Is it possible to drink rose hips for erosive gastritis?

How do stomach diseases manifest themselves?

Eating spicy food, smoking, drinking alcohol, poor diet, stress, overwork, negative emotions - all these factors can lead to gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers. These diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms: belching, heartburn, pain, nausea, and vomiting.

It is better to treat any disease comprehensively, including gastritis and ulcers. To do this, you need to eat small meals at least 6 times a day, follow a diet, exclude fatty, fried, and spicy foods from the diet, plus use decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal herbs.

To drink or not to drink – that is the question!

Rosehip is a plant that has many healing properties. The composition of rosehip includes vitamins P, B, PP, E, K, various macroelements and microelements, oils, acids, and tannins. But most of all, this medicinal plant contains vitamin C, which directly affects increased immunity and improved metabolism. Therefore, it is not surprising that rose hips are widely used for preventive measures against various diseases.

As for duodenal ulcers, the use of decoctions, tinctures, and teas from wild rose berries may not have the best effect on the stomach, since the inflammatory mucous membrane can be seriously damaged by ascorbic acid (vitamin C). With an ulcer, increased acidity may occur, and additional acid will certainly have a negative effect on the mucous membrane.

Contraindications for use

High levels of ascorbic acid can damage tooth enamel. Therefore, after consumption, you need to rinse your mouth with water. Patients with a predisposition to blood clots or thrombophlebitis should avoid the berry. During exacerbation of gastritis, it is important for hypertensive and hypotensive patients to take such rosehip medications with caution. Patients with high blood pressure should not take infusions of alcohol, and with low blood pressure, water decoctions are contraindicated. Pregnant women, people prone to constipation or flatulence, as well as existing dermatological problems can use the products only with the permission of the attending physician. Rosehip decoction for gastritis with high acidity is contraindicated due to the increased content of vitamin C and acid, which can lead to an increase in the level of acidity in a sore stomach.

How to prepare medicines from rose hips

So, after selecting the rose hips, you need to choose a container for preparing the decoction. It is better to do this not in metal, but in enamel or glass containers.

There are many options for preparing rosehip decoctions. Here are the most effective recipes:

Recipe No. 1. Rinse a tablespoon of fruit with running water, dry with a towel and place in a container. Pour a glass of hot water (no more than 80°C), close the container tightly and let it brew. After 10 hours, the decoction can be consumed.

Important! You should not add sugar to the broth; it is better to sweeten it with honey.

Recipe No. 2. Pour 7 fruits with a liter of water and cook for an hour, putting on low heat. Add the resulting drink to 7 more fruits, close the container tightly and let it brew. After 7-9 hours, the infusion can be consumed. You need to drink the decoction on the same day.

Recipe No. 3. Grind 8-12 berries and add boiling water. After 30 minutes, the decoction is ready, all that remains is to strain and drink.

How to recognize harm from wild rose berries

Most people do not even suspect that they have high acidity, and use various rosehip remedies internally to prevent viral infections and lower blood pressure. Often, some people drink rosehip-based products just like that instead of tea, so it is worth noting that regularly using a decoction from the fruits of this plant is not recommended at all!

Excessive use will not only not help with the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, but can also cause the occurrence and development of these diseases. Also, do not forget about the diuretic effect of rose hips. If a lot of potassium is excreted from the body, it will contribute to the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the heart, and may also develop twitching and muscle cramps.

It is very easy to determine that rose hips have a harmful effect on the body. If you experience increasing pain or prolonged discomfort in the epigastric region, this means that problems have arisen in the gastrointestinal tract. But, unfortunately, such pain is often ignored, which serves as an excellent tool for the development of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

To avoid the development of stomach diseases, after consuming a decoction or tincture, observe whether pain appears. If you notice any unpleasant sensations, be sure to undergo an examination to determine the acidity of stomach juice.

Is it possible to drink rose hips for erosive gastritis?

