Orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids: photo, price

What is a hemorrhoid pillow?

Essentially, this pillow refers to orthopedic devices that are used to relieve symptoms and help with daily activities. There are different options for anti-hemorrhoidal pillows (and we’ll talk about this in more detail later), but the essence is generally identical.

As a rule, the pillow has a depression or hole in the center , which, when sitting, is located approximately under the area of ​​the coccyx and anus, and the remaining parts seem to be raised above the surface.

Thanks to this effect, blood circulation improves and a more efficient outflow of venous blood from the anal area and pelvis is ensured. In this way, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are relieved to a significant extent.

How the pillow works

There are three types of hemorrhoids::

  • outer;
  • interior;
  • combined.

As you might guess, this classification is determined by the localization of painful tissues. One way or another, pillows are effective for any option .

An orthopedic pillow helps reduce pressure on the anus, which prevents disruption of blood flow in hemorrhoids

Thanks to the design, the pressure on the anal area is reduced and, as a result, painful sensations are reduced. Blood circulation in this area is normalized, painful parts of the body are relieved, and there is no unnecessary tension. Therefore, such pillows are also used during the treatment process.

According to modern research, such a tool can not only reduce symptoms . A pillow for hemorrhoids can also contribute to treatment, that is, provide positive dynamics in eliminating the disease.

If we consider the main details of the “work” of this pillow, the following details should be noted::

  • a prolonged sitting position causes stagnation of venous blood in the rectal area, which in turn can create pressure on the hemorrhoids, which in turn can swell and enlarge;
  • The anti-hemorrhoidal pillow lifts the buttocks and the main support is located on the bones of the hips and pelvis, thereby relieving pressure on the anus and normalizing blood circulation.

Perhaps the principle of operation is now quite clear.

Types of pillows for hemorrhoids

The main difference between these pillows is the material used . As a rule, there are pillows made of foam rubber and inflatable ones, which are made of rubber or a mixture of plastic. The material often determines the functionality of use.

Foam pillows are most often made with an identical degree of hardness. Thus, it does not matter significantly from which manufacturer you purchase this item. They are carried out by themselves

All pillows have the same operating principle, regardless of material and shape.
functions without significant differences, there are certain standards that determine the optimal degree of rigidity.

A more interesting option is an inflatable pillow , since here you can adjust the degree of hardness and thus adjust the condition to suit your own characteristics. Inflatables and pillows can come in different shapes and sizes.

We will not consider further such obvious differences as color, size and shape. You can now purchase almost any option based on these parameters. For example, there are products specifically for car seats, and there are also ones for office chairs.

Thus, choosing the best option for you will not be difficult. You just need to choose suppliers with the largest range and know exactly what parameters you require.

Video: “Overview of the orthopedic pillow”

Types of products

All preventive attributes are divided depending on their shape, size, filler composition, and are also characterized by maximum permissible load. Speaking about the shape, it can be round. In this case, the pillow looks like a circle with a hole, or like a flat plate, with more convex edges, but a depression in the middle.

The range of items is quite extensive, so you can find square, wedge-shaped, rectangular and other types on sale (as in the photo).

A sitting circle for hemorrhoids is an inflatable or porous product characterized by a recess in the middle. As a rule, all parameters correspond to the chair.

Let's look at the distinctive characteristics:

  1. Foam rubber or polyurethane is used as filler. In addition, inflatable seats have become widespread.
  2. Permissible load. If you need a pillow for hemorrhoids, it will not be difficult to buy one, but you must first take into account the load. When using an inflatable attribute, there is a possibility that it will burst. But too soft will not give the required therapeutic effect.

If you have hemorrhoids, you can sew such an item with your own hands, but it should be borne in mind that the therapeutic result will be much less due to the fact that it is not always possible to correctly calculate the placement of the “rescue” hole.

The principle of operation is based on design features: the fulcrum is shifted to the area of ​​the hip bone, therefore, there is no contact between the inflamed anal area and the surface of the stool.

