.
  3. Lubricate the anus and tip with Vaseline to make insertion of the device easier.
  4. Hang the water tank on a hook in the bathroom so that it is at a distance of 70–100 cm from the floor.
  5. Get on all fours or lie on your right side and bend your right leg (if you are doing the procedure on a bed, first lay an oilcloth on it).
  6. Smoothly insert the tip of the device into the anus and turn the tap on the tube.
  7. Monitor your urge to defecate carefully. Resist the urge by turning off the tap periodically.
  8. After the liquid in Esmarch's mug runs out, remove the tip and lie down, relaxing, for 10-15 minutes.
  9. Go to the toilet until your bowels are completely empty, then wash all the items that were used during the cleansing in a soapy solution.

When is the best time to do it?

A favorable time for cleaning is considered to be in the morning - from 5 to 7 o'clock. It should be noted that losing weight with an enema is not the fastest procedure and takes about an hour. If you don’t have time to cleanse in the morning, you can do a cleansing session in the evening, but not earlier than 4-5 hours after dinner. It is worth considering that women cannot cleanse during their menstrual periods. It is allowed to start the procedures only on the second day after the end of menstruation.

How to prepare and perform a coffee enema:

  1. Place 2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee in 800-900 ml. purified (filtered, chlorine-free) or spring water. Coffee should be organic and caffeinated. Brew coffee in glass, ceramic or steel containers. Aluminum cookware is not recommended as aluminum may leach into the coffee during brewing.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes, then continue to simmer, uncovered, for another 15 minutes over very low heat. Strain thoroughly. If necessary, add more water to make the volume 800-900 ml. Cool to body temperature. It is advisable to use a thermometer for control, because if your hands are cold, you will not be able to correctly assess the temperature. You can prepare coffee overnight and warm it up to body temperature the next day before your procedure.
  3. Hang the esmarch crumble at a height of 50-75 cm from the floor.
  4. Make sure that the enema tap is closed and pour in the entire prepared amount of coffee.
  5. Coat the end of the tube with olive or coconut oil.
  6. Prepare a pillow or towel cushion under your head. Lie on the floor on a waterproof material.
  7. Lie on your left side or back and slowly insert the tube 15-45 cm. If the tube gets wrapped up, pull it out a little and try again.
  8. Open the tap and let in half of the enema contents (400-450 ml), the flow should not be fast. Then close the tap. If the coffee does not pass through, then there is a twist in the tube. Pull the tube and insert again.
  9. Turn over to your right side and try to hold the coffee for 12-15 minutes. It’s okay if it’s difficult to maintain that amount of time at first. Increase the hold time from time to time. Holding for more than 15 minutes is not recommended.
  10. After 15 minutes, release the fluid from the intestines. Don't be surprised if less liquid comes out. This just means that you are dehydrated (dehydrated) and need to drink more water.
  11. Wait 5 minutes, make sure all the liquid has come out and then repeat the enema with the rest of the coffee.
  12. After each procedure, thoroughly wash the entire enema with liquid soap (preferably natural) and rinse it with hydrogen peroxide, and then dry.

Enema recipes at home

As a filler for Esmarch's mug, you can use regular filtered or boiled water or special solutions purchased at the pharmacy. At home, when losing weight, formulations with various additives are often used: soda, salt, coffee, apple cider vinegar, glycerin, lemon juice. Such mixtures cleanse the intestines of toxins, but can also have an anti-inflammatory effect and help improve health.

With salt

Salt enema for weight loss is especially popular among lovers of traditional medicine. It helps not only to lose a few extra pounds, but also restores the alkaline balance in the intestines, improving its peristalsis. Salt acts like a sorbent - it slowly attracts and absorbs liquid from tissues, helping to soften and naturally excrete feces.

If you don’t want to mess around with multi-component formulations, just dissolve 4 tbsp in one and a half liters of water. l. coarse table salt and carry out the procedure according to the instructions described above. To achieve a therapeutic effect, use the following recipe:

  1. Heat one and a half liters of water to 35 °C.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the liquid. l. coarse table salt, 5 drops of potassium permanganate, ½ tbsp. l. honey
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly until all ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. Do a cleansing enema in the morning. After this, be sure to lie down for 20–30 minutes.

With apple cider vinegar

There are many weight loss recipes that use apple cider vinegar. One of the most effective is a cleansing enema. Apple cider vinegar, especially the one you make yourself, contains a lot of useful substances - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and helps get rid of a few extra pounds.

