Diet for gastritis with high acidity

Diet for gastritis - a way to get rid of symptoms and pain. It is necessary to eat only diet and light foods for a certain period of time to allow the stomach to rest. The first couple of days it is better to unload on water and decoctions. After fasting, you need a restorative diet that excludes fast food, processed foods and other foods that irritate the stomach. Consumption of alcohol, fried foods, raw vegetables and sour fruits is prohibited. A diet and diet should always be prescribed by a doctor, based on the characteristics of gastritis and its type. For gastritis with low acidity, some foods are prohibited, and for high acidity, completely different ones.

What you can and cannot eat

For acute gastritis or stomach ulcers, a special therapeutic diet is required. After the doctor diagnoses the patient, he is prescribed treatment and a diet with special nutritional rules. Using the table with permitted products, you can determine what can be consumed for gastritis and what cannot be consumed.

What diet for gastritis of the stomach in an adult with low stomach acidity is described in the table:

ProductCanIt is forbidden
BakeryRusks, dried white bread or loafFreshly baked products, fresh yeast products, sweet products
GroatsOatmeal, rice and buckwheatBarley, millet, beans, wheat
SoupVegetable and fish liquid and puree soupsSour okroshka, cabbage soup, rassolnik, soup with sour vegetables and a lot of meat
GarnishPotatoes, carrots and beetsRadishes, onions, cucumbers, peppers, pickled and salted vegetables
EggOmelet and soft-boiledHard-boiled and butter omelette
FruitsPeelless, soft and bakedGreen (unripe), prunes, dried apricots and small seeds
BeveragesHerbal tea and sweet diluted fruit drinksKvass, alcohol, soda, cranberry and lemon juice

For patients with gastritis with high stomach acidity:

ProductCanIt is forbidden
BakeryDried loaf or crackersFresh yeast baked goods, rye bread, bran bread
Cereals and pastaSpaghetti, rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, semolinaLegumes, corn, wheat, pearl barley and barley
VegetablesPumpkin, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, cauliflowerSpinach, cabbage, onion, garlic, hot pepper and pickled vegetables
Fish, meatLean turkey, veal, beef and chicken cutsFatty, fried meat and salted fish
SweetsDecoction, fruit drink, jelly, jelly, marshmallows, sweet fruits and marmaladeChocolate, ice cream and dried fruits
Milk productsLow-fat cheese, milk, cottage cheeseSour dairy products, fatty cottage cheese and cheese

It is extremely important to distinguish between 2 types of gastritis: with high and low stomach acidity.

The type of diet depends on the diagnosis; products for different types of gastritis differ. Properly selected products will help improve the condition and avoid exacerbation.

Menu options

Despite the limited list of permitted foods, Diet 1 for gastritis with high acidity allows for a variety of recipes and allows you to eat with pleasure. For breakfast or dinner you can eat soft-boiled eggs, semolina porridge, boiled carrots, mashed apples, steamed cutlets, side dishes from recommended cereals, cottage cheese with nuts, biscuits, mashed potatoes. Particular attention should be paid to oatmeal. For lunch, you can cook pureed cereal soup in vegetable or low-fat meat broth. Don't ignore fish recipes. Drinks you can drink include cocoa with water, green or weak black tea, fruit juice, and compote. Before going to bed, you can drink a milk drink.

Recommended Recipes

Some of the dishes mentioned above are suitable for patients not only in remission, but also during exacerbation of gastritis. In addition to oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge cooked in water or milk with the addition of butter or honey as a dressing will be simple and healthy. The puree soup is prepared in a blender. You can bake or stew vegetables and meat in the oven. You can also save time and effort by preparing such simple dishes as lazy dumplings, baked apples with honey, cheesecakes, salad of boiled vegetables, steamed omelet, boiled sausages, meatballs. You can add a little jam to some dishes, as a base for compote or jelly.

