Is it possible to drink soda for heartburn during pregnancy? How to properly dilute and take soda for heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn. This unpleasant symptom is probably familiar to everyone, when a burning sensation appears behind the sternum, and bitterness is felt in the oral cavity. Heartburn accompanies many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but sometimes it appears in absolutely healthy people after eating certain foods. There are many remedies to combat this phenomenon, but a recipe based on baking soda is especially common among people. Is it possible to drink soda for heartburn and how does it affect the body?

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda

Causes of heartburn

The unpleasant symptoms of heartburn are explained by irritation of the esophageal mucosa. Normally, gastric juice consists mainly of hydrochloric acid, and the acidity in the esophagus of a healthy person is almost neutral. Parity between the media is maintained by the sphincter, a muscle that prevents stomach contents from returning to the esophagus, that is, preventing reflux. When the sphincter fails to cope with its functions, the acidity of the esophagus increases sharply and its internal surface is corroded by hydrochloric acid.

The symptoms of a burn and its consequences are extremely unpleasant, and, according to statistics, about half of the residents of developed countries are familiar with them. Burning pain, which can spread to the chest area, occurs about half an hour after eating; discomfort may appear at night.

The causes that directly cause heartburn are reflux due to weakening of the esophageal sphincter and a high concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Folk remedies help eliminate discomfort, but they do not eliminate diseases. This is one of the explanations why it is impossible to extinguish heartburn with soda - the method can be used occasionally, but with regular heartburn it is necessary to exclude the possibility of diseases:

  • Reflux disease - discomfort occurs approximately 20-25 minutes after eating, there is almost always belching.
  • Gastritis - pain in the pit of the stomach half an hour after eating.
  • Stomach ulcer - a burning sensation behind the sternum 15-25 minutes after eating.
  • Duodenal ulcer - pain, after one and a half to two hours.
  • Cholecystitis, gallstones.

If there are no stomach diseases, you should analyze the presence of other aggressive factors that cause heartburn even in healthy people.

Also read: How to extinguish severe heartburn with soda during pregnancy - tips, recipes

Symptoms provoke:

  • Irregular eating, eating on the go, overeating. These habits weaken the esophageal sphincter.
  • Some fruits and vegetables in raw form, such as tomatoes, onions and citrus fruits.
  • Frequent consumption of spicy and fatty foods, warm baked goods, strong tea and coffee, abuse of chocolate.
  • Reflux can be triggered by carbonated drinks, mints and sweets.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal drugs. Anti-high blood pressure medications can also cause heartburn.
  • Bad habits, such as smoking and addiction to alcohol.
  • Chronic and one-time stress.
  • Unpleasant sensations may appear after lifting weights or if the belt on clothing is too tight.
  • Pregnancy and excess weight. In both cases, intra-abdominal pressure increases.

If acid reflux bothers you frequently, do not delay visiting your doctor. Even if heartburn is not caused by illness, emissions of hydrochloric acid are fraught with the development of peptic ulcers, erosion and bleeding.

Do not take dry soda, only in the form of a solution with water

Soda is a long-known antacid.

The medicine sodium bicarbonate has been used for a very long time. An aqueous solution is prescribed against motion sickness during seasickness, for washing mucous membranes when irritating substances come into contact with them.

Gastroenterologists were interested in this drug because it affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Baking soda is primarily used for heartburn because it has the following effects:

  1. After administration, it quickly neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, leading to an increase in pH, eliminating the burning sensation behind the sternum.
  2. Significantly reduces the amount of pepsin, which can increase the acidity of gastric juice.
  3. The combined use of sodium bicarbonate and other adsorbents (capable of attracting harmful substances) and enveloping substances (for example, the drugs Vikair, Vikalin) reduces the number of side effects of such drugs, increasing their medicinal properties.

Baking soda has all the properties of absorbable antacids, to which bicarbonate belongs. Is it really possible to drink soda when you have heartburn? Yes, but, unfortunately, its effect is short-lived. Of course, it is often used in everyday life to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, however, it is not advisable to use it as a permanent drug.

How does baking soda help with heartburn?

One of the options for treating reflux and increased stomach acidity is antacids - drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid. One of the first and most popular antacids in the past was baking soda - it reacts quickly and quenches the acid, but the effect does not last long. In addition, antacids have many side effects; modern medicine prefers drugs that are not absorbed by the mucous membranes.

How does soda help with other problems: Sodium bicarbonate for the human body: more benefit or harm?

