Curdled milk for gastritis with high acidity

Stomach acidity is a determining factor in ensuring complete digestion of food, which, in turn, leads to the absorption of nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of body systems. With an increased or decreased acid level, there is a suspicion of developing gastritis, in which the regular menu is necessarily replaced with dietary food. Normalizing the acid level by consuming foods that increase stomach acidity becomes possible only if you know the mechanism of changes in acidity.

Gastroenterologist Mikhail Vasilievich:

“It is known that for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.) there are special drugs that are prescribed by doctors. But we will not talk about them, but about those medicines that you can use yourself and at home...” Read more >>>

Dairy and fermented milk products for gastritis - is it possible?

Monotonous food, addiction to spicy, fried and smoked foods, snacks on the run - all this leads to digestive problems . Against the background of poor nutrition, gastritis develops - an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, which has a bad effect on digestion and inhibits the main functions of the organ.

Gastritis can also be caused by bad habits, emotional stress, taking certain medications and bacterial infections.

The main symptom of gastritis is pain in the epigastric region, which may be accompanied by heartburn, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Acute gastritis is a condition that often requires hospitalization.

“Missed” acute gastritis threatens to transform into a chronic form, which is dangerous due to its complications.

In the treatment of gastritis, an important (if not the first) role is played by a gentle diet, which excludes the consumption of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa .
What dairy products can you eat if you have gastritis, and which ones should you avoid until complete recovery?

Benefits and harms

Dairy products are food products made from the milk of animals (cows, sheep, goats, etc.). First of all, these include drinking milk of varying fat content, as well as condensed milk, ice cream, various milk drinks with added sugar, vitamins and other ingredients.
Fermented milk products are food products produced from milk by ripening or fermentation . These include butter, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and many other products, including national ones (kumys, ayran, tan, matsoni, kaymak).

Dairy and fermented milk products are valuable food products that contain animal protein, calcium and other microelements, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2.

Not all people can drink natural milk due to lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy. A salvation for them can be fermented milk products, which are not inferior to milk in terms of nutritional value, but are absorbed by the body much better.

In addition, the beneficial bacteria they contain have a beneficial effect on digestion: they improve the digestibility of food, relieve constipation, and help strengthen local and general immunity.

What dairy and fermented milk products can you eat if you have gastritis?

Milk and any dairy products are excluded from the patient's diet during the acute period . But as soon as the painful symptoms subside, dairy and fermented milk products must be included in the patient’s menu: they contain the protein necessary to restore damaged mucosa, and a whole range of essential substances.

For gastritis with high or low acidity different dairy products are indicated, since they directly affect the secretory function of the stomach.

For example, whole milk is contraindicated for gastritis with zero or low acidity , and sour kefir cannot be consumed for gastritis with high acidity.
But there are a number of rules that must be followed by all patients without exception diagnosed with gastrointestinal diseases:

  1. Selecting a product in a store based on external features . Before placing a package of milk or kefir in your shopping cart, you should make sure that the product is not expired and that the integrity of the packaging is not damaged. These precautions will protect you from possible poisoning.
  2. Restrictions . Choose the most natural products possible: various additives of chemical origin will injure the already damaged mucous membrane. Avoid bright boxes with milkshakes, colorful ice cream and smoked cheeses.
  3. Storage and consumption. All dairy products are stored in the refrigerator. Pay attention to expiration dates after opening the package. Food can be eaten at room temperature or slightly warmed.

All dairy and fermented milk products consumed for gastritis should have a reduced fat content. The exception is butter, which is added to prepared dishes in very small doses.

With increased acidity

Dairy products for gastritis with high acidity can be consumed, but in moderation and with great caution.

This is especially true for fermented milk products, which cause increased secretion, which is unacceptable for this type of gastritis.

What foods can be included in the diet?