For acute gastritis, a more strict diet is prescribed. This is table number 1a. The main dishes in this case are pureed porridge with water and pureed soups. Milk should be diluted with water, bread should be completely excluded, fish should only be boiled. The amount of salt is reduced even further - to 6-8 g. You can eat eggs only with the permission of a gastroenterologist. The number of meals increases to 6 times a day. In the case of low acidity, only the list of permitted products changes. A diet for gastritis obliges the patient to strictly follow it, monitor fractional meals and caloric intake, choose the right foods, and give up bad habits. Taking responsibility for your health will help you lead a full life, despite a serious diagnosis.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich Dietitian, Samara

Nutrition for gastritis is already a therapeutic diet, and when forming it, it is really necessary to take into account the type of secretion: whether it is increased, normal or decreased. There are dishes that greatly stimulate the production of gastric juice. These are rich broths, spices, hard-boiled eggs and especially yolks, tomato sauce, strong tea and coffee, and so on. Such foods are prohibited during exacerbation of any form of gastritis, and even more so during heartburn and high acidity. Milk, soft-boiled eggs, pureed vegetables, and white bread have a weak stimulating effect. Such simple knowledge should be used when forming a diet, but regardless of the type of gastritis, it is imperative to follow the principles of mechanical, chemical and thermal sparing of the gastric mucosa. This means that you cannot take large quantities of any food at once, eat coarse plant fiber and connective tissue, such as stringy meat and cartilage, and you cannot eat very cold and hot foods.

Main rules and nutritional features

Before studying the lists of prohibited and basic permitted products, before developing the optimal menu for gastritis with high acidity, you need to take into account the basic rules of competent and healthy nutrition for this form of failure.

Important! The main goal in the treatment of gastritis is to reduce the degree of acidity to the optimal level. A similar result can only be achieved if the stomach is re-taught to function.

So, what are the basic rules by which nutrition should be structured for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity?

Here are the most basic ones:

  1. No overeating. Food should be taken only in small portions, but often, about 6 to 8 times. It is advisable to develop a meal schedule and try to sit down at the table at the same time every day.
  2. Salt and various hot spices should be completely excluded from consumption. These components significantly increase appetite, which automatically leads to the production of large amounts of acid. If, when working on nutrition for gastritis with high acidity, the menu seems disgusting, you can make a slight relaxation. Consuming a minimal amount of salt is perfectly acceptable.
  3. There are no such concessions with fried foods. Such food should be completely removed. You need to eat only boiled or steamed dishes.
  4. Avoid overly hot or overly cold foods; food should be comfortably warm.
  5. Food must be taken slowly and chewed very carefully.
  6. After eating, it is advisable to rest a little to allow the food to digest well. You should sit or take a semi-lying position for about 15 minutes after eating.

It is advisable to drink no earlier than 15 minutes after eating

Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity requires adherence to a certain regimen. It is strictly prohibited to drink food with liquid or completely replace the next meal with water.

Diet for relapse

During remission of gastritis or exacerbation of superficial gastritis, it is necessary to eat according to the principles of the “Table No. 1” diet.

Please note: If the patient has severe stomach pain or nausea, then the diet includes fasting days, on which you can only drink mineral water and weak tea.

When the period of exacerbation and severe stomach pain pass, the patient switches to eating soups, semi-liquid foods, and cereals. Diet food is steamed, boiled, and then chopped into pieces or pureed. Spices (except dried herbs) and large amounts of oil cannot be added.


While on a diet, you should not drink sweet carbonated drinks, juices from a package, coffee or alcohol. When following a diet, fruits and vegetables should not be sour, as should compotes and jelly prepared from them.

Rules of a therapeutic diet

People who are forced to follow a diet during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity are interested in the question of what foods they are allowed to eat to reduce acid production. This is an important question, since it is not enough to follow the rules; it is worth choosing food in such a way that it does not cause the production of a large amount of gastric juice, so that it does not cause irritation of the mucous layer and does not cause harm in a standard mechanical way.