Histamine blockers are more effective, but they do not solve all problems. The newest combination drugs not only neutralize acid, but also coat the mucous membrane, promote the production of gastric mucus, prevent flatulence and perform many other useful functions. Compared to them, soda looks hopelessly outdated, like a torch next to an LED, but in some cases its use is justified.

  • If attacks of heartburn occur rarely, and there is no medicine at hand.
  • As an additional remedy in combination with antisecretory drugs, for example, for nocturnal acid reflux.
  • As a quick remedy to reduce the intensity of heartburn.

Like any alkali, sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid. Soda is included in many medicines, so there is no doubt about the admissibility of its use. It is important to understand that, while eliminating symptoms, alkali does not eliminate the causes of heartburn.

Baking soda for heartburn is taken with warm water.

It is not recommended to give soda to children under 12 years of age, but adults and teenagers can relieve occasional heartburn attacks using the folk method:

  1. Heat the water to approximately 30°C.
  2. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.
  3. Drink in small sips.
  4. Lie down for 15 minutes.

Also read: How to properly take baking soda for medicinal purposes

Soda with vinegar

The combination of soda and vinegar, table or apple, helps restore the acid-base balance; fizz has been known and actively used by several generations of compatriots. When an acid and alkali combine, a reaction occurs that releases carbon dioxide. There is no need to wait for the reaction to complete - the solution promotes digestion at the moment of carbon dioxide release, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and quickly relieves the burning sensation.

To prepare the solution you need:

  • A glass of water at a pleasant warm temperature.
  • A teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Half a teaspoon of apple or table vinegar.

Dissolve baking soda in water, and then pour in vinegar. Stir and drink in small sips while the “fizzy reaction” continues.

Soda pop

This option can be called “female fizzy drink”; children also like soda, but this is not the most suitable drink for a child. Pseudo-lemonade tastes more pleasant than soda-vinegar solution due to its sweetness.

  • 200 ml water.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda.
  • A teaspoon of sugar, fruit syrup, honey or jam.
  • A quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

Also read: How to make soda from soda, vinegar and lemons at home

First, dissolve the citric acid (make sure it is completely dissolved), then add sugar. Add baking soda, stir and drink until the foam settles. Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice; you will need about a teaspoon.

It is important to understand how much soda for heartburn you can take without harm to your health - the daily dose is limited to one teaspoon.

Video: nutritionist on the treatment of heartburn

Popular folk remedy

Gastroenterologists, with great caution, recognize the effective effect of using baking soda for heartburn and, with some reservations, classify it as a natural antacid. In a certain aspect, as a remedy for heartburn, soda helps and has a neutralizing effect.

Soda on the palm

An undoubted effect in eliminating negative sensations can be experienced within 5-10 minutes after taking the tested remedy. There are several common ways to drink soda for heartburn, and those who periodically suffer from morning or timeless troubles inevitably resort to this method.

As an antacid for heartburn, soda has undoubted beneficial properties:

  • Absorbs and neutralizes harmful chemical components that enter the body.
  • Brings the gastrointestinal tract organs to a state of rest and has an enveloping, protective short-term effect on them.
  • Relieves heartburn at home, when it is not possible to resort to medical help, and the sensation takes on a painful, unbearable character.
  • Baking soda is also used for heartburn: the recipe is absolutely simple and accessible to anyone.
  • The use of soda for heartburn temporarily neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which helps reduce acidity, eliminate the painful condition, and reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, with the help of soda, the main cause of the burning sensation is eliminated.
  • The speed of action of the drug used exceeds all other available means, and its availability can always be ensured.

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Almost every person who suffers from discomfort knows how to drink soda for heartburn. But the prevalence of a product does not always mean that it is absolutely harmless. Many people use it as the only way to deal with heartburn without thinking about why they are experiencing symptoms that cause discomfort, do nothing to eliminate the cause of them, and do not think about how to get rid of heartburn by starting treatment for the underlying condition. .

Any drug that eliminates symptoms can act as a dangerous rebound over time.

Baking soda during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Heartburn occurs very often in expectant mothers. The reasons are changes in hormonal levels, fetal pressure on internal organs and, partly, changed eating habits. In this case, it will not be possible to eliminate the cause - heartburn will stop after childbirth, but it is also impossible to tolerate a constant burning sensation.

Pregnant women should take soda with caution

Soda seems to be the most harmless remedy during pregnancy. Indeed, when applied externally, there are no questions about sodium bicarbonate. But can an expectant mother drink soda?

