The child has a headache and nausea after physical activity

Almost every athlete, regardless of experience and gender, has experienced sudden nausea after exercise. This unpleasant condition can occur when performing various exercises, but most often nausea occurs after running, especially over long distances or with high acceleration. It's worth learning how to avoid or get rid of this side effect of heavy exercise.

Binge eating

The very first cause of nausea after training can be banal overeating. Why do you feel sick after running in this case? The explanation is quite simple: during sports activity, the body directs all its energy to maintaining stable muscle function, and there is practically no energy left for digesting food.

Therefore, doctors advise eating at least two hours before the start of training, so that the gastrointestinal tract has time to cope with all digestive processes and synthesize the food received into the energy necessary to withstand the load.

You need to eat in moderation, since overeating and incomplete digestive process during training will allow toxins and allergens to enter the body, which were not stopped by the protective systems of the stomach and intestines. In a calm state and with moderate meals, the body copes with such harmful substances much faster, without signaling internal problems by the fact that a person feels sick after running.

Why do you feel sick when running? Causes and prevention

Nausea, dizziness, loss of strength - sometimes the run ends just like that. Why a person may experience an attack of nausea when running, how to avoid this, and in what cases is nausea a reason to consult a doctor. Investigated "Soviet Sports Life&Style".

Binge eating

Eating a large meal 30-45 minutes before exercise is perhaps the most common cause of nausea while running. Running increases blood circulation, more blood passes through the liver, and the heart works at “increased speed.” Relatively speaking: the body, which spends all its resources on adapting to the stress of running, no longer has the strength to digest food. Then the body decides to get rid of it.

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How to avoid: Organize your last meal, on average, an hour and a half before training. It should be based on a minimum of “heavy” dishes - flour, fatty, high-calorie. Ideal menu: a cup of boiled buckwheat, vegetables, a portion of steamed chicken breast, a slice of wholemeal bread.

Don't eat too much! It is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger than with a heavy stomach. 30-40 minutes before training, you can eat a banana or a handful of nuts and drink a cup of coffee (minimum sugar). This will give you energy for your run.

High running speed

Workout nausea can be caused by running too fast. Other indicators of this: difficulty breathing, blood pulsation in the temples, heart rate of 170 beats per minute or higher, “tangled legs” syndrome - the inability to maintain the correct running technique, loss of coordination.

How to avoid: gradually increase the load. If you are a beginner, alternate between walking and running - gradually increasing the running and decreasing the walking.

Do not strive to develop high speed: if your goal is to lose weight and get in shape, the optimal running speed is the one at which you can breathe freely and can talk.

The pulse at the upper limit should be no more than 135 beats per minute (tempo segments with an increase in heart rate to 150-170 beats per minute are acceptable, but then smoother running again).

If you feel nauseous when running, start walking - first fast, then smoother and slower. Don't stop right away! A sudden stop may cause your health to deteriorate.

Breathe deeply: inhale and exhale for 5-8 seconds. If you feel nauseous, increase your walking pace. After 3-5 minutes, start running at a slow pace.

If the nausea continues, stop training.

Lack of sleep

In some cases, the cause of nausea while jogging may be lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. Its symptoms: lack of energy during the day, drowsiness, dizziness, and often low blood pressure.

How to avoid: organize your day so that you sleep on average 8 hours a day. Avoiding training on days when you spend 6 hours or less is better to give your body more time to recover than to torment it with a run that day.


Dehydration is a state of acute lack of water in the body. This danger most often awaits long-distance runners (15 kilometers or more). But it can also occur during amateur runs of 5-7 km, especially if the runner is a beginner.

Heavy sweating while running leads to loss of fluid and salt. Lack of moisture impairs the tone and peristalsis of the stomach (the ability of its walls to withstand tension and empty itself) - the result of this is an attack of nausea.

How to avoid: Bring a water bottle to your workout. You can dilute a certain amount of salt in water: approximately 1-1.5 teaspoons per 500 ml of liquid. Squeeze one or two lemon slices, rich in vitamins C and B, into the water.

Keep in mind that certain medications can also cause dehydration, such as diuretics and certain types of antibiotics (substances that can inhibit the growth of microorganisms).