A cleansing enema for weight loss with apple cider vinegar is not suitable for those. who suffers from ulcers, gastritis. In other cases, the solution can be prepared in the following way:

  1. Take 2 liters of water, heat to the desired temperature over low heat.
  2. Add 1 tsp to the liquid. apple cider vinegar, stir.
  3. Cleanse according to the rules, then take a contrast shower and rest for 30–40 minutes.

With glycerin

An aqueous mixture with medical glycerin is used to actively stimulate the large intestine. This cleansing enema is used not only for weight loss, but also during the treatment of long-term constipation, in case of poisoning, and before x-ray examinations. Recipe for preparing the solution:

  1. For one liter of warm water, take 2-3 tbsp. l. glycerin and 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.
  2. Stir the liquid thoroughly until the salt crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Do a standard cleanse, then have a bowel movement and shower.

With soda

Toxins and stones accumulated in the intestines interfere with the absorption of nutrients and inhibit the functioning of many important organs, which leads to the development of not only obesity, but also many other diseases. A soda enema for weight loss at home will help quickly and effectively eliminate the problem of slagging, facilitate digestion, and improve intestinal motility.

The soda solution shifts the water balance to the alkaline side, which is typical for the intestinal microflora, so this procedure does not cause spasms, which often occur when using other compositions. In addition, a small amount of baking soda mixed with water will help avoid prolonged constipation and relieve pain in the anus. You can prepare the composition according to the following recipe:

  1. Heat 1 liter of water over low heat.
  2. Add 25–30 grams of baking soda to the liquid and stir thoroughly.
  3. Then increase the volume with warm water to two liters.

On herbs

Cleansing enemas for weight loss at home can be done with soda and salt, but only herbal formulations have a variety of beneficial properties. They not only help soften and remove feces, but also have soothing, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, and have a positive effect on microflora.

Herbal enema effectively eliminates bloating, flatulence, and intestinal pain. Recipe for preparing the solution and features of the procedure:

  1. Do a cleansing enema with clean boiled water. It will help prepare the intestines and cleanse its walls from the accumulation of feces.
  2. Prepare your herbal mixture. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. l. dried or fresh chamomile, sage, calendula. If desired, you can take another collection of herbs: mint, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow.
  3. Brew one and a half tablespoons of the mixture in 400 ml of hot water. Leave for 30–40 minutes.
  4. Strain the finished broth, bring to 1 liter, diluting with warm water.
  5. Introduce the prepared mixture into the body using an Esmarch mug.
  6. Lie down for a while, holding back the urge to defecate, so that the beneficial substances have time to be absorbed into the intestinal mucosa.
  7. Empty and take a warm shower. After the cleansing procedure, replenish the fluid balance with herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices, and clean water.

Coffee shop

A coffee enema is great for detoxifying the body and chronic constipation. In addition, it improves the functioning of the biliary system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, increasing the production of bile. Many women claim that after the procedure with coffee, they feel light in the body, drowsiness goes away, and an additional supply of energy appears. A cleansing enema for weight loss is prepared in the following way:

  1. Take natural coffee beans. An instant or flavored drink will not work because it contains unnecessary additives.
  2. Grind the beans using a coffee grinder so that the output is 2 tbsp. l. crumbly coffee.
  3. Prepare a rubber bulb or Esmarch mug, Vaseline and other attributes necessary for cleaning.
  4. Mix coffee with 0.5 liters of filtered water. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the gas and simmer the coffee for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting broth, dilute it with water at room temperature to a volume of 1–1.5 liters.
  6. Carry out the cleaning activity according to the rules.


Bee products are used everywhere to get rid of various ailments. Honey is very popular among those who want to lose weight. It is an excellent source of vitamins, inorganic and organic acids, antioxidants, and phytoncides (immune stimulating substances). Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates cell division and tissue regeneration, and perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins. The recipe for a honey enema is simple:

  1. Take 2 liters of boiled water.
  2. Add to them 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.
  3. Heat the mixture in a steam bath to 35°C, stirring constantly so that the honey does not stick to the walls of the dish.
  4. Carry out the cleaning procedure according to the same rules as when using other solutions.

What are the benefits of an enema for men?

Sometimes it is necessary to completely clear the large intestine of feces. Then an enema is used - this is a procedure in which a liquid is introduced into the intestine through the rectum , which softens the stool and removes it from the intestine.

