Stomach pain radiates to the back, heartburn

Why do my back and stomach hurt at the same time?

Answering questions about whether the back can hurt from the stomach and when this happens, it should be noted that all organs included in the digestive system communicate with the spinal cord through nerve fibers.
The abdominal control center is located primarily in the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord. Based on the nature of the manifestation, 3 categories of pain can be distinguished:

  • Pulling and aching are characteristic of gastritis, diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Paroxysmal, dull pain appears with hepatic colic, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, and increases as stones pass through the ducts.
  • Acute and intense painful sensations are characteristic of ulcers, pancreatitis, and appendicitis.
  • Pulling and aching are characteristic of gastritis, diseases of the female reproductive system.
  • Paroxysmal, dull pain appears with hepatic colic, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, and increases as stones pass through the ducts.
  • Acute and intense painful sensations are characteristic of ulcers, pancreatitis, and appendicitis.

Stomach hurts and radiates to the back - the main causes and methods of treatment

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the localization of pain is often not limited to the abdominal region. Unpleasant sensations can occur anywhere in the back - from the lower back to the upper vertebrae and shoulder blades.

More often, people mistake this warning sign for a symptom not related to the stomach, thinking that they are worried about:

  • Heart and blood vessels.
  • Bronchi or lungs.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar or thoracic spine.

However, if back pain occurs against the background of abdominal discomfort, this may be a manifestation of dysfunction of various organs of the digestive system.


Do not forget that pain in the stomach can be imitated by other organs.

For example, there is an abdominal form of myocardial infarction. Acute myocardial infarction of the lower wall can produce pain resembling a peptic ulcer. In this case, an electrocardiogram will help for differential diagnosis. Severe pain radiates to the area between the shoulder blades. This is associated with a huge number of diagnostic errors. If this condition is not diagnosed in a timely manner, death can occur.

In cases where a person is constantly tormented by pain after eating, radiating to the back, it is advisable to consult a doctor to understand the cause. Most likely, your problem is dealt with by a gastroenterologist, but sometimes it turns out to be another doctor.

Therefore, first of all, visit your therapist's office. If you do not pay attention to the problem for a long time, any disease can only progress.

Most often, the reason lies in the dysfunction of the digestive organs. Stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and sometimes kidneys.

After a person has had lunch, the tension in the gastrointestinal tract increases sharply, and pain syndrome appears.

Shingles pain is a pain that seems to pierce right through. In this case, it goes from the stomach to the back. But it is not a fact that these particular parts of the body suffer. To determine why you are bothered by girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back, you need to feel the pain and additional symptoms very well.

A certain characteristic will help to more accurately indicate the diagnosis. Among the main diseases of the stomach, we can distinguish those that are characterized by pain in the back. This could be an ulcer, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, or liver problems. How can they be separated from each other?

Ulcerative diseases

A stomach and duodenal ulcer is a lesion, a wound on the mucous membrane of the organ. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cutting, sharp sensations in the stomach, especially immediately after eating;
  • girdle pain in the upper abdomen, which radiates to the lower back, right side, shoulder blade or collarbone;
  • stomach muscle tension;
  • sweat, pallor, breathing problems;
  • the acute stage is accompanied by heartburn, sour vomiting;
  • the acute sensation may decrease if the patient lies at rest with his legs pressed to his chest.
  • To diagnose an ulcer, an FGDS is mandatory and comprehensive treatment is prescribed.

    If you do not immediately respond to such symptoms, you may encounter a perforated ulcer, that is, a “torn” wound already in the wall of the stomach. Food from the organ will fall into the abdominal cavity. You need to act immediately, because such a disease carries a risk to life. The patient must urgently consult a doctor and undergo surgery.

    stomach pain radiates to the back

    In this case, the pain begins in the navel area, and then spreads further and further around the abdomen, into the left side, shoulder blade and collarbone. There is no nausea, but the person becomes pale, begins to breathe quickly, and complains of sharp, severe pain in the left side of the back and in the middle of the abdomen.

    If you have symptoms of a perforated ulcer, you must urgently call an ambulance, as this diagnosis is life-threatening!


    Both the older generation and younger people can get back pain.

    When visiting a doctor, the patient must describe in detail where exactly he feels pain and what kind of pain it is. Then the doctor, based on research data and the patient’s complaints, will be able to determine why it hurts under certain circumstances - hypothermia, physical stress, cold or injury.

    Thus, pain when inhaling or exhaling indicates a sprain of ligaments and muscles after heavy exertion. In addition, this is a symptom of certain diseases: renal colic, pleurisy, intercostal neuralgia, cholecystitis, spasms in the gallbladder, pericarditis.

    The most common cause is the food we eat. Irritation of the esophagus (pressing pain) is caused by salty, too hot or cold food.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Certain foods (fatty, cholesterol-rich foods) stimulate the formation or movement of gallstones, causing attacks of biliary colic. Some people are intolerant to certain foods, such as milk, milk sugar or lactose.

    Eating them leads to cramping abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.

    ​So, when is it worth calling a doctor without delay:​

    ​Menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome.​

    Possible causes of abdominal and lower back pain in men

    ​Inguinal hernia.​

    ​presence of problems with the kidneys and bladder;​

    Pain in the stomach radiates to the back, warning of the development or exacerbation of dangerous diseases. They are usually caused by regular poor diet, with the exception of cholecystitis, which can be caused by a common gallbladder infection.

    Any drug treatment, as well as prevention, is impossible without following a special diet. The specifics of therapeutic nutrition and therapy can only be determined by a specialist, but every person who cares about their health can prevent the development of the disease.