Soda itself is a non-toxic product and cannot cause harm. The danger lies not in the composition, but in how the reaction occurs when it interacts with hydrochloric acid. Treating heartburn during pregnancy with soda is undesirable, since in the digestive tract sodium bicarbonate breaks down into salt, water and carbon dioxide. After a few minutes, heartburn goes away, but after half an hour it can appear with renewed vigor, since carbon dioxide irritates the esophagus. Doctors call this effect acid rebound.

Does baking soda help with heartburn?

Although the soda method is considered quite effective, carbon dioxide has a detrimental effect on the stomach, or rather on its inner walls. Taking soda after 30 minutes provokes the release of a new amount of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, soda will save you from heartburn only for a while. And then the acidity reaches back to its previous level or even exceeds it. If heartburn occurs, you should not often resort to drinking soda dissolved in water, since over time the functioning of the digestive system, and the body as a whole, will begin to malfunction.

Soda dissolved in water initially enters the stomach and then into the blood. If this product ends up in the human body in excess, it begins to have a bad effect on the blood vessels, causing them to become brittle and lose elasticity. In addition, for the cardiovascular and other systems, the excess does not pass without a trace, but leads to disruption of the kidneys, increased blood pressure, accumulation of excessive fluid and leaching of potassium.

Contraindications and harm

The harm and benefits of drinking soda are comparable when used wisely. If a burning sensation occurs frequently, you should consult a doctor to rule out stomach diseases and find out whether the attacks are associated with serious disturbances in the acid-base balance.

Children under 6 years old should not be given soda solution. From 6 to 12 years of age, symptoms of heartburn can be eliminated only on the recommendation of a doctor.

More about the properties of soda here: Table soda: healing properties, uses and healing

Taking soda orally is absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Exacerbation of stomach diseases

In reaction with hydrochloric acid, soda forms carbonic acid, which corrodes mucous membranes. By getting rid of heartburn, you can cause erosion of the intestinal walls of the stomach and burn the mucous membranes.

  • Alkalinization of the body

Alkalosis is a condition in which alkalis accumulate in the blood and tissues of the body. Occurs against the background of certain dangerous diseases or at high temperatures. It can also develop with gastrointestinal diseases with loss of gastric juice, kidney disease, a diet high in alkaline foods, and in the postoperative period. Self-medication is fraught with critical complications.

  • Hypernatremia

Edema associated with high sodium levels. Water retention manifests itself as swelling of the ankles.

  • Digestion and microflora balance disorders

Frequent consumption of soda is contraindicated if there are obvious problems with the digestive system. Neutralizing the acidic environment, alkali releases carbon dioxide, which destroys beneficial microflora. Conditions are created for the formation of ulcers and erosions. Dysbacteriosis manifests itself as bloating, unpleasant odor when exhaling, and abnormal stool.

Also contraindications are kidney disease, functional liver disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, including during pregnancy.

Soda is a unique drug that helps cope with heartburn

Side effects

Most often, the side effects are flatulence and bloating. Stomach cramps, loss of appetite, weakness, and headache occur less frequently. In severe cases, convulsions and difficulty breathing develop.

Drug interactions

Reduced acidity can interfere with the absorption of the active ingredients of medications. About two hours should pass between taking soda and medications.

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) increases acidity, it is not recommended to take it for heartburn, and the reaction with alkali irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Ferrous sulfate preparations (Hemofer prolongatum, Tardiferon Sorbifer, Ferroplex, Durules, etc.).
  • The antifungal agent Ketoconazole is poorly absorbed against the background of low acidity.

The list is far from complete; if you practice taking soda for heartburn, tell your doctor about it.

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Under what conditions may such treatment be harmful?

Constant use of soda solution has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

The principle of operation of the soda solution is that, when it reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it neutralizes its acidity, but there is also a downside to this “coin”, it provokes the release of carbon dioxide, which, in turn, has a negative effect on the stomach. gastric mucosa.

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Many people suffering from this disease make the mistake of constantly using soda solutions in various variations. Such irregular use can cause complications and lead to aggravation of the situation. In such a situation, you may experience:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • migraines and increased nervous excitability;
  • nausea, vomiting and painful abdominal cramps;
  • bloating and diarrhea;
  • People with high blood pressure should not use soda mixtures at all;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • gastritis and/or ulcers.