There can be many indications for using an enema. The most common of them are:

  • long-term constipation caused by poor nutrition, obesity or diet;
  • reducing the load on the intestines during therapeutic fasting or at the beginning of a diet;
  • cleansing the intestines for the purpose of detoxification (for example, after food poisoning);
  • bowel cleansing before medical examination or surgery;
  • other.

An enema can be done at home, but to do this you should know how to give it, contraindications, how often to do an enema, what the volume of the enema should be, etc. We will tell you about the technique of performing this procedure and all its features.

How often to do an enema

We would like to immediately warn those who want to lose weight without changing their diet, regularly cleansing the intestines with an enema . Not only will you not get rid of excess weight this way, but you will also ruin your digestion and disrupt your intestinal function.

In order not to cause harm to your health, an enema can be done no more than 2 times a month. For difficult-to-remove constipation, 2 procedures per day are allowed. As an intensive course of intestinal cleansing, daily enemas are given for 2 weeks, combining the procedures with a low-fat, gentle diet.

To avoid having an enema too often, follow a diet after it aimed at reducing the load on the intestines and preventing it from becoming clogged. Eliminate from your diet fatty foods, sweets, baked goods, fried, smoked and salty foods, too cold and too hot dishes, alcohol, fast food, and processed foods. Eat liquid meals, cereals, vegetables, and dairy products more often.

Benefits of an enema

Emergency bowel cleansing can be useful for constipation and incomplete bowel movements. By removing processed food products from the body, an enema reduces intoxication with these products, reduces the absorption of poisons into the blood, and promotes the timely removal of food debris from the intestines.

The benefit of an enema is manifested in the fact that after it, you feel better - discomfort, heaviness, and spasms disappear. In a cleansed intestine, nutrients from food are better absorbed, which means that your body needs less food to satisfy hunger.

After an enema, appetite decreases, sleep normalizes, and digestion improves.

We must not forget that the intestines are also responsible for our immunity, so the benefits of an enema also manifest themselves in strengthening the immune system.

Harm of an enema

Like anything that is beneficial, an enema can be harmful to the body if used incorrectly.

Firstly, the procedure must be carried out very carefully to avoid pain and damage to the mucous membrane.

Secondly, do not do this procedure more often than is acceptable - in this case, the harm of the enema can manifest itself in the destruction of intestinal microflora, as well as in the fact that your intestines simply stop doing their job (reasonably assuming that you yourself with the help of an enema deal with it).

Thirdly, an enema can be harmful if you do it with contraindications . They are:

  • dizziness, headaches, weakness, nausea;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • inflammation, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fissures of the rectum and anus, malignant tumors in the intestines, bleeding hemorrhoids;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • acute viral diseases;
  • elevated temperature, fever;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure, manifested in severe pain, spasms, nausea, dizziness (unfortunately, this can only be determined experimentally).

Preparing water for an enema

As a rule, it is recommended to do an enema with clean water at room temperature (25-35 degrees). It is better to take boiled water for an enema or distilled.

In addition to pure water, various solutions are also used for enema. A water-salt solution is universal (1 tablespoon of table salt per 1 liter of water), but it is not advisable to use it during fasting to avoid swelling.

They also make a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate, and a solution of chamomile decoction copes with inflammation. If in doubt, do your first enema with regular enema water, warming it to a moderately warm temperature.

What should be the volume of the enema?

The optimal enema volume is 1-2 liters, it depends on your weight . When choosing the enema volume, you can focus on your waist circumference:

  • girth up to 50 cm – 500 ml;
  • 50-70 cm – 1 l;
  • 75-85 cm – 1.5 l;
  • over 85 cm – 2 l.

What is needed for an enema

For the procedure you will need:

  • Esmarch's mug (it must be washed well, the tip must be boiled);
  • prepared solution in accordance with the selected enema volume;
  • Vaseline or vegetable oil to lubricate the tip;
  • 2-3 hours of free time.

It is better to carry out the procedure early in the morning (from 5 to 7 o'clock) or in the evening (from 20 to 21); after the procedure you will need 1-1.5 hours to rest.

How to do an enema at home

It is best to do an enema in the bathroom. Pour the solution into Esmarch's mug, close the hose with a clamp and secure it at a level 1.5-2 m above you. Lie on your side, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest.