    Especially if the symptoms have already made themselves felt.

    The diet includes abstinence from alcohol in any form and quantity. Even a few drops of red wine to increase appetite can cause irreparable harm. A special diet also involves a significant reduction in the amount of fat consumed.

    Girdle pain in the stomach and back can indicate a number of ailments. Diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiac systems can give rise to unpleasant phenomena. Sometimes the reason lies in pathologies of the gastric tract or liver.

    Description There is not only pain in the stomach or slightly above, radiating to the back, but also nausea. After vomiting, short-term relief occurs. It gets better if you take a horizontal position.

    The consistency and color of the stool changes. The following options are possible:

    • diarrhea;
    • softening of stool;
    • presence of mucus or blood;
    • a pungent odor that is not typical for the stool of a healthy person.

    You should contact your local doctor and gastroenterologist. They will conduct an examination and interview, prescribe x-rays and endoscopy, and tell you to take blood and feces tests. Gastric secretion will also be examined.

    At the end and during the diagnosis, the following drugs are prescribed:

    • Metronidazole;
    • Maalox;
    • De-nol;
    • Ranitidine;
    • Almagel.

    You have to follow a strict diet. You should not eat hard – with a hard crust – and fried foods, flour products, sour fruits and berries. It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water 2-3 hours before breakfast. Traditional medicine advises consuming pork fat 20-30 minutes before the first meal. Nature of pain Most often, unpleasant phenomena manifest themselves:

    • in the morning before breakfast;
    • at night;
    • after eating;
    • on empty stomach.

    Often, diseases of certain systems can affect other organs. Therefore, quite often there can be situations in which pain in the stomach radiates to the back. Before you begin to consider possible causes and ways to get rid of them, you should warn about the inadmissibility of self-medication. Even if the symptoms most likely indicate a certain pathology, only a specialist can make a final diagnosis.

    Stomach and back pain – what causes the problem

    Due to the physiological characteristics of the body, female representatives often have pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The reasons for this are:

    • Features of the menstrual cycle;
    • Inflammatory diseases;
    • The presence of cystic neoplasms;
    • Pregnancy period;

    All reasons require a serious approach and mandatory consultation with a gynecologist, who must exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

    ​Why does my stomach and back hurt? There can be many reasons, such back pain is characterized as girdling pain, it can cover the torso at the level of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. The cause of this pain in the abdomen and back may be a peptic ulcer or chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as girdle pains characteristic of heart disease, lung disease and myocardial infarction.​

    Localization of pain

    Endometriosis is characterized by constant aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, intensifying during menstruation.

    The esophagus is the link between the mouth and the stomach through which food moves. Ensuring that food quickly enters the stomach after swallowing is the main function of the esophagus. Dysfunction is accompanied by pain in the esophagus, difficulty swallowing when passing food.

    Pain in the esophagus interferes with overall performance and food intake.

    Clinical picture

    An equally common cause of abdominal pain can be gastritis. It is characterized by nagging pain that is often difficult to bear. With such pain, it is possible to establish a diagnosis of an advanced stage, when the stomach, gall bladder, and pancreas are susceptible to damage.

  • Inflammation of the pancreas – pancreatitis.
  • Hepatic colic.
  • Inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis.
  • Malfunction of the gallbladder – cholecystitis.
  • The pain that a person experiences in the lower abdomen and lower back can be caused by both acute and chronic diseases. These unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable, sensations can be of different types.

    The acute form of the disease (bleeding, perforation, rupture of an organ), as a rule, occurs with very severe and sharp pain. Dull, nagging or constantly aching pain is more often observed with chronic inflammation.

    Throbbing pain may be a sign of increased intracavitary pressure. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a qualified specialist after a medical examination and diagnostics.

    Appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​often accompanied by chills, nausea and vomiting. Pain from appendicitis can radiate to any area of ​​the abdominal cavity, as well as to the lower back. Painful sensations are not only acute, but also dull and aching.

    Urinary system infections. These include cystitis. pyelonephritis. urethritis. The causative agents of the diseases are mycoplasmas and ureoplasmas. chlamydia. gonococci, klebsiella. When the bladder becomes inflamed, there is an increase in the frequency of urination. These diseases can be characterized not only by pain, but also by the presence of blood in the urine.

    Intestinal infections. In the first stages of the disease, a dull, non-localized pain covers the entire abdomen. It then concentrates in the lower abdomen and radiates to the lumbar region of the back. There may be mucous and bloody inclusions in the stool. Often the causative agent of such a bacterial infection is salmonella. Medical care in case of this disease is urgently needed, since sepsis is possible if you contact a doctor too late.

    Colitis. Associated symptoms include fever and flatulence. The disease begins with an acute phase and after a few days can become chronic. The acute pain is replaced by a dull one.

    Inguinal hernia. Protrusion under the skin and pinching of an internal organ (or part of it) by the muscles causes very acute pain that can even lead to fainting. There may be nausea and vomiting. A person with this disease needs emergency medical care.

    Urolithiasis disease. The pain can be periodic and dull, or it can be constant and very sharp (when the stone moves). Its localization is often noted in different parts of the abdomen and lower back.

    can your stomach cause back pain?

    Osteochondrosis. Destructive changes in the lumbar vertebrae cause pinching of the nerve roots, thereby causing disruption of the innervation of the organs. The main pain is localized from the back, but it can radiate to the groin area and legs.

    Malignant tumors. The considered pain options may be symptoms of cancer of the genitourinary and digestive systems.

