The child has a severe headache and vomiting fever

Why does vomiting and fever without diarrhea occur in children?

Vomiting in a child is a signal indicating that there is an accumulation of ketone bodies in the body or the intake of toxic substances together with food. In a child, fever along with vomiting may indicate the following ailments:

  1. Rotavirus infections. It is these diseases that become the most common causes of vomiting in children.
  2. Gastroenteritis.
  3. Children's diseases of an infectious nature, such as measles, rubella, scarlet fever.
  4. Meningitis.
  5. Appendicitis. With appendicitis, the temperature rises and nausea occurs. After some time, vomiting occurs.

In addition, appendicitis can be distinguished by the characteristic symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen. With appendicitis, high fever does not occur immediately, but only when complications occur. With chronic appendicitis, a low-grade fever may occur along with signs of nausea.

The child has vomiting and fever without diarrhea

A child's temperature without diarrhea may indicate childhood infectious diseases. Moreover, the following symptoms are also characteristic of such diseases:

  • rash all over the body, with chickenpox and measles;
  • redness of the nasopharynx and swelling of the larynx;
  • pronounced signs of intoxication of the body.

Children under 2 years of age are often susceptible to rotavirus diseases. The main symptoms of rotavirus infection of the body are frequent vomiting, high fever, and subsequently complications such as diarrhea and dehydration.

It is important to know! Dehydration is a dangerous type of complication in which the baby can die. Vomiting and fever without diarrhea in a child lead to the rapid development of dehydration, so it is very important to feed children in this state.

It should also be noted that the smaller the child, the faster he develops complications in the form of dehydration. Bacterial diseases such as pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis are also complicated by vomiting with fever, but these symptoms are secondary. Initially, a cough and high temperature occur, which are complicated by symptoms of vomiting. The causes of vomiting may be the development of intestinal infections, but they often occur together with diarrhea in a child. The following complications arise with intestinal diseases:

  • repeated vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • pain in the abdominal area.


Intoxication of the body manifests itself differently depending on the toxin. When food poisoning occurs, a child has a stomach ache, a fever, and may experience vomiting or diarrhea.

The accumulation of heavy metals or their fumes in the body (poisoning with lead, mercury) is characterized by nausea, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, discomfort when swallowing, indigestion, dizziness, hypothermia.

Treatment for poisoning is aimed at cleansing the body. Watch a very important video on this topic

Sorbents and gastric lavage (food) or forced diuresis and the introduction of antidotes (poisoning with metals or chemical substances) are used.

Features of assistance

What to do if a child vomits and his temperature rises above 38 degrees? If parents cannot understand what triggered the development of these symptoms, they should consult a doctor in the hospital. If the symptoms of vomiting without diarrhea and fever decrease, and the child feels better, then there is no need to call emergency help. Vomiting in children indicates that the body is trying to get rid of toxic substances from the digestive system.

If a child does not have diarrhea, but continues to have a low-grade fever, then it should be understood that the baby may become dehydrated very quickly. The main causes of dehydration are due to symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as an elevated temperature of 37 degrees. The main symptoms of dehydration are:

  • the baby is rapidly losing weight;
  • the fontanel becomes retracted;
  • There are no signs of urination for more than 4 hours.

It is necessary to give antipyretic drugs to children if the temperature exceeds 38.5-39 degrees. Temperatures above 39 degrees are dangerous because febrile convulsions may occur.

Principles of pathology therapy

If vomiting bile was sporadic, you can do nothing - the condition will stabilize on its own. But if the attacks become more frequent, you need to visit a doctor and undergo the recommended examinations with your child. Based on their answers, the specialist diagnoses a functional disorder of the digestive organ. For treatment, the child will be prescribed suitable choleretic medications:

From folk remedies, children are recommended to make herbal teas, the components of which have choleretic properties. Immortelle, mint or angelica should be taken in the amount of 1 tsp, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover for 15 minutes. Give the child 4 rubles. per day before meals. Single dosage – ½ cup. Course – 10 days.

How else can you help your child? Nutritionists advise giving the patient cool lime and cranberry juices. For frequent episodes of bilious vomiting, tea with ginger and cinnamon is helpful. You should not feed your baby products with caffeine during therapy. It is also necessary to abstain from tomatoes and citrus fruits - they irritate the gastric mucosa.

Daily meals should be portioned, that is, the child should eat little and often. You can’t have dinner right before bed, drink black tea, soda, or coffee. It is important to eliminate spices from your diet. It is advisable to sleep on your side.

  • If a teenager is poisoned by alcoholic drinks, in addition to gastric lavage, sorbents are recommended (the drugs will remove toxic substances), a sufficient number of hours of sleep and a short-term fasting diet.
  • Do not give fatty broths to a child who is vomiting. The first course should be dietary. You can prepare it from young chicken.
  • To prevent dehydration, give your baby a decoction of rose hips, mint leaves and dried chamomile flowers. Give non-carbonated mineral waters.

Do not try to treat your child on your own without consulting a doctor. If the baby vomits, but there is no temperature, this condition is still dangerous. With repeated episodes, it causes dehydration and loss of consciousness. In this case, you cannot stay at home - the child requires hospitalization.