  • Milk . Choose low-fat milk. Prepare dishes based on it, and also add to drinks. In its pure form it should be consumed in small sips of no more than 150 g. in one go. Fresh unleavened cottage cheese in pureed form. You can make casseroles from it without nuts and dried fruits. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey.
  • Cheese . A little regular cheese won't hurt, but pickled, spicy and smoked varieties should be avoided. Homemade yogurt. The ideal option is homemade yogurt with the addition of “non-acidic” starter.
  • Sour cream . Use any, the main thing is that it does not have “sourness” and is not too fatty.
  • Cream . Give preference to low-fat cream, which you add little by little to prepared dishes or drinks.
  • Butter . Preferably sweet cream. You should not consume more than 25 grams. oils per day.
  • Kefir (yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.) Fermented milk drinks with 2-3% fat content can only be consumed fresh (1-2 days old) in very limited quantities. Ideally, no more than 1 glass per day.

At low

With gastritis with low acidity, all food entering the stomach should stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. What can you use?

  • Milk . Low-fat milk can be added to drinks and used in diluted form for cooking porridge or milk soups. It is very undesirable to drink it in its pure form.
  • Cottage cheese. Low-fat varieties with a soft consistency are preferred. Use cottage cheese pureed. You can add allowed fruits or a drop of honey to it.
  • Cheese . Include hard and soft cheeses and blue cheeses in your diet. Smoked, too salty and spicy cheeses are prohibited.
  • Sour cream. Choose low-fat varieties with sourness. Make sure the sour cream is fresh.
  • Cream. Cream with a fat content of more than 20% is prohibited. You can use low-fat 10% cream as an additive to drinks.
  • Butter. Give preference to sour cream varieties. Use oil in limited quantities as an additive to dishes.
  • Kefir (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt). All these products have a positive effect on the production of gastric secretions: they can be consumed daily, but try not to combine them with other protein products of animal origin.

For ulcers and other aggravating diseases of the stomach

For peptic ulcers and other chronic stomach diseases that have a severe course, the consumption of dairy products is possible only in the remission stage with the permission of the attending physician.
Since peptic ulcer disease often develops against the background of increased acidity, when choosing dairy products you should be guided by the list recommended for patients with hyperacid gastritis (occurring against the background of increased secretion of gastric juice).

For other severe chronic diseases of the stomach, you should also follow the recommendations for one or another type of gastritis, taking into account the acidity of gastric secretions .

Dairy and fermented milk products are one of the main foods for people with stomach diseases, so they must be present in the diet every day.

Cocoa and coffee

They should not be used during the acute period of the disease. As for cocoa, you should drink it rarely and little by little. To prevent stress on the stomach, it can be brewed with milk. It is important that the cocoa powder is of high quality. To do this, you need to pay attention to the place where the beans are grown and the product is produced. For example, this tree does not grow in China, and producers purchase fruits of poor quality.

Even weak coffee for hyperacid inflammation is taken only during the period of remission, in small quantities and after meals. Since frequent use on an empty stomach provokes deterioration of the mucous membrane and increased secretion. It is better to give preference to natural ground coffee, because the tannin content in it is not as high as in dissolved coffee. Experts recommend diluting it with milk or adding cream.

Benefits and harms

Milk dishes have the following beneficial qualities:

  1. Replenish the deficiency of nutrients and vitamins. Used for anemia, exhaustion of the body, recovery after surgery and serious illnesses. Milk protein is used to replace animal protein, which takes too long to digest. Natural milk is not suitable for every person, so it is often replaced with fermented milk drinks.
  2. Normalize intestinal microflora. The number of beneficial bacteria is restored, absorption of nutrients improves, and constipation disappears. Local and general immunity is strengthened.

The benefits of salted lard

In lard you can find vitamins A, B, E, D, F, as well as microelements and antioxidants.

The product has the following characteristics:

  • The lipids present in it are needed for the construction of biological membranes; in combination with carbohydrates, they saturate a person with energy ;
  • The unique component is arachidonic acid - it cannot be found in other products. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, improves immunity , controls cholesterol and acts as an antidepressant.