Rose hips have long been used in folk medicine as a remedy that helps in the treatment of many diseases, improves immunity, and restores strength. The medicinal plant has been well studied and is widely used for medicinal purposes. Tinctures, teas, and decoctions are prepared based on the fruits of the plant. But is it possible to use rosehip decoction for gastritis? After all, the disease requires adherence to a strict diet.

If you take the drink taking into account contraindications and do not exceed the recommended dosage, it will be beneficial. However, it is important to know how to do it correctly so as not to harm the stomach. Let's figure out who the plant will help and who it is contraindicated for. We will also find out a recipe for making a decoction at home.

Rosehip and the decoction prepared from it hold the record for the content of useful substances. It contains especially a lot of vitamin C. It contains the following biologically active components:

  • fructose;
  • vitamins B, K, E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • oily esters;
  • dextrose;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • phenolic group of compounds;
  • iron;
  • sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • inulin;
  • steroids;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium.

This is an incomplete list of useful substances. It is no coincidence that it is prescribed in the treatment of many diseases.

In the acute form of the disease, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. In the first days, it is recommended to refuse food. Although many patients do this on their own. Since any products cause aggravation. Then vegetable broths, porridges cooked in water, and stewed vegetables are gradually introduced into the diet. Products are selected carefully.

The patient must adhere to the following dietary rules:

  1. Exclude products with coarse fibers from the menu.
  2. Do not eat vegetables raw.
  3. Limit the consumption of confectionery products, sour fruits, fried, hot, spicy foods.
  4. Give preference to vegetable puree soups.
  5. Do not consume alcoholic beverages, dishes, sauces, lard, smoked meats, or fresh bread.

If you do not adhere to proper nutrition, the disease becomes chronic and will constantly remind itself of any errors in food. It is in this case that medications are often prescribed, one of which is rose hips.

  • controls insulin secretion;
  • helps in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • the product normalizes digestive processes;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • inhibits the growth of cancer cells;
  • cleanses the body and circulatory system;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • prevents aging processes;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, and liver;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system;
  • protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from the effects of negative factors;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, strengthening, astringent, wound-healing properties.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are incredibly diverse. Doctors and nutritionists recommend including the product in your daily diet

Before taking the decoction, the patient should find out what form of gastritis he has - with high or low acidity of gastric juice. The pH level of digestive juice is determined using diagnostic methods. If the acidity level is increased, the decoction is strictly prohibited. With low and normal levels of hydrochloric acid, a rosehip drink will only be beneficial.

It should be taken half an hour before meals, warm in an amount of 100-150 ml.

You can prepare not only rosehip decoction, but also jelly, syrup, and tea. It is important to adhere to the recipe and cooking rules. If the drink is brewed for a long time, all the beneficial properties are killed; if not brewed, it is also practically useless.

The plant is considered completely safe. But not in all cases the decoction will be beneficial.

Contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity of the body;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • heart attack, stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • with a tendency to constipation.

It is not difficult to prepare the remedy yourself.

You will need: 3 glasses of water; 0.5 kg – rose hips.

  1. The rose hips are thoroughly washed under cold running water.
  2. The berries are crushed into a paste using a food processor or blender.
  3. Rosehip crumbs are poured with boiling water (the water should cover the berries).
  4. The container is placed on low heat and boiled for half an hour.
  5. The drink is cooled to 60 degrees, then poured into a thermos.
  6. The taste can be improved by adding a little natural honey.
  7. After a day, the broth is filtered and poured into a clean container.

A drink with rose hips enhances the effect of certain medications, in particular antibiotics.

Weakens the effect of contraceptives.

Excess vitamin C enhances the excretion of alkaloids. This leads to excessive formation of alkaline acid.

Rosehip is incredibly beneficial for the body, if you do not overdo it with its use. Drinks based on it are completely natural products. If you have gastritis, it will help you recover quickly and strengthen your immune system. However, first undergo a test to determine the pH level of digestive juice.