Beginning of a viral infection

You can go for a run while being a carrier of a viral infection, but not yet knowing it. Running stress can accelerate the development of the virus and cause nausea. Other symptoms will be a sharp increase in temperature, weakness, sore throat, headaches, and dizziness.

How to avoid: End your workout immediately

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In what cases of nausea while running should you go to the doctor:

– if nausea does not go away within several hours after training;

– if you feel sick every time you run, regardless of the pace and distance;

– if nausea is accompanied by fever, sharp pain (perhaps this indicates the development of a viral infection or diseases of the internal organs);

– if you feel nauseous even on days off from running.

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High running speed

Too much load and high speed also lead to the athlete feeling sick after running. The reason here lies in a decrease in blood sugar levels, a disease such as glycemia develops. Glycogens are substances that store glucose, which the body needs to obtain energy. Therefore, experienced athletes control their blood sugar levels very simply - they always eat a small chocolate bar or a piece of sugar before and after training.

As the speed increases and, accordingly, the load of glycogen increases, the amount of glycogen becomes smaller, an acute shortage is felt, and as a result, nausea and dizziness occur. In severe cases, sudden increases in running speed can cause muscle wasting and even cramps.

Lack of sleep

Nausea after running, as a rule, is a one-time occurrence if a person does not get enough sleep. The body has used up all its resources even before the start of the workout. Remember: sport should be beneficial. Exercise gives a healthy body a feeling of pleasant fatigue and lightness, enriching it with oxygen and helping muscles grow and develop.

In the case of a specific lack of sleep, for example, if you slept less than 7 hours or were under stress, suffered from insomnia, etc., the exhausted body will fight with all its might. In addition, an appropriate signal will be given - you will start to feel sick after running. Such training will not lead to progress; it will only aggravate the critical condition and may result in health problems in the future.


Another serious factor can be dehydration, which begins after heavy sweating and increased body temperature. Why do you feel nauseous and dizzy after running?

Our body consists of 80% water, so any reason that reduces this amount of fluid leads to a person feeling sick after running or playing other sports. Sweat, which occurs due to increased body temperature, carries with it not only toxins and other harmful substances, but also valuable moisture for the body.

Therefore, during serious competitions, Olympics and training with heavy loads, experienced athletes always drink water or a special saline solution that helps maintain the required fluid level. Otherwise, overload will not only make you feel sick, but your blood pressure will also increase.

The activity of removing water from the body depends on many factors:

  • athlete's body temperature;
  • the clothes he wears to train;
  • ambient temperature;
  • degree of load, as well as type of training.

It is important not to bring yourself to a state of dehydration, since in this case the athlete, in addition to feeling sick after running, loses coordination of movements, experiences a serious loss of strength and even loss of consciousness.

Why you may feel sick after running and how to avoid it

Some beginners, and sometimes even experienced fans of running sports, complain of nausea after completing a workout.
This is typical for both men and women. Nausea can occur during both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. There are a number of reasons for this phenomenon, and various ways to avoid it are available.

Feelings of nausea and dizziness do not need to be feared. Almost all runners who push themselves too hard have experienced this.

Although this phenomenon cannot be called normal, there are very common reasons that cause nausea.

The first factor that provokes unpleasant symptoms is excess eating before training..

If you eat an hour (or less) before going on the treadmill, and do it in large quantities, nausea will certainly visit such an athlete.

This fact is explained by the fact that the body throws energy into the muscles, but does not have enough energy for digestion. This diet causes significant harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result, toxins and allergens can enter the bloodstream along with nutrients from food, since the protective properties of the stomach and intestines are reduced during dynamic training.

The second reason is low blood sugar. A strict diet, insufficient nutrition or, in general, the absence of it 3-4 hours before cardio exercise leads to a response - nausea, weakness, headache.

The third possible cause is low blood pressure. If it is not possible to measure it, you need to pay attention to your own well-being.

Do you feel dizzy after standing up suddenly, or is there any discomfort if you get up after sitting for a long time? The presence of such symptoms indicates problems with blood pressure.

This is likely due to stress, lack of sleep or poor nutrition.

