The pancreas is an organ that works absolutely every day, helping the human body
Vomiting is a natural defense mechanism whose purpose is mainly to remove toxins from
Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes are released into their own cavity
Parenchymal pancreatitis is a pathological change in the parenchyma of the pancreas, when the cells of the glandular tissue of the organ
Therapeutic fasting, also called fasting-dietary therapy, is a complete abstinence from food for a period
Acid reflux and GERD as a cause of abdominal pain in the morning Acid reflux -
Tea is the most popular drink all over the world. It is tea that becomes an integral part of daily
How do stomach diseases manifest themselves? Eating spicy foods, smoking, drinking alcohol, poor diet,
Factors in the development of gallbladder spasm An ailment in which symptoms of an attack of gallstone disease may appear occurs
Black pepper is known as a seasoning and a component of fat-burning complexes. However, the medicinal and beneficial properties