Recommendations for drinking rose hips for gastritis can be found in books on traditional medicine and on the Internet. But how justified are they? The plant is really useful if you use it correctly, observing the exact dosage. Let's try to figure out when rosehip decoction for gastritis becomes a medicinal drug, and how it should be used. We will also consider recipes for preparing healing infusions.

The diagnosis itself is a rather vague definition, which implies several pathologies at once. In many developed countries, the diagnosis of gastritis is extremely rare. Not because people got rid of bad habits, stopped being nervous or eating fast food. Doctors simply replace it with a specific definition that would reflect the clinical picture.

It is highly advisable to see a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • Painful sensations above the navel.
  • Heaviness, nausea.
  • Belching, heartburn.
  • Stool disorder.

Modern gastroenterology distinguishes two main forms of the disease:

  • Spicy. As a rule, it begins suddenly. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed under the influence of aggressive substances, low-quality drinks or food.
  • Chronic. Occurs due to prolonged exposure to damaging factors. These include: constant stress, bad habits (for example, alcohol abuse), taking medications that irritate the epithelium.

The reasons listed above are slowly eroding human health. Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is another cause of serious stomach problems.

How to cure the acute phase? Several effective means are used for these purposes:

  • Lavage of the esophagus.
  • Fasting for 24 hours.
  • A gentle diet – at least 2 weeks.

In the chronic form, dystrophic changes begin in the mucosa. The gastric lining gradually degenerates, and treatment lasts for many years. The disease may not appear for several years. But as soon as the patient eats something spicy or gets nervous, the already familiar symptoms will not take long to appear. It is in the chronic form that wild rose should be considered as an adjuvant treatment. But with certain nuances.

The key factor determining the prescription of certain medications for gastritis is the level of secretion. Using simple diagnostic methods, you can find out what the pH level is in the esophagus and various parts of the stomach. It may be normal, have a reduced concentration or an increased concentration. When the production mechanism is disrupted, a deviation from the norm occurs. The weakness of the sphincter plays an important role - processed food returns to the esophagus.

Increased stomach acidity can be judged by the following symptoms:

  • Sour, “burning” throat belching.
  • Nausea. It can appear both in the morning and after eating.
  • Pain in the navel area, epigastric area. Occurs during a meal or immediately after it.
  • You can't eat too much. After just a few spoons, the disease reminds itself of itself with an unpleasant feeling of fullness and heaviness.

Rose hips are highly valued by doctors and traditional healers for their unique concentration of acids. One of them is ascorbic acid. When the amount of gastric juice exceeds all permissible norms, rose hips will do harm for gastritis with high acidity. Provided that they try to treat it with infusions.

How do you know if acidity is low? The symptoms will be different:

  • The belching is no longer sour. It has an unpleasant, even rotten smell.
  • The tongue is coated.
  • The chair is broken. This can be either constipation or diarrhea, accompanied by bloating.
  • The patient complains of unpleasant pressure inside.
  • You may also smell a rotten egg from your mouth.

With normal and low acidity, rosehip teas and all kinds of jelly are acceptable. If the secretion is increased, you will have to limit yourself to oil obtained from rosehip seeds. Each case is individual and requires consultation with a doctor. After all, if an accurate diagnosis is not established, and the patient uncontrollably drinks rosehip infusions, the consequences can be very different.

Almost any pharmacy chain sells rose hips. They are recognized by official medicine as an effective medicine. Traditional healers use the petals and roots when it is necessary to heal the kidneys. The beneficial effects of fruits have been best studied:

  • Excellent strengthening properties.
  • Accelerates the waste of urine and bile from the body.
  • Activates the immune system.
  • It has a powerful bactericidal and astringent effect. Envelops inflamed walls.
  • With regular use, cells are restored much faster.
  • Reliable vascular protection.
  • Stop bleeding.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Relieving inflammation.

