What fruits are allowed for stomach ulcers?

Lemon for gastritis: is it possible or not?

Gastritis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the gastric mucosa. The main signs of the disease are acute and prolonged pain, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and heartburn. It occurs against the background of poor nutrition and bad habits. Gastritis requires serious therapy, which includes dietary restrictions and taking special medications.

Beneficial features

Lemon is the fruit of the tree of the same name. Belongs to the citrus family. Lemon juice contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body - vitamins and microelements. The calorie content of 100 g of fruit is only 30 kcal. Carbohydrate component – ​​about 4%.

The composition includes substances such as:

  • Carotenoids;
  • Vitamin A;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Pantothenic acid;
  • Citric acid (8%);
  • Vitamin B1;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Rutin;
  • Thiamine;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Pectin;
  • Apple acid;
  • Galacturonic acid;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin B2;
  • Fructose;
  • Glucose;
  • Ascorbic acid (60-80 mg);;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Essential oils.

This composition determines the wide range of beneficial properties that this fruit has. The main ones:

  • Natural antiseptic – disinfects, reduces inflammation;
  • Anti-inflammatory property;
  • Regulation of metabolic processes;
  • Regulation of acidity (recommended for gastritis due to low stomach acidity);
  • Strengthening the immune system (increases the body's ability to resist inflammation).

Despite the large number of useful substances, you need to know that consuming lemons can be harmful to health :

Store MAMED.ua

Most people associate apricots with the warm summer sun, which blissfully gives everyone, without exception, a wonderful mood.

It has already been proven by scientists and doctors that the beneficial properties of this bright, juicy fruit are essential for health, and during its ripening season, every person needs to eat at least 3-5 kilograms of apricots.

This norm will allow you to make a “vitamin reserve” for the whole winter.

But if you did not have time to “consume” the required amount, then do not be upset. A good alternative to fresh fruits are dried apricots - dried apricots. It is used to make compotes, filling pies, added to porridge and eaten in its natural form.

Fruit dryers are perfect for harvesting dried apricots. They will dry them out in a short period of time, without damaging the vitamin content of the fruit. Thus, dried fruit can be available at any time of the year, and if you take care of its preparation, then the need to go to supermarkets to purchase dried apricots of unknown origin will disappear by itself.

Dried apricots: calorie content and composition

Properly dried dried apricots have a not too bright orange color and a delicate, sweetish taste. Without exception, all vitamins, essential microelements and beneficial substances that are inherent in fresh fruits. They bring great benefits to the human body. It is noteworthy that the nutritional value of the fruit is completely preserved even after drying.

The vitamin composition of dried apricot is varied and quite rich. It contains:

  • nicotinic acids (PP vitamin group);
  • carotene (group of vitamins A);
  • everyone's favorite ascorbic acid (vitamin group C);
  • vitamins B1, B2, and B5.

The mineral composition of this wonderful dried fruit is simply amazing. It contains:

  • potassium and calcium necessary for health;
  • magnesium with phosphorus;
  • iron, which improves blood quality;
  • copper with manganese and cobalt.

This is only a small list of minerals that have a significant weight in the total mass. No known dried fruit has a similar mineral composition.

Nutritional value of dried apricots

The nutritional value of dried apricots is pleasantly surprising. 100 grams of dried fruits contain:

  • protein – 5.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 51 g;
  • fats about 0.3 g.

The beneficial properties of dried apricots also lie in the fact that they contain fiber, ash, starchy components, and organic beneficial acids.

Calorie content of dried apricots

The calorie content of dried apricots is 232 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Dried apricot is a storehouse of health, vitamins and microelements. In folk medicine it is used quite often. As it turned out, with its help you can cure many different complex diseases, and moreover, even prevent the emergence of new ones.

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are undeniable:

  • It is recommended to use it when restoring the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. So, if you suffer from frequent constipation, then use the old method of our ancestors: place 3-4 dried apricots in a glass, pour boiling water over it and leave to steep for 10-12 hours. In the morning, before eating, eat soaked fruit and be sure to drink all the liquid from the glass.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Dried apricots can resist the occurrence of cancer. Cancer is the scourge of modern society. Poor nutrition, stress, genetics - all this leads to serious consequences. But if you make it a habit to regularly eat dried apricots (several pieces a day), you can prevent the onset of cancer or slow down the progression of the disease if, unfortunately, this happens.
  • With the help of dried apricots, you can cure vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis in any person, regardless of his age.
  • Dried apricots are useful in the treatment of kidney failure and thyroid diseases.
  • If you have poor eyesight, you should definitely eat dried apricots every day, drink compotes and jelly from them.
  • Helps balance hormonal levels.
  • Dried apricots are extremely useful for anemia and are vital for those who have low hemoglobin levels.
  • When cleansing the body of toxins and slagging, it is recommended to use dried apricots. It is enough to eat it in its natural form or drink infusions.

Harm of dried apricots, contraindications for use

Dried apricots have a lot of beneficial properties; they have a positive effect on the human body and saturate it with vitamins. But, still, like any other product, it has its contraindications, although minimal.

The possible harm from eating dried apricots can be great if you choose low-quality dried fruit. Most often, stores can sell artificially bright fruits that have this color due to chemicals. If you eat a large amount of such a product, the body may suffer from chemical pollination. It is better to choose dull fruits that have been dried naturally.

You should not consume more than 100 grams per day, otherwise you may get an upset stomach. This is also a contraindication for people with pancreatitis.

The harm of dried apricots is that it has the ability to lower blood pressure, so people with hypotension are advised to consume a minimum amount of dried apricots, or avoid it altogether.

Before use, you need to know about the contraindications for use of dried apricots. It is better to avoid dried fruit if you suffer from:

  • Serious stomach disorders, intestinal diseases. Constant use can cause the condition to worsen.
  • Diabetes mellitus. The presence of glucose and fructose in the composition can have a detrimental effect on a person with such a disease.
  • Obesity. Frequent consumption of dried apricots as a snack or dessert should be avoided. But what’s interesting is that if you want to make a fasting day for your body, then dried apricots will help you spend it correctly. 500 grams of dried apricots should be divided into equal 6 parts and eaten throughout the day.
  • Ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines. It can cause bloating and diarrhea.
  • Food allergies. Be sure to consult your doctor about this. If you notice that after eating dried apricots you feel sick, then it is quite possible that you are experiencing an allergic reaction.

Source: https://mamed.ua/blog/sushenye-abrikosy-polza-i-vred

Is it possible to eat lemon if you have gastritis?

Based on the fact that lemon juice contains a large amount of various organic acids, its use is not always allowed for those suffering from gastritis.

With increased acidity

Eating completely for people who suffer from a hyperacid form of gastritis (with high acidity), as well as gastrointestinal diseases such as pancreatitis and ulcers.

Eating lemons for gastritis normalizes the production of acids, but can cause an increase in their concentration, so there are restrictions .
Since lemon juice in its pure form is a strong irritant to the mucous membranes, doctors recommend mixing it with honey or olive oil so that when it enters the body, it has exclusively beneficial properties:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Regenerating;
  • Antiparasitic.

Low acidity

Lemons can only be used as food for those suffering from gastritis who have been given a form called hypoacid, characterized by a reduced acid content in the gastric juice.