Nutrition requires special attention. There are recommendations regarding which foods and dishes are allowed to be eaten and what should be avoided.

Eating meat

The menu for gastritis with high acidity does not prohibit eating meat, for this reason it is included in the diet. The meat is steamed or boiled. It is important to ensure that the meat is not very fatty, so that all sinewy parts and cartilage are completely removed. Such types of meat products as beef, diet chicken, turkey are allowed to be consumed during an exacerbation.

Important! When following a diet, you should not eat too rich broths, jellied meat, all possible canned food and different types of smoked meats. It is also forbidden to add a lot of garlic to food.

Fish varieties

Fish does not pose any harm, but only if certain requirements are carefully observed.

The product must be:

  • Low-fat;
  • Unsalted;
  • First you need to completely remove the skin;
  • Garlic and onions should also not be added.

When eating fish, you should avoid preparing a fatty, rich broth from it. It's not very useful

Cooking and eating vegetables

A recipe for complex treatment must include a lot of vegetables, but only boiled and preferably grated. This is the only way such products can have a positive effect on the general condition and functioning of the stomach, as well as on digestion.

It is better to boil, bake or steam vegetables

In the morning and lunchtime, it is worth preparing a delicious puree soup made with potato or more healthy carrot broth. Allowed vegetables include products such as cauliflower, fresh carrots and potatoes. It is advisable to limit the amount of zucchini, tomatoes and peas consumed.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to consume white cabbage, cucumbers, all types of mushrooms, spinach, sour sorrel, as well as various types of pickled vegetables. Garlic and onions are harmful to the stomach, especially in large quantities.

Which grains are allowed in the diet? It is allowed to eat oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina. They are prepared with regular water and also with milk. It is these cereals that have the property of enveloping and protecting the stomach, which is very useful in the process of exacerbation.

How to create a menu

When planning your diet, you need to know and adhere to the rules of the diet for gastritis:

  • Eat only warm food. If you have gastritis, you should not drink cold or very hot drinks or eat frozen foods - they are harmful to the stomach. All food should be at room temperature so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Lack of rough food. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of mechanical irritation of the stomach with large pieces of food or food with a rough texture. It is not recommended to consume bran and vegetables with a lot of fiber. It is recommended that all solid dietary foods be crushed and chewed thoroughly.
  • Small meals 5-7 times a day.
  • Don't drink. It is not recommended to drink an hour before meals and an hour after, so as not to dilute the gastric juice, otherwise the food will be poorly digested.

You can plan a menu for gastritis yourself or find it on the Internet. The main thing is to choose the right menu for your type of gastritis.


Prohibited Products

For the list of taboo products, the form of the disease (acute or chronic gastritis, acidity level) does not matter. For any form of gastritis, you need to avoid foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. Namely:

  • vegetables such as white cabbage, sorrel, onions, corn, spinach, garlic;
  • all types of mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • grapes, gooseberries;
  • dates;
  • hot sauces and spices;
  • canned products;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • coffee drinks and too strong tea;
  • soda, kvass.

Interesting: Diet for constipation

First, let's look at what nutrition should not be like for gastritis.

The menu for the week includes an exception:

  • fatty poultry, meat, and fish;
  • various canned foods;
  • raw vegetables, fruits;
  • smoked and semi-smoked products;
  • all sour vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, spinach, sorrel, white cabbage);
  • all sauces (low-fat milk sauce is allowed);
  • spicy vegetables (onions, garlic, radishes, radishes);
  • any pickled and salted foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • ice cream and chocolate;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • sparkling water and kvass;
  • black bread;
  • baked goods;
  • fried foods.

Let's consider what you should give up in order for the diet to bring relief for gastritis.

The menu for the week is developed taking into account the following restrictions:

  • cooking fats (margarine, lard, spread);
  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • chewing gum;
  • pearl barley;
  • legumes;
  • products that contain a lot of oxalic acid and purines (for example, radishes).

