The best remedies for stomach and intestinal pain in 2020

Pharmacies offer an extremely wide range of tablets and medications for abdominal pain, ranging from drugs based on phytocomponents to quite serious prescription drugs. The huge variety of medications often leads to confusion when the patient simply does not know what he needs to drink. Because of this, many begin to take the first pill that comes to hand, which is fraught with certain consequences for abdominal pain.

This article will help you choose the appropriate drug depending on the location of the pain and the presence of other symptoms. However, please remember that these recommendations are for informational purposes only.

Before using any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor!

A complete list of medications used for abdominal pain.


If a person encounters such a problem extremely rarely, then we can talk about natural processes.
Sometimes this symptom occurs due to eating foods that promote increased gas formation and fermentation. These are legumes, white cabbage, kvass and carbonated drinks, pears. Sometimes a condition in adults when the stomach turns and gases begin to accumulate inside the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with lactose intolerance. A person may be unaware of the peculiarities of his digestive system and continue to include dairy products in his diet. One has only to balance the diet, remove products such as cottage cheese, milk, yogurt from it, and then the problem will disappear.

When unpleasant cramps in the stomach are accompanied by sudden weight loss, lack of appetite and pale skin, we may be talking about a parasitic infection of the body. Toxins produced due to the activity of worms have a negative effect on the intestinal mucous membranes. For this reason, abdominal discomfort occurs. Medicines and traditional medicine recipes will help get rid of parasites.

All these reasons can be considered the safest, since they are not based on any pathology. But sometimes such a symptom as a twisting stomach may hide a serious disease or disorder occurring in the body.

If your stomach turns for several days in a row, but there is no diarrhea, then the cause may be an illness called pylorospasm. It occurs due to stagnation of food due to muscle tone of the stomach and duodenum. This disease can occur in young children whose digestive system is not sufficiently developed. In adults, the following factors can provoke this disease:

  • prolonged stress;
  • lack of essential vitamins;
  • intestinal intoxication;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastric diseases.

When such an unpleasant symptom occurs immediately after a meal, then the cause may be hidden in a stomach ulcer or gastritis.
With such ailments, an inflammatory process occurs that affects the mucous membrane. Food enzymes begin to be produced at a slower pace, and acidity increases sharply. Ulcers form in the area of ​​the gastric walls, which can react painfully to food intake. If the stomach twists very strongly, but no diarrhea is observed, then this condition indicates acute intestinal obstruction. This happens due to stagnation of feces, which clog the intestinal lumen. In this case, the person feels severe stomach pain, at times nausea sets in, and vomiting occurs. Everything in my stomach is churning and churning at the same time. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnant women may also encounter this unpleasant phenomenon. Their stomach begins to churn due to the pressure that the enlarged uterus puts on the intestines. But if at the same time the expectant mother experiences bloody discharge, then she urgently needs to seek help from her doctor.

Myotropic drugs

If the previous group based its action on blocking the nerve impulse, here the work is carried out by regulating muscle tone directly in the myocyte cells themselves.

As a rule, spasms occur either as a result of chaotic functioning of the nervous system, or as a result of hormonal and metabolic disorders.

The group of myotropic antispasmodics is especially effective against inflammatory diseases, infections, and the results of injuries and damage.

Essentially, they slow down muscle contractility and prevent them from toning beyond a certain limit. No matter how strong the incentives are, this restriction will continue to apply.

The result is achieved due to the fact that the penetration of calcium ions and individual enzymes slows down.

There are still a lot of names. Here are the most popular options:


Papaverine is a universal myotropic antispasmodic that allows you to treat pathologies of the bronchi, lungs, kidneys and digestive tract. It acts quickly, the effect occurs within 20-30 minutes. It is eliminated from the body within a day from the moment of use.


Despite all its effectiveness, the product is far from ideal. It causes a lot of side effects, including fatal ones.

Therefore, it can only be used under the supervision of a treating specialist in strictly controlled dosages. The drug is quite old, but still effective.


A product with a narrowly targeted effect. Prescribed for diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Including combined pathological processes that affect the heart and blood vessels.

The drug is well tolerated, produces minimal side effects, but is not suitable for long-term use. Because the likelihood of violations increases as the duration of treatment increases.


Also a means of narrowly targeted action. Affects the digestive system.

Prescribed against the background of stomach diseases. Less often, with other disorders. Has virtually no effect on the intestines. It is well tolerated, but cannot be taken on its own.


Oddly enough, it can also be included in this group of drugs. It only acts on the cardiovascular system and restores normal coronary blood flow.

Nitroglycerin is used in small quantities, otherwise it can provoke dangerous complications and exactly the opposite results.


Essentially a calcium channel blocker. It can be classified as an antispasmodic conditionally. The myotropic effect is approximately the same as that of other drugs, only the arteries and blood vessels of the body become the target: drugs like Verapamil and Diltiazem reduce the tone of the blood supplying structures.