In this case, lemon has a positive effect on the body and restores the acid content to normal. It also prevents the occurrence of disorders associated with the absorption of proteins.

Calcium, which is part of lemon juice, has a positive effect on the body, relieving stress, which helps accelerate positive changes in the treatment of gastritis.

Ulcer, pancreatitis and other aggravating diseases

In limited quantities, lemon can be included in the diet only for those who have reduced secretion .

It is recommended to dilute a small amount of lemon juice in water, tea or mix with other juices - peach or pear. The use of lemon in its pure form is prohibited.

Accordingly, there are restrictions on the use of lemon for gastritis:

  • Avoid if there is increased acidity;
  • The disease is in the acute stage;
  • There are other gastrointestinal diseases - pancreatitis or ulcers.

It is recommended to use lemon in your diet as follows:

  • Remove the zest from the fruit (or slice), as it is too hard and will be a source of additional irritation for the gastric mucosa;
  • Use juice to add to liquid.

Sometimes you are allowed to eat one slice of lemon with sugar. Restrictions on daily juice consumption - no more than 2-3 tablespoons . Preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory. A good form of consuming lemon is to mix its juice with the pulp of pears or peaches, honey or vegetable oil.

It is recommended to refuse or reduce consumption of lemon in food if there are intestinal diseases such as:

In case of increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane - complete exclusion from the menu.

Otherwise, only in diluted form after meals. The presence of heartburn or problems with the esophagus requires additional examination by a specialist. Only after receiving the results can we talk about the possibility of using lemon in food.

Lemon water

The video below talks about water with lemon for gastritis, we recommend watching it.

And the second video is about lemon water.

Tea with lemon

Is it possible to have tea with lemon for gastritis? If you have no special contraindications, then you can.

What causes increased stomach acidity?

Stomach acidity is a measure of the acid content in the gastric juice.

There are 2 main zones in the gastric mucosa - one produces hydrochloric acid, the other produces bicarbonates to neutralize it. Thanks to the acidic environment, food is broken down and absorbed by the body.

Also in the stomach there are cells that produce mucus with an alkaline reaction. This helps reduce acidity levels and neutralize the effect of gastric juice on the stomach walls.

Hydrochloric acid must be released rhythmically, otherwise the formation of an inflammatory process or gastritis can be expected.

Thus, in the human stomach there is both an aggressive and a protective environment. There must be a balance between them, otherwise treatment will be required.

Body acidity is measured in pH units. If this indicator is 7, then the environment is considered neutral, above 7 - alkaline, below 7 - acidic.

In the lumen of the body of the stomach of a healthy person, the acidity on an empty stomach is 1.5 - 2.5 pH; at the time of eating, this figure can decrease to 5-6 pH.

Theoretically, the maximum possible acidity level in the stomach is 0.86 pH. It should also be noted that this indicator varies in different parts of the stomach - from 1.5 pH in its upper part to 6.5 pH in the lower part.

Currently, intragastric pH-metry is recognized as the most accurate method for measuring acidity, when measurements are taken directly in the gastrointestinal tract.

Acid risks escaping into the esophagus

It can be measured in other ways, for example, by fractional probing or using ion exchange resins. However, such methods are recognized as very inaccurate and are practically not used.

In pH testing, a probe with one or more pH sensors is inserted into the human body. This method allows you to measure acidity over time in several areas of the stomach.

Depending on the diagnostic tasks, the following types of pH measurement are distinguished:

  • express pH-metry;
  • short-term pH measurement;
  • daily pH-metry;
  • endoscopic pH-metry.

Gastric neutralizing function may also need to be assessed. If this indicator is more than 4 pH, then the function is considered compensated, in the range from 1.5 pH to 3.9 pH - subcompensated, below 1.5 pH - decompensated.

Causes and symptoms of increased acidity

An imbalance in the stomach can lead to both low and high acidity. Both of these diseases need to be treated.

The reasons why acidity increases can be divided into two groups - external and internal.

External ones include:

  • unhealthy diet (eating large amounts of fatty, spicy, smoked foods, irregular meals, constantly eating fast food);
  • smoking;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • stress;
  • working with harmful chemicals;
  • self-treatment at home;
  • medications that affect the walls of the stomach.

Internal reasons:

  • parasitic diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • genetic factors;
  • lack of microelements, amino acids and vitamins in the body;
  • chronic infectious diseases.

With increased acidity of the body, gastritis almost always occurs. It can be divided into three types:

  1. type A (the reasons for its appearance are genetic abnormalities);
  2. type B or antral gastritis (the main reasons for its appearance are the contents of the duodenum getting back into the stomach or the bacterium Helicobacter pylori);
  3. type C (caused by medications, chemical poisoning or regular alcohol consumption).

If erosions form on the surface of the gastric mucosa, then such gastritis is classified as erosive.

According to statistics, such gastritis has to be treated much more often in young people than in adults or the elderly.

The main symptoms of increased stomach acidity are pain in the lower chest between the ribs and heartburn. This is how excess acid enters the esophagus.

Basically, these signs appear after consuming sour, fatty or spicy foods or carbonated drinks.

The disease causes pain

If these symptoms occur frequently, you should consult a doctor, check your acidity level and undergo appropriate treatment.

You can also note belching after eating, nausea or vomiting, and constipation as symptoms. Intestinal colic, apathy, loss of appetite and redness of the tongue with a whitish-gray coating are also signs of the disease.

Based on the above complaints, the doctor can make a diagnosis, but it will not be accurate, since similar symptoms are also observed with a stomach ulcer.

It is recommended to carry out pH testing, diagnose acidosis and begin treatment to reduce acidity levels.

With constant increased acidity, the body begins to suffer from other problems: metabolic disorders, joint pain, allergic manifestations, deterioration of immunity, constant weakness, nervous excitability.

Gastritis? Ulcer? To prevent a stomach ulcer from turning into cancer, drink a glass...

The best FOLK remedy for GASTRITIS and stomach ulcers!

Medical and folk methods to reduce acidity

Self-treatment at home can be carried out, but it will only help to temporarily eliminate symptoms and improve well-being.

Therefore, doctors do not recommend treating high acidity at home. Also, such treatment can worsen old signs of the disease and develop new symptoms.

Therefore, high acidity can be completely cured only after visiting a doctor and following his recommendations.

The drugs intended for this purpose will help you get rid of heartburn and discomfort in the stomach - Rennie, Gaviscon, Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel.


These tablets help the body fight excess hydrochloric acid. They should be taken when the symptoms of the disease are most severe.

To reduce the production of acid in the body, the doctor may also prescribe tablets such as Famotidine, Ranitidine (they cannot be used for a long time, as they negatively affect hormonal levels) or Omez, Pantoprazole, Controloc (considered the most effective to remove signs of high acidity) .

If the patient does not have the opportunity or desire to take these drugs, then the acidity can be reduced by drinking a glass of milk.

This natural medicine helps reduce stomach discomfort.

You can also combat high acidity by drinking baking soda, but in no case should you overdose.

Otherwise, alkalosis may develop, that is, the acid-base balance throughout the body will be disrupted.

A good folk remedy for heartburn is to steam 3-4 mint leaves in a glass of water and drink it, or eat fresh basil after every meal.

It is also recommended to use palm sugar instead of regular beet sugar, as it helps normalize acidity.

