How to choose mineral water for low and high stomach acidity

In the treatment of gastritis, along with drug treatment, hydrotherapy plays an important role. When properly prescribed, water reduces destructive processes on the walls of the stomach, restores secretory and motor functions, and also enhances the production of bile by the liver and digestive enzymes by the pancreas.

However, not all mineral water has a healing effect for gastritis with high acidity. Due to the huge range, each of them has its own characteristic features. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to figure out which mineral water to drink with high and low acidity.


Mineral water for high acidity of the stomach is considered useful because it contains many useful components that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. It contains natural microelements that are of great benefit to the human body. Water contains substances that cannot always be obtained from ordinary products.

mineral water for high stomach acidity

What to drink if you have low acidity

With gastritis with low acidity, human health is in danger. Its danger lies in the fact that with low acidity, the gastrointestinal tract is colonized by pathogenic microflora. At the same time, other symptoms were also noticed: nausea after eating, impaired bowel movements, increased gas formation. As a result of poor digestion of food in the stomach, a person suffers from iron deficiency in the body.

There is a huge selection of types of water that reduce acid production, which cannot be said about waters with a reverse effect. This is often a drink that contains a lot of hydrochloric acid or natural bitterness. Therapy for gastritis with low stomach acidity requires drinking a type of mineral water such as Essentuki 4, Mirgorodskaya, Narzan, Tyumenskaya and others. Water taken fresh from the source has especially healing properties. Therapy is successfully carried out in the following sanatoriums:

  1. Truskavets;
  2. Essentuki;
  3. Baden Baden.

Healing water stimulates the glands in the stomach, causing them to secrete more hydrochloric acid. To enhance the effect of water, it must be consumed correctly:

  • Mineral water can be consumed either warmed or at room temperature.
  • Duration of therapy – 3 weeks-1.5 months.
  • To enhance intestinal motility, you should drink a whole glass in one gulp a quarter of an hour before meals - this way the water will get into the stomach faster.
  • Start the course of therapy by taking 100 ml of water and reach 200.
  • Essentuki mineral water eliminates biliary dyskinesia, which has a positive effect on the function of gastric secretion.
  • It is forbidden to increase the dose on your own - the high content of minerals provokes the growth of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

You need to buy mineral water in glass containers. It is important to know that sediment of mineral salts is allowed in the water. This drink is allowed to be drunk if there are no serious illnesses.

Any mineral water for gastritis with low or high acidity must be consumed in accordance with your feelings. They should not cause discomfort in the digestive system. If something goes wrong, it is better to stop the treatment and consult a doctor.


Mineral water comes in several types depending on the type of ions that predominate in it. It happens:

  1. Alkaline. It contains a lot of bicarbonates. Mineral water is effective for gastritis and other ailments of the digestive system.
  2. Sulfate. It is used to restore the activity of the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Chloride. Used to regulate bowel function.
  4. Magnesium containing. It is used for stress, as well as for disorders of the nervous, vascular, and cardiac systems.
  5. Glandular. This mineral water contains many iron ions and its compounds, with the help of which the hematopoietic system is normalized.

mineral water increases stomach acidity

Efficiency and benefits of drinking mineral water

What mineral water should you drink if you have high acidity? For this disease, alkaline medicinal table water or table fresh water will be effective. It contains bicarbonates and many ions of various metals. It is able to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid by binding it.

Bicarbonates enter the body, which reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body. And they are needed for the production of acid in the stomach. As a result, the acidity level normalizes, the feeling of nausea and heartburn decreases. The effect of mineral water in case of increased stomach acidity is to improve metabolism, since it is able to saturate the lymph with the necessary microelements. Immunity also improves and the person recovers faster.

Mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach normalizes the functioning of the glands of this organ. It activates the production of mucus, which protects the stomach walls from excess acid. With regular intake of mineral water, the removal of food into the intestines is accelerated. This ensures the prevention of stagnation, which restores acid to normal. A person does not feel nausea, there is no belching, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn disappears.

The doctor must perform a preliminary diagnosis and provide recommendations for treatment. The specialist will also tell you which mineral water is best to choose. This is important to consider, since the treatment regimen and dosage are selected individually.