Patients with low acidity should definitely take a closer look at this wonderful plant. Treatment with rose hips effectively relieves inflammation and restores digestion. It is able to stop the process of erosion formation and protect cells from further degeneration.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of rose hips. Since berries are considered the most healing, we will focus on them.

  • The most common vitamins are B, PP, K, E and C.
  • Berries are rich in microelements such as phosphorus, zinc and molybdenum.
  • There are also enough macroelements: potassium, iron.
  • Flavonoids, fructose.
  • Tannins.
  • A huge amount of organic acids.
  • Esters, higher alcohols.

Wild rose is a real champion in vitamin content. Compared to lemon, there is 45 times more ascorbic acid. Inside there are seeds - used to obtain oil. Many fat-soluble vitamins, which cannot be “obtained” by water extraction, are contained in oil. It has been scientifically proven that rosehip oil is especially useful for gastritis. It is recommended for pre-ulcerative mucosal conditions.

The extract prepared at home is drunk warm. Both cold and very hot drinks have a negative effect - water-soluble vitamins are destroyed. If you brew the drink for just a few minutes, the concentration of substances will be extremely low. The beneficial substances simply do not have time to pass into the liquid from the raw materials. That is, you will get a pleasant and tasty drink, but it will definitely not bring tangible benefits to the body.

Gastroenterologists advise using the drug before starting a meal, preferably 30 minutes before. Recommended dosage is 100 ml 2-3 times a day. In case of exacerbation of the disease, the drink is not recommended.

A general strengthening vitamin infusion is easy to prepare, but how to prepare a healing infusion? It turns out that for rosehip infusion to be effective for gastritis, it must be prepared according to special rules. It is important that the release of substances is maximum. They envelop and perfectly protect the mucous membrane, preventing its destruction.

  • Grind the raw materials using one of the methods listed below. If the fruits are dry, just roll them out between two layers of fabric with a regular rolling pin. Also suitable for these purposes is a hammer, which is designed for beating meat, or a regular coffee grinder. It is enough to pass fresh fruits through a meat grinder.
  • Place the prepared powder in a thermos. The ratio of rosehip/boiled water is 1 to 20. That is, on average, there are 250-300 ml of water per tablespoon of the drug.
  • It makes sense to drink exclusively fresh infusion. What was prepared yesterday will no longer bring tangible benefits to the body. Many useful substances oxidize during this time.
  • After boiling water and letting it cool to 70 degrees, you need to pour the liquid into a thermos with wild rose. Leave for 40-60 minutes. If you insist longer (for example, all night), the drink acquires a rich taste and incredible aroma. And at the same time, the concentration of substances will be minimal.
  • After standing for 40-60 minutes, it is necessary to pour the infusion into a cup through several layers of gauze. Such an improvised filter does a good job of trapping seed fluff, which should not get into the drink.
  • The first portion is drunk thirty minutes before breakfast or lunch. Recommended temperature is 45-50 degrees. The rest is heated before further use.

As mentioned above, a regular fortified decoction is easy to prepare. But when it comes to a drug aimed at treating gastritis, there are some preparation nuances. The traditional cooking recipe is definitely not suitable - when boiling, the beneficial compounds will be destroyed or oxidized. Let's move on to the step-by-step guide:

  • After grinding the fruits, you need to pour them into a small saucepan.
  • Pour in hot water that has just boiled.
  • Place in a water bath and cook for 15 minutes.
  • The water/fruit ratio is the same as in the previous recipe 1:20.

You need to wait a little for the broth to cool down. The recommended dosage is 1/2 cup.

For such an ailment as erosive gastritis, jelly made from rose hips is a sure remedy. It has a powerful protective, enveloping effect.

  • The drug is filtered - for example, through gauze. And then brought to a boil. The starch is poured in a thin stream, stirring should be continuous.
  • Then the jelly is removed from the heat.
  • The best starch option is corn starch. You can also take potato, but it quickly oxidizes the healing substances contained in the wild rose.
  • How to use rosehip jelly? As with previous drinks - 30 minutes before meals, warm. For example, you can drink 1/2 glass before breakfast and another half before dinner.