You can also lower its level in the stomach by drinking up to 8 glasses of water every day.

Folk remedies for high acidity

Thus, at home you can eliminate the signs of the disease and improve your well-being, but completely increased stomach acidity must be treated in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

All of the above medications are taken for about 8 days, but for each individual case, treatment may last a different time.

In any case, all prescribed tablets only help to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and temporarily neutralize the production of excess acid in the body.

High acidity cannot be cured without a special diet.

Diet for high stomach acidity

Any treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract requires adherence to a strict diet. Proper nutrition is the key to successful recovery.

First of all, any consumption of fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods should be prohibited. The list of prohibited products also includes alcohol, coffee, and carbonated drinks. Sweets are also prohibited.

If there are no exacerbations, you can eat chocolate or ice cream once a week. It is recommended to cook with vegetable oil, sunflower or olive.

It is undesirable to add various sauces, marinades, and ketchups to food. You can eat vegetable soups or lean meat, porridge (with the exception of millet, barley and pearl barley - they are poorly digestible by the stomach), vegetables with a low fiber content (carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage).

It is also allowed to eat fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits and berries, but in times of exacerbations they should be abandoned altogether.

Regular consumption of milk, non-acidic kefir and sour cream will also help reduce acidity. A good way to reduce acidity is alkaline mineral water.

It belongs to the hydrocarbonate group with a high salt content. The following brands are recommended: “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” No. 4 and No. 17, “Polyana Kvasova”.

Meals during the diet should be fractional, that is, you need to eat in small portions, but several times a day. Overeating increases acidity.

It is recommended to eat bread that has been sitting for at least a day, not fresh; you can drink weak green tea, jelly, and dried fruit compote. You should also get rid of bad habits, in particular smoking.

Tobacco smoke corrodes the walls of the stomach, which contributes to the development of gastritis and exacerbation of symptoms of high acidity.

If acidity in the body increases, you must consult a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment, take medications, follow a diet, and give up bad habits.

Otherwise, this can lead to gastritis, as well as to more serious diseases - stomach or duodenal ulcers.

If you follow a diet and follow your doctor's prescriptions for medication, treating high acidity is not that difficult.

Side effects and contraindications

The negative effect of lemon is expressed in an increase in the concentration of acid in the stomach, which can worsen the health of a person suffering from gastritis. In addition, under the influence of an irritant, the inflamed gastric mucosa begins to work harder, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment and causes pain. In some cases, vomiting and severe nausea are present.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis is the main contraindication to the medicinal use of these citrus fruits in a nutritional program. This is due to the fact that the pancreas is under heavy load at this moment. Peptic ulcers in any stage and form are a contraindication to consuming lemon.

Tips and tricks

The main advice that should be given to those suffering from gastritis is that even if the doctor has allowed to include lemon in a nutrition or treatment program, you should not overdo it in its use - just 1-2 cloves are enough to get the necessary set of vitamins and microelements, support the body and strengthen it .
Consultation with your doctor is an important step on the path to recovery. It is forbidden to independently draw up a therapy program, since self-medication without the appropriate knowledge can aggravate the condition. You should also completely give up bad habits - first of all, drinking alcohol.

Thus, lemons for gastritis can be part of a treatment program, but only after consultation and examination with a doctor.

Recipes for cooking dishes with raisins for gastritis and stomach ulcers

Recipes for gastritis must be gentle and take into account all the nuances of these diseases. If you eat improperly, all the treatment you have undertaken is reduced to zero. The variety of raisin varieties allows it to be used in various dishes. Small, seedless berries are often found in sweet culinary products, chocolate bars and candies. Medium-sized raisins with seeds are used to make compotes, and large, usually light-colored berries are considered favorites in oriental cuisine.

Raisins can be an excellent addition to porridges - oatmeal, millet, semolina. Once boiled, it will not lose its properties, and will no longer irritate the mucous membranes. For those who love sweets, dessert can be replaced with a spoonful of steamed raisins.

How to choose the right raisins:

  • white grapes turn light brown when dried: if the proposed product is light golden in color, it is treated with preservatives. Dark grapes produce raisins with a slight purple tint;
  • Naturally, dried raisins do not have shine: if the product is shiny, oil, usually mineral, has been added to it. Such oils are harmful to the body and can only be removed by washing with hot water;
  • raisins should be elastic, hard, fleshy without visible damage: each berry of high-quality raisins should have a tail - this is an indicator of the correct drying process;
  • if the raisins are packaged , you need to choose transparent packaging through which the fruit can be seen.

Rice casserole in a slow cooker recipe

To prepare the casserole you will need one glass of rice, one glass of milk, one glass of water, 100 grams of sugar, two tablespoons of raisins, five eggs, salt, a few drops of vanilla.

Boil the rice with milk and water, turning on the “Porridge” program. Cool. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar. Mix the yolks with raisins and rice. Beat the whites until stiff peaks form; gradually add the whites to the rice, stirring gently. Pour the rice dough into a greased multicooker bowl. Bake on the “Baking” program for 50 minutes.

Raisins can be an excellent addition to oatmeal and millet semolina porridges

Rice roll with fruits and raisins recipe

Needed for cooking:

50 grams of rice, 100 grams of milk, 20 grams of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, half an egg, 50 grams of apples, 20 grams of raisins, 25 grams of water.

Grind the rice in a coffee grinder. Mix with milk and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add sugar, cool. Beat the egg with butter and mix with rice porridge. Place 1 cm thick on gauze moistened with water. Place a layer of chopped apples and raisins on top and roll up. Place the roll on a greased frying pan and steam.

Millet porridge with raisins and cottage cheese recipe

Sort the millet; rinse in several waters until the draining water becomes clear. Place in a saucepan, add plenty of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and drain the water. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour boiling milk over the millet. Add salt, sugar and butter. Cover loosely and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Rinse the raisins thoroughly. If it is very dry, soak it in hot boiled water for 20 minutes. Drain the water. Add cottage cheese and raisins to the porridge, mix thoroughly. Wrap the pan in a blanket and let the porridge brew for 25–30 minutes. To prepare you will need one glass of millet, 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 grams of raisins, two glasses of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of sugar, butter to taste.


  • https://gastritinform.ru/www.calorizator.ru/product/nut/raisins
  • https://newsomsk.ru/oreol/news/86395-izyum_vred_i_polza/
  • https://gastritinform.ru/russmed.ru/
  • https://polzavred-edi.ru/izjum-polza-i-vred-dlja-organizma/

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What fruits can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

The question of what fruits can be eaten if you have a stomach ulcer is of interest to many. After all, lemons, apples, blueberries, bananas are not just tasty: our body needs them as a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

What should an ulcer sufferer do, because this terrible diagnosis imposes many restrictions on the patient, which also apply to food.

Of course, vitamins found in fruits (for example, lemon or apple) can be replaced with synthetic ones. But they are unlikely to be able to replace the taste of these unusually tasty products. Alas, you will have to give up many of nature’s delicious gifts, but not all of them.