Indications for use of the pillow

There are many options when this device may be needed. It is necessary to distinguish between two main vectors of use: prevention and treatment.

If we talk about the intended use, we should note the following people who may benefit from pillows:

  • pregnant women - during pregnancy, pressure on the lower part of the pelvis increases, blood circulation changes, as a result, hemorrhoids can manifest themselves more actively, so many women use this tool as a preventive measure;
  • office workers - often use such pillows and not only for treatment, because a long stay in a sitting position can cause the onset of an illness, so a pillow on your own chair can be a very relevant addition;
  • car enthusiasts - people who also sit a lot, but while driving, may have congestion in the pelvic area and various uncomfortable sensations, there are even special versions of anti-hemorrhoidal pillows for motorists, they can be an excellent preventive measure and are also relevant for use by anyone who sits a lot in the car ;
  • postoperative period - late stages of hemorrhoids are treated with surgery; accordingly, after such treatment, a pillow will be needed in order to sit more comfortably and allow the body to recover better;
  • advanced age - in old age, the body changes and, in particular, blood circulation in the rectal area changes and hemorrhoids may enlarge, so many elderly people are simply advised to use pillows for hemorrhoids in order to prevent the development of this disease;
  • heredity - in addition to various positive genetic properties, your ancestors can also pass on to you a predisposition to hemorrhoids, now it is not difficult to find out about this during an examination in the clinic, and if such a predisposition exists, then it is best to use various preventive methods, including pillows, especially , if you move little and sit a lot.

In addition, you can use a hemorrhoid pillow just for prevention; this can have significant benefits . You may not belong to any of these groups, but you may experience symptoms such as burning or discomfort during bowel movements.

If you have these and similar symptoms, it is quite important to start using anti-hemorrhoidal pillows in order to promptly prevent the possible development of the disease.

Video: “Top 10 best orthopedic pillows”

Treatment of hemorrhoids in drivers

Hemorrhoids are a disease that, if its first manifestations are ignored, can lead not only to a delicate, unpleasant and painful health problem, but also to the loss of the driver’s profession. Therefore, the disease must be treated promptly, and even better, it must be prevented from occurring. There are a number of rules for changing your usual lifestyle, as well as devices that can greatly facilitate the professional life of a driver.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Rheovasography of blood vessels: brain, neck, head, lower and upper extremities

Hemorrhoid pillows

An effective way to combat unpleasant symptoms is a driver’s pillow for hemorrhoids.

Such an orthopedic product is indispensable both during exacerbation of pathology and for preventive purposes.

Buying a driver's seat cushion for hemorrhoids is a must for any representative of this profession. Of course, such a product will not cure the disease, but it can alleviate its manifestations and even prevent the disease itself.

Driver pillows used for hemorrhoids come in a variety of shapes and fillings, including air, the pressure of which can be adjusted to make the product softer or harder. In a sitting position, the area of ​​the coccyx and anus, as well as the pelvic organs, experience greater stress. This causes compression of the blood vessels in this area, deterioration of blood circulation, and its stagnation.

The hemorrhoid circle for the driver prevents the anus from coming into contact with the seat, distributes the weight of the body along the sides of the product, and shifts the load from the anus to the pelvic and femur bones. As a result, blood flow is not disturbed, pain in the anal area is relieved, and discomfort goes away.

You can also buy a driver's pillow for hemorrhoids filled with buckwheat hulls. This product follows the contours of the body, contributing to the correct distribution of loads, and does not accumulate moisture during use. An important point - a driver's seat cushion for hemorrhoids is not a treatment. It only helps relieve his symptoms.

In order for the driver to avoid hemorrhoids, you need to monitor your diet - the foods you consume should not contribute to constipation. During work, you need to take breaks to take a break from a sitting position and do a little leg warm-up and bending.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in drivers should also include special exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles and exercises for the muscles of the anus. They consist of rhythmically squeezing and relaxing them while standing or sitting on a hard chair, straightening your back and slightly leaning your body forward.

Orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids on the seat

It is worth starting to treat hemorrhoidal pathology with nutritional correction. It is necessary to give up fast food, spicy and fatty foods, and consume enough liquid food and water. Foods rich in fiber will help normalize the gastrointestinal tract and cope with constipation.

If possible, it is important to reduce the time spent behind the wheel to a minimum. If this is not possible, then at least take breaks from work every couple of hours.

You need to use them to walk or perform light physical exercises: squats, leg swings, hip rotations.

In the first stages, effective treatment of hemorrhoids in drivers can be done with medication. The doctor will select ointments, gels, rectal suppositories that have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain, antihistamines to eliminate skin itching, antibacterial drugs, agents that strengthen blood vessels and thin the blood.

Many external remedies for hemorrhoids and suppositories have a complex effect.

For more severe symptoms, similar effects are achieved by adding oral medications to complex therapy.

It is important not to stop treatment at the first signs of improvement, but to complete the entire recommended course

It is advisable for drivers to begin treating hemorrhoids when primary symptoms appear. In this case, therapy will be shorter and will avoid relapses. In advanced forms, the doctor will prescribe removal of the nodes. Modern medicine has a set of gentle techniques that make it possible to perform an operation in a very short time.

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The product is widely used in medicine due to its ergonomics and absolute safety. It is recommended to use it in the following cases.

  • With a sedentary lifestyle. The specificity of some professions is associated with prolonged stay in a static position. Workers who have to sit for long periods of time can use orthopedic devices to reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  • With diagnosed hemorrhoids. The disease at any stage - chronic, acute or extremely advanced - is an indication for the use of an antihemorrhoidal pillow.
  • Pregnancy. In women carrying a child, the rectal area experiences increased pressure under the influence of the growing fetus. A special pillow can alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman and prevent the development of proctological diseases.
  • Condition after surgery for hemorrhoids. Using the product will shorten the rehabilitation period, speed up the healing of postoperative wounds and reduce the load on the pathological area.
  • In old age. At this stage of life, the blood circulation of all organs and systems is disrupted, so an orthopedic pillow will prevent the deterioration of the condition of blood vessels.
  • With a genetic predisposition to hemorrhoidal pathology. The pillow serves as a preventative measure.
  • Hemorrhoid pillow for the driver. The driver's work also involves a long stay in a stationary position, so the device will help take care of your health and make it easier to endure long trips.
  • For traumatic injuries of the anus, lower spine, rectal prolapse and inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • In bedridden and paralyzed patients. The product is used to prevent bedsores.

It is better to buy orthopedic pillows in pharmacies, medical equipment stores or on specialized online resources. They are required to provide certificates of product quality and safety.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the product is available in several modifications, which allows you to select and purchase an accessory in accordance with the individual characteristics and needs of the buyer.

By shape

Products are manufactured according to geometric shape:

  • round - they resemble a donut in shape and are in greatest demand, suitable for most seats and cope well with the task;
  • square and rectangular - adapted to a car seat, will fit perfectly into the car. Some models are even equipped with belts that allow you to secure the device and simplify the process of operation;
  • wedge-shaped - such pillows are less common, but experts consider them optimal for use in the postoperative period.

A product shaped like a circle will be especially effective in the final stages of hemorrhoids, when the disease is accompanied by prolapse of nodes.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with what not to do for external hemorrhoids

Classification by filler material:

  • foam rubber is an economy-class hypoallergenic synthetic material. It is easy to care for and keeps its shape well. But over time, the anti-hemorrhoid pillow becomes deformed, losing its orthopedic properties. Therefore, the recommended period of use of a foam rubber product is no more than 5 years;
  • latex is a natural material made from rubber foam that allows free air circulation and does not accumulate moisture. Latex pillows demonstrate an excellent combination of elasticity and firmness and have high orthopedic properties. The only drawback of the product is the higher cost;
  • Buckwheat husk is a more exotic type of filler, which is valued by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The husk allows air to pass through well, easily takes the shape of the body and does not wrinkle. It is enough to shake the pillow periodically so that the filler is evenly distributed in the cover;
  • air – inflatable pillows for hemorrhoids are popular due to their affordable cost and ease of use. In them, the patient can independently adjust the degree of rigidity by pumping up or deflating air. But significant disadvantages are the weight limitations of the accessory and fragility.

Orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids on the seat

When choosing an orthopedic device, you should first consult with your doctor and listen to his recommendations.

In addition to the shape and filler, each product also differs in the permissible weight of the human body, that is, it is designed for a certain weight load.

Obese patients should primarily pay attention to the weight limiter. If the permissible weight of a person is exceeded, a product made of foam rubber or latex will be ineffective, and the inflatable pillow may even burst.

The anti-hemorrhoids pillow will last a long time and provide the expected effect only if used correctly. The accessory can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition during periods of exacerbation of the disease and allows him to lead a normal lifestyle.

What recommendations should you consider?

  1. The pillow should only be placed on a hard surface - on a chair or an elastic seat. Upholstered furniture quickly heats up from the heat of the human body and does not conduct air well. A pillow placed on soft surfaces will not perform its functions - the buttocks will fall into the central hole, and the hemorrhoids will be under even greater load.
  2. If you have hemorrhoids, you should not sit on a pillow for more than two hours at a time. Periodically you should do physical exercises, warm-up and change your body position. This will have a positive effect not only on the condition of the pelvic organs, but also on the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Ideally, breaks should be taken every 15-20 minutes throughout the day. If it is not possible to take a break to warm up, you can tense and relax your gluteal muscles in a sitting position 5-7 times for each approach.
  3. You should start using a purchased orthopedic pillow at the first signs of the disease, when hemorrhoids are just making themselves known and have not progressed to a more severe clinical form.
  4. For preventive purposes, an inflatable product is ideal, and after operations it is recommended to use foam pillows. Doctors advise truck drivers to pay attention to models filled with buckwheat husks - they are easy to use in transport.
  5. Foam pillows can be washed in automatic machines on a delicate cycle, but no more than twice a year. Latex fillers do not tolerate washing well; they can only be wiped with a damp sponge, and only the removable cover can be washed.


How to use a hemorrhoid pillow

In order to use a pillow normally, you must first make a smart choice, that is, choose a model in accordance with your conditions.

We need to pay attention to:

  • the seat intended for use - size, shape;
  • body weight – sometimes stronger options should be used;
  • practicality of the material - you should choose one that is more convenient to use and involves longer operation without loss of original properties.

The pillow is easy to use, just choose the right size
Try to choose a model that will be optimal for your seat, for example, an office chair. In addition, you need to choose the right seat. In particular, only a hard surface should be used.

If you place a pillow on a soft surface, the pillow will bend its own position . As a result, the main functions will not manifest themselves, and accordingly, the lower pelvic areas will continue to be pinched.

You should also maintain a level body position in order to place the main support on the bones of the pelvis and hips.

If you are using a hemorrhoid pillow, there are other treatment instructions to consider. Do not neglect the use of medications and other methods of treatment or prevention prescribed to you.

Types of presented therapeutic and prophylactic products

  • Many well-known brands are engaged in the production of this product.
  • An orthopedic pillow can have a round shape.
  • The variety of manufacturers determines a large selection of product models - they differ in both shapes and internal design, and the nuances of their positive effects on the body.
  • The products are recommended for preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes, in particular, after hemorrhoid surgery. Models of the following forms are presented to the attention of buyers:
  • wedge-shaped;
  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular, etc.
  1. Series names may also differ in characteristics such as size and weight restrictions.
  2. The second of these two indicators implies mandatory clarification of the user’s weight before purchasing a product.
  3. The most convenient way is to place it on a chair and then use a foam rubber hemorrhoid pillow.
  4. It is most convenient to place and then use a hemorrhoid pillow of one of the following three types:
  • inflatable;
  • polyurethane;
  • foam rubber.