Diet for the week

To think through a menu for a week for gastritis yourself, you can look at recipes suitable for the diet. On a diet, you need to eat at least 4 times a day, making snacks between main meals. Overeating during main meals is prohibited (harmful for the stomach); you should eat in small portions.

Day of the weekEatingDishes
MondayBreakfastBoiled egg, toast, oatmeal
SnackNatural yogurt
DinnerPea soup with steamed fish and pumpkin puree
SnackBerry jelly
DinnerSteamed fish with vegetables, rosehip broth and a glass of kefir with cookies before bed
TuesdayBreakfastBoiled egg, bread, 100 g of liquid oatmeal, rosehip decoction
SnackA glass of apple and cherry compote, soft sponge cake
DinnerBuckwheat soup, pumpkin puree with chicken cutlets, herbal tea
SnackA glass of curdled milk with whole grain bread
DinnerA serving of noodles with steamed beef cutlet, a vegetable salad with sour cream and a glass of fermented baked milk before bed
WednesdayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge with milk, milk soufflé with tea
SnackBanana with a glass of milk
DinnerCauliflower soup, beef zrazy with bulgur, tea
SnackCottage cheese casserole with tea
DinnerSteamed fish with canned corn, salad with sour cream, natural yogurt before bed
ThursdayBreakfastBoiled buckwheat porridge, creamy soufflé with tea
Snack200 ml oat broth
DinnerCreamy rice soup, noodles with steamed chicken cutlets, a few spoons of peas, boiled carrots
SnackCottage cheese with cocoa
DinnerPotato casserole with beef zrazy, herbal tea and a glass of jelly before bed
FridayBreakfastOatmeal, a handful of hazelnuts and milk tea
SnackMilk or fruit jelly
DinnerChicken noodles, mashed potatoes with steam cutlet and cocoa
SnackA portion of cottage cheese with honey
DinnerBoiled lentils with meatballs, bread, compote and kefir before bed
SaturdayBreakfastA portion of cottage cheese with honey, whole grain bread with compote
SnackGlass of fermented baked milk
DinnerPotato soup, vegetable casserole and turkey meat, compote
SnackCreamy soufflé with banana
DinnerBoiled rice with rabbit meat, boiled carrots and corn, tea with a couple of oatmeal cookies before bed
SundayBreakfastApples baked with curd mixture in the oven, bread and fresh juice
SnackA glass of kefir
DinnerBeef soup, boiled rice and egg, tea with honey
SnackA portion of cottage cheese with honey
DinnerPasta with steamed chicken, tomato and cocoa, milk jelly before bed

With proper split meals, all symptoms of gastritis will quickly pass, and the patient will return to normal life.

Nutrition during exacerbation

From time to time, gastritis, characterized by high acidity, tends to worsen. Here doctors strongly recommend sticking to a fairly strict diet for several days.

Here is a sample menu for gastritis with high acidity:

  • Viscous rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridges cooked strictly in water. Cereals must first be thoroughly crushed;
  • Egg white-based omelettes are suitable;
  • All possible soups made from fish and meat and chopped;
  • Steamed meatballs, cutlets from dietary veal and chicken;
  • Kissels and rose hip decoction filled with vitamins.

After about 3 days, the manifestations of exacerbation subside significantly. After this, it is allowed to introduce products such as meat broths and milk dishes.

The diet must be agreed upon with your doctor. The specialist often prescribes modern medications when starting treatment

This disease is caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori.

You may also need therapy with medications of the category of special proton pump inhibitors, which effectively regulate the process of hydrochloric acid production. Only with strict observance of all these rules can you count on the fact that proper nutrition will fulfill its main purpose and the desired recovery will occur as quickly as possible.

Recipes for gastritis

To alleviate symptoms during exacerbation of gastritis, you need to prepare light food that does not irritate the stomach. Vegetable purees, decoctions, jelly and liquid boiled porridges are excellent.