Another factor is dehydration of the body, which becomes possible due to increased temperature and intense sweating. Dehydration causes a person to feel sick while running. In addition, during active training a person releases much more thermal energy than at rest.

This leads to an increase in body temperature of about 1 degree every few minutes. The activity of this process depends on the intensity of the workout and the ambient temperature. Sometimes this can trigger heatstroke.

Its symptoms are confusion, loss of strength, nausea, loss of consciousness and an increase in body temperature to 40°C.

Glycemia is also one of the possible explanations for why nausea may occur. The standard glycogen requirement for a non-athletic person is less than that of an athlete. When running, the body's sugar intake increases significantly, and a lack of this element can cause muscle wasting, nausea and cramps.

Also, if you come to training with poor health, a headache, or after lack of sleep, physical activity can worsen the condition and cause nausea. But this state does not repeat every training session, but happens “one-time”.

By identifying why you feel sick after a run, you can easily solve the problem. There is no need to train to the point of exhaustion. Small lifestyle adjustments will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms. By following reasonable and very simple rules, you can support your body and get rid of nausea:

  1. Sleep should take 7-8 hours a day. In less time, the body cannot relieve the stress received during the day, which can lead to overexertion for a person.
  2. On running days, avoid large meals and foods that take too long to digest.
  3. Have a snack 1.5-2 hours before the start of your workout.
  4. If dizziness is added to the feeling of nausea, doctors recommend eating a small piece of chocolate before the race, which will quickly saturate the body with carbohydrates.
  5. After completing your workout (after 15-30 minutes), you can drink a protein shake or something milky. This usually makes the nausea go away.
  6. It is necessary to remember about warming up before the race and mandatory stretching after it is over - this way the body will prepare for the load and tolerate it more easily.
  7. If you experience nausea (dizziness, profuse sweating, blurred vision), you should take a break and sit or squat. You can continue your workout later.

By normalizing the regimen, you can get rid of dizziness and nausea after running, plus ensure good health and good health. Then you won't have to wonder why you're feeling sick. Within the framework of a well-designed daily schedule, the body functions much better.

However, if a person follows all the recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle, consistently and competently increases the load, and nausea does not disappear, there may be serious health problems and a medical examination is necessary.

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Beginning of a viral infection

When pathogenic bacteria appear in our body, the immune system tries with all its might to defeat them and prevent the virus from spreading. However, the immune system cannot always cope on its own, so the onset of a viral infection can also lead to the athlete feeling sick after running.

Here, as in the case of overeating, the body throws all its defenses at fighting the problem, not taking into account that the athlete is training, and his muscles also need a large amount of energy.

Opinions on whether to continue training in this state are mixed. Many athletes believe that this way they will be able to defeat the disease faster, since not only toxins, but also all microbes come out with sweat. And some, on the contrary, are sure that by training hard, you can only aggravate your condition and prolong the course of the disease, turning a common cold into a severe flu with serious consequences, for example, pneumonia.

In any case, you need to listen to yourself, and if you feel nauseous after running, dizziness and a complete loss of strength accompanying ARVI appear, then you should not train “to the point of exhaustion.” Sports records are here to stay, and they need to be set in a healthy state.

Why do I feel sick after training, what can I do about it?

Physical exercise and training take a lot of energy. In this case, the amount of energy is spent depending on the degree of load.

It is not uncommon for various types of ailments to occur after such activity. Feeling nauseous after a workout? What are the causes? Read on.

Feeling sick after a running workout - reasons

Athletes involved in active sports know that in the process they can get injured or minor ailments. There may be several reasons.

All of them relate to the physiological and biological characteristics of the human body. The feeling of nausea can be easily eliminated by following special rules. Only in rare cases should you seek medical help.

Eating before running

Doctors and nutritionists strictly prohibit eating before a jog or race. The stomach contains unprocessed foods, which leads to heaviness and additional stress on the digestive system.

While running, you may experience not only nausea, but also pain in the abdomen, kidneys, dizziness and tinnitus. The athlete will not be able to cover the entire distance, since the body may be injured by such neglect.

You should strictly observe the timing of meals and their quantities, and also do not drink alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, fatty, salty, sweet or fried foods.