Is it possible to drink rosehip for gastritis in the form of jelly when the acidity is high? Unfortunately, this is not recommended. An extremely high concentration of acid is the only, but quite serious, contraindication for the hyperacid form of the disease.

The only correct and permitted option for using rose hips for gastritis of the stomach is oil. It is extracted from the seeds of wild roses. The option really works, but it’s not always possible to get rosehip oil. The good news is that it's easy to make at home.

Only internal seeds are used for cooking. They are peeled, dried in the sun and ground into powder. There are 2 common recipes for making butter:

  • The powder is placed in a jar and filled with sunflower oil. It should be refined and heated to 50 degrees.
  • The recommended ratio of powder and oil is 1:2, respectively.
  • The finished mixture is stirred several times and put in a dark place.
  • After 10 days, the mixture is heated to 50 degrees using a water bath. They hide again. After 10 days, the procedure is repeated. There will be 3 cycles in total.
  • After the last heating, the oil is filtered and placed in the refrigerator chilled.
  • The raw materials are dried and crushed by analogy with the first recipe. Then it is also diluted with oil, but the concentration is greater. For one part of powder take 3 parts of sunflower oil.
  • After pouring, the crushed seeds are mixed in a saucepan and brought to a boil.
  • Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Strain and store in a cool place.

It is recommended to use 1 tbsp of oil. spoon 20-30 minutes before meals. It perfectly neutralizes acid and becomes a real boon for people with hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The modern pharmaceutical industry has long adopted the wild rose. The plant is actively used to make oil and extract. The latter is an essential component of many medications. Rosehip syrup is available in pharmacies - it is also effective for gastritis.

In any pharmacy it is possible to purchase packs of already collected and dried fruits. Those who are not looking for easy ways can try to prepare them themselves. The maximum concentration of nutrients in wild rose occurs in October. There are two options - either pick them and dry them, or wait until the end of autumn. In November they will dry out naturally.

It is necessary to dry the finished raw materials on the windowsill. However, there should be no direct rays - the berries will be unusable.

It is important that there is good ventilation in the house or apartment. Otherwise, the fruits will become moldy and rotten. And in the sun, the berries quickly turn black and dry out, losing the lion's share of useful elements.

Rosehip is the No. 1 berry in the arsenal of those suffering from gastritis and completely healthy people. It has simply fantastic healing potential and, when used correctly, works wonders. It is important to know how to harvest and dry berries, how to properly prepare infusions, and also drink them. We hope this article was useful and helped improve your well-being!


Gastritis is a stomach disease associated with inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane. To eliminate the symptoms characteristic of gastritis, folk remedies are also used. Herbal teas and, for example, rosehip infusions are recommended for consumption.

Rose hips contain large amounts of vitamin C. This figure is 50 times higher than that of lemon. In addition to vitamin C, rose hips also contain other vitamins and microelements .

  • vitamins A, E, P, K and B vitamins;
  • calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins;
  • lycopene;
  • malic and citric acids.

Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on oxidation and recovery processes in the body. The use of rose hips is considered as a prophylactic agent that prevents the occurrence of atherosclerotic processes.

Rose hips stimulate choleretic and diuretic processes , help eliminate inflammation, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and improve vision. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improving the condition of capillaries and blood clotting indicators.

Rose hips can be used in medicine in various forms: in the form of oil, syrup, decoctions, extracts .

Indications for its use are:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of hematopoietic function;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • female diseases, uterine bleeding;
  • slow bone healing;
  • malaria, zinc;
  • diseases of the intestines, kidneys, and liver in chronic form.

The use of rosehip in inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa is not only allowed, but also recommended .
Those. Rosehip decoction can be drunk for chronic gastritis (not in the acute stage of the disease). The product has the following effects on the body:

  • normalization of digestive processes in general;
  • stimulating better absorption of food;
  • improving bladder function;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • saturating the body with vitamins;
  • improving the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

By improving the processes of food absorption and stabilizing the functioning of the stomach , inflammation goes away faster. It should be borne in mind that the effect obtained from consuming decoctions is to restore the normal functioning of the organ, but it does not provide a complete cure.