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

This water contains soluble salts. The percentage of biologically active substances is significantly higher than in ordinary drinking water.

The main elements of mineral water:

  • sodium;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • chlorine.

All of them take part in regulating metabolism. In addition, there is carbon dioxide in the water (it is this that forms bubbles like those we see in a glass of champagne). Gas softens the taste of the drink.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. For us, it is important what its mineralization - the purpose for which the healing drink can be used depends on this.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  • dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

In the first, the salt content is comparable to the percentage in plain water - perhaps a little more - and therefore doctors allow it to be used often, even daily . You can cook food on it (of course, when the gases come out).

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor . They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.

On our website: Salo for gastritis - can you eat it?


What mineral water should you drink if you have high acidity in your stomach? All medicinal water companies offer several types of products. For example, several types of mineral water are produced under the name “Essentuki”. There are types designed to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Which mineral water from this company is suitable for treatment for high stomach acidity? You can choose No. 2 or No. 17. They contain a lot of bicarbonate, which will help restore acidity.

what mineral water for high stomach acidity

Before purchasing, you should consult with the seller to see if alkaline water is available for sale. Only it can be used to reduce acidity. When choosing mineral water for high stomach acidity, you need to read the indications for use: they are always indicated on the bottle label.

So, what kind of water is needed? It should be alkaline, medicinal, or fresh, with a small amount of carbon dioxide. If consumed in a timely manner, the healthy liquid can not only eliminate malfunctions of the digestive system, but also relieve unpleasant symptoms for a long period. The general well-being of the patient depends on the correct choice.


Today you can find different names for mineral waters in stores and pharmacies. The following mineral waters help with increased stomach acidity:

  1. "Mirgorodskaya".
  2. "Luzhanskaya".
  3. "Zbruchanskaya".
  4. "Borjomi".
  5. "Polyana Kvasova"

“Essentuki”, “Bukovinskaya”, “Shayanskaya”, “Polyana Kupel” water is also suitable. Each mineral water has its own effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which should be known before use. If you have any stomach diseases, you should not take mineral water, which increases the acidity of the stomach.

what mineral water to drink if you have high acidity


This mineral water is one of the most popular. It contains many minerals and vitamins. It is used as a medicine for gastrointestinal diseases and high acidity. With this treatment, it will be possible to reduce acid, get rid of belching, and feelings of nausea. The properties of Essentuki water include the following:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • removal of mucus from the stomach and intestines;
  • getting rid of heaviness in the stomach;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • elimination of toxins and harmful substances.

mineral water for high stomach acidity names

Is it possible to drink sparkling water if you have gastritis?

A busy pace of life, constant stress at work and poor, irregular nutrition gradually undermine health.
People are increasingly complaining of pain and heaviness in the stomach, incomprehensible vomiting and nausea, and heartburn. If they immediately go to a gastroenterologist, the doctor diagnoses gastritis and recommends treatment. However, most people put off visiting a doctor. At this time, inflammation of the mucous membrane spreads throughout the stomach, penetrating deeper and deeper. The result is disappointing - a stomach ulcer, and in some cases, cancer. But there is also good news. By following a diet, giving up bad habits, normalizing sleep and treatment, the disease goes into a stage of long-term remission. And sometimes it goes away forever. This is why it is so important to know whether you can drink sparkling water if you have gastritis. Just one harmful product in the diet - and the disease can return again.


Healing water is prescribed for gastritis with high acidity. She is capable of:

  • activate the secretory activity of the stomach, secretion of mucus;
  • reduce stomach acid levels;
  • restore bowel function.

what mineral water to drink if you have high stomach acidity

There are many minerals in this water. Mineralization is 5.5-7.5 g per 1 liter. It is also used for ulcers, pancreatitis, and diabetes. Mineral water is effective for joint pathologies, flu, colds and coughs. Its use can improve the condition when playing sports, but it is prohibited to take it for gout, arthritis, migraines, and heart defects.

Main contraindications

Healing drinks should not be consumed uncontrollably , and incorrect selection, too frequent use, is not only ineffective for gastritis, but also leads to changes in the salt balance.

