How to effectively combat heartburn during pregnancy

Water is the basis of human life. All metabolic processes in our body occur with its participation. If there is a lack of fluid, its uncontrolled consumption, or the selection of low-quality water, the functionality of the body is disrupted, which entails some adverse consequences. Heartburn from water and other unpleasant symptoms often appear.

Mineral waters have a beneficial effect on digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mineral water for burning in the esophagus

To determine whether mineral water is needed for heartburn, you should characterize the main causes of burning in the esophagus:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • abuse of fatty carbohydrate foods, frequent overeating;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • infectious diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is acceptable to drink mineral water when you have heartburn. Moreover, doctors recommend making drinking mineral water a routine ritual in the fight against heartburn (after consulting with a doctor for safety reasons).

Mineral water is not able to eliminate the root cause of burning in the esophagus. It dulls it for a while. Such manipulations are allowed for isolated manifestations of heartburn. If you are suffering from a constant burning sensation, refrain from taking mineral waters and medications, and seek help from a medical center.

Benefits of consuming mineral water:

  • removal of toxins and pathogenic substances from the body;
  • Mineral water for heartburn can reduce symptoms;
  • enriching the body with essential nutrients (calcium, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, iron);
  • helps to quickly bring the body back to normal after infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regulates weight (in some cases, mineral water helps to remove excess weight, but subject to strict nutritional rules);
  • has a beneficial effect on the body in case of diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

The only mineral water that helps reduce burning is alkaline. The most common alkaline mineral waters are Borjomi and Essentuki. You can purchase certified products both in regular supermarkets and in pharmacies. It is recommended to pay attention to glass containers (to avoid counterfeits).

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Rules for taking mineral water

To get the effect and adhering to the law “do no harm”, you need to follow the rules for drinking mineral water:

  1. Cold water is not consumed. Room temperature is the most optimal mode for taking the drink. Also, some types should be heated to a temperature of 40. Store warm water in a thermos. Cold mineral water is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Before drinking from the container, carbon dioxide must be released. Consumption of a carbonated drink is strictly prohibited, as there is a risk of increased heartburn and pain. Carbonation accumulates in the intestines, which creates the effect of bloating, the motor function of the organ decreases, feces do not move towards the exit, causing other disorders in the organs.
  3. You need to drink water in small sips, then the process of removing heartburn will be more effective.
  1. To prevent a burning sensation in the chest, drink mineral water after meals. If there is high acidity, drink after 60 minutes.
  2. Taking mineral water should not cause discomfort.

Features of the composition

The composition may vary depending on the manufacturer and purpose of the water. It is impossible to say which mineral water is better and which one is better not to purchase at all. Each of them is created for different needs. Depending on the purpose of prevention/treatment, the patient will benefit from mineral water with different compositions and, accordingly, properties.

  • Hydrocarbonate type. Not recommended for heartburn. Can cause pain and discomfort in the abdominal cavity.
  • Water high in magnesium. May cause stomach upset. People who do not suffer from gastrointestinal pathologies can drink it to quench their thirst.
  • Chloride liquid. It provokes increased production of hydrochloric acid, which leads to a burning sensation in the esophagus.
  • Table water. Has no contraindications.
  • Healing mineral liquid. Able to cope with heartburn, facilitates the occurrence of pathogenic processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The consumption of a certain type of medicinal fluid should be regulated by a specialist. Go through an examination and consultation, pay attention to the name and composition of the product to choose the safest and most effective mineral water.

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Beneficial features

  • Normalizes the acid-base balance of the body.
  • Stabilizes the digestion process.
  • regulates liver functionality.
  • Has a beneficial effect on normalizing blood sugar levels.
  • Helps cope with kidney stones. Stones with a diameter of no more than a centimeter can be dissolved with mineral liquid.
  • Eases the symptoms of hangover syndrome.
  • Retains moisture in the body, preventing dehydration.
  • Quenches thirst, restores salt balance in the body.

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Rules of consumption

It is correct to drink Borjomi 30 minutes before meals.
You should drink Borjomi 30 minutes before eating any food products. The optimal amount for one-time use of Borjomi is 150 grams. The Borjomi temperature should be at room temperature. It is permissible to heat the liquid in a water bath. Drink water slowly, in small sips.

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Consumption during pregnancy/lactation

Pregnant women can consume Borjomi in the generally acceptable dosage. If there are some disturbances in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, you should drink no more than 1 glass of Borjomi per day or completely abandon mineral water. “Borjomi” can alleviate toxicosis and will not harm a breastfed baby. Before use, release the gas from the bottle.

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Consumption for heartburn

If you have heartburn, you should limit yourself to two glasses of Borjomi per day, after releasing the gas from the bottle. Before introducing mineral liquid into your diet, consult your doctor.

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№ 4

It is considered table water with medicinal properties. “Essentuki” thins the mucus formed on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes motor/secretory function, has a mild laxative effect, and increases the overall activity of the stomach.

