Which bran to choose for colon cleansing

Bran is the waste that remains when grinding premium flour. They are the shell of the grain, which cannot be ground due to its high density and hardness. Bran contains a large amount of vitamins, fatty acids and microelements. Therefore, they are used in many diets: for weight loss, correcting a vegetarian diet, normalizing digestion, and so on.

Beneficial effects of bran

  • Normalization of digestion. The content of hard-to-digest fiber enhances intestinal motility, which normalizes digestion and stool.
  • Improved skin condition. Helps remove toxins and waste from the intestines, which improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis. They help reduce the absorption of cholesterol and its removal from the body, and, as a result, its reduction in the blood, adjusting the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Content of vitamins and minerals. The high content of B vitamins helps balance metabolic processes, nervous regulation, and so on.
  • Benefits for weight loss. Swelling in the gastrointestinal tract creates the appearance of rapid saturation, satisfying hunger well and quickly and allowing weight adjustment.
  • Prevention of diabetes. They lower blood glucose levels, being a good help in the prevention of metabolic syndrome and the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Bran cleansing: benefits and harms

Bran is the purification that remains from the husking of various grains. It is believed that beneficial microelements in the husk exceed 90% of the total grain. Fiber, which makes up bran, is a building material and contains the following useful substances:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, D, H, K and T;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • iron and iodine;
  • lutein and lycopene.

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All these minerals are very important for building a healthy body, hair and nail growth, and a beautiful appearance, so bran for intestinal cleansing will help not only expel dirt and toxins, but also enrich the body with useful substances. Bran has no taste or smell, which makes the process of eating it much easier: it can be added to juices, water, cereals, yogurt and other foods as desired. With this diet, the feeling of fullness comes faster and hunger does not bother a person longer, thanks to the swelling fibers of the grain husk.

The use of bran in food helps with the following diseases:

  • allergy;
  • renal failure;
  • obesity;
  • infections;
  • ORZ, ORV;
  • atherosclerosis.

Benefits of colon cleansing with fiber:

  1. relief from frequent constipation. Bran, entering the intestines, not only pushes out stagnant feces, but also trains the peristalsis of the organ, and subsequently, after a course of fiber intake, the intestines begin to work on their own without problems;
  2. normalization of blood sugar levels. Insulin is produced more slowly due to the difficult digestion of bran, which therefore minimizes the risk of diabetes;
  3. improvement of metabolism. Bran for intestinal cleansing regulates the functioning of this organ and improves peristalsis and absorption, therefore metabolism accelerates and metabolism improves;
  4. The level of bad cholesterol decreases. The gallbladder and liver begin to work with double strength during and after consuming fiber. Beta-glucan, which is part of bran, is able to clean blood vessels, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
  5. Getting rid of stool disorders. A course or constant diet using bran corrects the problem of constipation; fiber fibers are not digested and increase the volume of feces, which causes stool to pass.

According to nutritionists, wheat bran is considered the most useful fiber for cleansing. They are indicated for diabetes, obesity, and edema. Before deciding which bran is best for cleansing the intestines, you need to understand: are they harmful? Some types of fiber have a number of contraindications, which means they cannot be taken orally. The use of bran during inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, obstruction, fiber intolerance, threatens overflow and clogging of the organ, bloating, the development of dysbiosis and hypovitaminosis.

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You can’t get too carried away with bran and you need to know how to take bran, according to the recipe, to cleanse the intestines. Too much fiber can harm the body: remove all useful substances from the intestines, cause dysbiosis and bloating.

Which bran to choose for cleaning

To determine which bran is best for cleansing the intestines, you must first determine the purpose of the cleansing. Bran for bowel cleansing is divided into two groups according to the type of fiber:

  1. soluble (wheat, rice, oatmeal). They help improve the absorption of nutrients from food, normalize intestinal function, promote cleansing, and help cope with inflammatory and oncological diseases.
  2. insoluble (rye and corn). They mainly help with the problem of constipation: they draw out all the water from the intestines and help the enlarged feces to pass out gently. Cleansing the intestines with bran at home helps normalize the functioning of the metabolic system, lose weight, improve bowel movements, and cleanse the body of excess stagnation products and toxins.

Indications and contraindications

In what cases should you start learning which bran to choose and how to drink it correctly:

  • when deciding to lose weight and switch to proper nutrition in the diet in the future;
  • in cases of frequent constipation;
  • after a course of strong medications or antibiotics;
  • with intestinal dysbiosis.

At first glance, the fiber cleansing procedure seems to be a harmless action, but, like any method of intervention in the body, it has its contraindications:

  • chronic cholecystitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • state of diarrhea and flatulence;
  • adhesions on the abdominal organs;
  • ulcerative inflammation;
  • acute gastritis.

If you have any disease in a chronic form, before deciding which bran is best for cleansing the intestines, you should definitely go to a doctor for examination.

How to cleanse with bran

There are several ways to properly use bran to cleanse the intestines. The main method of purification with bran:

  1. Carrying out the procedure using whole bran. Despite the fact that such cleansing is the easiest to perform, you need to understand how to drink bran to cleanse the intestines. First you need to stock up on whole bran corn or oatmeal, you can mix them for better results. It is recommended to take two tablespoons three times a day before meals, with a glass of water. The more liquid you drink, the faster the emptying occurs.
  2. Bran, honey and milk. Ten tablespoons of fiber per glass of warm milk plus a spoonful of honey. All ingredients are mixed, drunk and washed down with plenty of clean water.

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You can add a little natural laxative – prunes – to any bran, then the effect will be even faster. All methods are designed for a course of application from 10 to 30 days. You can add bran to ready-made dishes throughout your life, thereby improving the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs and saturating the body with vitamins and microelements. All methods will work only if you drink enough water during the day, about 2-3 liters. Fiber needs a lot of moisture to swell and take all the harmful substances with it. Without fluid, it can make bloating and constipation worse.