Mineral water is contraindicated:

  • in case of circulatory disorders;

  • with acute pyelonephritis;
  • for cardiovascular pathologies;
  • for intestinal and stomach bleeding;
  • with severe vomiting;
  • blockage of the ducts through which bile exits;
  • with urolithiasis.

Expectant mothers suffering from gestosis should not drink alkaline water. You cannot combine mineral water with alcohol or drink it after intoxication.

Any pathology causes discomfort to people. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to combine mineral water with other therapeutic measures. Only with complex therapy is the effect guaranteed.

Carefully! Gas bubbles, which are contained in water from a bottle that has not had time to settle, irritate the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach, which is fraught with gastroesophageal reflux.


The doctor must prescribe the type of mineral water, as well as a treatment regimen. The initial dosage is 50-100 ml per day. It should be borne in mind that with an increased concentration of minerals, inflammation may occur that affects the gastric mucosa. Therapy lasts 1 month, and 2-4 courses will be required over a year.

It is advisable to drink water 1.5 hours before meals. Then, even before food arrives, the mineral water will completely pass into the intestines. It is advisable to use it heated, up to 40-45 degrees. Then excess carbon dioxide, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, will be eliminated.

With increased acidity, mineral water should be taken with caution. It is necessary to stop taking it when:

  • lethargy;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He will provide recommendations for further treatment.

Advantages of the method

Water enriched with valuable substances contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and bile ducts.

It corrects secretion and stimulates coolant regeneration.

Finally, there is evidence of its immunomodulating effect: against the background of a properly selected course of balneotherapy, “there is a tendency towards normalization of the content of anti-tissue antibodies and circulating immune complexes, an increase in the nonspecific resistance of the body, the intensity of the humoral immune response, and the functional activity of mononuclear phagocytes” (1).

Yu.V. Gorbunov and co-authors describe an illustrative study (2). A group of patients suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis or gastroduodenitis received a sanatorium course of treatment with Uvinskaya mineral water (weakly alkaline; sulfate-sodium-calcium) against the background of a standard diet No. 2 according to Pevzner. In the first 2-3 days, patients drank 60-100 ml of Uvinskaya with a temperature of 280 C 30 minutes before meals, then the dose was increased to 200 ml.

The authors note:

During the treatment, it was possible to completely relieve pain in 388 (94.2%) patients out of 412 patients with CG and in 63 (87.5%) out of 72 patients with CGD who had pain.

The pain subsided by the 3-5th day of therapy.

The water also had a certain effect in terms of combating the manifestations of dyspepsia: the majority of participants in the experiment lost their complaints of nausea. “Uvinskaya” eliminated belching somewhat worse, and practically did not help against heartburn.

Disadvantages of drinking mineral water: contraindications

Although mineral water has a useful composition, it cannot always be used. It is contraindicated to drink water if:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, circulatory disorders;
  • acute kidney inflammation;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • severe disruption of intestinal function;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • under 3 years of age;
  • late toxicosis, scars on the uterus, threat of miscarriage.

While carrying a child, women should consult a doctor and also clarify the dose, type of mineral water, and its temperature. If a large amount of water enters the body, kidney and gallstones are likely to appear, and tooth enamel is destroyed over time.

mineral water for high stomach acidity

Gastritis is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. His treatment must be comprehensive. Taking mineral water should be mandatory. Only with the supply of the necessary microelements will it be possible to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the secretion of stomach acid and simply normalize a person’s well-being.

How does gastritis treatment begin at the Borjomi resort?

The first step to recovery is a consultation with a general practitioner and gastroenterologist, a medical examination of the patient, and, if necessary, laboratory tests. Based on the data obtained about the patient’s condition, the type of disease, the severity of its course, the doctor draws up a treatment course plan, which includes in his program an individually developed diet and nutrition regimen, balneotherapy procedures - the therapeutic use of mineral waters. This includes both external use of natural and artificially prepared mineral waters (baths, various types of showers) and internal use (drinking, inhalation, gastric lavage). In parallel with the main health measures, physiotherapeutic methods are also prescribed: magnetotherapy, ozokerite therapy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and others. Taken together, these procedures effectively affect blood circulation in the tissues of the stomach, improve gastrointestinal motility, reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, and stimulate the regeneration of damaged areas.

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