A course of taking Essentuki should be started after consultation with a doctor (one-time use is acceptable, for example, for heartburn). The duration of the course and dosage are determined by the doctor. If you have problems with your gastrointestinal tract, never consume Essentuki without prior consultation.

Before consumption, the liquid should be cooled (to improve digestion processes) or warmed (to reduce secretory function). Daily consumption should not exceed 1200 ml. General therapy can last about a month.

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№ 17

It differs from Essentuka-4 in composition, higher degree of mineralization and production location. It is more widely used in medical practice for the treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Should be taken 20 minutes before meals, warmed (room temperature is acceptable). Used to reduce gastric secretory function. If the function is not impaired - within 40 minutes. With increased secretory function - one and a half hours before meals. The maximum permissible volume of Essentuka is 5 ml per 1 kg of weight.

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Water influence

The benefits of mineral water for heartburn are truly incredible. It can have a whole range of different effects on the body and digestive organs:

  1. The mineral water neutralizes hydrochloric acid, since the metals it contains begin to react. The effect of water can be especially felt in the presence of chest pain.
  2. Mineral water is also an excellent means of prevention. If you drink it correctly, one glass about a couple of hours before meals, then the likelihood of symptoms will greatly decrease.
  3. If heartburn occurs on an empty stomach, then it can also be very easily eliminated with the help of mineral water - for this you only need to drink one glass.

Heartburn after drinking liquids

Heartburn can occur if you drink water while eating.
Why does heartburn appear after drinking liquids? This is facilitated by drinking plenty of water at the same time as eating food. Excessive amounts of liquid dilute the acidic environment of the stomach. As a result, products are not able to be completely neutralized by hydrochloric acid. Food (especially spicy, fried, canned, excessively fatty) irritates the stomach and provokes a burning sensation in the esophagus.

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Mineral water

Experts recommend completely eliminating carbonated water from the diet of patients with gastrointestinal diseases (both during exacerbation and during remission).

Mineral water can irritate the esophagus and stomach walls. The gas that accumulates in the body after drinking carbonated drinks weakens muscle tone. Due to defective contraction, the muscles are unable to function normally, and the functioning of the entire food system is disrupted.

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Water from the cooler

Cooler liquid goes through several stages of purification. It is devoid of calcium, magnesium, and has less effect on acidity levels. Thus, its consumption is acceptable for gastrointestinal diseases.

There is another threat - when changing containers, there is a possibility of infection. Contaminated fluid will not have a beneficial effect on the body. In this case, heartburn may be the mildest consequence.

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Heartburn during pregnancy

A pregnant woman may experience heartburn due to the consumption of any liquid. This is due to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. A woman should consult with a treating specialist who will determine a method for getting rid of the burning sensation. Self-medication is contraindicated so as not to harm the baby and, in fact, the female body. If there are no restrictions and the woman’s health is satisfactory, she is allowed to drink mineral water in the generally accepted dosage.

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Lack of fluid

With a lack of fluid, the work of the mucous membranes of internal organs is inhibited. Essentially, heartburn occurs due to a lack of moisture inside the body. Food that enters the “dry” esophagus can injure and irritate the walls of the organ. Defects in the mucosa provoke the development of infectious diseases and other pathologies.

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How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn cannot harm the fetus, it only causes discomfort to the woman. Moreover, if in the first trimester it can occur sporadically, then in the future it becomes more and more often a companion of the expectant mother. In the first three months of pregnancy, heartburn most often occurs from eating spicy and fatty foods.

You should develop a eating regimen and comply with several conditions:

  1. Reduce the amount of food you eat. To avoid stretching the stomach. Doctors recommend eating small meals, up to 6 times a day.
  2. The minimum break after the last meal and sleep should be at least two hours.
  3. Introduce dairy products into your diet. Try to exclude carbonated sweet drinks, coffee, chocolate, sour and spicy foods.
  4. Steam food more often.

Heartburn in the second and third trimester

It often occurs due to overeating. The uterus enlarges and because of this, pressure on the stomach increases, which cannot quickly cope with the digestion of food. Moreover, some women during this period eat even more than before pregnancy. In order to minimize heartburn attacks, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed at one time. It is better to increase the number of receptions.

Methods to combat heartburn

At the last stage of pregnancy, in the third trimester, heartburn appears more often and can cause discomfort for several hours. At this time, only medications or traditional medicine will help, since changes in diet will no longer lead to positive results. And only right before childbirth does the heartburn disappear.

In the third trimester, heartburn may manifest itself as an unexpected cough. If there are no other signs of a cold, and the cough suddenly appears at night or in the morning, then it can also be caused by gastric juice entering the esophagus. In this case, cough is the equivalent of heartburn.

Contraindications for use

  • infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage;
  • abdominal bleeding;
  • cardiovascular pathologies with circulatory disorders;
  • pathologies of the gastric outlet, its narrowing;
  • kidney diseases;
  • long-term intake of mineral fluid, which leads to corrosion of the walls of internal organs;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the product.


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