The shape of such a product is most often ring-shaped with a hole in the middle.

The product is a donut-shaped hip shape with a notch in the tailbone area. The development allows reducing pressure on the most sensitive areas of the anal area and the perineal area as a whole.

There are also models of pillows on sale that are subject to regulation - in particular, you can change the volume of pumped air and the thickness of the support. The value of these parameters is determined depending on the user’s weight and is set using the pump included in the kit.

Externally, the design resembles a regular children's swimming circle, which is easy to inflate yourself. Most often, this subtype of product is purchased for patients suffering from an advanced stage of the disease, that is, in a state where external nodes cannot be adjusted independently.

  • An orthopedic pillow can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Regardless of the characteristics of a particular product, it must undergo testing, which is a reliable guarantee of the safety and usefulness of the product.
  • Products can be purchased at:
  • pharmacies;
  • specialized orthopedic stores;
  • online stores.

The vast majority of products are characterized by universal size. The most common filler, due to its low cost and lack of toxicity, is foam rubber.

This durable product is made from high-quality plastic and natural materials: wood, bone. Any seat achieves the effect, so the choice depends only on personal preference. The uneven surface provides a long-lasting invigorating micro-massage of the buttocks. The benefits are huge:

  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • lymph drainage is restored;
  • pain is relieved.

You should not use the hemorrhoid seat for more than six hours a day.

The seat cannot be used during an exacerbation of the disease and immediately after surgery! In these cases, massage is contraindicated and will cause irreversible harm.

How to make a pillow with your own hands?

Modern pillows for hemorrhoids are made not only from foam rubber, but also from latex and other hypoallergenic materials that do not require any additional care. Such products cost very little and are quite accessible for purchase . Therefore, making this product yourself is actually not always a waste of time.

However, if you want to make a pillow for hemorrhoids yourself, you can use a simple scheme that uses a filler made from pieces of foam rubber and durable fabric , like that used for curtains or upholstery.

You choose the size yourself, based on the user’s parameters, and it’s best to choose a shape like a donut. This pattern is the simplest option, which is available even without special skills, but a sewing machine can greatly facilitate the process of making the product.

First you need to make a pattern from two “donuts” (circles with a hole in the center) and cut out pieces of fabric. They are sewn with overlock stitches, which you can add with ribbons.

How to choose the right product

Orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids on the seat

Special chair pads for hemorrhoids come in different types, shapes, designs and materials. In shape they can be round and rectangular, square and wedge-shaped. A prerequisite is a shift of the reference point from the center towards the hip bones. The dimensions of the pillow must correspond to the dimensions and weight of the person and the parameters of the seat.

A donut shape with a special hole in the middle is the most popular and sought-after design of an orthopedic chair cushion for hemorrhoids.

A round “ring” pillow helps relieve and improve the patient’s condition. It reduces pressure on the anus and does not interfere with free air circulation, inhibiting further progression of the disease. Proctologists recommend the product for use for the purpose of prevention and treatment.

Types of seat cushions:

  • Inflatable. The model is made of high-strength and safe rubber or silicone. The degree of pillow hardness depends on the level of air filling. If necessary, you can independently adjust the rigidity of the orthopedic product.
  • With filler. A fabric cover of a special shape and configuration is filled with synthetic filler. It can be any porous material - foam rubber or polyurethane. The porous pillow has a fixed level of hardness. Wear-resistant, durable and dense fabric is usually used to make the cover.
  • With natural filler. Filling for hemorrhoid pillows in the form of natural buckwheat husk is widely used. A pillow with buckwheat husk is safe and effective, it does not absorb moisture, allows air to pass through and does not heat up, has a sufficient level of rigidity and adapts well to the contours of the body.
  • Single layer. Such models are made on a gel basis or from latex, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. When used correctly, they are highly efficient, comfortable and durable.
  • Combined. The design of an anatomical pillow can be represented by several layers. This allows you to achieve maximum comfort when sitting, a light massage and relaxing effect.