Therefore, its use can be considered exclusively as an additional method of treatment, but not as a primary one.

If after drinking a decoction of rose hips you experience discomfort in the upper abdomen, you should discard the drink. Such signs indicate a hyperacid form of the disease.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, you should not use rose hips . This is due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid, which when ingested into the body increases the acidity of the stomach. The use of rosehip decoctions in this form of the disease can lead to exacerbation of gastritis and the development of ulcers.

Not all patients who exhibit signs of gastritis are aware of the form of the disease. It is necessary to find out what form of gastritis (hyper- or hypoacid) is observed, since based on this data it is possible to understand which products are allowed and which are strictly prohibited.


How justified is the advice to drink rose hips for gastritis? The huge range of healing qualities of plants from the Rosaceae family (wild rose) is recognized by official medicine and traditional healers, but in the case of gastritis, not everything is so simple. It helps some, harms others, exacerbating stomach problems.

Let’s figure out in what cases rosehip will definitely help, and when it is taboo, how to properly prepare and drink the drug, what doctors say about it.

The most common remedy is rosehip decoction, but for gastritis it is not suitable for everyone and not always. Why can a powerful healing potion sometimes cause harm? To answer, it is necessary to understand what is included in the concept of “gastritis”.

The diagnosis of gastritis is too vague a definition, including several conditions of pathology of the gastric mucosa, combined with inflammation. In developed countries, where evidence-based medicine standards prevail, it is rarely performed. More often, doctors try to replace it with a more specific diagnosis that reflects a certain clinical picture.

If you suspect inflammation of the stomach lining, you should see a doctor and get diagnosed. The following symptoms should alert you:

  • Pain above the navel;
  • Feeling of heaviness;
  • Nausea;
  • Heartburn;
  • Belching;
  • Stool disorders.

Without going into complex medical terms, we can describe in human language what gastritis includes. This term is widely used among people, but few people understand the nuances of the disease.

In gastroenterology there are:

  1. Acute one-time gastritis, when the gastric mucosa is suddenly damaged and inflamed due to the entry of aggressive liquids, poor-quality food or drink into the esophagus;
  2. Chronic gastritis, which occurs against the background of long-term damaging factors (poor nutrition, stress, addictions, taking medications that irritate the gastric epithelium, radiation, reflux, Helicobacter pylori infection).

The acute phase is treated by washing the esophagus, daily fasting and a week-long gentle diet. The chronic form has a classification that reflects the characteristics of dystrophic changes in the mucosa, as well as the process of degeneration of the gastric lining itself with different courses and for different reasons. It can last for years, worsen and subside, and cause dissimilar symptoms. It is for this reason that it is advisable to consider rose hips as an auxiliary treatment, but with reservations.

The main factor in the indications for drinking medicinal products for gastritis is the acidity of gastric juice and the degree of its secretion. Diagnostic methods can accurately show the pH level of digestive juices for different parts of the stomach and esophagus. Before treating any area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, you need to find out your pH. In case of gastritis, it may turn out to be normal, increased concentration or decreased.

Deviations from the norm are due to a violation of the mechanism of production or neutralization of hydrochloric acid. Weakness of the upper or lower sphincter also affects when the contents backflow into the esophagus or duodenum.

The composition of rose hips includes several acids, the main one being ascorbic acid, for which it is valued. With an increased concentration of hydrochloric acid, popular teas, decoctions and infusions can do more harm than good health.

The following signs may indirectly indicate an increase in acidity:

  • Frequent burning heartburn;
  • Belching sour;
  • Nausea;
  • Regurgitation of a portion of acidic contents;
  • Pain during a meal or immediately after it (epigma or navel);
  • Feelings of heaviness and fullness associated with eating.