Advice from nutritionists

Patients with stomach ulcers are forced to follow strict dietary rules. And this is inevitable, since any mistake in nutrition aggravates the disease. But this does not mean that a person with an ulcer should constantly sit on viscous porridge and pureed soup. The diet, especially in the remission stage, is quite varied. It is even allowed to eat certain fruits if you have a stomach ulcer. You just need to know the basic features regarding their use, which actually do not differ from the basic principles of nutrition for ulcers:

  • the consumption of any sour types of fruit is prohibited;
  • consumption should be limited to two standard servings per day;
  • It is better to eat fruits for stomach ulcers, baked or pureed;
  • It is advisable to peel permitted fruits from hard peels;
  • Jelly, compotes and fruit drinks are allowed;
  • You should be careful with freshly squeezed juices and fruit and vegetable smoothies, observing your personal reaction.

Important! All fruits, without exception, can provoke flatulence, accumulation of gases, and increase acid formation.

To determine which fruits and vegetables are allowed if you are sick, you should consult your doctor.

Therefore, doctors advise ulcer sufferers to focus when creating a menu not only on the requirements and recommendations of the diet, but also on their own feelings.

However, there is a list of permitted fruits, which consists of:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • sweet plums;
  • berries;
  • bananas

As for prohibited foods, they are very individual, but usually fruits like:

  • peaches;
  • melons;
  • any types of citrus fruits;
  • kiwi;
  • grapes

If you have an ulcer, you can eat pears and plums

The list can be supplemented during an exacerbation with other fruits, even apples, if they are sour.

The topic of fruits for ulcer sufferers is quite important, but controversial. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell on the most common and favorite types of fruits and consider recommendations for their consumption.

Apples for ulcers

These fruits are considered simply unique for patients with digestive problems. Therefore, apples are allowed to be consumed for stomach ulcers. But some recommendations should be followed to prevent the patient’s condition from worsening.

Fruits for stomach ulcers

For stomach ulcers, you can include the following fruits in your diet:

  • You can eat ripe pears and apples. However, it is necessary to take into account that they should be peeled and preferably grated using a grater. You can add carrots to them - this will make them much healthier;
  • plums are also possible, but only sweet ones. They are much better digestible if you peel them;
  • berries can be consumed only if they are ripe and sweet;
  • you can also eat bananas. They make the acidity neutral.

A person suffering from a stomach ulcer will have to forget about fruits such as:

  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • citrus fruits, including lemon (but we are talking only about lemon in its “pure form”);
  • melons

These fruits for stomach ulcers lead to sudden changes in acidity, causing strong fermentation, which is very harmful for stomach pathologies.

Even those fruits that are acceptable for consumption should not be eaten too often, because this type of fiber is difficult to digest.

You can grind them and season them with low-fat yogurt to make a fruit salad. It is also useful to eat baked fruits. In this form, they are well absorbed, harmless to the stomach, and nutrients enter the body in the easiest way.

Avocados have a special place. It can be consumed raw for this illness. This fruit has sufficient fat content, but there is very little sweetness and acidity in it.

Fruit juices must be drunk very carefully, as almost all of them increase gastric acidity.

You can safely take potato, cabbage and viburnum juices. Fruit juices promote fermentation in the stomach, so it is best to take them thirty minutes before meals.

What effect do the fruits we are accustomed to from childhood have on the body of a person suffering from gastric ulcer?


Apples can be consumed in peeled form for ulcers. But you should not eat sour and green fruits.

Who absolutely should not eat raisins?

Switch to English sign up. Phone or email. Only occasionally can they be included in your menu for patients in the background. Grapes, raisins for stomach ulcers.

The chemical composition of fresh berries includes all the elements required by the body for... If you have an individual intolerance to raisins. Raisins are contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers during the period.

Everything about raisins, their chemical composition, nutritional value, presence of vitamins, etc. Why does this happen, what berries are good for stomach ulcers? Grapes are allowed in the following cases: Raisins for stomach ulcers. Grapes, which have a thick skin and can, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, cause fermentation processes in the stomach, contain substances. Diet for duodenal ulcer.

It is characterized by acute inflammation of the gastric and duodenal mucosa. Today on our agenda are raisins, medicinal properties, benefits. For peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. During an exacerbation, food for a stomach ulcer should contain everything. It's no secret that raisins are berries dried in a special way. For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, especially in the stage. Cranberries, as well as lingonberries, are prohibited in the diet for stomach ulcers. Knowing which fruits are good for stomach ulcers is necessary for everyone who follows...

Harm and benefits of walnuts and peanuts for stomach and duodenal ulcers. You need to thoroughly chop and mix 1 kg of dried apricots, raisins, kernels, 4-5. This article will tell you what fruits you can eat if you have a stomach ulcer. It is better to eat raisins instead of grapes. Sweet, okay. What fruits can and cannot be eaten if you have a stomach ulcer. In the dietary menu, raisins for stomach ulcers are offered as a sweet treat for breakfast or afternoon snack. A handful of dried fruits. You can eat raisins if you have a stomach ulcer.

By the way, I read the diet plan for patients with stomach ulcers. So, it was written there that at. Dried grapes help eliminate pain and irritation that arise. What fruits are good for stomach ulcers? Dried apricots, dates, raisins should never be consumed in their pure form for stomach diseases. It is best to cook compote from the fruits and...

In case of acute pancreatitis, raisins are not allowed to be consumed, however. Conducts diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grapes - 65 kcal, and raisins - kcal; Plum - 60 kcal, and prunes - kcal. With a stomach and duodenal ulcer, the entire body suffers. Can you eat raisins if you have a stomach ulcer? Both garden and wild berries are a real storehouse of useful substances for the body, that’s why all of them. Therapeutic diets for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

When the porridge is almost ready, add washed raisins, sugar, vanillin. Those who practice is it possible to eat dried apricots, raisins, and prunes if you have a stomach ulcer, and plan the indoor bowling alley extremely recklessly.

Calorie content per gram of black, white raisins is presented. The calorie content of raisins is kcal per gram of product. Raisins are not recommended for use if you have diabetes or stomach ulcers.

It is contraindicated for tuberculosis and heart disease. How to eat deliciously when you have a stomach ulcer. Menu for. Nutrition rules for gastritis and stomach ulcers.. Mix the yolks with raisins and rice. Causes of stomach and duodenal ulcers...

Despite the obvious benefits, raisins have contraindications for consumption in case of obesity, enterocolitis, stomach ulcers. The diet for ulcers and gastritis with high acidity consists of dishes... For gastritis and stomach ulcers, many foods, including vegetables, fruits,... Raisins are contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Diet for stomach or duodenal ulcers. Emphatically join and choose a neurotic drink if the form is excitedly consistent.

We are preparing a healing mixture of aloe, honey, raisins and yeast for stomach ulcers. Raisins for pancreatitis and other dried fruits: can they be consumed?

Dark or black raisins certainly rank highest. It is also contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Traditional methods for treating stomach and duodenal ulcers. Add raisins, dried apricots and honey to the sauerkraut brine. Drink small amounts. For those who like the sweetish taste of pilaf, you can add raisins to the rice. Golden dried apricots, delicious raisins, exquisite figs, soft.

Dried apricots, raisins, nuts, honey and lemon are a pantry of vitamins for immunity and... Dried fruits in a mother’s diet: is it possible to eat raisins during breastfeeding? But at the same time, for mothers suffering from diabetes, stomach ulcers and acute. Raisins were first eaten in ancient Rome. Then it's in. Show more posts.