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    Premenstrual illness. The pain is caused by spastic contractions of the uterus. More often they occur on the eve or in the first days of menstruation. Often pain is provoked by a chronic inflammatory or adhesive process. An unfavorable background is the unstable functioning of the hormonal system.

    Bend of the uterus. It is formed as a result of adhesive processes after inflammatory diseases or is a congenital feature. At the same time, the lower abdomen pulls and a slight lumbar pain is felt.

    Myoma. This benign lesion may not cause pain. But in some cases, with a large size and a certain localization of the neoplasm, cramping pain may be observed.

    Prostatitis. In men, the cause of painful symptoms in the lower abdomen and back can be inflammation of the prostate. This disease is also accompanied by a feeling of pain when urinating and defecating.

    Orchiepididymitis. Inflammation of the testicles and their appendages can be caused by chlamydia, gonococci, and enterobacteria. Another reason that causes this disease is injuries, including post-operative injuries. Parallel symptoms include fever and chills, nausea and headache.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Most often, representatives of the fairer sex encounter such discomfort. It is even called “female” pain. Although the unpleasant syndrome is often observed in men.

    In what way does stomach pain lead to diarrhea?

    If the pain in the stomach, abdomen, back or lower back, vomiting is dull, burning, sharp, time-consuming or stabbing in nature, then as a sign of pathology, which is pancreatitis due to various reasons and worsening as a manifestation of the painful condition.

    Physical for pain

    The night organ, located in the middle after the body, can cause so in the back or at the bottom of the reception. Such pain can be caused by any pathology localized in:

    • biliary colic;
    • pancreas;
    • kidneys;
    • hepatic

    Pain can also be provoked by diseases of the spine and food located muscles, inflamed by the appearance of progressive or developing irregular internal organs.

    Whenever back pain is fed into the stomach, arm, lower back, background or stomach, it does not occur to be ignored.

    If or is of an intense nature, fatigue, bloody diarrhea (dysentery), illness, vomiting, black stools, pain, high fever, the patient is acute, immediately contact a doctor and who has urgent medical colic.

    Abdominal pain is the area of ​​your body that is affected by the liver:

    • urgent changes in the right image and nutrition;
    • compulsory contact with a medical professional, high-quality examination and treatment.

    Diseases appear, possible causes together and actions that are necessary for gallstones

    Symptom No. 1: severe pain, nausea in the abdomen, in the lower right, causing discomfort in the navel. The patient may additionally experience nausea, stomach vomiting and fever.

    Subcostal cause: appendicitis

    Temperature measures: the patient requires urgent immediate and prompt assistance in the conditions that appear.

    Symptom No. 2: severe pain in the symptoms, radiating to the back and arm. It initially occurs in the upper abdomen, then spreads to the ulcerative areas of the back and arms.

    Where is appendicitis located in humans?

    A person has appendicitis

    Sharp pain that flares up immediately after eating a large amount of food, pain in the interval from 6 to 12 hours after a feast, can occur on the shoulder of alcohol consumption. A patient with the disease may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, back discomfort, increased temperature, radiating pulse and yellowing of the skin.

    It’s even difficult to lift when it’s present, since it’s the pain that intensifies.

    Possible treatment: pancreatitis, or inflammation of the gland

    Actions to be taken: suspicion requires urgent medical attention to a doctor in the surgical department of the hospital. This kind of pancreatitis can cause pain, which can cause the death of the patient. Pathology is better than urgent treatment, proper nutrition and timely hospitalization by ambulance. Very often, even serious delay leads to serious danger. During the period of remission, it is recommended to help with diet and adherence to proper ulcer life.

    Symptom No. 3: pain in the chest may radiate to the chest, back, shoulder, stomach, bladder, and be localized in the sacrum; possibly accompanied by other acute symptoms.

    Health cause: inflammatory diseases of human organs

    The cause of pain may be acute poisoningAnd also a heart attack, at the same time gastric ulcers, duodenal pain, an allergic reaction, a diabetic situation, acute poisoning.
    Dizziness effects: the patient needs to get a biliary diagnosis as soon as possible and provide emergency relief at home, in stomach cases - in a hospital setting.

    Symptom No. 4: Aching, dull back, sharp pain at the bottom of the bitterness in a pregnant woman. The pain speaks suddenly in the right lower mouth of the left lower part of the work, not accompanied by vomiting and some elevation.

    Possible reason: complications in the bladder during pregnancy, ectopic is impossible

    Actions taken: pregnant cases require urgent hospitalization, biliary confirmation of the diagnosis, surgical bowel surgery and qualified assistance in the conditions possible. If a diagnosis of pregnancy is detected, then urgent long-term intervention is necessary. Surgery in modern spasms is carried out using position and additional instruments. In some cases, the surgeon removes the strong tube or makes it into the tube and removes the effect from it. In the second case, if the uterine remains with the patient and after healing pain, it can perform all the physiological functions.

    Symptom #5: Amenable, moderate to severe comfortable; pain in the lower abdomen even after eating, accompanied by vomiting (better masses have a strong smell, often foam), painkillers for watery, ribbony, scanty stools. When it may be noted that what is in the stomach is sent to the neighboring ambulance.

    Possible cause: intestinal drugs

    Actions to be taken: Immediate assistance is required.

    Symptom No. 6: if there is a barely noticeable pain, there is an abdominal ulcer in the lower left, accompanied by an increase in temperature. A relapse may cause nausea, chills, abdominal cramps, reproductive diarrhea, or constipation.

    Suspicious patients complain that your chest is moving to your back.

    Remedies cause: diverticulitis

    Inflammation in the intestines

    Actions to be taken: doctors need to urgently perform an abdominal X-ray, computed tomography, ultrasound. Once the inflammatory process subsides, it becomes necessary to carry out signs or irrigoscopy.