Vomiting in childhood is common. It is associated with immaturity of the digestive and immune systems . Vomiting of bile in a child occurs both on an empty stomach and after eating. The process of emptying the stomach is a protective reaction of the body, a response to an internal or external stimulus.

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Normally, there should be no bile in the stomach. Its casting can be one-time or constant. Observation of a child who has vomited has valuable diagnostic value and helps in choosing methods for examining young patients. Bile in the stomach is an unconditional reason to see a doctor.

From folk remedies, children are recommended to make herbal teas, the components of which have choleretic properties. Immortelle, mint or angelica should be taken in the amount of 1 tsp, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover for 15 minutes. Give the child 4 rubles. per day before meals. Single dosage – ½ cup. Course – 10 days.

How to solder children correctly

If a child vomits, regardless of his age, then there is an imbalance of water balance in his body. To prevent the development of serious complications, the baby should be soldered regularly. To do this, the baby should be given not only plain water, but also medications. The best remedy for this is Regidron.

The child has vomiting and fever without diarrhea

If it is not possible to purchase Regidron, you can prepare a solution with a similar composition yourself. The baby should be fed regularly, but at the same time give small portions of water of 10-20 ml. If you have symptoms of diarrhea, you should not give your child broth, feed him or give him various drinks. If symptoms of vomiting occur together with signs of cough, then the baby must be prescribed antitussive drugs.

It is important to know! If you don't feed your children, the consequences for them can be fatal.


There are many factors that provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, and not all of them can be protected from. But prevention helps reduce the risk of diseases that are manifested by vomiting and fever.

Preventive actions:

  1. Careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, regular hand washing.
  2. Proper handling and preparation of food. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed, meat and fish products must be heat treated.
  3. Monitoring a small child, limiting access to household chemicals, medications and other substances that, if ingested, can cause severe intoxication. Young children should be taught that they should never put objects in their mouth.
  4. Maintaining a proper diet. The less junk food (chips, fast food, carbonated water) a child consumes, the less likely it is to become intoxicated, increase acetone in the blood, and cause other pathological conditions that will lead to vomiting.

It is important to respond to any child’s complaints about a deterioration in his well-being. Many diseases at an early stage are easily and quickly treated, occur without pronounced symptoms, and do not cause trouble. If any disease occurs, you should not self-medicate. Drugs and therapeutic procedures should only be prescribed by a specialist. Compliance with preventive measures will help reduce the risk of pathogenic microflora entering the body, and therefore prevent many diseases.

When should you consult a doctor?

In children under 5 years of age, signs of the disease may change significantly. To determine the sign and cause of the disease, observation in a hospital setting will be required. If your baby’s deterioration in health is complicated by nausea and vomiting, you should call an ambulance. It is imperative to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • if the causes of vomiting are associated with a head injury, as a result of which the child may experience serious psychological disorders;
  • the baby continues to vomit throughout the day;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • temperature rise above 39 degrees.

Treatment at home is permitted if the child is 1 year of age or older, and his developing symptoms do not cause complications, that is, there is no diarrhea, the temperature is kept at a low-grade level, and the baby asks to drink.

Recommendations for parents

You can give your baby food only 6 hours after he stops vomiting. What should you give your baby first? The food should not be rough, so it is necessary to give water porridge, crackers, boiled eggs, and low-fat broth. You can give milk porridge later, as soon as the baby’s condition improves and the symptoms of the disease subside.

If there are signs of vomiting, you should not give your child painkillers, as this will only worsen the situation. If the symptoms in question develop, it is recommended that children be treated directly in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor. Only after the baby’s condition returns to normal can the doctor discharge him home, but it is imperative to continue therapeutic treatment.

To summarize, it is important to note the need to use antipyretics and enterosorbents. In what form should antipyretics be given at high temperatures? If you have symptoms of vomiting, antipyretics can only be given in the form of rectal suppositories. If the suppositories do not have the desired effect after 30-40 minutes, and the temperature rises, you need to call an ambulance or inject yourself with the lytic mixture.

What to feed your baby

You can restore proper nutrition after vomiting decreases, becomes rare or stops completely, and the child develops an appetite. Force feeding is strictly prohibited. The exception is infants, who must continue breastfeeding.

First food: crackers, hard-boiled eggs, water. Meals should be fractional - food is consumed often, but in small portions, so as not to burden the stomach. As soon as the vomiting passes, low-fat cottage cheese and lean meat are gradually added to the menu.

Rules and recommendations for feeding:

  1. On the first day of no nausea, it is better to abstain from food. It is recommended to give the child a decoction of rosehip or chamomile, which will help restore damaged gastric mucosa.
  2. If the child has an appetite and is not vomiting, give crackers, wheat, rice or oatmeal with water.
  3. On the second day after the condition has stabilized, boiled or steamed vegetables or pureed lean soups are consumed.
  4. After 3-4 days, boiled chicken and low-fat fish are allowed.
  5. In addition to water, it is recommended to drink dried fruit compote, jelly, and herbal decoctions.

Within 1-2 weeks after the illness, with full recovery, you need to give up fatty, heavy foods, carbonated drinks and sweets.

Doctor Komarovsky about vomiting

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