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Fruits for stomach ulcers: apples, pears, bananas, pomegranate, persimmon, lemon and others

All gastrointestinal diseases impose certain restrictions on the patient in the selection of food products. Stomach diseases are no exception. However, such restrictions do not mean that sick people cannot treat themselves to something tasty, especially in the summer, when there are so many juicy and ripe berries and fruits around. All that remains is to find out which fruits are good for an ulcer, and which ones are best temporarily avoided.

Rules for eating fruits

All fruits for stomach ulcers should be consumed in moderation, since they rarely undergo heat treatment before entering the digestive organ. When dieting, you can’t rely only on fruits - this can only harm the digestive system, depriving yourself of a balanced diet. The body always needs a supply of all elements for proper functioning.

Most fruits should be peeled before consumption. This is due to modern agricultural technologies that use chemicals to process fruits that are difficult to wash off with running water. But dried fruits freed from their acids are more preferable in the diet.

What fruits can you eat if you have an ulcer?

Fruits allowed for consumption include:

In this case, you can only eat ripe and sweet fruits, preferably peeled.

But fruits for stomach ulcers are not recommended for consumption:

As for these fruits, they promote fermentation and surges in acidity, which is extremely harmful for people with a sick stomach. And any other fruit in large quantities will be harmful to the patient, since by their structure they are all fiber, which is quite difficult to digest if there is a lot of it.

In order to somehow facilitate the digestion of fruits, it is recommended to grate them or eat them in the form of finely chopped fruit salad with natural yogurt. Another option is to bake fruit. Avocado can be especially noted. If you have a stomach ulcer, avocado can be eaten raw without fear, since it is quite fatty and not sweet or sour.

As for juices, they should be drunk with extreme caution, since most juices increase the acidity of the stomach. And if in one case they can help, then in another they can harm. The exception is juices from cabbage, potatoes or viburnum. And again, all juices cause fermentation in the patient’s stomach, so they can only be taken before meals (half an hour before), but not after meals.

Let's look at the influence of the most common and familiar fruits for us, as well as their effect on the patient's body.

Apples for ulcers

Let's figure it out, is it possible to eat apples for peptic ulcers?
Apples can be eaten if you have a stomach ulcer, but it is advisable to peel them first. It is important that only sweet varieties can be included in the anti-ulcer diet. These fruits are very useful because they contain large quantities of pectin, minerals and vitamins. A special feature of these fruits is their almost complete hypoallergenicity, which is why they are included in almost all fruit salads. Most people can consume them without risk to their health.

Separately, it is worth noting the benefits of baked apples for stomach ulcers, because Heat treatment makes it easier to digest foods and reduces the amount of gastric juice required for processing apples, while these fruits themselves, when baked, do not lose a large amount of vitamins and remain very beneficial for the patient. That is, they can improve the patient’s health and treat gastritis during an exacerbation (during an exacerbation, fruits are consumed only baked).

Pears for ulcers

After apples, pear is the most common fruit in our country, because today there are several thousand varieties of it, most of which are sweet and tasty.
Pear for stomach ulcers is indicated for patients both in remission and during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. But, like apples during exacerbations, it can only be consumed in baked form (it retains most of the beneficial properties during any heat treatment), and when the disease has already receded, then in its raw form, having previously peeled it.

The peculiarity of the pear is its low calorie content with a high nutritional level in combination with the content of vitamins B, K, PP, C, A and microelements cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, pectin and folic acid. This is very important, since the same potassium is necessary for cell regeneration, without which recovery is impossible.

When eating pears, it is important to know moderation and not eat more than 2 pears per day. For patients with peptic ulcers, it is better if this fruit is eaten half an hour after meals, and the main meal should not contain meat. Also, after drinking a pear, it is not recommended to drink for half an hour, especially if the water is cool, as this can lead to increased pain in gastrointestinal diseases.

Bananas for ulcers

With the fruits that are familiar to us, such as apples and pears, everything is clear.
What about exotic fruits? For example, can you eat bananas if you have an ulcer? Bananas are extremely useful for stomach ulcers, so they not only can, but also should be included in the patient’s diet. The fact is that bananas contain substances that can kill Helicobacter Pylori, the bacterium that causes this disease. In addition, consumption of this fruit promotes the secretion of a certain mucus that envelops the ulcer.

General recommendations for eating fruits, berries and vegetables

In order for fruits to have a positive effect on the patient’s body, several rules should be followed:

  • Eat fruits not at one time (as a snack), but distribute them into several servings that can be consumed throughout the day;
  • Do not replace liquid with fruit; water must be drunk separately, regardless of the consumption of fruit.

For stomach ulcers, fruits from the following list are allowed, which have virtually no negative effect on the stomach during ulcers:

  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • avocado;
  • pears;
  • plums

Stomach ulcer

Often, nutritionists advise patients with stomach ulcers to follow a diet high in fiber, which helps prevent the disease and helps heal the affected mucosa. Fiber is found in many fruits and vegetables.

The right choice in this case would be the following healthy berries, fruits, and vegetables:

  • strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • pears;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • zucchini squash.

It is also important to ensure that your body gets enough flavonoids (compounds that are also found in fruits and vegetables).

If a patient has a peptic ulcer, he is recommended to eat fruits with a low acid content.

Fruits for stomach ulcers that should be excluded from consumption are all citrus fruits (even if they are beneficial for the body of a healthy person), since grapefruit, oranges, lemons, tangerines, and limes can only aggravate stomach disease with high acidity. For the same reason, you should avoid eating pomegranates.

From vegetables, you should exclude those that contribute to increased gas formation - white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. It is also advisable to minimize the consumption of spicy foods - chili peppers, onions, garlic.

Tomatoes and products based on them, due to their high acid content, can cause pain in patients with ulcers, as they irritate the gastric wall.

If we consider fruits and vegetables according to their beneficial properties, we can note:

  • yellow fruits with a high content of carotenoids have antioxidant physiological activity. Among them are: mango, apricot, watermelon, red pomelo;
  • fruits with vitamin C. These include dates and kiwi. They have a good effect on digestive function and are considered natural antioxidants;
  • Dried fruits contain vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, and many unsaturated fatty acids.

Red types of fruits are useful , including: black currants, grapes, strawberries, raspberries. They contain anthocyanins, which are also considered antioxidants that have the ability to rid the body of free radicals, rejuvenate and prevent cancer.

The following types of fruits and dried fruits are not suitable for eating during an ulcer: lemon, prunes, raisins and others with a high acid content or due to the severity of digestion.

Although there is no special diet for patients suffering from ulcers, it can be noted that certain foods aggravate the symptoms of ulcers and are therefore strictly prohibited during the period of its exacerbation, and even in remission.

For ulcers, it is allowed to eat ripened, sweet fruits or dried fruits (dried fruit compotes), and non-acidic vegetables. Any food that can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause increased secretion should be excluded.

The effect of honey on the body

Natural bee nectar, which does not contain harmful impurities, is collected from environmentally friendly plantings and stored under suitable conditions, allows it to have a healing effect on the human body. Thanks to its rich biochemical composition, it has such healing effects for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • Restores the normal functioning of not only the stomach, but also the intestines.
  • Allows you to stimulate motor skills, and does it quite softly and in a gentle manner.
  • Relieves pain that often occurs with stomach ulcers and other pathological processes.
  • Strengthens the vitality of the body, which helps to recover more quickly and effectively from any illness.
  • Relieves irritation when the mucous membrane is inflamed.