Low acidity is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Rotten egg odor from esophagus;
  3. Abnormal stool;
  4. Stomach bloating;
  5. Feeling of fullness, pressure on the walls;
  6. Flatulence;
  7. Belching with a rotten smell;
  8. Tongue coated with a yellowish coating.

It is better to consult a gastroenterologist whether it is possible to take rose hips for gastritis in each individual case. Uncontrolled use, when an accurate diagnosis is not made, can provoke an exacerbation.

The fruits of a number of wild rose varieties are officially recognized as valuable medicinal raw materials and are sold in pharmacy chains. In folk healing, rose petals are additionally used for external purposes and the root is used in the treatment of kidneys. However, these parts of the plant are fundamentally different in composition.

The beneficial effects of rose hips on human health have been well studied.

  • They have strengthening properties;
  • Promote the discharge of bile and urine;
  • Stimulate immune defense;
  • have a bactericidal, enveloping, astringent effect;
  • Accelerate cellular renewal;
  • Protects blood vessels from fragility;
  • Stop bleeding;
  • Improve metabolism;
  • Relieves inflammation.

During gastritis with normal or low acidity, treatment with rose hips will help relieve inflammation, restore digestive function, and protect mucosal cells from further degeneration.

Rose hips are a real storehouse of biologically active compounds:

  • Vitamins - P, groups B, PP, K, C, E;
  • Microelements - phosphorus, manganese, zinc, sodium, selenium, molybdenum;
  • Macroelements - magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Glucose, fructose;
  • Pectin;
  • Carotene and carotenoids;
  • Organic acids - malic, citric, linolenic, linoleic, arachidic, oleic, palmitic;
  • Tannins;
  • Aliphatic higher alcohols;
  • Oily esters.

The seeds that are inside the pulp are used to make oil. They contain fat-soluble vitamins that are not available through aqueous extraction. Rosehip oil for gastritis with high acidity, along with sea buckthorn, helps in the pre-ulcerative stage (erosive gastritis), as well as in the presence of ulcers.

Wild rose extracts prepared in water are drunk exclusively warm; hot and cold drinks have a negative effect on the damaged gastric lining. Decoctions, infusions, teas, and jelly are prepared using water from fresh and dried raw materials, whole or crushed, following the correct recipe.

When infusing rose hips, it should be taken into account that water-soluble vitamins are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, like some other important compounds. And the short brewing time does not allow us to achieve a useful concentration - the substances simply do not have time to leave the raw material for the drink.

When treating gastritis with normal and low acidity levels, the infused drug should be consumed exclusively before a meal, optimally half an hour before. A rosehip decoction for gastritis with high acidity is categorically unacceptable.

Dosage during the chronic stage is half a glass (100 g) twice or thrice a day, as advised by the doctor.

During acute periods, drinking rose hips is not recommended unless prescribed by a doctor.

Rosehip infusion for gastritis is prepared according to special rules that differ from the recipe for a general tonic vitamin drink. Here it is important to achieve maximum efficiency of tannins that envelop and protect the mucous membrane, while avoiding their destruction.

To do this, raw materials, fresh or dried, are crushed by any available method. Dry fruits are rolled between layers of cloth with a rolling pin, beaten with a meat hammer, and ground in a coffee grinder. Fresh berries are passed through a meat grinder.

Powder or slurry is placed on the bottom of a thermos at the rate of 1 part of raw material to 20 parts of boiled water. Converted to 1 tablespoon of dry powder, it turns out to be 10 g, fresh gruel - 15 g.

For gastritis, it is advisable to prepare the daily volume of the drink, that is, no more than 300 ml. Yesterday's infusion will not be so useful - most of the substances will have time to oxidize. Therefore, brew 1 teaspoon of dry mixture, or 1 dessert raw mixture, with this volume of water, regardless of the capacity of the thermos.