Reviews about the use of the pillow

An orthopedic pillow is not a cure, but is an excellent means of preventing hemorrhoids
Most users of such pillows note a positive effect from use. For those who have the disease to one degree or another, a hemorrhoid pillow is an excellent way to relieve symptoms. Many people use this tool after surgery to ensure that the treatment ends in a positive way.

Many people are not at all averse to using anti-hemorrhoidal pillows for prevention. We are talking not only about drivers, but also about office workers or simply those who sit a lot.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with using such an item . On the contrary, such an item indicates reasonable concern for one’s own health. Many people note that it is much more comfortable to sit on this particular pillow and advise others to use this convenient orthopedic instrument.

pillow for hemorrhoids

Well, the time has come for me, as usual, to shock all those who read my posts. And whoever wants to write nasty things, just pass by and thank you very much for this. Live peacefully and believe in what you believe. I don't encourage anyone to do anything. I’m just telling my story, like thousands of women who write their posts here. I’m leaving a link to a story about a miracle of conception and pregnancy, if you’re interested, go read it to understand what I’m writing about in this post.

https://www.babyblog.ru/user/0993763133/7917#comm_257939 - Miracle of conception.


Let's get started :) So the traffic permit was set for 07/06/2020

Two weeks before this date, I started having training contractions. Everything went fine, I learned to relax and understand how I needed to behave at this moment. I realized that it was good that during my first birth I had the opportunity to prepare for real contractions. Three days before giving birth, according to all physiological norms, my mucous plug began to come off, and that’s when I realized that childbirth was very close and approximately coincided with PDR. And then in the evening at 23:00 on July 6, the process started. I started to feel pain in my stomach like during training, there was no pain. I decided not to go to bed, but to check my bags and everything I needed again. I took a shower, my husband helped me do cleansing procedures, and put on compression stockings to prevent varicose veins. And by two o’clock I was completely ready for work and defense :) The contractions were gaining momentum, but it was not painful, at some point my stomach just turned to stone and it lasted from 40 seconds to a minute. I called my healer and asked to be sure whether this was the same thing or just training ones, he said confidently and accurately go to the maternity hospital. We went. We didn't drive very fast and were there in about 40 minutes. Then I sat in the car with my husband for another 20 minutes and discussed a plan of action if something happened. And she went to give up. My husband was not allowed to attend the birth because there was a quarantine. While all these paper issues and at 3:45 I was already examined and then they told me…. there is no opening, literally everything is just beginning, so perhaps this is not even childbirth.. Option two: either everything will stop or it will develop into good labor. To be honest, I was a little upset, but the manager immediately reassured me that don’t worry, let’s wait. And they took me to the hospital. They told me to go to bed before the round, for sure... during the round we’ll decide what to do with you.

