Is it possible to drink coffee before gastroscopy of the stomach?

What is gastroscopy of the stomach

This is an endoscopic method for examining the gastric mucosa using a special device - a gastroscope.

The device is a long hollow tube of small diameter, one end of which is equipped with a video camera and a light bulb (this part of the tube is inserted through the mouth into the esophagus and lowered into the patient’s stomach), and the second end of the tube is connected to a computer, on the monitor of which an image of what “sees” is displayed. » device from inside the gastrointestinal tract.

The gastroscope also has special holes through which the doctor can insert instruments for biopsy or other surgical procedures. Thanks to this, the procedure allows you to combine not only diagnostics, but also therapeutic functions.

Why should you not smoke before gastroscopy? - Why?


» Gastroscopy » Is it possible to smoke before gastroscopy

Is it possible to smoke before gastroscopy of the stomach? As a rule, this question can be heard from heavy smokers who may refuse breakfast before the examination, but even the thought of giving up their morning dose of nicotine scares them. There is no strict ban on smoking, but it will be more difficult for a person who has smoked a cigarette to undergo FGS (fibrogastroscopy) or FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), and the procedure will take much longer.

How is FGDS performed?

The key to a successful study is the patient’s calm breathing and clean stomach mucous membranes.

During gastroscopy the following happens:

  1. Preliminary premedication is carried out to eliminate the gag reflex and reduce salivation.
  2. After the anesthetics take effect, the patient is placed on his left side with his knees slightly bent and mouth guards are inserted into the mouth to prevent reflex clenching of the teeth.
  3. A gastroscope is inserted through the inserted mouthpiece and pushed into the esophagus.
  4. Next, the probe slowly moves through the upper digestive sections, allowing the doctor to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa and identify existing disorders. The calmer the patient behaves during the examination, the faster and more painless the procedure will be.
  5. Everything that happens inside the stomach is shown on the monitor. If necessary, you can take photos or record a video.
  6. A biopsy is taken from healthy and pathologically altered sections. The biopsy is taken under local anesthesia and is not felt by the patient.
  7. After completing the examination, the gastroscope is slowly removed from the person's esophagus.

After the procedure, the effect of the anesthetic lasts 2-3 hours, and the person feels numbness in the tongue and throat. While the medicine is working, patients are prohibited from smoking, drinking or eating.

The effect of nicotine on the result

For this purpose, preliminary preparation is carried out, during which:

  • Those foods that take a long time to digest or can linger in the folds of the stomach are temporarily excluded from the menu;
  • early dinner is recommended;
  • In the morning, 2-3 hours before FGDS, it is recommended to drink a little water to cleanse the mucous membrane.
  • Fulfillment of all preparation conditions allows you to obtain the most complete data on the state of the digestive organs.
  • What happens after smoking a cigarette?
  • Nicotine works like this:
  • irritation of the gastric wall occurs;
  • As a defensive reaction, mucus begins to be produced, which spreads along the walls and accumulates in the folds.
  • assess the general condition of the esophagus and stomach;
  • determine the degree of damage to the mucosa;
  • select the site for taking biopsy material;
  • identify the presence of reflux (under the influence of nicotine tars, spasm of the esophageal sphincters intensifies).

Thus, the results obtained may be distorted and will not give an accurate picture of the condition of the stomach. This is one of the reasons why endoscopists are categorically against smoking before FGDS.

Of course, when asked whether it is possible to smoke before a gastroscopic examination of the stomach, the doctor will answer that it is possible, but not advisable. Most smokers will perceive such an evasive answer as permission to have a morning cigarette. And they will not be entirely right.

If you want FGDS to be carried out with minimal discomfort, and during it the condition of the stomach is accurately determined, then you need to stop smoking 3-4 hours before the procedure.

Why should you not smoke before gastroscopy?

Gastroscopic examination aims to identify problems with the gastric mucosa by using a special device - a gastroscope. The device is a thin, long fiber-optic probe, with a light source and a camera, for studying and transmitting information about the internal state of the stomach to the monitor screen.

Gastroscopy refers to any examination of the gastrointestinal tract using instruments that are inserted into the esophagus. However, the names may be different - esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a more complete name for this analytical procedure.

Before conducting this type of analysis, the attending physician must notify of the list of necessary requirements for preparation for it.