The boiling water is cooled to 70º, a thermos with rose hips is poured in and kept for no longer than an hour. Infusion overnight gives a rich taste and color, but in the end the concentration of preserved beneficial compounds will be low, as will the therapeutic effect of the drink.

After holding for an hour in a thermos, the drug is poured into an open vessel through several layers of gauze so that the seed fluff does not get into the drink, and allowed to cool. The first portion is drunk warm (about 45 - 50º) half an hour before the meal, the remainder is slightly warmed before further use.

Preparing a decoction has similar goals - to preserve and concentrate tannins, vitamins, flavonoids, acids, and pectin as much as possible. The traditional recipe, when it is cooked over low heat for 15 minutes, is not suitable for gastritis. When boiling, the compounds we need will oxidize and collapse.

A decoction for the treatment of chronic gastritis is prepared in a water bath from crushed raw materials. The ratio with water is the same as for the infusion - 1 part rosehip to 20 parts boiled water.

It is important to follow the technology:

  1. The ground fruits are poured onto the bottom of the vessel;
  2. Pour boiling water over;
  3. Place in a water bath (low boiling without bubbling in the base container);
  4. Keep for 15 minutes.

Drink the decoction filtered and cooled to 50º, dosage - half a glass before meals. The doctor will prescribe how many times a day you can drink the product.

Jelly has an additional protective and enveloping effect on damaged mucous membranes. It is prepared from a decoction or infusion of wild rose fruits.

The prepared drug is filtered, brought to a boil and starch is added in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Immediately turn off the heat, set the dishes aside and let the jelly cool.

It is better to use corn starch for gastritis; potato starch will quickly oxidize valuable substances.

Drink the drink warm before meals, half an hour before. Half a glass on the eve of breakfast and dinner is enough, three drinks a day are also allowed.

Pharmaceutical rosehip seed oil is an affordable option for treating gastritis with high acidity, but it can be prepared at home. It will not be possible to achieve the level of industrial extraction, but homemade oil will also have a healing effect.

Let's share 2 oil recipes that are suitable for patients with gastritis.

  • The prepared powder is poured into a glass jar and filled with refined vegetable oil heated to 50º;
  • Sunflower is preferable to others;
  • Ratio: 1 part powder to 2 parts oil;
  • The mixture is stirred thoroughly;
  • The vessel is covered and put in a dark place;
  • After 10 days, warm up in a water bath to 50º, remove again;
  • After 10 days, take it out again and heat it in the same way;
  • The last warming cycle is done 10 days after the second;
  • The finished oil is thoroughly filtered, allowed to cool, and stored in the refrigerator.
  • The raw materials are similarly dried and ground to a powder;
  • Dosage - 1 part ground seeds to 3 parts refined oil;
  • The powder is poured into a saucepan, poured with cold oil;
  • Stirring the mixture continuously, bring to a boil;
  • Simmer over low heat or a water bath for half an hour;
  • Allow to cool, strain;
  • The finished product is stored in the cold.

Drink a tablespoon 20-30 minutes before each meal.

The pharmaceutical industry has long adopted rose hips. A number of drugs are produced based on its fruits and seeds:

  • Seed oil;
  • Fruit syrup;
  • Fruit extract (included in the medications Holemaks, Holosas, and their analogues).

Pharmacies sell packs of whole dried fruits.

Wild rose is saturated with valuable substances by mid-autumn. You can pick red ripe berries and use them immediately. But it’s better to wait until the end of autumn, when they dry out naturally.

You can dry the harvested crop yourself. The main conditions for proper drying are the absence of direct sunlight, good ventilation and no oven, otherwise the prepared raw materials will be unsuitable for treatment.

If there is insufficient ventilation, mold will grow and rot will appear. In the sun, the berries will dry out, turn black, and lose the lion's share of their healing potential. In the oven or fruit dryer, high temperature will kill vitamins and destroy beneficial elements.

Rose hips have contraindications. They concern allergy sufferers, patients with bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, acute gastritis and peptic ulcers.


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