Allowed fruits and their properties

Every patient with this diagnosis must have a list of what fruits can be eaten if they have a stomach ulcer. In fact, there are not so few of them. All species that meet the following criteria are permitted:

  • Do not contain large amounts of acids that irritate the stomach;
  • Easy to digest;
  • Do not cause strong fermentation;
  • Does not increase gas formation;
  • Have a moderate amount of sugar;
  • Have a low risk of an allergic reaction.

Here is what is recommended to include in the diet of people diagnosed with ulcers:

  • Apples. They contain a very important element pectin, which takes part in tissue regeneration processes, helping to heal wounds faster. In addition, apples help increase hemoglobin levels, which often decrease during active disease;
  • Pears. This is the fruit that ulcer sufferers should not be afraid of at all. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa and at the same time supplies the body with large quantities of vitamins A, B2, K. An interesting fact is that patients prefer fresh fruits rather than dried ones;
  • Quince. Its advantage lies in its enveloping effect, which creates additional protection for the stomach;
  • Bananas. They deserve special attention. This yellow fruit helps improve digestion and also stabilize acidity. It is important to choose only ripe, ripe fruits, and also to stimulate the regenerative process of tissues. Bananas are not recommended to be eaten immediately after sleep. The best time for this would be half an hour before lunch or dinner. If the patient has a high level of acidity, then he should eat no more than one fruit per day. In other cases, you can increase the daily dose to 3 fruits;
  • Avocado. It is advisable to consume it raw. Avocados can be eaten even with very high acidity levels. It goes well with vegetables, for example in salads;
  • Plum. It should be consumed in limited quantities, since very large volumes can still provoke stomach irritation. If the fruits are unripe and sour, then you should refuse to eat them. The best option is, of course, sweet soft fruits;
  • Persimmon. It is recommended to use it during the remission stage of the disease. But during an acute period, it is better to pay attention to other more suitable fruits. In general, persimmons are very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Of course, this is not the entire list of fruits allowed for stomach ulcers, so patients do not have to worry that they will not be able to enjoy the sweet gifts of nature.

Since the disease can occur at different stages, it is still worth checking with your doctor for the recommended amount of fruit. This will be influenced not only by the condition of the ulcer, but also by the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What kind of honey is good for ulcers?

But, despite the fact that honey has a general healing effect on the human body, including when problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take into account some specific features of its intake. Very important:

  • Consult your physician. He will be able to give recommendations on taking products, taking into account the level of acidity of gastric juice.
  • Make sure that the body does not reject this type of product. Allergic reactions should not occur, otherwise treatment is impossible.
  • It is necessary to understand that you can take nectar from the hive not only with low acidity, but with high acidity. But it is necessary to take into account in each specific case there are certain nuances.
  • If the patient suffers from high acidity, then it is necessary to stir a small amount of the sweet treat in warm water before use. But, under no circumstances should the water be above 50°C.
  • In case of low acidity, it is also recommended to dilute bee products with water, but take it cool.
  • As for the variety, buckwheat, mustard, chestnut, linden and sunflower varieties are considered ideal for treating any gastrointestinal problems.
  • You shouldn’t use old honey there, but it’s better to use the freshest honey possible to treat the stomach.

Benefits of quince

Quince is a plant of the Rosaceae family. The fruits are spherical or pear-shaped and have the size of a large apple. The color of the fruit depends on the variety, so it can be light yellow or dark yellow. The dense peel is covered with thick soft fibers. Inside there is hard pulp, while it is distinguished by its dryness and sweetish taste. Quince is considered a tart fruit. Inside the fruit there are numerous large brown seeds.

Quince contains a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Considering this, it can be argued that the fruits are an excellent prevention of constipation. Due to these properties, it is recommended to consume quince for people who suffer from obesity. The fruit contains a large amount of antioxidants, which help improve psychological well-being and nervous tension.

Quince contains a large amount of fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Not only the pulp, but also the seeds of the fruit have medicinal properties. For example, a decoction made from seeds is used as a mild laxative and also an enveloping agent. This decoction can also be used when treating respiratory diseases to reduce cough.

Since the decoction has an enveloping property, it can be used as a lotion for eye diseases. Quince juice is also useful; for example, it can be used as a lotion for hemorrhoids to reduce pain. If you prepare a decoction from the leaves of the plant, you can get rid of the manifestations of early gray hair. Crushed cooked fruits are used during the treatment of liver diseases.

Quince for gastrointestinal diseases

People with gastrointestinal disorders should be careful when consuming quince. For gastritis and increased stomach acidity, this fruit is completely contraindicated. The fact is that quince contains a large amount of acids, and its consumption can negatively affect the well-being of people with gastritis.

If you cook with quince, carefully remove the seeds. They contain amygdalin. When combined with gastric juice, it is converted into poisonous cyanide. This is why you need to be careful when preparing quince.

Quince recipes for gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Pour 10 grams of seeds into 1 glass of warm water: shake for 7-9 minutes. The resulting mucus is used orally, 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes after meals for gastritis;
  • atonic constipation: prepare a mucous decoction from the seeds, take in the morning and at night. Quince seeds contain 20% mucilage, which easily swells in water. A decoction of quince roots is used as an antidiarrheal agent (1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals).

Is it possible to have quince for gastritis?

It’s definitely not possible to give a definite answer as to whether quince is allowed for gastritis. The thing is that inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs in 2 forms: with an increase or, conversely, a decrease in acidity.

In both the first and second cases, digestion is disrupted, unpleasant symptoms appear: nagging and sometimes even acute pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, weakness. You can eat quince fruit if you have low gastric secretion. But quince is extremely undesirable for gastritis with high acidity. Even if you eat a small piece, you can negate the entire therapy. And the consequences of consuming quince will not be the most pleasant.

Indications for use

It is for these reasons that honey is used for:

  • Duodenal ulcer.
  • Gastroduodenitis.
  • For stomach ulcers.
  • For ulcerative colitis.
  • For gastritis, both chronic and acute.

After all the main therapeutic effects of honey products have been sorted out, for most consumers, the question of whether it is possible to eat honey for various problems with the gastrointestinal tract and such complex diseases as stomach or duodenal ulcers disappears.


The healing effects on the human body are not in doubt, but it is important to properly prepare appropriate and suitable recipes. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of gastritis and duodenum.


The classic recipe combines butter and honey, which are taken in equal proportions. They are mixed until smooth. It is very important that the butter is natural and does not contain vegetable fats; this is the only way to ensure increased effectiveness of the course of treatment.

You need to take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture in the morning and in the evening 1 hour before meals. During this time, the mixture will have time to act on the gastric mucosa, gently enveloping it and preventing further irritation.

With onion

This food can relieve pain during the treatment of duodenal ulcers. It is extremely simple to prepare:

  • It is necessary to peel 1 kg of onions and grind them in a meat grinder or using a blender.
  • Then you need to cook the vegetable in its own juice without adding water. This is done over very low heat until the onion is completely soft.
  • Then it is necessary to cool at room temperature until the onion mass reaches approximately 40°C.
  • After that, 1 kg of liquid honey is added to the boiled onion. In principle, if the honey is thick, then when added to the warm onion mass, it will become more liquid and will be easy to mix.
  • This composition is taken in a volume of 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before the main meal. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day.