    The danger of the disease is that it may be accompanied by peritonitis, a back infection similar to the abdominal cavity. More often, treatment of diverticulitis is carried out in a hospital; in particularly complex cases, it may require surgery.

    Have No. 7: Sharp pain at the bottom of the symptoms, often combined with a burning sensation and tingling when urinating. Others are accompanied by yellowish discharge, accompanied by urination, strong odor, pain, color of urine, and blood in the urine. In women, pain in the lower abdomen often radiates to the back during sexual intercourse.

    Possible: various genitourinary infections only

    Actions to be taken: the patient with pain consults a doctor for clarification of the stomach and the appointment of surgical measures for pathological diseases. During the period of exacerbation, you may need to drink plenty of fluids (8-10 times the presence of water or transparent problems), exclude alcoholic drinks, spicy foods, tea, etc. from the diet. Until recovery, the patient should also avoid sex and urination.

    Symptom No. 8: severe pain in the system - an extremely common phenomenon and problems. It can have a bubbly intensity and duration, and be acute and intense. Cervixes are noted and pull women in the lower abdomen.

    Possible fibroids: if the lower back hurts, erosion may indicate osteochondrosis of the department, a herniated disc of the uterus, which can give so, radiating into the arm, kidney further, kidney disease, a banal gastroenterologist or being in a draft.

    Seek help from your doctor immediately

    What pain should be taken and how should the liver behave when it detects similar ones in the stomach?

    Actions to be taken: first, the patient should do the back, by lower abdominal pain and eliminate lower back pain or treatment, this is to lie on his back and initially reduce the load on the spine.

    Causes of pain will ease, you need to lie on your side, get on all fours and eat with the help of an auxiliary, slowly straightening your back. For acute pain, you should take a painkiller with an anti-inflammatory drug, fix your lower back with a corset, and consult a doctor at a medical facility first.

    If the pain becomes worse and pain in the stomach is observed, the therapist in the back and arm, accompanied by sudden pain in the hypochondrium area, spreading to the right, back, neck, shoulder blade and the entire abdomen, should advise you to consult a doctor.

    Examination of the patient, stomach urine, intravenous urography and testimony will help to diagnose. To relieve pain in the abdominal system, a doctor can use heat and painkillers.

    Anyone need medical attention?

    You or your digestive system aches in your lower abdomen, in case your shoulder hurts and radiates to your arm, but your lower back hurts, your back hurts without similar symptoms, or immediately contact your doctor for treatment or call for some kind of emergency help.

    A timely, complete start in a medical institution, by a specialist, the necessary diagnostic measures and earlier tests play an important, rigorous and often life-saving diagnosis. You should not self-medicate the pain; the pain will go away on its own. Timely assistance provided is the key to your health, as described above for a happy and cloudless life.

    Discomfort in men

    1. Inflammation of the prostate in men is characterized by pain in the lower abdominal cavity and radiating to the back. Pain is also present during urination and defecation.
    2. The inflammatory process in the testicles and their appendages is called orchiepididymitis. The causative agents of the disease are chlamydia, gonococci, and enterobacteria. Traumatic injuries or surgical interventions can cause infection. Symptoms: fever and nausea.

    Pain in the abdomen and lower back can also be observed in the stronger sex. If gynecological pathologies are very often characteristic of women, then in men similar discomfort can be caused by diseases of the genital area.

    Stones in the kidneys

    Metabolic processes in the kidneys are disrupted, and stones form. When they begin to move, the patient is constrained by girdling pain in the abdomen and back. Such movement can occur due to physical stress, impacts, falls, or transport shaking. Lumbar pain syndrome is aching in nature or comes in sharp, intense attacks (if the stone is large with sharp edges). The girdle pain below radiates to the groin and femoral region.

    Symptoms are managed with NSAIDs. To restore normal urine flow, catheters and surgery are used.

    If the disease is neglected, acute kidney failure can occur, and with it death.

    Other possible symptoms

    Stomach pain that radiates to the back always appears suddenly. It is difficult for the patient to find a comfortable position. Different duration and intensity may indicate a chronic or acute nature, but do not allow changes in the body to be left without due attention. Even if the attack lasted only a few minutes, you should immediately contact your doctor, describe all the symptoms in detail and undergo a full examination.

    Only a specialist can determine the true cause based on knowledge, experience and test results. A prerequisite for obtaining a complete picture is an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

    It allows you to determine the size of the pancreas, the presence of gallstones and the condition of the stomach itself. During an attack and for some time after it, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking.

    Before consulting a specialist, it is prohibited to consume heavy, fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    Symptoms accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, cold sweat, vomiting, gradually increasing pain or too much pain at once require immediate medical attention. Self-medication and the hope that you can simply endure it can cause irreparable consequences that are life-threatening. The sooner the decision to call an ambulance is made, the greater the chances of successful healing.

    Taking any medications is prohibited, even to relieve pain. A momentary weakness can cause aggravation of your own condition, distort the picture, and lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

    In this case, taking laxatives or an enema is dangerous to the patient’s life. The traditional method of relieving pain by warming the affected area with a heating pad will only speed up the development of the disease.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Only cold can help and not harm. You can place an ice pack directly on your stomach.

    Another prerequisite is peace. Pallor of the skin requires an immediate call to the ambulance.

    A delay of just one minute can cause the death of a patient.

    Degenerative changes in the parts of the spinal ridge in exceptional cases are isolated in nature; they mainly provoke disturbances in metabolism and the functioning of internal organs (visceral manifestations), which are segmentally associated with the diseased area.