To diversify the diet of a patient with gastritis, you can prepare:

  • Rice soup with herbs. You will need a bunch of parsley, a carrot, 250 ml of low-fat chicken broth, 50 g of dry rice cereal and half a teaspoon of butter. To prepare, you need to put the rice in the broth, after boiling, add the chopped carrots and cook until soft. After cooking, chop the greens and grind the soup in a blender, add oil.
  • Fish and egg soup. You will need 200 g of fish broth, carrots, 100 g of fish and an egg. Chop the carrots into the broth, boil, then pour in the egg in a thin stream and stir, add the fish.
  • Beef zrazy. You need to take 200 g of veal, 25 g of cooked rice, 40 g of breadcrumbs and ½ teaspoon of butter. Grind the meat in a blender, add crackers and make a flat cake. Place butter and rice in the middle, wrap and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Table No. 1 for gastritis

The diet of a patient with gastritis ranges from 2500 to 3000 kcal, which is enough to lead an active lifestyle.

Attention! For gastritis, only harmful foods and semi-finished products are prohibited, as well as coarse foods that irritate the stomach - everything else can be consumed in moderation.

Table No. 1 puts a ban on:

  • broth and sour soup;
  • high fiber foods;
  • large amounts of fat and oil;
  • fatty and spicy cheese;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • highly salted and smoked meat and fish dishes;
  • sour juices;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • hot seasoning and sauce;
  • alcohol and sweet soda.

All food must be stewed or baked in the oven or double boiler; all solid and coarse food must be mashed and ground into puree.

The following are allowed on the diet:

  • dry biscuits, sugar, soufflé;
  • lean meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • dried white bread;
  • vermicelli, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • low-fat soups;
  • Steamed fish;
  • non-acidic fruits and vegetables, ground into puree;
  • herbal or green tea.

Table of allowed and prohibited foods for gastritis of the stomach

Products and dishesCanIt is forbidden
Bread, bakery products
  • wheat bread (1-2 days baked)
  • pies made from savory dough with apples (with cottage cheese, with fish)
  • fresh bread
  • baked goods made from rye flour and butter dough
  • pancakes
First meal
  • vegetable soups
  • milk soups with pasta (vermicelli, noodles)
  • light soups from lean meats and fish

You can add low-fat fresh sour cream, eggs, butter to soups (for dressing)

  • soups with strong meat, fish, and vegetable broths
  • first courses of fatty meats and fish
  • green borscht with sorrel added
  • okroshka
  • pickles and cabbage soup
  • Do not eat first courses with the addition of legumes
Meat and fish dishes
  • lean meats: veal, beef, rabbit
  • poultry: chicken, turkey (without skin)
  • pollock, pike perch and other low-fat fish

dishes are prepared by steaming or in the oven - without the formation of crusts (all tendons are removed)

  • fatty meats and fish
  • fried, canned, salted and smoked dishes and products
  • caviar, shrimp, crab sticks
  • potato
  • carrot
  • beet
  • cauliflower
  • pumpkin and zucchini
  • tomatoes (rarely, preferably sweet varieties)

Vegetable dishes are boiled or steamed

  • all pickled, fried or salted vegetables
  • onion garlic
  • cucumbers
  • turnip, radish, rutabaga
  • sorrel, spinach
  • white and red cabbage,
  • radish
  • eggplant
Fruits, berries, nutsRipe, sweet fruits and berries:
  • strawberry
  • raspberries
  • currant
  • cherries
  • plum
  • apple
  • dried apricots
  • prunes

berries and fruits are consumed after heat treatment in crushed and pureed form (jelly, compotes, jellies, mousses baked in the oven.)