If heartburn is not treated correctly, it can lead to irreversible consequences, first gastritis, and then ulcers.

Soda solutions are used exclusively as emergency aid for exacerbations, but not as a permanent cure for heartburn.

Video: how to treat heartburn

Occasionally, heartburn can bother completely healthy people; this happens when the diet is disrupted, stress, or eating unusual foods. Simple rules will help to minimize the risk of unpleasant burning:

  • Stop smoking, do not abuse alcohol.
  • Eat small meals often and chew your food thoroughly. Avoid fatty, spicy and fried foods, strong coffee and tea, raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Resist the temptation to lie down after a hearty lunch. Don't eat for at least two hours before bed.

Single attacks of heartburn can be extinguished with a baking soda solution, but if they occur frequently, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. A burning sensation often signals health problems that require a course of treatment rather than simply eliminating discomfort.

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn attacks occur due to disruption of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach.

In this regard, hydrochloric acid, along with the contents of the stomach, is thrown into the esophagus, less often into the throat and even the oral cavity. In this regard, a burning sensation and pain appear in the chest area.

If a pregnant woman has this symptom, it is necessary to understand what is happening in her body.

In the early stages, after fertilization of the egg, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases. It reduces the contractility of the uterine muscles and “prepares” it for implantation.

However, this hormone additionally acts on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and promoting food retention in the stomach. What leads to heartburn.

Late pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the pressure of the uterus on all internal organs, due to an increase in its size as the fetus grows.

The stomach moves a little higher, which increases pressure on the esophagus, as well as on the muscles that block the entrance between the stomach and esophagus.

In this regard, on top of everything else, there is an increase in pressure on the abdominal artery.

All these reasons cannot be eliminated before childbirth. The only thing that can be done is to eliminate the negative symptoms.

First point: water

How to make a soda and vinegar pop for heartburn? First you need to prepare the base. This is pure water. You can purchase the liquid at the store. It is already drinkable. If running water is taken, it must first be boiled. To get rid of pathogens, heat treatment should be carried out for at least 10-15 minutes.

Pour water into a glass. The volume of the drink should be 100 milliliters. However, you should take a slightly larger container, as bubbles will appear during the reaction. If you choose store-bought water, then you need to preheat it to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Pros and cons of using soda

Water and soda for heartburn is one of the most common methods. However, like any method of therapy, it has its pros and cons that every person should know.

Positive sides:

  • Fast action. When taking the solution, the symptoms of heartburn disappear quickly enough, and the person feels relief.
  • When using soda, the concentration of pepsin decreases, which increases stomach acidity.
  • Soda increases the effectiveness of drugs such as vikair, vikalin. In addition, some side effects from these medications do not occur.

Thus, the use of soda will help to quickly get rid of all the symptoms of heartburn. However, this remedy should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Negative sides:

  • Short-term action. Soda is not suitable for long-term therapy; it will only help cope with unpleasant sensations for a while.
  • The appearance of carbon dioxide as a result of the reaction can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which will again lead to increased acid production.
  • Long-term use of soda has an adverse effect on the circulatory system, which is dangerous for women during pregnancy.
  • A disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system may occur, headaches, nervousness, and irritability may appear.
  • With constant therapy in this way, pressure increases, which is also dangerous for a woman during pregnancy.
  • In addition, such treatment can provoke the development of diseases of the stomach and kidneys.
  • Another disadvantage is that this method leads to swelling, which is unfavorable during pregnancy.
  • It is also worth noting that constant consumption can lead to impaired digestibility of protein foods due to a constant decrease in acidity.

As you can see, there are many disadvantages to treatment in this way. But still, during pregnancy, you can drink a soda solution if you have very severe heartburn and do not have suitable remedies at hand.

Third point: adding vinegar

Before you make your soda and vinegar pop, you need to make sure you have the right ingredients in the product. Ideally, you should use apple cider vinegar. It is as safe as possible and even beneficial for the body. Place one teaspoon of liquid in a glass of sweet, warm water. The volume of this ingredient should not exceed five milliliters.

If you don’t have apple cider vinegar, you can use regular 3% cider vinegar. You can also take vinegar essence and prepare the required ingredient yourself. To do this, read the instructions on the package and combine plain water with the main product in the required dosage. After receiving 3% vinegar, take 5 milliliters of the composition.

Thoroughly mix the sweet liquid with the added solution. All this must be done before the water begins to cool. Don't forget this.

how to make pop from baking soda and vinegar

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