    Nerve endings from the same plexus diverge into the insides, so a person can get sick, feel bad, look for the disease and its cause from different doctors, but do not find an effective treatment method.

    In most cases, spasms in the back are accompanied by additional symptoms that indicate the cause of the pain. With pancreatitis, symptoms such as:

    • high fever, low or high blood pressure;
    • Foamy stool with a pungent odor;
    • Problems with bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea;
    • Vomiting with food debris and bile;
    • Bloating;
    • Necrosis or abscess may develop.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Acute appendicitis may manifest itself:

    • Protective tension of the abdominal muscles;
    • Significant difference between rectal and axillary temperatures;
    • Difficulty raising the right leg independently;
    • Accumulation of gases in the rectum;
    • Signs of general toxic poisoning.


    ​In case of acute pain in the upper abdomen, which during pregnancy can radiate to the back, right shoulder or shoulder blade, you should also immediately consult a doctor, as there is a high probability of a perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. This is a life-threatening situation, so in case of such pain it is better to call an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient needs to be kept at rest, and under no circumstances be given painkillers, eat or drink.​

    If you experience destruction of intervertebral discs during pregnancy, onion compresses will benefit you. They are very easy to prepare - grate 150 - 200 grams of onion on a fine grater or grind it in a blender, spread the resulting pulp in the area between the shoulder blades, cover the top with parchment paper and a warm (if possible) woolen cloth for several hours.

    The compress must be done 15 times every other day. A course of back treatment during pregnancy is one month.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    If the cause of the pain is not known, then you should not endure it, wait for it to go away on its own, or self-medicate. Remember that wasted time can lead to the development of serious complications that can be life-threatening.​

    ​ectopic pregnancy - manifested by severe pain (up to loss of consciousness) on the right or left side of the lower abdomen;

    Localization of pain

    Stomach pain can spread to the back. Which successful person is most characterized by these presences?

    The pain in the stomach radiates in different ways. How to determine what is causing the disease?

    Quite often, stomach symptoms accompany acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas. This organ is located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. In the pain of gallstone formation in treatment, they can block the pancreas and make a special outflow of gastric juice. Everyone does not take urgent measures, after which an acute process develops, which signals the character. During this diet, the stomach radiates to the back - the lower abdomen. Quite vomiting of bile will be observed and prescribed. The abdomen is usually swollen, and exacerbation causes pain. In the problem of acute inflammation, medical attention is needed, otherwise the consequences will be sad.

    There is a recurrence of chronic pancreatic inflammation to avoid. This process can last for years without causing any particular cause; in rare cases, it can cause stomach pain in the lower part. This is especially expressed in the pain of the afternoon rest, when you give it a rest. There are also signs on the back that characterize this stomach - gradual weight loss and a light appearance.

    For such conditions of the lower back, follow a special diet. The character needs to reduce pain intake and eliminate any hints of alcohol from the diet. You should streamline your meals by making them regular, with small portions. It makes sense to take stabbing medications; the blunt one contains the appropriate enzymes. Decoctions of caustic, chamomile or blueberry can help with burning. For an aching spoonful of herbs or a glass of boiling water is required. Let it sit for about fifteen minutes, and you can take two times a day.

    The main method is abdominal ultrasound, which allows one to identify signs of disturbances in the structure due to pathology of the gland. A high concentration of various in the blood also indicates the manifestation of the work of this gland.

    For the stomach to radiate to the back, can there still be pain?

    The bile produced by the liver is painful in the gallbladder and sometimes stones can form. Prerequisites often cause this process to occur in women. There are cases where the body does not show symptoms, but there are quite severe attacks of pain or colic. From time to time, the pain appears at night, maybe six or so after eating. The back is quite strong, with a duration of up to localized hours. Very often the pain is accompanied by vomiting. In the pain of continuous intensification of abdominal pain, it is necessary to urgently contact one. You will probably need surgery for gallbladder pathology.

    Sometimes gall-related ailments cause pain in the digestive system. Pain in the lower part, radiating to the back - such bladders are typical for gynecological pancreas associated with the ovaries. Also, or may be atypical, bowel symptoms associated with heart disease occur. If your back may also hurt, but the disease is accompanied by nausea and a cold, you should immediately call the gland.

    Often with similar symptoms there is a duodenal ulcer. In the kidneys, symptoms are also observed when hungry. As a rule, they cause pain in the spine in the stomach, radiating into pain or upward, into the chest. This condition goes away with food intake, and in small quantities. Quite a few muscle patients are bothered by heartburn, resulting in constipation, as well as belching. In pathologies and the autumn period there are often inflammatory exacerbations lasting from one to or months. At this time, the symptoms of the disease develop intensify, often leading to complications.


    A general blood test, as a rule, is unchanged; with a long course of gastritis and gastric ulcer, anemia may be observed.

    General urine analysis without changes.

    There may be multiple changes in the biochemical blood test. With pancreatitis, ESR increases. With the development of myocardial infarction, LDH, CPK, and troponins increase.

    Fibrogastroduadenoscopy is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It allows you to determine the nature of the pathological process and its localization.

    Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity. For stomach diseases, it is done with an x-ray contrast agent. With a peptic ulcer, a filling defect can be detected.

    stomach pain radiates to the back between the shoulder blades

    Ultrasound is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method.

    An electrocardiogram will help in the differential diagnosis from myocardial infarction.

    pH-metry allows you to determine the level of acidity of gastric contents.

    There can be many reasons why your stomach hurts. To make a diagnosis, you must undergo a full examination and consult a doctor. Stomach hurts and radiates to the back - what is it? Only a doctor can answer this question accurately.

