Homemade enema for constipation with chamomile
Technique for performing an enema The technique for performing the procedure is almost the same. Depending on the purpose of treatment, it may
How to cleanse the gallbladder from bile stagnation
Functions of the gallbladder The main function of the organ is the accumulation of bile produced in the liver, followed by
How long does it take for activated charcoal to work for constipation?
Activated carbon weakens or strengthens
Activated carbon is an absorbent agent with high surface activity. It prevents the absorption of toxic
Anti-inflammatory herbs for the gut
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How to cleanse the intestines before visiting a proctologist
People often think that visiting a proctologist is something scary and terrible. Many people just
coffee enema how to do
Cleansing enema for weight loss at home
The number of antioxidants that neutralize toxins increases. A cup of coffee will not replace a coffee enema due to different routes
How effective is monitor bowel cleansing?
Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it? Indications, preparation and procedure
Monitoring cleansing (AMOC, colon hydrotherapy) is washing the intestines with a special device, as a result of which
Constipation in a child
How to soften stool during constipation: doctor's advice
Long-term constipation is dangerous due to the reabsorption of waste products into the blood and increasing intoxication of the body. By
What foods cleanse the liver and pancreas. What is harmful to the pancreas and what foods are beneficial. What foods benefit the glands?
Health 10/23/2016 The human body is designed in such a way that all organs and systems in it
Diet for diseases of the pancreas and liver
Currently, store shelves are bursting with all kinds of products in beautiful, bright wrappers. But