Lubricate the tip and gently insert it into the anus. Open the clamp slowly, adjusting the water movement with the clamp or your fingers as necessary. Breathe evenly and deeply. When the intestines are full, pinch the hose and remove the tip. Try to keep the liquid inside for 5-10 minutes so that it can soften the stool. Then go to the toilet.

After the enema, you may need to have another bowel movement within 1-2 hours, so try to stay at home during this time.

Few people think about how diet relates to self-cleansing of the intestines.

Many people daily consume much more food than the body can excrete, so gradually, up to 15 kilograms of feces accumulate in the colon.

This not only creates excess weight, but also a health hazard, because feces put a strain on the heart, liver and gastrointestinal tract, poisoning the blood with decomposition products. Let's figure out how to effectively get rid of them with an enema.

Benefits of enema for weight loss

Enemas have been used to cleanse the intestines for a long time, because it is a natural way to relieve discomfort. It gives a laxative effect that no medications can provide.

But if previously an enema was used exclusively to combat constipation, modern women use it to lose weight.

According to reviews from those who regularly use an enema, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight in one hour.

During an enema, kilograms are lost by washing away undigested waste products from the rectum. But don’t think that once you start cleaning, all problems will be solved.

Losing extra pounds with an enema is easy only if during and after the sessions you completely give up fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods, alcohol and drink more plain water.

Additional physical activity at home or in the gym also helps you lose weight.

In addition to weight loss, an enema is necessary for patients suffering from the following diseases: irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, chronic constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), hemorrhoids, prostate enlargement or cancer, eczema, acne, psoriasis, gallstones, parasitic diseases (helminthic infestations), leukemia, infectious diseases.

How does an enema affect the human body?

An enema is a cleansing procedure for the body, but its uncontrolled use leads to health problems. With the help of frequent cleansing, feces are removed, and along with them, beneficial microflora (lacto and bifidobacteria, E. coli and other microorganisms), which digest food at the final stage.

Source: https://limto.ru/chem-polezna-klizma-dlja-muzhchin/


Constant use of cleansing solutions for weight loss is strictly contraindicated. Abuse of such procedures can lead to metabolic disorders, as a result of which you can get the opposite result - instead of weight loss, you can provoke weight gain. In addition, the liquid washes out from the intestines not only feces, wastes and toxins, but also beneficial microflora, potassium and magnesium salts. This can provoke dysbacteriosis and complications from the cardiovascular system.

With frequent cleaning, the body quickly gets used to new conditions, peristalsis is disrupted, which makes the process of defecation without an enema difficult. Remember that colon cleansing is a medical procedure that is best performed after consultation with a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to do a weight loss cleanse if you have been diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • hypertension – systematic increase in blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • external hemorrhoids with prolapse of hemorrhoids or bleeding;
  • ulcerative or inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • benign or malignant tumor neoplasms in the intestine (oncology).

The benefits and harms of an enema

The benefit of an enema lies in its effect on intestinal motility. Depending on the type of constipation, the benefit of an enema will be to stimulate peristalsis or, conversely, to relieve spasms of the intestinal wall and relax it, which helps eliminate constipation and improve well-being. The benefits of an enema are also undoubted in cases where it is necessary to introduce medications into the body, bypassing their conversion in the liver.

The harm of an enema occurs when it is used too often or incorrectly. Thus, regular procedures can lead to the fact that the intestines will not independently cope with the movement of feces and bowel movements, having become accustomed to constant support.

The harm of enemas also lies in the disruption of the acid-base balance in the intestinal lumen, its drying out and the washing out of beneficial microflora from the mucous membrane, as well as in excessive stretching of the intestinal walls. Therefore, a healthcare professional should advise how often to do an enema for therapeutic purposes.

Carrying out the procedure, nutrition before the enema

Forced cleansing of the intestines from contents without consulting a doctor is undesirable. It is also not recommended to do an enema regularly. As a one-time remedy for constipation, colon cleansing will actually improve the condition and provide a feeling of relief. Staging is performed several times in a row with permission and under the supervision of a doctor!

The main indicators that an adult required cleansing measures:

  • Inability to go to the toilet “in a big way” for a long time. The phenomenon occurs constantly and has acquired a chronic form.
  • SLC. Peristalsis of the organ is reduced, feces move weakly through the intestinal channels.
  • Long-term use of medications. Due to disruption of the local microflora, digestion does not take place completely; undigested food accumulates in the intestines. The lumps become denser and more difficult to move inside.
  • Cleansing the colon and rectum occurs to prepare the body for therapeutic fasting.