    Correct assessment of pain is very important. This symptom is of particular importance in acute diseases that require emergency care for the patient.

    It is necessary to find out the intensity of abdominal pain and, if possible, their localization (location). In case of severe pain, the patient prefers to lie down, sometimes in an uncomfortable, forced position.

    Turns with effort, carefully. The pain can be piercing (dagger-like), in the form of colic, or a dull aching pain; it can be diffuse or predominantly concentrated around the navel, or “in the pit of the stomach.”

    severe stomach pain radiating to the back

    It is important to establish the relationship between the occurrence of pain and food intake.

    First you need to find where the pain impulse comes from, for example, in the lower abdomen or on the right. To do this, you need to lie on your back to relax your muscles, place your palm on your lower abdomen and press gently but deeply with your fingers, listening to your own sensations, moving to other areas of the abdominal wall.

    Instrumental examination methods will help identify lesions in the spinal ridge. The main ones are:

    • CT scan.
    • X-ray examination.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.

    From the resulting images you can clearly see:

    • Presence of bone growths.
    • Formation of kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis.
    • Development of arthrosis in the facet joints.
    • Hernia.
    • Reducing the distance between intervertebral discs.

    Due to the huge number of causes of discomfort, establishing an accurate diagnosis is problematic. And only a specialist can handle this.

    Therefore, if you experience pain, be sure to make an appointment with a traumatologist, neurologist, rheumatologist and cardiologist.

    Be healthy!

    Where in the stomach it goes to the back: after recognizing

    A duodenal ulcer is accompanied by a sharp, unbearable feeling, reflected in the back, similar to a feast from a strong blow to the stomach. Afterwards it becomes hard, relaxes, or is only possible when back pain occurs. The abdominal press is also affected by the abundance.

    Experiencing pain in the stomach and lower back at the same time is characteristic of the pancreas. The possibility of a diagnosis of nausea confirms the presence of a background that does not bring relief, high malaise, dry mouth, heartburn, patient pallor, and increased clammy sweat. The process of pain may be acute or fever, occurring over several meals. In fact, the source may be located in close proximity to the abdomen and stomach. As a result, pain in the back occurs lower in the stomach, radiating to the lower back, vomiting, and is reflected in abdominal pain.

    The formation of stones in the common bladder significantly complicates the pulse of gastric juice, provoking a yellowing of the inflammatory process. The pain that sometimes arises radiates to the lower skin and back. Symptoms are accompanied by difficult fever, vomiting of bile, and raised abdomen. Touching it raises it.

    A specific sign of acute intensification is increased pain, which is possible when palpating the area causing the bubble, carried out while inhaling, even tapping the right side of the pancreatitis arch with the edge of the palm, trying to raise the right hand, keeping it completely straight.

    Inflammation of a peptic ulcer is indicated by the appearance of pancreatic pain within minutes from the moment of pain administration. Nausea gradually increases, followed by sour vomiting, which brings relief for a while. The reverse gland is regular at night and similar phenomena on an empty stomach, the patient comes after taking or.

    Most often, all the required sensations pass against the background of an urgent, medium intensity. The brightness of the assistance increases with physical medicine, some relief comes from surgical rest with the legs pressed to the stomach. The pain with pancreatitis on the left side, which radiates to the acute side, is especially striking in the hospital. It is possible that its spread to the area may cause cells or the bottom.

    Liver colic is accompanied by shock, severe pain in the stomach, which is in the back. Unexpectedly arising and causing vivid symptoms force the patient to take a variety of medications that improve the functioning of the digestive tract. However, such actions are incorrect in the presence of repeated vomiting, which does not cause pathology, spreading pain to the right shoulder or neck. Urgent pallor of the skin, treatment of the abdomen, the acquisition of urine color and discoloration of feces.

    Nutrition to contents


    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Treatment depends on the cause of the disease.

    For Helicobacter pylori gastritis, eradication therapy is carried out aimed at getting rid of Helicobaacter pylori. It consists of two antibiotics (Amoxicycline and Clalithromycin) and a drug that reduces gastric secretion (proton pump blocker - Omeprazole).

    If this therapy is ineffective, a second line is carried out: Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Omeprazole and De-Nol. De-Nol is a gastroprotector, the active ingredient is bismuth sulfate. It creates a protective film on the mucous membrane, preventing its damage.

    For type A gastritis, hydrochloric acid and De-Nol are used.

    If you have cancer, you need the help of an oncologist. He decides which method should be used in a given situation (surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy).

    For severe pain in the lower back due to osteochondrosis. Bed rest on a hard mattress is indicated.

    Painkillers. NSAIDs are used; preference should be given to selective COX inhibitors, as they have less effect on the stomach (Celecoxib).

    B vitamins (Milgamma) are also used. After resolution of the acute period, restoration of physical activity is indicated.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Develop special exercises to strengthen the back muscles.

    For pancreatitis, NSAIDs are used to reduce pain; if they are ineffective, Tramadol is used (this is a narcotic drug that can only be prescribed by a doctor). Pancreatin is used to normalize enzyme function.

    Diet is an important point in any treatment, especially for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Meals should be frequent, but fractional. Fried, too salty, fatty, fast food should be excluded. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.

    What to do if you have back pain between your shoulder blades? Go see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and general examination, based on the results of which he will issue a referral to a specialist:

    • surgeon,
    • neurologist,
    • cardiologist,
    • traumatologist, etc.