The presence of antioxidant properties can reduce the risk of developing cancer ;

  • Unlike intermuscular fat, lard does not contain carcinogens or parasites;
  • Lard is a source of many fatty acids. They improve the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system (central nervous system), increase the strength and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Unlike many other products, lard is natural and does not contain preservatives or dyes.

On our website: Why can’t you eat beets if you have gastritis?

What dairy and fermented milk products can you eat if you have gastritis?

Dairy products are products made from the milk of farm animals. Fermented milk products are produced by fermentation or ripening. These include cheeses, yoghurts, kefir, and butter.

In the acute stage of gastritis, any fermented milk products are excluded from the diet. After the intensity of the manifestations of the disease decreases, dairy foods are gradually included in the menu. When choosing dairy products for gastritis, you need to take into account the acidity of the gastric contents. Fat milk should not be drunk in case of hypoacid inflammation; stale kefir is contraindicated in case of hyperacid form of the disease. When purchasing dairy products you need to consider:

  1. External signs. Before purchasing, you need to inspect the packaging to ensure that the integrity of the box or package is maintained. Pay attention to the expiration date of the product. This helps to avoid poisoning, which negatively affects the functioning of the stomach.
  2. Compound. For gastritis, it is allowed to consume natural products that do not contain dyes or aromatic additives. These substances irritate the inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach. Flavored milkshakes, colored ice cream and smoked cheeses are completely excluded from the diet for gastritis.
  3. Rules for storage and use. Milk products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 6°C. After opening the package, the product is stored for no more than a day. Before eating, kefir, milk or yogurt is heated to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Fat content. For gastritis, it is recommended to eat foods low in fat. Butter should not be introduced into the diet in large quantities.

With increased acidity

Eating dairy products for hyperacid gastritis is not prohibited, but introducing new foods into the diet should be done with caution. Fermented milk products provoke the production of hydrochloric acid. Approved products:

  1. Milk. Must have low fat content. It is used for cooking porridge and preparing drinks. It is recommended to consume no more than 150 ml of pure milk per day.
  2. Unleavened cottage cheese. Before use, it is rubbed through a sieve. You can make casseroles from cottage cheese, to which a small amount of honey is added.
  3. Cheese. The product must have a neutral taste. Salty varieties should be excluded from the diet.
  4. Natural yoghurts. They can be prepared at home by adding starter to the milk.
  5. Sour cream. It is not recommended to include in the diet a product that has high fat content or sour taste. Sour cream can be used in preparing salads and other dishes.
  6. Cream. A product with 10% fat content is used in the manufacture of drinks and dishes.
  7. Butter. Choose sweet varieties. Eat no more than 20 g of this product per day.
  8. Kefir and other products containing leaven. For hyperacid gastritis, these products are consumed only fresh and in small quantities.

At low

When acidity is low, foods that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid are introduced into the diet. What dairy products are possible for hypoacid gastritis:

  1. Milk. The low-fat product is added to drinks and used to prepare porridges. Whole milk is contraindicated for gastritis with low acidity.
  2. Cottage cheese. It should have a soft consistency and low fat content. You can add honey or fruit to cottage cheese.
  3. Cheese. Hard varieties, as well as blue cheeses, are useful.
  4. Sour cream. Preference is given to low-fat varieties with a sour taste. Sour cream for gastritis with low acidity is eaten only fresh.
  5. Cream. The low-fat product is used only in the manufacture of drinks. It is not advisable to drink fresh cream.
  6. Butter. For low acidity, sour cream varieties are chosen.
  7. Kefir, yogurt. Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities. However, you should not combine fermented milk products with other foods containing animal proteins.

For ulcers and other aggravating diseases of the stomach

In the acute phase of stomach ulcers and other pathologies of the digestive system, dairy products are excluded from the diet. During the period of remission, the introduction of such food is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Since ulcerative defects occur against the background of increased acidity, it is necessary to take into account the list of products approved for use for hyperacid gastritis. For other pathologies of the stomach, acidity must also be taken into account. Fermented milk products are an important product for indigestion, so they must be included in the diet.