  • all sour, unripe fruits and berries (blackberries, dogwoods, etc.)
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, etc.)
  • nuts - everything
Cereals and pasta
  • semolina
  • rice
  • buckwheat
  • oats
  • pasta, vermicelli

in the form of porridges with milk or water

  • millet
  • pearl barley
  • corn
  • barley grits
  • legumes

large horns and pasta

Milk and dairy products
  • low-fat milk
  • curdled milk
  • low-fat fresh kefir
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • low-fat sour cream (very rarely)

mainly as an ingredient or additive to a dish

  • sour and fatty dairy products
  • hard and fatty cheeses
  • in the form of a steamed omelette
  • scrambled eggs

no more than 2 eggs per day

  • hard-boiled eggs
  • fried eggs
  • weak tea with milk
  • sweet jelly and compotes
  • weak cocoa
  • decoction with rose hips
  • carbonated drinks
  • strong tea
  • coffee
  • sour juices
  • all types of alcoholic drinks
  • biscuits
  • marshmallows
  • paste
  • honey
  • sugar
  • sweet fruit jam (diluted with water or tea)
  • ice cream
  • halva
  • chocolate and chocolate candies
  • kozinaki
  • condensed milk
  • cakes
  • baklava, etc.
  • unsalted butter (no more than 30 g per day)
  • refined vegetable oils (olive, sunflower – as added to a dish)
  • other fats and unrefined oils
Spices, sauces, seasonings
  • salt (up to 6 g per day)
  • meat and fish sauces
  • marinades
  • vinegar
  • mayonnaise
  • mustard
  • ketchup, etc.
  • low-fat mild soft cheese (grated)
  • soaked herring

all this in small quantities - rarely

  • smoked meats
  • canned food
  • spicy, salty dishes of this type

When creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account the type of gastritis (with high or low acidity), the form of the disease (acute or chronic), and individual intolerance to foods. And also, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist, who will accurately determine the list of products for you and select the right menu.

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How to eat with atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is called inflammation of the stomach with local lesions of its mucous membrane. Tissue death occurs in inflamed areas; if gastritis is advanced, then the deep layers of stomach tissue also die. The first symptom of this type of gastritis is belching with an unpleasant odor. When gastritis is neglected, the process of digesting food is greatly disrupted, the body begins to become polluted with toxins, anemia, severe fatigue and deterioration of the skin condition.


A diet for an atrophic stomach helps:

  • restore normal activity of the digestive tract, especially the stomach;
  • restore atrophied areas of the gastric mucosa;
  • prevent the spread of inflammation in the stomach;
  • normalize the secretion of enzymes and stomach acidity.

All foods that negatively affect the stomach and take a long time to digest should be excluded from the diet. It is advisable to start using sea salt.

On a diet, patients with gastritis should eat:

  • boiled eggs or steam omelet (without oil);
  • lean soups;
  • boiled oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • jellies, soufflés and jelly;
  • cutlets and steamed zraz.

Diet for patients with erosive gastritis

If a patient is diagnosed with erosive gastritis, the gastroenterologist is required to prescribe a special diet. The menu will depend on the degree of damage to the stomach, the severity of gastritis, the stage (remission or relapse) and the condition of the gastric juice. If you follow all the instructions of a specialist, you can quickly cure gastritis and a sore stomach.


The diet for gastritis should not include:

  • foods harmful to an irritated stomach. This includes vegetables, smoked and canned foods, fatty meat and fish dishes, coffee and alcohol, chocolate, smoked and salty foods;
  • hot or cold dishes. You can’t eat ice cream, sherbets, or drink hot drinks - the gastric mucosa suffers from this;
  • fried and flavored with sauces;
  • spicy foods and seasonings, they irritate the stomach;
  • sour fruits, raw vegetables and dairy products. You cannot eat citrus fruits, apples, or drink kefir.

You need to eat in small portions, taking breaks between meals of 2-3 hours, so as not to stretch the stomach. In case of stomach damage or on the advice of a doctor, you can eat in a lying position. The diet of a patient with gastritis consists of foods that can be consumed for any type of gastritis.