Fiber is a safe nutritional element that helps digestion, but if you decide to use it to thoroughly cleanse the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. Excessive consumption of bran can cause intestinal diseases, diarrhea, dysbiosis and other health problems, so you need to remember that everything is good in moderation.

Bran cleansing scheme

There are several ways to cleanse the intestines of toxins using bran. Depending on the type of cleaning: long-term soft or quick but hard, different bran is recommended, depending on the type of fiber.

  • Gentle and long-term cleansing requires soluble fiber found in rice, wheat and oat bran.
  • Hard and fast cleaning requires indigestible dietary fiber, which is found in corn and rye grains. Bowel movement occurs quickly and abundantly.

Option 1

  1. Eat 2 tablespoons of bran (the choice of type depends on the purpose), chewing thoroughly.
  2. Wash down with two glasses of cold boiled or purified water.
  3. Take before meals 15-30 minutes three times a day every day for two weeks.

Option 2

  1. 10 tablespoons of bran should be poured into two glasses of boiling water in a deep plate (the bran will swell significantly).
  2. Let it brew for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Divide the resulting mass into 4-5 doses.
  4. After each meal, wash down the “porridge” with a glass of water.
  5. Cleaning is carried out twice a week.

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How to use correctly

Recipe No. 1

Bran to cleanse the intestines is taken for a month according to a ten-day regimen. The first 10 days - a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Then, every ten days of the month, the dose of bran is increased by 1 teaspoon. If a person feels well, you can extend the course of colon cleansing for another month, increasing the dose according to the same scheme. However, the daily dosage should not exceed 7 tablespoons.

Recipe No. 2

Fasting day to cleanse the intestines. For 250 grams of warm milk, take 10 tbsp. spoons of bran. Let stand, add a little honey. Divide the serving into 5 parts and consume throughout the day. The method should be used once a week.


Recipe No. 3

Steam half a glass of bran with boiling water for 30 minutes. Prunes and raisins in the proportion of 100g. to 200g. grind in a meat grinder and add to the porridge. Take a couple of tablespoons before meals. This method will allow you to thoroughly cleanse the intestines without disturbing the vitamin balance.

Recipe No. 4

Add 2 teaspoons of bran to a glass of low-fat kefir. Drink the mixture in the morning before breakfast, and in the evening before bed. This method of consuming bran is the mildest and is recommended for chronic constipation.

Recipe No. 5

Boil 250 grams in a liter of water. bran for 15-20 minutes. Filter the broth and drink half a glass before meals three times a day. This cleansing method is used in dietetics to reduce body weight.

bran in water

Since grain shell fibers do not have a pronounced taste, and at the same time are an extremely healthy product, they are good to add to salads, porridges, and first courses. They will also be a good addition to any cocktails (except alcoholic ones). Various sauces are prepared with them, they are added to seasonings and spices. You can replace breadcrumbs with bran.

Before starting a cleanse, you should consult a doctor. If necessary, take tests and undergo a fibrogastroduodenoscopy procedure.

Types of bran

There are as many types of flour as there are bran:

  • Wheat. They are widely used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, diabetes mellitus, improving peristalsis and digestion, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helping in the fight against obesity and excess weight, and are a good prevention of cancer pathology.
  • Corn. Helps improve immunity, improve metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, remove waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the formation of colorectal cancer and hemorrhoids, increase potency in men and slow down the aging process.
  • Rye. They normalize the excretion of bile, prevent cholelithiasis, help increase immune reactivity during exacerbation of viral diseases, and cleanse the intestines.
  • Oatmeal. They enhance peristalsis, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and help reduce cholesterol.

dietary supplements

TradenamePurposePrice, where to buy
Now Foods
  • renewal of liver cells, improvement of bile outflow;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of toxins;
  • correction of excess weight;
  • skin rejuvenation.
The package contains 400 g of bran;
Purchase through online stores;

The cost is from 300-100 rubles, depending on the type of bran (oat, rice, rye, and so on).

Nature's Way Black Walnut
  • quick bowel cleansing;
  • in case of intoxication due to food or other types of poisoning;
  • normalization of peristalsis;
  • for short term use.
In addition to bran, the capsules contain black walnut;
Price on Internet resources from 400 rubles.
DietMark (Russia)
  • improve digestion and peristalsis;
  • used for dysbiosis;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • normalize sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • promote weight loss.
Sold in pharmacies and food stores in departments for diabetics;
Price from 50 to 100 rubles per package of 200 g.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Contraindications to the use of bran as a food additive are:

  • acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis (especially associated with Helicobacter Pylori), colitis, enteritis, and so on;
  • allergic reactions to gliadin (cereal protein);
  • bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under three years of age;
  • discomfort when eating bran.

The main side effects when consuming bran can be abdominal pain and significant discomfort in the form of heaviness in the abdomen - this occurs due to the swelling of the fibers and their pressure on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence, vomiting, nausea and heartburn are possible. Sometimes there may be diarrhea.

How to take bran to cleanse the intestines and for constipation?

In order to quickly free the gastrointestinal tract from toxins, waste or fecal blockage accumulated in it, which is quite common in people suffering from constipation, it is necessary to consume bran prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 100 grams of grain husks and pour it into a clean metal container.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the bran and close with a lid or wrap in a thick terry towel.
  3. Open the container after 15 minutes and wait for the homemade colon cleanse to cool to room temperature.

After this, the steamed bran can be eaten at a rate of 100 grams per day. In order for the effect of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract to occur, you must eat the indicated portion of steamed wheat husks on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. The duration of the course of therapy is 10 days. The water with which the bran is poured can be consumed throughout the day as a medicinal tea, like a decoction.

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