Requirements to be met before gastroscopic examination

12 hours before the gastroscopic examination, it is necessary to prepare for it. The main requirements are:

  • Consume only light foods. These are dietary fish or chicken dishes, without the presence of mushrooms, spices, animal fats, chocolate and nuts.
  • As well as light vegetables, i.e. not potatoes, legumes, cabbage, that is, light vegetables that do not complicate the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract and are quickly digested even by an inflamed stomach.
  • Accordingly, all heavy meals, as well as alcohol and spicy ingredients should be avoided, if possible, at least three days before the gastroscopic examination.
  1. It is especially worth clarifying why you should not smoke before gastroscopy.
  2. The reason for the ban on smoking before gastroscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract is to increase the production and activation of gastric juice.
  3. Gastric juice is a substance secreted by the secretion of the gastric mucosa and contains both enzymes that digest food entering the stomach and hydrochloric acid, which facilitates the process of digesting food, but has a difficult effect on the gastric mucosa itself.
  4. The action of gastric juice is carried out both in a kind of treatment/cleansing of the stomach cavity, due to the presence of various bacteria, and in the implementation of the function of the digestive system.
  5. On this basis, an increase in the volume of its production and activation, that is, a kind of seething in the stomach, can disrupt the interpretation of the results of a gastroscopic examination.

Smoking, ingestion of nicotine, tar and other substances contained in tobacco or a cigarette filter, have an activation effect on the production of gastric juice. That is, it violates the possibility of clearly obtaining the results of a gastroscopic examination.

Effects of nicotine on the stomach and other organs

The consequences of the negative effects of tobacco are manifested in diseases such as cancer of the lungs, trachea, bronchi, and larynx. In addition, the smoker's urinary, digestive and circulatory systems are affected. Today we will look in detail at the effect of nicotine on the gastrointestinal tract and find out whether it is possible to smoke before gastroscopy.

Nicotine addiction causes irreparable harm to the entire digestive system, causing polyps in the intestines, stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis and other diseases.

Stomach diseases are one of the serious problems today. To clarify the disease or make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of studies, the main ones being FGDS and FGS of the stomach.

FGS and FGDS - methods for studying the stomach

The procedures for examining the stomach FGS and FGDS (stomach and duodenum) differ slightly from each other in the amount of work carried out and the result obtained, but the principles of preparation are exactly the same:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that are not digested or remain in the folds of the stomach (a list of them is usually given to the patient before the examination);
  • Before FGS, only an early light dinner is acceptable;
  • Breakfast before the study is prohibited;
  • A few hours before FGDS, it is advisable to drink water to clean the mucous membrane;
  • It is recommended not to smoke several hours before the procedure.

If all these simple rules are followed, the picture of the state of the gastrointestinal tract organs will be complete, and the data will be correct.

Possibility of smoking before FGS

It turns out that there is no medical prohibition as such, but if you smoke a cigarette, it will be more difficult to undergo the examination, and the results will most likely be unreliable.

What happens after smoking a cigarette, and why can’t you smoke before FGDS? There are several reasons for this.

Nicotine increases the permeability of blood vessels, so smoking provokes the possibility of bleeding.

The production of mucus by the walls of the stomach increases, since nicotine irritates the stomach walls, this will significantly complicate the examination. Moreover, high mucus production continues for several hours after a smoke break.

Also, during smoking, gastric juice is released in large quantities. Therefore, the device cannot accurately distinguish what erosions, ulcers and tumors are in the stomach. It will be difficult for a doctor to find out the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, various damage to the mucous membrane, conduct a biopsy, and identify reflux.

Therefore, the results are likely to be distorted. And if the diagnosis is not carried out correctly, one cannot expect the appointment of high-quality treatment and quick recovery of the patient.

Doctors advise preventing nicotine from entering the body before undergoing the procedure. Although the instructions for the procedure do not say anything about the ban on smoking. Also keep in mind that you should not smoke, eat or drink for an hour after the procedure until the numbness in the throat goes away and the swallowing reflex and sensitivity of the tongue appear.

Remember, smoking and the unpleasantness of the procedure are not a reason to refuse the examination! FGDS is a very necessary and important procedure for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases. It helps to identify and detect various ailments such as cancer, polyps, ulcers, varicose veins of the esophagus and other dangerous diseases.