Important! During an exacerbation of erosive gastritis, the stomach needs rest, so it is necessary to spend some days without food, on only water. You can only drink medicinal poisons and clean water (always non-carbonated).

During the time of gentle nutrition, the stomach will be restored, and it will be possible to return to a more or less usual diet.


Treatment of relapse with gastritis is primarily a diet that is gentle on the stomach, and in some cases, a short fast of 1-3 days. This way the patient helps his stomach cope with gastritis and take a break from work.

Diet menu for gastritis of the stomach for a week: with low and high acidity

There are many types and stages of this disease. First of all, it is divided as follows:

  1. With high acidity;
  2. With low acidity.

Although there is a certain nutritional system aimed at curing gastritis, each patient has its own characteristics.

When suffering from gastritis with high acidity, the patient’s body begins to dynamically produce hydrochloric acid and gastric juice.

These substances have an irritating effect on the surface of the stomach, during which the organ ceases to function normally and the digestive processes are disrupted.

The first rule on which the nutritional system for gastritis with high acidity is based is the exclusion of foods that lead to the production of hydrochloric acid and irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Otherwise, the lists of prohibited and permitted products remain unchanged.

Based on general recommendations and dietary habits for gastritis with high acidity, you should draw up the following weekly meal plan:

Appointment numberDishes
Rice porridge

Black tea with added milk

3Vegetable soup without meat broth
Pumpkin puree
5Buckwheat without salt
Meat or fish cutlets

Berry jam or honey

2Homemade crackers
Berry jelly
3Boiled low-fat fish
4Dried fruits
Scrambled eggs

Herb tea

2pumpkin juice
3Boiled pink salmon
Potato puree
4Apple compote
5Carrot-apple salad
6Cottage cheese
Omelette with parsley
3Vegetable soup without meat broth
Pumpkin puree
5Millet porridge
Fish cutlets
6Drinking yogurt
Rice porridge

Hawthorn decoction

2Dried fruits
3Boiled lean fish
Nettle soup without broth
4Apple jelly
Boiled beef
Soft-boiled eggs
Herbal decoction
2Rye bread
3Vegetable soup without meat broth
Pumpkin puree
5Meat cutlets
Pumpkin juice
Thin pancakes with kefir
Jam or honey


3Soup puree
Rose hip decoction
4Dried fruits
Boiled pink salmon noodles

Gastritis with low acidity is a disease that is accompanied by disturbances in the digestion of food by the stomach. It also manifests itself through belching, diarrhea or constipation.

With low acidity, on the contrary, you should consume food that will stimulate the production of juice and acid by the stomach.

That is why the diet for this type of disease will differ slightly from the above, and also follow the following principles:

  1. Availability of broths on meat and fish;
  2. Replacing milk with only fermented milk products;
  3. Consumption of any fruits and berries, as well as juices from them;
  4. Eating salty and pickled foods.

So, a diet with low acidity will look like this:

Appointment numberDishes
Rice porridge

Any decoction

3Rassolnik with meat broth
Mashed potatoes

Pickled cucumbers or gherkins

5Buckwheat without salt
Fish cutlets
Thin pancakes with kefir
Berry jam or honey
2Homemade crackers
Berry jelly
3Boiled low-fat fish
Scrambled eggs
Buckwheat porridge

Black tea

2Fruit juice
3Boiled pink salmon
Potato puree
5Fruit salad
Vegetable smoothie
3Sorrel soup with meat broth
Mashed potatoes with Korean carrots
5Buckwheat porridge
Fish cutlets
6Drinking yogurt
Rice porridge

Black tea

2Berry jelly
3Boiled lean fish
Zucchini puree
4Citrus smoothie
5Boiled beef
Carrot-apple salad
Soft-boiled eggs
Orange peel tea
2Rye bread
3Carrot soup with meat broth
Mashed potatoes


5Meat cutlets

pumpkin juice

Jam or honey

Herb tea

Rose hip decoction
4Dried fruits
5Boiled pink salmon
Potato puree
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