Low blood sugar or glycemia

Feeling nauseous can also be caused by low blood sugar. If such factors are present, it is recommended to stop training for a certain time.

Sugar levels must be within normal limits to avoid the development of pathological diseases in which the athlete will not be able to continue running. The standard can be checked using a special medical device. Neglecting the disease when it is diagnosed will lead to more serious consequences.

This is a disease associated with blood sugar levels that do not meet accepted standards. Here, doctors usually advise taking therapeutic prophylaxis and not overloading the body with grueling workouts.

If you have glycemia, you should not run long distances or participate in competitions. This will harm your health and may even lead to hospitalization. If you still want to run, it is recommended to consult a medical institution and choose the optimal permissible load.

Low blood pressure

This ailment can be of 2 types: chronic and pathological. There are cases when a person is born with low blood pressure. The loads here are selected individually.

There are also cases when a person’s blood pressure either decreases or increases due to various reasons. Typically, this condition is accompanied not only by nausea, but also by dizziness, severe headache, decreased performance, and drowsiness.

Folk (natural) or medical remedies will help you cope with this. Before running, you should determine the level and take appropriate measures.

The main causes of low blood pressure are:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • large blood loss;
  • malnutrition (poor diet).

Heart disease

If you have various types of heart disease, it is not recommended to greatly increase the load. It is recommended to consult a doctor and then use additional exercises to strengthen the heart muscle. Usually, if you have serious ailments, you should not run to avoid complications.

Dehydration of the body

Nausea may occur due to dehydration. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of fluid, moisture in the living tissues of the human body.

When jogging, it is very important to maintain water-salt balance. For such purposes, you should always have a bottle of clean or mineral water with you. Also in stores you can purchase a special liquid that helps you obtain the necessary substances during training.

A severe state of dehydration should not be allowed, as the athlete may not reach the finish line due to the appearance of severe malaise. Trainers sometimes advise taking water in small portions (sips) even while running to replenish the water-salt balance.

Poor health, lack of sleep

Mild nausea can occur with poor sleep, poor mood and poor health. If nausea does not increase throughout the distance, then the training can be continued further. If the unpleasant feeling grows, then you can use an action algorithm to get rid of it.

To prepare for the next workout, it is recommended to get a good night's sleep, since if biological safety rules are not followed, the body will work for wear and tear. Poor health and nausea will occur more often, which will interfere with the normal flow of activities.

How to eliminate nausea while jogging?

To get rid of the unpleasant feeling of nausea, you need to know the true cause of this phenomenon.

In rare and isolated cases, there is a special algorithm of actions:

  • It is recommended to slow down the pace or start walking, while taking deep breaths and exhalations;
  • if the sensations do not stop, you should squat down and slightly lower your head down;
  • You should also drink some clean water without impurities or additives;
  • you should talk to your fellow runners, get a little distracted;
  • if the above steps do not help, you should stop the current workout;
  • If you regularly experience nausea, you should check the condition of your body and consult a doctor (these actions will help you cope with unpleasant sensations and not cause even more harm).

In what cases should you visit a doctor?

You should visit a doctor if you want to go jogging and if you have health problems. In such cases, the doctor will suggest the right decision, and also indicate the possibility or impossibility of training in a particular situation.

You should not put off going to the doctor in cases where severe nausea occurs regularly during or after running. It is possible that this is the first sign of the presence of any disease.

Prevention measures

  • It is recommended to get a good night's sleep (the optimal time for sleep is 7-8 hours a day);
  • before training, you should eat fresh greens and fruits (except bananas, grapes and melon);
  • if there is a lack of sugar in the blood or slight dizziness occurs, you are allowed to eat a small piece of natural chocolate;
  • if severe nausea occurs and it is impossible to continue running, it is best to stop and catch your breath;
  • Before a race or jog, a mandatory step is to warm up the muscles of the body and limbs.

It is normal to experience discomfort after training. The body gets tired and releases a large flow of energy, which is accompanied by the burning of excess calories. This feeling doesn't last long.

Doctors recommend using only those exercises that do not injure the body and are designed individually. This will help avoid more severe consequences and visits to a medical facility.

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