We found out why you can’t smoke before gastroscopy, but whether to follow this ban is up to you to decide. We really hope that you appreciate the importance and necessity of this recommendation and will draw the right conclusions in order to receive high-quality diagnosis and timely effective treatment.

Brushing your teeth before gastroscopy or FGDS

Gastroscopy is an examination of the walls of the stomach and duodenum using an endoscope. This manipulation can also be called FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), EGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) or FGS (fibrogastroscopy).

In medical practice, FGDS of the stomach is performed using a flexible fiber gastroscope, at the end of which there is a built-in camera. Due to the fact that the gastroscope has a movable end, the doctor can carefully examine the membranes of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This method can be diagnostic and therapeutic.

When conducting diagnostics using specialized instruments, you can take a piece of the gastric mucosa or part of a tumor for further examination.

You can also obtain gastric juice to determine acidity and do a rapid test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a microorganism that causes gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium that infects the stomach and duodenum

For a more accurate diagnosis, this research method requires some preparation, and patients may have questions. In particular, sometimes they worry whether they can brush their teeth before gastroscopy. Let's consider all the rules for preparing for gastroscopy and FGDS.


Why do gastroscopy

The procedure is prescribed to all patients who have:

  • nonspecific complaints from the gastrointestinal tract (pain, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the epigastric region, metallic taste in the mouth, heartburn, belching);
  • suspicions of gastrointestinal cancer;
  • stomach polyps;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal problems;
  • unmotivated weight loss;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells in a general blood test, which is difficult to correct with iron-containing drugs.

These indications are scheduled: the procedure is scheduled for a certain day, the patient prepares for the manipulation.

There are also emergency indications; they characterize dangerous, sometimes life-threatening conditions in which the patient urgently needs to examine the gastric mucosa or undergo therapeutic manipulation. Emergency gastroscopy is performed when:

  • perforated ulcer;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • entry of foreign objects into the gastrointestinal tract.

What does gastroscopy of the stomach show and how is it performed?

The camera at the end of the endoscopic device, entering through the esophagus into the stomach, allows you to visualize its inner wall, the mucous membrane, defects and growths on it, and the contents of the organ: mucus, bile, blood.

The procedure can be carried out plannedly, with the preparation of the patient, and also as an emergency procedure in case of serious life-threatening conditions.

The patient is placed on his left side with a cushion under his head. The oropharynx is treated with lidocaine spray to reduce the gag reflex. Wait a few minutes until the “freezing” effect occurs.

A mouthpiece is inserted into the patient's mouth to prevent the jaws from closing during the procedure. The end of the device with a video camera at the end is placed on the root of the tongue and the patient is asked to make swallowing movements. Gently, with minimal pressure, the doctor moves the device along the esophagus, reaching the gastric cavity.

By turning the endoscope, the doctor examines the mucous membrane, cardiac, pyloric region, and fundus of the stomach. If there are indications, a biopsy can be taken through a probe - a piece of mucous membrane that has aroused the doctor’s suspicions. The image that the endoscope “sees” is displayed on the monitor screen, allowing the doctor and assistants to examine the gastric walls in detail.

How long does the procedure take?

The time of the manipulation depends on several factors:

  • presence/absence of gastrointestinal problems

If the picture that the doctor sees does not arouse his suspicions and does not force him to study the inner lining in more detail, the procedure will go faster. If no stomach problems are detected, inserting and removing the tube may take 5-7 minutes

If there are areas inside the gastrointestinal tract that require deeper visual examination, or a biopsy or surgical manipulation is required, then gastroscopy may take 15-30 minutes

  • doctor's professionalism
  • the patient's mood and willingness to follow the doctor's instructions

If the patient is calm and balanced, listens to the commands of the medical staff and follows instructions, breathes correctly during the procedure, and does not interfere with the doctor with extraneous actions, the speed of the examination increases significantly.

“Swallowing a pipe” is not a pleasant procedure, but it would not be fair to call it painful. It hurts - no. Unpleasant - yes. Typically, patients are frightened by the very fact that a foreign body - an endoscope - will be inserted into the esophagus.

To reduce the degree of discomfort during manipulation, a positive attitude, calmness and trust in the doctor are important.

When should you stop eating?