I made my bed and wrote to my healer, telling him what was happening and how it was happening. I was a little upset that nothing had started for me, but he strongly advised me to go to the maternity hospital. I just initially didn’t want to come to the maternity hospital for anything other than labor; sitting within four walls and waiting for labor to begin seemed something unbearable to me. He calmed me down and said that he is with me, the guardian angels are nearby, don’t worry, you’ll give birth soon. And when he told me this, to be honest, I felt the opposite from my feelings, that I would have to hang around here for a long time... We talked and I lay down hoping to get some sleep. And as soon as I put my head on the pillow... and I understand that it’s somehow uncomfortable for me to lie down, my stomach began to ache. I got up and started walking, and at exactly 04:30 I didn’t sleep a wink. The process has begun. Although, to be honest, I didn’t believe it until the very end, because I thought that these were all training contractions. The contractions intensified. I wanted to sleep very badly! Since day and then night I didn’t sleep a wink. The hardest thing for me in life is not sleeping and not drinking, I can not eat for at least three days, but if I don’t sleep, that’s the hardest thing. I prayed to God to let me sleep. But apparently, for me the decision was different and I managed to sleep. I was alone in the room and it was easier to experience the contractions. No one distracted or bothered me. Let me remind you that in a hospital, where no one gives birth in principle, girls are waiting for birth there, and I was in full swing. For some reason I didn’t call anyone for help, to have them look at me, I don’t know why, I was apparently busy experiencing the grips. And then, closer to 6 in the morning, the midwife came to me and told me to donate blood from my finger and urine. We went to donate blood, and my contractions were already sensitive, and after donating blood, when I was walking back, a contraction overtook me and I squatted down hugging the column, and the nurse thought that I felt bad after donating blood. She grabbed me by the arms and led me into the room. Then about 15 minutes later the same nurse came to me and asked if everything was okay? She saw that I was having contractions, asked what frequency I said, she said be patient until the round and left. Closer to 7 am, when the contractions were 1 minute contraction, 1.5 minutes rest, I wrote to the healer saying, how can this be, if these are training contractions, then what will the birth be like? I'm talking here and I can end it. To which he told me that this is childbirth and that I need to suffer and go through all this courageously and that now it’s much easier for me than for anyone else, since my pain threshold has been raised and I’m experiencing contractions as painfully as I can tolerate it. These were the words that refreshed me, to be honest, I really admitted that I could endure contractions and was glad that these were not training contractions, as I thought, but real contractions. Hooray! The pain was such that it took away my breathing and was all over my stomach, and not somewhere specific. And it really wasn’t the hellish pain that I read a lot about and listened to the stories of girls. And the only good thing was that it waxed and waned, in waves. I kept track on my phone, although sometimes I missed periods. And now it’s already a round and they came to me at 8:30, as usual, according to the classics, they asked my story of how I got here and a bunch of other questions. I answered only when there was no contraction, and when the contraction began, I fell into myself and did not even try to listen to what they told me and asked. I asked the bypass midwife for one thing, to let me sleep, since I had not slept day and night, to which they told me, let’s go see what’s going on with your opening, and then we’ll decide what to do with you. I went for an examination, although everything was already in the fog in my eyes, I don’t clearly remember the walk along the corridor and how long we walked. I lay down for an examination and literally in a couple of seconds, the midwife screamed for a gurney quickly!!! I shuddered. And I thought that someone was feeling bad, but it was definitely not me. And then the words.. - complete revelation!! I was absolutely delighted and strength flowed to me. I couldn’t believe that I got through the hardest part so quickly. The first birth at 33 years old at 4:30 the process began and at 8:30 there was a complete opening. Was it just a fairy tale in 5 hours? It's just wow! And of course, it’s not me who is so cool and really lucky... this was all organized for me from above. To be honest, I set myself up for 16 hours of torment, suffering, stimulation, CTG, whining, look at the opening, screams, snot, but all this did not happen. I calmly, in splendid isolation, went through the contractions that I was so afraid of. Thank God for this!!! This is a miracle girls and those who believe will understand me.