Strictly prohibited

Despite the beneficial qualities of dairy products, some products are prohibited for consumption by people suffering from gastritis. The additives they contain irritate the walls of the stomach. Sugar, salt and spices can aggravate the disease. Exclude from the diet:

  • smoked, spicy and salty cheeses;
  • condensed milk;
  • ice cream containing artificial flavors and colors;
  • milkshakes with additives;
  • glazed cheese curds;
  • flavored yoghurts and cottage cheese.

Fruits that increase gastric acidity


Fruits, which should be the basis of the diet of a person adhering to proper nutrition, can especially increase acidity. This reaction causes:

  • Pomegranate. The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C. Due to this, it has a detrimental effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucous membrane of the organ suffers the most from pomegranate.
  • Melon. It is one of the heaviest foods, the digestion of which takes a long time.
  • Grapes of different varieties. It causes a fermentation effect that affects the digestive process. The wine berries themselves take a long time to digest and cause heartburn, which is accompanied by bloating and nausea.
  • Peach. Seasonal fruit affects the increase in the level of functionality of the secret glands.
  • Citrus fruits . This product is easily recognized by its pleasant sourness, which can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and the production of gastric juice.
  • Kiwi. Another type of sour fruit, whose small fibers can disrupt the protective lining of the digestive organ.

Various berries can also be included in this category. Like citrus fruits, they have an unusual sourness that many people enjoy. After overeating, an increase in the acidity of gastric juice occurs.

Composition and benefits of the product

With hyperacid gastritis, the patient complains of pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, burning behind the sternum, and sour belching. In addition to drug treatment, a diet must be prepared.

All foods that increase the secretion of gastric juice and have an irritating effect are excluded from the diet. Dairy products should be used in certain quantities using different preparation methods.

Other useful and necessary substances for the body that can be obtained from milk and its derivatives include: Na, K, Cl, Mg, Zn, I, Fe, Co, Mn. The body needs these substances to produce hormones, enzymes and vitamins. An important element in the structure of dairy products is the presence of lactose, which is one of the most valuable and healthy sugars.

The main beneficial substances of butter include:

  • Retinol;
  • Milk fats;
  • Vitamin P;
  • Phospholipids.

Benefits of this product

Yogurt contains essential protein as well as vitamins. It is made by fermenting fresh milk. The acidity of this product does not harm the human body.

This is because the acid levels in stomach juice are much stronger than in yogurt. The protein found in yogurt helps normalize the acid-base balance in the body.

It contains a large number of microorganisms necessary for the body - probiotics.

If the patient has increased acidity in the stomach, then fermented milk products are not recommended, as they will stimulate acid production, and this will lead to even greater irritation of the mucous membrane.

With such acidity, it is better to give preference to fresh milk, cream, curd puddings, butter, and natural yogurt. With a reduced level of acidity, you can consume any dairy and fermented milk products, but only in the remission phase and in reasonable quantities.

What kind of fish should you eat?

It’s easier to say which seafood is strictly excluded. This is fried, smoked fish for gastritis. The best options are when the fish is boiled, steamed or baked. The fat content should not exceed 4 percent. This is the only way the product will not have a negative effect on the body.

Let us list the names of fish that are quite acceptable for stomach diseases:

  • Vobla. It should be unsalted.
  • Cod. Only meat is allowed. Although liver is a delicacy, it is strictly prohibited for pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Flounder, pollock.
  • Saida.

Red fish is considered the most beneficial for the body. Firstly, it is absorbed by more than 90%. Secondly, the taste is always at its best. Give preference to pink salmon - baked fish for gastritis will be the best solution. The fat content is minimal, damaged areas of the stomach “close” faster. You can cook low-fat fish soup or prepare soup in fish broth. Fish that has been steamed in the form of cutlets is especially welcome.