How many hours before EGD should you stop eating? Is it possible to eat in the morning if FGDS is scheduled for the second half of the day? It depends on how quickly the organ copes with its digestion function. As a rule, it is recommended to limit the intake of any foods after 7 pm on the eve of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, provided it is carried out in the morning. If the stomach quickly copes with its task, then it is possible to stop taking it within 9-10 hours.

You can eat before the FGDS, scheduled for the afternoon, early in the morning. There must be at least 9 hours left before the FGS. It is best to play it safe and not eat at this time, since if there are food residues in the organ, the gag reflex will interfere with the insertion and removal of the endoscope from the digestive tract. This can damage the inner wall of the esophagus and stomach. In addition, the procedure will have to be postponed, because it will no longer be possible to reinsert the gastroscope.

How to undergo a gastroscopy painlessly

You need to be aware of the progress of the procedure, not be embarrassed when, as the tube is advanced, belching and salivation reflexively occur (these are physiological reactions of the body that should not be embarrassed), try to relax.

If you follow all the above recommendations, it is more likely to pass with less discomfort.

If your knees are shaking from fear and you can’t get yourself ready for the examination, you can do the procedure under anesthesia. An anesthetic is injected into a vein, which puts the patient to sleep. After gastroscopy is performed and the probe is removed, the patient is woken up. There are no memories of the manipulation left in his memory.

How to breathe correctly during gastroscopy

Before inserting the probe into the esophagus, the doctor will ask you to take several deep breaths and exhales; after the next inhalation, the device is installed at the root of the tongue, and as you exhale, you should make a swallowing movement. After which the device slides inside. The patient’s task is to then breathe calmly through the mouth, take a leisurely breath, and then exhale.

If a patient has breathing problems due to anxiety or discomfort, then the nurse nearby will certainly calm him down and tell him how to breathe correctly. We must not panic. It is impossible to suffocate during this study, because the airways, nasopharynx and trachea, are absolutely free.

How often can and should you do a gastroscopy?

For patients with chronic gastric diseases without exacerbations, doctors recommend endoscopic examination at least once a year. This is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the disease; observation allows you to monitor whether there are any deteriorations in your health, and if they are detected in a timely manner, eliminate them with therapy.

With the progression of the disease, exacerbation of chronic processes, gastroscopy is prescribed more often, on the recommendation of the attending physician. Often the procedure is prescribed to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. There are no restrictions on the manipulation, provided that it is performed without complications.

Is it possible to smoke before gastric gastroscopy?

Light meals are recommended for patients with serious suspicions of pathology.
Such people should follow a diet for a week before the examination. It is important to remember not only how long before gastroscopy you should not eat, but also the list of allowed foods. The recommended diet involves avoiding animal fats, nuts, mushrooms, and meat. Everything that a sick stomach can’t handle. White meat, fish and vegetable side dishes are the basis of the diet for such patients.

Why is it not recommended to drink a lot of water?

Experts do not recommend consuming a lot of fluids and water before examining the digestive system, as this can interfere with the process or cause stomach upsets.

A lot of water and liquid affect this way:

  • Causes nausea, vomiting and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  • Provokes disgust and dizziness (in rare cases).
  • Causes pain and fullness in the abdomen.
  • It may cause gas or rumbling in the stomach, which often indicates a full stomach.
  • Mineral water for gastritis - rules of use
  • Is it possible to have black tea, Ivan tea and other types of tea for gastritis?
  • The most effective medicinal herbs for the stomach and intestines

What does improper preparation and standard complications lead to?

If the patient’s preparation for fibrogastroduodenoscopy was incorrect, the result may be erroneous. In addition, nausea and vomiting, belching and bloating may occur. In case of low visibility, due to improper preparation, injuries to the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach are possible.

The most severe and rare complications include asphyxia, but this occurs mainly if the patient took drugs that, together with anesthesia, caused a severe allergic reaction.

Standard complications include:

  1. Pain in the larynx. This occurs due to mechanical damage to the organs by the tube, especially when breathing improperly and ignoring doctor’s advice. Unpleasant sensations may occur during swallowing for several days. To speed up healing, it is better to avoid irritating foods.
  2. Bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, intestines in places of injury to the walls.
  3. Perforation. Occurs rarely.
  4. Laryngotracheitis, hoarseness.
  5. Allergic reactions.
  6. Jaw injuries are a very rare occurrence.
  7. Pain at the biopsy site.
  8. Injury to the gastrointestinal tract. May occur with sudden movements of the patient.