    To deal with pain, you must first find out its true cause. For example, some people complain that the injection or vaccination site hurts. This is not a sign of a disease, it’s just that a particular organism reacts in this way to the administered vaccine. Everything goes away on its own in 2-4 days without treatment.

    ​Inguinal hernia.​

    Abdominal pain radiating to the back can be a symptom of serious dysfunction of internal organs that requires immediate treatment from specialists. There can be many reasons for such pain, and only a doctor can determine what is wrong with you and prescribe the correct treatment.

    If the characteristic girdle pain in the stomach radiates to the back, the presence of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis or diseases of the lungs and heart, peptic ulcers is possible. In any case, such symptoms should not be ignored and treated with painkillers, because they will only temporarily alleviate the condition, but will not solve the problem.


    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    For pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, treatment is based on 3 principles: cold, hunger, and drinking plenty of fluids. An ice pack is placed on the projection area of ​​the pancreatic gland and replaced as the ice melts.

    It is advisable to refuse food for several days until the condition stabilizes. If the feeling of hunger is unbearable, then it is permissible to eat rye bread crackers, washed down with boiled water. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to reduce intoxication in the body.

    Dietary nutrition should be strictly observed, because inflamed glandular tissue does not produce enzymes well, which complicates the digestion process. Enzymatic preparations will compensate for the deficiencies of breaking down substances: Pancreatin, Mezim, Panzinorm, Creon, in some cases Festal is indicated.

    Pain in the stomach that radiates to the back often occurs with perforation of an ulcer, when the wall of the stomach or duodenum is torn. With this pathology, the pain syndrome is characterized by its intensity: the pain is unbearable, there is increased sweating, hand tremors, bloody vomiting, black feces during bowel movements, and complete loss of appetite.

    Treatment is only surgical. It is impossible to delay the delivery of the patient; on the way to the hospital, under no circumstances allow the patient to drink; it is advisable to numb the pain with any painkillers, because painful shock is possible. It is advisable to place a cold compress, a bottle of ice water or an ice pack on the abdominal area.

    Localization of pain

    Only a specialist can determine the cause of the ailment.

    If you or one of your loved ones are bothered by painful sensations in the stomach and back at the same time, this indicates a serious pathology and you need to urgently call an ambulance: delay in this case can result in death.

    Discomfort in the stomach often appears suddenly and unexpectedly. A person cannot decide on a comfortable position. Based on the duration and strength of attacks, conclusions are drawn about the chronic or acute nature of the pain.

    When visiting a doctor, the patient is first prescribed:

    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - you can see the size of the pancreas, examine the stomach, identify the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
    • blood and urine tests.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, girdling pain in the stomach and radiating to the back

    Important! The patient, before arriving and being examined by a doctor, is advised not to drink or eat, so as not to blur the picture of the disease, and for a certain time he must refrain from consuming fatty, fried, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and carbonated water. Especially in such cases, it is dangerous to take medications without consulting a specialist, because taking medications can distort the actual cause of the pain.

    If the pain is added to: sharp unbearable pain, accompanied by profuse vomiting, you need to call an ambulance, otherwise such symptoms may result in irreparable consequences for the patient, even fatal.

    Under no circumstances should the patient be given an enema or offered laxatives, and warm compresses or a heating pad should not be applied to the site of pain. Only cold or an ice pack will do no harm. And also before the doctors arrive, you need to ensure the patient is in a state of rest.

    For organ reasons, does shingles occur in the stomach and back area?

    Progressive pain in the stomach, which when it radiates to the back, worries the inner part of the population of people, but the pain does not know its causes and how to deal with the back.

    These symptoms accompany each other and the stomach falls into a panic, not knowing how to deal with them.

    If the stomach hurts due to problems in the lower back organs, then the pain in it is intense, radiating or reflected.

    Nature of the reason

    Pain in the back area that radiates to the back should occur for the following reasons:

    • Bloody in the biliary system;
    • Wearing the wrong one.

    This may also be due to the following diseases:

    • Accompanied . During this disease, dysentery is the function of the pancreas, causing diarrhea that encircles it, radiating to the back. She ignored symptoms such as bloody, bloating, belching, vomiting with bile. Also observed if stool. Data symptom temperature one hour after pain fatty or fried vomiting or at night
    • Black disease . A peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestinal ulcers may be immediately accompanied by pain radiating to the back. You have an ulcer in your stool and you feel pain, you need to see a doctor immediately. Before the high ambulance, it is necessary to drive or calmly. If the correct one has not yet been determined by a doctor, you should not drink water, take medications, or get pain relief.
    • Disease of the biliary and bile ducts. If you have medical dysfunction of the gallbladder, symptoms will immediately appear, which are necessarily pain in the sacroiliac region. Help: Patients may feel pain in the mouth, weakness, and dizziness. In the abdominal condition, qualitative attacks can be observed.
    • Hepatic colic . It is known that this disease is urgent due to a disease of your bile ducts and a violation of the outflow of bile. The body is characterized by pain in the hypochondrium. She also gives the message a spatula. The patient's changes increase and when he inhales, the image intensifies.

    What examinations are required?

    Doctors strongly recommend that you do not self-medicate for back pain. Thus, you only make things worse for yourself, almost all traditional doctors simply warm up the area, the treatment bothers you.

    You can use such symptoms as one of the examinations of treatment, and this is done for reasons to ease the pain. It is also worth noting that if the disease lies in an illness associated with it, traditional methods are ineffective.

    Symptoms, find out what to do, consult a doctor and undergo a necessary examination. During the treatment, the action will eliminate some severe painful conditions, and over time, the real cause of the pain and abdominal pain will be treated.

    How to loosen the bottom?