The main rules that are invariably observed when carrying out cleaning activities:

  1. A position that is comfortable for the patient is selected. It is permissible to lie down on the couch, having previously laid down an oilcloth. There is another pose: a person gets on all fours and lowers his head. When the solution is injected, the internal muscles of the organ relax so that the solution passes through the channels more easily.
  2. The tip is lubricated with grease. Baby cream, Vaseline, and vegetable oil are used as lubricants.
  3. The tip is inserted into the anus and rectum to a depth of comfort. Typically, the tip is inserted in two successive movements. With the first slow movement, the tip deepens 4 centimeters. The second movement inserts the tube the remaining length. When placing enema equipment, the patient should not experience any discomfort. It is permissible to change the depth of insertion, depending on the well-being of the enema recipient.
  1. After installing the tip, the clamp is removed from the rubber hose, and the solution begins to drain into the rectum and colon. The cleansing process starts instantly. The first urge occurs within the first three minutes. But to get results you need to lie down and keep the water inside for as long as possible. Defecation begins after 20 minutes. There are enemas that require an hour or two to start working.
  2. When the required period has passed, they go to the toilet.

In adults

A free day is chosen for the enema. The preparatory stage for enema procedures is preparing the body. Recommendations say that early morning is suitable for enema. During this period, the motility of the digestive system is most active. As a rule, this time is from 5 to 7 am. Immediately after waking up, there is no food in the tract, the work of the enema solution is greatly simplified, and the enema deals with blockages much more effectively. The last meal is no later than 6 pm.

Also, in order to prepare the body, you should adhere to a dietary diet. Heavy dishes, fried foods, fatty and salty foods are removed from the menu. Increase the content of plant products and fermented milk products. The diet helps the intestinal tract partially empty itself of its contents.

Select enemas do not provide immediate results. It will take 8 to 12 hours for the onset of action and the appearance of the first urge to defecate. Then it is advisable to do the procedure in the evening so that the intestines empty in the morning. In the latter case, nutrition is stopped 6 hours before the start of manipulation. During this time, the body will be able to digest the incoming food and carry out independent bowel movements.

The main condition when performing in the morning or evening is maintaining water balance. When using an enema, the daily volume of fluid increases to 3 liters.

In children

Indications for enema procedures in children:

  • Stool disturbance associated with the absence of bowel movements for more than 2 days.
  • Removing toxic substances that have entered the intestinal tract, or an infection has entered the digestive system.
  • Before performing surgery.
  • There was a need to conduct an examination using medical equipment.
  • Administration of drugs through the colon.

Before carrying out enema procedures, the child’s body does not need preparation. As soon as the need arises, an enema is performed to remove the symptoms that have arisen.

An enema is indicated for infants during the period between feedings. During this period, there is no food in the stomach, and food is not digested in the intestines.

Types of enemas

There are several types of enemas, distinguished depending on their properties and purpose of use:

  1. Cleansing. The benefit of this procedure is to cleanse and rinse the colon. Constipation is eliminated. Due to their properties, cleansing enemas are used to treat intoxication and poisoning. They are often used before operations, anal sex and childbirth. Colon cleansing enemas can have both benefits and harms. In particular, absorption of injected solutions during this type of procedure is unacceptable.
  2. Medicinal. These are microenemas of 10-100 ml, injected into the sigmoid and rectum. The solution used is medicinal substances that are retained in the rectum until absorption (30 minutes) or are intended for subsequent emptying. Chamomile enemas are beneficial. Medicinal procedures are recommended for proctitis and sigmoiditis, intestinal dysbiosis. Sometimes enemas are used not for local, but for systemic effects. With frequent use, microflora disturbance may occur.
  3. Nutrient or drip. With this manipulation, 1 liter of glucose solution is slowly introduced as replacement feeding. This variety is rarely used in modern medical practice due to its properties and indications. The tube or intravenous type of procedure has significant benefits during replacement feeding.
  4. Erotic enemas. Placed for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure.
  5. Psychotropic or alcoholic. The benefit of such microenemas is the introduction of psychoactive substances. An alcohol solution is usually used, as it is characterized by rapid absorption. The harm lies in the risk of overdose and chemical burns to the mucous membranes.
  6. Ritual. These enemas are used by some peoples in Africa, North and South America.
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