And so they brought me like a breeze from the 6th to the 3rd floor to the delivery room. As they always asked, I especially remember why I didn’t give birth until I was 33 years old. And then they told me how to push and we started trying. I felt the contraction, but I didn’t feel how the baby was moving through the birth canal. It didn't hurt at all. I pushed successfully for two attempts, although I thought it would be harder. In fact, of course, I had help from above. I didn’t even have time to feel the pain of the contraction, as the team of doctors gave me instructions from all sides and they praised me for how well I did it. And here it is that very moment, I was warned that now is the most crucial moment, the last attempt. Pull yourself together and you will give birth. I pulled myself together and at that moment it was as if I had fallen somewhere and the only thing I felt was a not painful, but noticeable tension in the perineum. And after the words, well done, good girl, I felt my warm daughter being placed on my stomach. It was magical. Incredible and magical. Everything is over, there is no pain. For some reason I immediately asked the midwife, I was torn and about hemorrhoids. To which they laughed and said there were no hemorrhoids and no ruptures either. Rest. Then they showed me my daughter, she was so small and beautiful. I tried to remember it, because the stupid thought in my head that children were confused in the maternity hospital did not leave me throughout my pregnancy. They are such bad thoughts :)) but she looked like my uncle, it seemed to me, so I calmed down and was sure that I would find her if something happened. Then they pressed on my stomach so that the placenta came out. I also asked about her, they said everything was fine. I was transferred to a ward and I fell asleep for 4 hours, my daughter slept with me. I woke up and realized that I was a mother, that everything that was in my head was not justified, but it was comfortable and tolerable to experience childbirth. I am grateful to my healer for the miracle that happened to me. My birth was from a sensitive contraction from 4:30 to 9:00 when my baby was already on her tummy. This is a miracle girl. And now I can say with full responsibility and confidence that with such a pregnancy and such a birth, I will go for children more than once. Since the Lord blessed me and provided me with such comfortable conditions, I will be a mother more than once. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. And now I will list more points that I will not describe in detail. So, the healer didn’t tell me the date of birth until recently, so that I wouldn’t get excited and change events for that day, but so that everything would happen naturally. He charged me with water for childbirth, I drank it and wiped myself with it and it became much easier for me. I worked with the space in which I was. That is, I removed negativity, tension, cleared all objects of negativity. This helped a lot. I was in an absolutely calm and comfortable environment. I remember that morning it was such a beautiful dawn. I even rejoiced at the July dawn, despite the contractions. I worked with the staff, I didn’t pay for anything and didn’t negotiate with anyone, because I decided to thank them after the fact. And everyone, from the technical staff to the head of the department who delivered me, everyone was absolutely normal and friendly towards me. And the most interesting thing was that no one was giving birth; at that moment I was alone. The whole group, including the anesthesiologist, was next to me. For a moment I even thought that things were bad for me since there were so many people around me. The healer also helped me with feeding. The milk came on the second day. I went through all the stages of colostrum, transitional milk and then milk comfortably. I worked and set up a soft and comfortable recovery of the uterus after childbirth. The uterus contracted correctly and on the third day, according to the indicators, me and the baby were discharged from the maternity hospital. And exactly a month later, my discharge completely disappeared, there was no smudging or brown, everything was just perfect. To be honest, I didn’t expect it...despite what happens to me every day, as a sinful person I have a share of doubt in my head, for which I constantly repent. My husband couldn’t believe his eyes at all that this miracle happened when I sent him the photo. He says we were just sitting in the car, laughing, I came home, lay down for a couple of hours and you sent me this news. My husband was worried that because of the quarantine he wouldn’t be there for the birth, because he had heard a lot of stories I had read and heard about how girls give birth and how many bad things they do to them and wanted to personally protect me from this mess, but it didn’t work out with the quarantine. Now I think that he was there and wasn’t really needed, I was absorbed in myself, and then the interaction with the doctors and at what moment his help was needed, I don’t know. This is the story of my birth. Now this is the only way and in these conditions I will give birth to my children. I lived all my 33 years and couldn’t even believe that healers had the power and such capabilities. That the Lord sends such colossal help to us sinners. My job was just to trust. And I did it and understood and felt the strength and miracle of the Lord. I perfectly understand those who do not believe in this. I wouldn’t have believed it myself until I went through this journey from conception to childbirth. And every moment and every time it was a miracle. I can confirm that there are people among us who are truly gifted. And this is such a limitless power that once you know it and feel it for yourself, you will never be the same. You won't be able to go back to that old life. It's like seeing God and Angels live, here and now. And then you won’t be able to say that they don’t exist. This defies logic, reason, it is at the level of a miracle. And all because we live in a stereotyped world, where everything material is only understandable to us and we accept it. Thank God for everything!! Girls, I’m happy, I’ll write another post someday about my condition after childbirth and the first month with the child. There just isn't much time. I’m getting used to the regime, now my head is full of others and my thoughts are all directed at the child. I wish everyone a good mood and healthy strong children. ⚘

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