Yogurt for gastritis with high acidity

For gastritis with a low level of acidity, it is necessary to create certain conditions for food processing. Each meal should take place in a calm environment.

There should be no more than 5 hours between doses. You need to eat in small portions. It is necessary to avoid fried, fatty, smoked foods and the use of spices.

It is necessary to eat foods that can increase gastric juice. You can take citrus fruits in limited quantities.

As for dairy products, it is advisable to avoid drinking fresh milk. You can cook various dishes from it, but eating it raw is prohibited.

You should also avoid fatty sour cream and salty cheeses. Drinking yogurt for gastritis with low acidity is only possible if it is natural.

You need to eat it in small quantities in several approaches throughout the day.

If you have low acidity, you can choose more sour types of yogurt. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

But it is forbidden to drink a large amount of treats at once per day. A large number of doctors prescribe the use of this dietary product.

Dietary nutrition for gastritis with high acidity should be aimed at reducing the level of acidity. In this case, it is advisable to exclude foods that can increase the secretion of gastric juice.

These are citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks and various juices. It is also necessary to avoid eating coarse fiber.

For example, stringy meat, rutabaga, radishes, bran bread, but it is also important to eat food at room temperature. Do not eat cold or hot food.

It has lower acidity than gastric juice levels. Eating Accordingly, eating yogurt cannot lead to an increase in acidity levels.

On the contrary, the use of this product helps to normalize the level of acidity.

Thanks to the protein that binds acids, the acidity level decreases and the inflammatory process during gastritis decreases.

But these properties can only be found in yogurt that contains probiotics.

To ensure their presence, pay attention to the expiration date - it cannot be more than a week, otherwise there is no point in talking about bacteria.

Also, this product cannot contain unnatural thickeners, flavors and sweeteners. Before purchasing this product in a store, you should carefully read the composition.

The best option when consuming yogurt is to prepare it at home.

If the level of acidity in the stomach is much higher than normal, then you cannot use kefir for gastritis with high acidity under any pretext, in order to prevent the production of even more acid. Other dairy products with high acidity are not recommended for consumption at this acidity level.

Healthy Drink Recipes

Anise tea will be effective in treating inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is prepared according to this recipe: pour 5 grams of herb leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos. Consume in small quantities throughout the day.

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A decoction of fireweed tea, prepared at the rate of 50 grams of the plant per 3 cups of boiling water, will help get rid of obsessive nausea and epigastric pain. It should be taken before meals. Honey water is no less effective. To prepare it, honey is diluted in a glass of warm, but not hot water. Take 1.5-2 hours before meals.

Advice from a gastroenterologist

Experts recommend not to abuse your favorite drinks, such as tea, coffee or alcohol. They adversely affect the functioning of the stomach glands, thereby increasing the acidity of the environment. Before taking them, you should definitely consult a doctor to avoid exacerbation or worsening inflammation. It is also important to pay maximum attention to the quality and shelf life of the product.

Often the patient cannot refuse a cup of aromatic coffee or a glass of wine. But before using it, you need to remember the consequences and weigh the pros and cons. Only following an adequate diet and doctor’s recommendations will protect you from the unpleasant effects of gastritis.

Recommendations for gastritis

Gastritis is a disease. And like any disease, it must be treated.

Depending on the type of gastritis you have, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications for you. But the peculiarity of gastritis is that the main method of treatment is nutritional therapy. And the type of this nutrition directly depends on the type of gastritis.

For gastritis with

high acidity, a diet is prescribed that ensures the absence of chemical or mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa.
This is diet number 1

For gastritis with

with low acidity
diet No. 2
, which ensures the absence of mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa, but helps stimulate its secretory activity.

For this purpose, the diet includes meat products, fish and vegetable soups, strong broths, lean meat and fish, vegetables and fruits baked or fried in butter, juices, coffee, cocoa.

These diets are prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

After you are cured, you can go back to your normal diet, but excluding those foods that may cause an aggravation for you.