With rose hips

This type of folk recipe is suitable as a cure for gastritis with an increased level of acidity of gastric juice. To prepare this decoction, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Take 100 g of dried rose hips and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Continue boiling the berries for 10 minutes from the moment they boil.
  • It is important to remember that all products that contain any natural acids can be cooked exclusively in enameled, clay or glass fireproof containers. This is due to the fact that these materials do not react chemically with acid and do not release any components into the prepared dish.
  • Then you need to cool the broth at room temperature and drink it one glass at a time, after adding 1 tablespoon of honey.

With aloe

Aloe is known for its healing effect. Therefore, if you mix this component with honey, the treatment of stomach ulcers will be much more effective in combination with traditional therapy. The mixture is prepared as follows:

  • Pick fresh aloe leaves, which should not be young. Squeeze 25 ml of juice from them. This is approximately 2 tablespoons.
  • Mix the resulting component in liquid honey weighing 200 g.
  • Add bear fat there - 15 g.
  • Mix thoroughly and consume 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach - 2 or 3 times a day.

Sweets for gastritis: allowed and prohibited desserts

Most people associate a therapeutic diet with a lot of restrictions and a complete lack of pleasure from eating. But in fact, a properly formed diet can and should consist of delicious dishes and products. And even people with gastritis can eat sweets, the main thing is to know which of them are safe for the inflamed gastric mucosa.

Let's figure out what sweets you can eat with gastritis, which are strictly contraindicated, and how to make your healthy diet more tasty.

But in the remission stage, patients can afford some sweets. You just need to know which desserts can be eaten periodically in small quantities during remission, and which ones cannot.

What sweets are allowed to be consumed?

Fruit marmalade

There are two main requirements for sweets that can be included in the diet for gastritis in remission:

  • they must be natural;
  • they should not cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.

Some desserts for gastritis can be not only safe, but also healthy:

  1. Kissel is a drink that envelops the walls of the mucous membrane and protects it from the aggressive environment of gastric secretion. But if you prepare it from sour berries, the health benefits will be questionable, so a person with an inflammatory process in the upper part of the digestive system should drink jelly only from sweet berries and fruits, preferably with milk.
  2. Cookies for gastritis are a good option for a snack when you feel hungry. It is important that the cookies do not contain chocolate or components that can irritate the mucous membrane: nuts, seeds, dried fruits. If the liver is dry, it is better to eat it with tea or herbal decoction, soaking the confectionery product in it.
  3. Marmalade and marshmallows for gastritis are acceptable for consumption at the stage of remission of the disease. Fruit marmalade is quickly absorbed, and if its composition is as natural as possible, a small amount of dessert cannot cause an exacerbation. Marshmallow contains the useful component agar-agar, which is able to coat the walls of the stomach, like jelly.
  4. For gastritis, you can include beekeeping products in the menu: honey in limited quantities. It can be consumed with tea or added to sweet apple or pear charlotte. It is important to remember that tea and pastries should not be hot: before use, the products must be cooled to room temperature.

The list of foods allowed for gastritis can be supplemented:

  • natural yoghurts;
  • fruit purees from sweet fruits (baked apple, fresh banana);
  • jam (except raspberry);
  • puddings and soufflés.

Banana puree

It is important for the patient to independently monitor the body’s reaction to the use of certain products. Eating should not provoke attacks of pain or any other discomfort in the epigastric region. If such a reaction is caused by foods from the permitted list, they should be excluded from the diet.

What sweets are absolutely contraindicated?

Even with long-term and persistent remission of gastritis, you should not consume sweets that can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. The list of prohibited foods and dishes includes:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • cakes;
  • cookies with yeast, chocolate or nuts;
  • chewing gum;
  • citrus fruits, any sour berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • halva and any oriental sweets with nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • raspberry jam;
  • carbonated drinks.

Harm to the stomach when consuming such products occurs due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, as well as due to the irritating mechanical effect of the mucous membrane when eating rough food. Almost all patients are aware of the mechanical negative effect on the mucous membrane of nuts and desserts based on them (halva, kozinaki), but not everyone knows that dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates) can also injure the digestive tract due to their hard-to-digest peel.

Limiting sweets is controversial

Melted Ice Cream

When classified as safe or harmful for a person with gastritis, it is difficult to classify some products into a specific group:

  • Melted ice cream of good quality with low fat content can lower the acidity level of gastric juice, and, therefore, reduce the clinical manifestations of gastritis. But ice cream, like other sweets from the store, contains components that irritate the mucous membranes: fruit additives, chemical thickeners, sweeteners. The dessert should be made from natural milk, and not from a powder composition. If you have special kitchen equipment, you can make ice cream yourself from high-quality products.
  • Chocolate also causes a lot of controversy among nutritionists as to whether it can be consumed for gastritis. Even high-quality chocolate bars contain a large amount of fat, which provokes increased production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach. This is especially true for milk and white chocolate. However, in the remission stage, a person can afford a couple of pieces of good quality dark chocolate a day after meals.
  • Lollipops, caramels, and sweets are contraindicated in the same way as chocolate. But with stable remission of superficial gastritis, you can afford a few sweets after meals. The problem with the limited amount of sweets allowed for consumption can be partially solved by making candy yourself by mixing fruit puree with sugar. Lollipops should not be chewed to prevent small fragments from injuring the gastric mucosa after swallowing.
  • Homemade jam is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity, but people with low acidity levels can indulge in small amounts of sweetness after meals. To ensure that the jam does not cause an exacerbation of inflammation, it should be washed down with milk (in the absence of contraindications) or a herbal decoction.

It is useful to wash down foods from the controversial list with drinks with enveloping properties, such as jelly, flaxseed decoction.

Thus, it is possible to eat sweets during gastritis outside the acute stage if you monitor the quality and naturalness of desserts, the quantity of sweets and their effect on the diseased organ. Gastritis is a fairly serious disease in which proper diet and nutrition can provide long-term remission, good health, or, as in the case of the autoimmune form of the disease, slowing down the progression of the pathology. Therefore, even permitted desserts should be consumed in very moderate quantities, as an exception.

How and when to use

It is necessary to use taking into account the following features:

  • First make sure there are no allergies.
  • Then take ¼ of the indicated dose and drink it for 1-2 days.
  • After this, you can increase the total volume to ½ of the specified mass - do this for another 1-2 days.
  • And after the patient is convinced that the reaction is exclusively positive, you can drink the entire specified amount.
  • Consider when to take the composition. Most recipes recommend doing this before meals. But some need to be consumed after meals.


Any treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcers, gastritis and other diseases with bee nectar is excluded in the presence of such concomitant diseases as:

  • Diabetes mellitus, regardless of type.
  • Vivid manifestations of allergic reactions.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by an allergic component.

Taking into account all the given recipes and application features, you can achieve good results in the course of treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But it is worth considering that it is not recommended to neglect the medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition, all folk recipes can be effectively combined with other types of medicines.

What fruits are allowed for stomach ulcers?

The presence of a gastric ulcer suggests the need to follow a certain diet. What fruits can patients eat if they have a stomach ulcer? Such fruits perfectly restore the balance of microelements in the organ, which it constantly lacks in such pathology. It should still be remembered that not all types of fruit products, as well as their juices, are shown in this state.