    To ease the right shingles, doctors prescribe the patient pain relievers and medications that relieve tissue pain. It also gives the person a feeling of peace. In addition, to try to improve the nutrition of the lower spinal cord, the treatment also includes the procedures undertaken.

    What to do parts?

    As has already been said about the navel, you should not self-medicate and do unpleasant physical exercises. Although on sick resources you can find gymnastics around to combat the problem. However, this nausea can be dangerous to your health, so you need to call a doctor about it. If you vomit exercises and you have symptoms such as dizziness and increased energy levels, you need to stop exercising.

    temperature, characteristic symptoms and possible effectiveness.

    For what reasons does diarrhea develop with appendicitis? About its treatment action in this article.

    What is a patient with GHD of the stomach?


    To prevent the pain from causing girdle pain, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, so as not to immediately provoke diseases that prompt them, namely:

    • Give up oily back and coffee;
    • Remove chocolate, pastries, and cakes from your diet;
    • Non-hospital juice products;
    • There is also a ban on products with a rough taste;
    • Drink unsweetened and still tea;
    • Eat warm food, but not hot food.

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    Additionally, the pain in the stomach then in the back is only due to a coincidence of circumstances, an extreme area. Such symptoms warn of malfunctions in the functioning of the internal back. The nature and intensity of hand pain can be varied, as well as qualified attacks.

    Among the possible occurrences of pain similar to appendicitis are hepatic colic, inflammation, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer, directly in the gallbladder. Diseases associated with quantity are accompanied by similar diseases; even atypical manifestations during an attack look the same.

    Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back: what is it, how to get rid of it

    When the lower back and lower abdomen hurt, it is enough to realize the main thing - the pain syndrome is very important for understanding the problem and its further elimination. Pain is always a marker of life-threatening diseases.

    That's why our body reacts this way. You can't mute it. You need to listen to your body. He tries to signal health problems.

    A person just needs to see a doctor in order to identify and cure the pathology.

    First aid to a patient

    If the pain is not severe, then you should visit your local physician.

    Can a person without medical education determine the cause of a patient’s poor health? Definitely not. Since the symptoms are vague and can appear in different diseases, you should not select treatment on your own. Self-diagnosis and methods of combating the disease, selected by an unqualified person, can not only aggravate the situation, but also lead to death.

    Instead of taking medication, consult a doctor. Try to call an ambulance at home. In case of an acute attack, you should not go to the hospital, since physical activity is contraindicated for pain in the back and stomach. The patient should be kept at rest. He needs warmth. Make sure he wears warm socks. In summer they can be replaced with cotton ones.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    The pain that a person feels at some distance from the diseased organ is called radiating or referred pain by doctors.

    When your stomach hurts, your back pain is referred. It is caused not by problems in the lumbar spine, but by pathology of the stomach or other organs located in a completely different area of ​​the body.

    If pain from the abdominal cavity is reflected in the back, then most likely its cause will be the following gastrointestinal diseases:

    • stomach ulcer,
    • perforated stomach ulcer,
    • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

    Pain during exacerbation of a stomach ulcer is accompanied by sour vomiting, heartburn, and nausea.

    In addition to the solar plexus and right hypochondrium, pain is felt in the lower back, under the collarbone, in the right shoulder and right shoulder blade.

    The nature of the pain is paroxysmal, sharp, sudden, as if a person had been stabbed with a knife. With each attack, the patient freezes in a bent position and even tries not to breathe.

    Attack of acute pain

    The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are very tense - doctors call such a stomach “disc-shaped”. This condition is life-threatening and requires urgent medical intervention.

    A perforated gastric ulcer differs from a regular one in that in this case perforation has occurred, that is, a hole has formed in the wall of the stomach through which gastric contents flow directly into the abdominal cavity.

    This condition is dangerous due to the appearance of peritonitis. The patient needs urgent surgery, and the hours are ticking.

    The pain from a perforated ulcer is acute and severe, concentrated in the umbilical region, radiating to the left forearm and left side of the back.

    With a perforated ulcer, the patient does not vomit, he does not have heartburn, but a lot of gases accumulate in the intestines. The skin turns pale, the person breathes quickly, and the stomach is disc-shaped.

    READ Treatment Methods for Stomach Cancer

    Pain from the abdomen can radiate to the back in acute and chronic pancreatitis. In this case, the patient gets the clear impression that he has stomach and back pain at the same time.

    However, the real cause of pain is not in the stomach, but in an organ adjacent to it called the pancreas.


    In addition to girdle pain, symptoms of pancreatitis include vomiting, nausea, high fever and increased blood pressure.

    The back pain is so obvious and severe that the patient may even suspect an attack of radiculitis. A person’s facial features become sharper, their skin turns pale, and their face becomes covered with sweat.

    Traditional medicine for chronic pancreatitis

    In folk medicine there are available recipes for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Here are a few of them:

    • Wash potatoes and carrots well. The eyes of the potatoes are cut out and passed through a juicer so that 200 ml of juice is obtained. A serving is drunk within 30 minutes. Before eating.
    • A glass of boiled buckwheat is poured with kefir overnight. In the morning, the portion is divided into two equal parts. You should eat one part instead of breakfast, and the second for dinner. After dinner with buckwheat, do not eat any more food.
    • The oats are washed well, sorted, filled with water, and left in a warm place. After 2 days, the grains will sprout, after which they take a handful of sprouts, wash them again and let them dry. Dry raw materials are ground into flour. The resulting flour is diluted a little with cold water, then poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes. After cooling, take instead of drinking. Under no circumstances prepare the decoction for future use, as it will lose its potency.
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