If you have high acidity, you should not eat rough, spicy, juiced foods, smoked foods, pickles, marinades, or spices.

If you have low acidity, do not consume foods that cause fermentation processes (whole milk, fresh dough products, grapes, etc.) and foods that require intense work of the stomach for digestion (refractory animal fats, cream, sour cream).

And it is very important to eat regularly, preferably 6 times a day, and chew food thoroughly and slowly.

Well, a little about what these diets No. 1 and No. 2 are.

Diet No. 1

This is a physiologically complete diet. Strong stimulants of gastric secretion, irritants of its mucous membrane, lingering in the stomach for a long time and difficult to digest foods and dishes are limited. Food is prepared mainly pureed, boiled in water or steamed. Some dishes are baked without a crust. Fish and lean meats can be served in pieces. Flat salt is moderately limited. Very cold and hot dishes are excluded. Diet: 5-6 times a day. Before going to bed, drink milk and cream.

And now about what you can and shouldn’t eat.

Basic nutrition rules

Regardless of what purpose the specialist or patient is pressing, which will cause an increase or, conversely, a decrease in stomach acidity, it is necessary to follow several basic rules, which include the following measures:

  1. Changing the nature of nutrition. Meals should always be frequent and small. It is forbidden to eat large portions of foods, as the stomach becomes overstretched and the parietal cells do not produce enough acid. This causes fermentation, bloating and abdominal pain.
  2. It is not recommended to consume fried or smoked foods, as the carcinogens they contain increase the risk of not only acidity disorders, but also malignant processes.
  3. Drinking enough liquid. According to many patients, the most beneficial is water with lemon added. It leads to increased acidity, which is dangerous for patients with initially reduced acidity levels.
  4. Complete exclusion of alcohol-containing products from the diet. To give up smoking.
  5. Limiting the use of medications. It is recommended to exclude medications as much as possible if they do not affect acidity. Continuation of therapy is mandatory when their deficiency can be life-threatening.
  6. Elimination of stress, emotional overload and other problems with the functioning of the nervous system.

Normalizing nutrition prevents the development of high stomach acidity. In order to prevent hydrochloric acid from accumulating in the stomach cavity, it is necessary to regularly adhere to fractional meals.

Among the foods that reduce the level of hydrochloric acid are:

  1. Dairy products that are not fermented include milk, cottage cheese and cheese.
  2. Fruit and vegetable dishes.
  3. Low-fat boiled meats.
  4. Boiled lean fish.
  5. Whole grain porridge.

Read: What fruits can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer, and which ones will you have to exclude from your diet?

Before creating the required diet, it is imperative to consult with a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to accurately identify the cause and, based on it, choose the most suitable and missing products for the body. A prerequisite is the selection of products taking into account calorie content and nutrient composition.

If necessary, the doctor selects a medicinal drink consisting of mineral waters and other drinks. Including them in the diet without prior examination can cause serious consequences for the body.

Taking water

Water with bicarbonate will help normalize acidity

Currently, in pharmacies and stores you can find a large amount of water that is used for medicinal purposes. Among them are sulfate, alkaline, chloride and other types of drinks.

The choice depends on the type of pathology for which the patient consults a doctor. Against the background of increased acidity, which leads to gastritis and peptic ulcers, it is recommended to include water containing bicarbonates in the diet.

The use of this mineral water leads to a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid due to the entry of its ions with bicarbonate, which is an alkaline solution. As a result of a complex chemical reaction, neutralization occurs.

In addition, bicarbonates absorbed into the internal environment come into contact with a hydrogen ion. It is these ions that are involved in the production of gastric acid. During the treatment, the patient notes an improvement in well-being, a decrease in nausea and heartburn.

Great importance is also paid to its temperature; it is recommended to use heated water, which eliminates excess carbon dioxide content. The volume of liquid drunk should be up to a liter. It must be taken before eating food, since on an empty stomach the amount of hydrochloric acid is high.


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