Gastroenterologist Mikhail Vasilievich:

“It is known that for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.) there are special drugs that are prescribed by doctors. But we will not talk about them, but about those medicines that you can use yourself and at home...” Read more >>>

How much and how to use?

If overused, serious digestive disorders can occur.
Eating dried apricots, like any other product, should be in moderation. There is no specific allowed amount for ulcer patients, since the patient must focus on his own well-being. You can eat dried apricots in their pure form and add them to various dishes. Quite tasty and extremely healthy dried fruit compote, for the preparation of which you need:

  1. Take equal amounts of black currants, rowan berries, rose hips, 20 g of prunes and 10 g of dried apricots. Before using dried apricots and plums, you will need to soak them for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix the ingredients, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and add a liter of water.
  3. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Filter and drink throughout the day.

The diet plan for patients diagnosed with a stomach ulcer may include puree soup prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Boil 50 g of dried apricots.
  2. Add 2 apples, pre-cut into slices, and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Boil the ingredients and then grind in a blender.
  4. Dilute a spoonful of starch in water and pour into the soup.
  5. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Raisins will also be useful for stomach ulcers, so they are often combined with dried apricots to make jam. It is necessary to boil dry raisins, apricots, plums in equal quantities and pass the soft dried fruits through a meat grinder. Grind cottage cheese with cream and lay out layers of jam.

Gradation of fruits

In the active treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, many different medications are traditionally used. They are prescribed to eliminate signs of ulcerative tumors. You should always remember that in addition to the positive effect, some drugs have completely the opposite effect. They affect metabolic processes, can reduce immunity, cause irritation in the digestive organ and change its microflora.

Because of this, doctors advise eating more fruits, as they are enriched with amino acids, a full range of vitamins and beneficial microelements. At the same time, fruits for stomach ulcers can partially reduce the negative effects of certain medications. Many people do not even suspect this, considering these products only a source of vitamins.

It is healthier to eat sweet and fully ripe fruits, while simultaneously reducing the amount of sugar in your diet. Fruits like blueberries contain a natural sweetness that replaces the sugar produced in production. Dried fruit is incredibly useful for stomach ulcers, although it is devoid of moisture, however, beneficial microelements are retained for a long time.


And yet, what fruits are good for stomach ulcers? Can you eat apples if you have a stomach ulcer? It is recommended to regularly eat fresh apples and pears. They are quickly absorbed by the body. To facilitate the digestive process and reduce the burden from it, it is advisable to grind these fruits with a grater. At the same time, grated carrots should be added to the resulting mixture - this will not only change the taste, but also add other useful microelements. Apples are useful for stomach ulcers because they contain pectin, which helps tissues recover faster. For this reason, those who doubt whether apples are good for stomach ulcers can safely add this fruit to their diet.

Do not forget about such a healthy fruit as quince. Since it has a tart taste, many people ignore it in vain. It contains many useful components, and the seeds contain mucous substances that help alleviate acute ulcerative symptoms of the disease, becoming a kind of enveloping agent. When eating fresh quince is difficult, you should cook compote. Adding to the drink will help remove unwanted astringency:

Plums are perfectly absorbed by the body for ulcers. They should be consumed after full ripening, having first removed the skin from the fruit. Sweet plum restores metabolic processes, facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and nourishes the body.


Can you eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer? Yes, they are allowed to be used for any gastrointestinal pathology. Bananas are the main fruit included in the diet. They relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa and soften it in the mouth. Bananas help with liver pathologies and dysentery of bacterial origin, as they have antiseptic properties.

You should not ask whether bananas are okay for stomach ulcers, since their pulp has a positive effect on the epithelium and walls of the hollow organ. At the same time, bananas contain pectin and a lot of potassium, which helps restore electrolytic balance. They perfectly saturate the body, do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract at all, improve the digestion process, and restore acidity levels. When eating unripe bananas, you can saturate the body with unique fatty acids that can improve the nutrition of the outer cells of the stomach. A banana diet promotes better recovery.


Gastroenterologists strongly advise consuming more strawberries in the summer, as well as strawberries. These berries contain enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the digestion process and restore the stomach walls. They improve metabolic processes, heal the skin, and nourish the body. You need to eat only ripe berries.

Few people consume viburnum in its pure form, because even when ripe, it remains bitter. But the medicinal infusions and decoctions made from it are excellent.

Sea buckthorn is incredibly useful for stomach ulcers. They make jam from it, squeeze out the juice, and prepare butter. Berries help tissues recover faster and eliminate inflammation. These healing berries must certainly be present in the diet of an ulcer sufferer.


Doctors allow people with ulcers to eat grapes, although very limited. It contains many substances required for the normal development of the body. Berry enzymes restore immunity, stimulate brain activity, relieve the effects of stressful conditions, and prevent cancer pathologies.

Despite all this, grapes are prohibited during and after an exacerbation of an ulcer. Nutritionists recommend limiting the intake of organic acids into the gastrointestinal tract during this period, since they can provoke a relapse of the disease and cause flatulence and indigestion.

You are allowed to eat only sweet, fully ripened grape varieties. You need to eat it little by little. It is convenient to consume the berry like raisins, which must first be steamed with warm water. This softens the fruit, reducing the possibility that it will negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

Blueberries, rose hips and black currants

It is allowed to eat black currants for peptic ulcers, since they contain pectin, tannins and other beneficial ingredients that help strengthen internal tissues and the entire body. It’s worth taking the opportunity to eat blueberries in the summer. It contains a lot of pectin and tannins. However, what is much more important is that these berries fill cells with iron, remove decaying organic matter, and cleanse the intestines. Iron in the berry is contained in compounds that are easily absorbed; the element relieves inflammation and helps heal ulcerative tumors on the epithelium. Blueberry decoction is also useful.

Rose hips have a good effect on ulcerative pathology. It perfectly saturates cells with vitamins, helping them recover. Infusions are prepared from rose hips and oil is made. In its raw state it is usually not consumed, but is first dried. These dried fruits are then brewed with boiling water and drunk as tea.

Benefits of dates for the human body

Dates are a food product that is valued for its composition. After all, they contain a lot of macroelements, vitamins, and amino acids. It is especially worth noting the content of PP, S., A, as well as group B in this product. In addition, dates contain protein, which is also important to note.

Moreover, due to their beneficial properties, dates in combination with milk can be an excellent alternative to sports nutrition.

One way or another, a stomach ulcer requires careful attention to nutrition. You should eat often, but little by little, so as not to overload your stomach. It is imperative to avoid hard and hard foods that can mechanically injure the inflamed gastric walls. You also need to be wary of cold and hot food. Compliance with a thermal diet is an important component of a therapeutic diet.

For diseases of the digestive system, it is important to follow a diet. To consume dates for gastritis with high or low acidity, you need to obtain the approval and recommendations of your doctor, nutritionist or gastroenterologist. Dried fruit is rich in important amino acids and low in calories. Uzvars, compotes are prepared from the product, added to baked goods, salads or porridge and consumed in dried form. The fruits also normalize the production of hydrochloric acid, which prevents heartburn.

Traditional medicine recommendation: eat 5-6 dates after eating a spoonful of fresh honey to eliminate pain due to gastritis. It is advisable to consult a doctor first.

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