The pressure level gradually drops, which becomes the desired effect.

Myotropic antispasmodics affect muscle contractility in place; they are less dangerous than the previous ones. But they can provoke unpredictable consequences if the dosage is exceeded.

Thus, the list of antispasmodic drugs with myotropic action:

  • Papaverine.
  • Theophylline.
  • Mebeverine
  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Verapamil.

All of these are means of very different actions. They are simultaneously included in their group and in a number of antispasmodics.

Why does my stomach hurt and gurgle?

This condition can be caused by many reasons, from harmless to very dangerous. In the latter case, other symptoms are added: fever, pain, vomiting, weakness, pallor, rapid heartbeat. This may indicate gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, pylorospasm, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, the onset of an attack of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, even a heart attack. In women, suspicion may fall on ovarian rupture and other gynecological problems. It is clear that there is no question of any self-medication here; you need to urgently call an ambulance. Taking any medications will only erase the picture of the disease and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

If your stomach turns after (or during) eating, the reasons may be: intolerance to any product - often fatty or causing fermentation and gas formation (sauerkraut, pears, mushrooms, peas, beer, kvass, carbonated drinks, radish, kiwi , raisins, unripe fruits). If pain occurs on an empty stomach or 30 minutes to an hour after eating, it may be an ulcer. Usually, if discomfort is associated with eating, then the problem is a disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of seething in the abdomen against the background of complete health may indicate infection with helminths.

Herbal preparations

They act differently, depending on the specific type of active substance of the drug. It is impossible to classify them into any one group based on the mechanism.

The most famous and applicable option is belladonna extract. By its nature, it is a neurotropic drug. It has the ability to inhibit nerve impulses at the local level.

Efficiency, on average, is the same as that of other drugs in this subgroup. Often causes allergic reactions. Therefore, maximum caution must be exercised.

Herbal remedies are mostly antispasmodics for the gastrointestinal tract, which eliminate hypertonicity of the smooth muscles of the intestines, sphincters, and ducts of the digestive organs. Neurotropic medications are also available.

What decoctions will help if you have a stomach ache?

  • brew chamomile. For a glass of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. flowers. Take half a glass of this mixture half an hour before meals;
  • Prepare tea from blackcurrant leaves. It will relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Just put a handful of leaves in a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for at least an hour;
  • dissolve 50 drops. calendula tincture in 50 g of boiled water. This solution will relieve stomach pain;
  • Make a decoction of cumin seeds. Experts in traditional medicine claim that this is the most effective remedy. You will need 2 tbsp. l. seeds Fill them with 4 tbsp. water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink on an empty stomach;
  • take a decoction of fennel seeds: 1 tsp. seeds, brew 200 ml of hot water. Cover the container with a lid. In 10 minutes the composition will be ready. Strain it and drink it three times a day.

How to relieve pain at home

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of relieving pain symptoms. These include drinking chamomile tea, drinking vegetable oils, dandelion flower syrup, potato juice and flaxseed tea. It is also recommended to cook oatmeal jelly. But folk remedies are not a panacea; they do not have a proven scientific basis for their effective action. Therefore, at home you need to follow a diet, exclude all harmful foods and have the necessary medications on hand.

What to do and how to treat

If there is a serious pathological cause, consult a doctor. You can help yourself if you are sure that the problem is due to overeating or indigestion.

Drink activated carbon. This is an adsorbent that will eliminate intestinal disorders.

A stomach problem can be quickly resolved if it is not caused by health problems. The drugs will rid the body of toxins that appear due to fermentation and rotting food.

If you feel heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen after eating a product, then you should remove it from your diet.

If you experience abdominal pain while eating food, you should drink half a glass at room temperature.

Remove spicy, fatty and salty foods, seeds, halva and alcohol from your diet.

If your stomach is twisting, there is no diarrhea, but there is acute pain in the abdomen, a fever, or other discomfort, then make an appointment with a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

Where to buy medicines

You can purchase the described medications at any pharmacy at a fairly low price. However, it should be borne in mind that collecting a complete first aid kit may take more than one day, since some drugs may simply not be available in the pharmacy.

To make this important task easier, we suggest you buy all the necessary pills in trusted online pharmacies using the LetiShops (our employees use it themselves). Just click on the banner below to start shopping.

What to drink from tablets

If you have eaten a lot of food and your stomach is swollen, flatulence and increased gas formation appear, then take Espumisan. It comes in tablets, capsules and suspensions.

No-shpa will help with pain after eating, cramps and abdominal pain.

Discomfort after eating will be eliminated by Mezim. This is an enzyme preparation for the treatment of infections in the intestines and abdominal pain.

Smecta will help remove toxins from the body and relieve stomach discomfort. The drug protects, envelops and soothes the gastric mucosa. Can be used by adults, children and pregnant women.

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