Recommended Diet

A condition for successful invasive diagnostics is that the patient follows a certain diet before FGDS. It is maintained for 3 days. During this short period, provided that all recommendations are followed, the stomach will be cleansed as much as possible. The patient must properly coordinate his diet.

A detailed menu will be created by your doctor, who will definitely tell you what you can eat before gastroscopy and how many hours after FGDS you absolutely cannot eat. Among the most popular tips is to eat foods that contain well-ground ingredients. This will avoid irritation of the mucous membranes, and the doctor will receive a reliable picture of the disease.

Foods should be eaten before gastroscopy of the stomach or intestines only in warm, stewed, steamed and baked form. Gastroenterologists advise giving preference to light foods that are quickly digested and low in fat. The list of permitted products includes:

  • well-cooked cereals;
  • lean fish;
  • white poultry fillet;
  • baked fruits and vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • compotes, weak green tea, mineral water.

You are allowed to include porridge in your diet. It is important that it is not damp.

A few days before the FGS, it is forbidden to eat spicy food, dishes seasoned with various spices and herbs. Gastroenterologists recommend refraining from drinking alcoholic beverages. During FGDS, you should also not consume the following foods:

  • chocolate confectionery;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, as they are rich in coarse fiber;
  • seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) and nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.);
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • rich flour products and brown bread.

Prohibited drinks include:

  • packaged or natural juices;
  • coffee;
  • sparkling water;
  • jelly.

In addition to the products listed above, the consumption of smoked meats, pickled foods, fast food, and fried foods is strictly prohibited. This is a harmful and difficult to digest food that you should definitely exclude from your menu. This recommended diet before gastroscopy of the stomach will fully prepare your body for FGDS.

In addition, those patients who already have gastritis and ulcers are advised to follow a dietary diet for several weeks between the first and repeat examinations. This will give the doctor the opportunity to get a complete picture of the health of the gastrointestinal tract and monitor improvements in health.


This diagnostic method has its contraindications. It is not indicated if the patient has:

  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • acute psychotic disorder;
  • disruption of rhythm;
  • cachexia;
  • extreme obesity (in some cases);
  • hemophilia.

For emergency manipulation, gastroscopy can also be done if you have a cold. If suddenly the illness occurs at the time of the scheduled appointment, it is better to postpone the endoscopy until recovery.

The fact is that most often with colds, the infection is localized in the nasopharynx and larynx. There is a high probability that, together with the endoscopic tube, which will move through the infected oral cavity and pharynx, it will “introduce” an infection into the stomach.

In what cases is preparation necessary?

There are two types of endoscopic examination: FGS, when the doctor evaluates only the condition of the stomach, and FGDS - examination of the stomach and duodenum. The methods of preparation and methods of carrying out the procedures do not differ from each other. The examination is carried out using an endoscope equipped with a video camera. A flexible tube is inserted into the oral cavity and gradually advanced into the internal organs.


An image is shown on the monitor, from which the doctor assesses the condition of the internal organs. For easier insertion of the fibrogastroscope, the patient’s mouth and throat are pre-treated with an aerosol anesthetic. The person being examined grabs the plastic insert with his teeth and, with a deep inhalation, the tube is inserted through the throat into the esophagus. The time range for the examination is about a quarter of an hour.

The purpose of fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, in most cases, is to diagnose diseases of the digestive tract. Indications for endoscopic examination are the patient’s symptomatic complaints and the doctor’s suspicions of the presence of a particular pathology.

Parameters for the purpose of the examination may be as follows:

  • systematic burning sensation in the upper abdomen;
  • difficult and painful digestion of food (dyspepsia);
  • stomach pain;
  • regular gagging and vomiting;
  • suspected ulcerative lesions and gastritis;
  • control of therapy for previously diagnosed diseases.

Preparing the patient for the gastroscopy procedure

In order for the study to be informative, to be successful, and for no complications to arise during its implementation, the patient is required to strictly follow the simple rules of preparation for it.

You should prepare for gastroscopy at home:

  • 2-3 days before the planned procedure you should not eat chocolate or nuts;
  • The last meal should be no later than 12 hours before the test. If gastroscopy is scheduled the next morning, then a light dinner is allowed at 18.00 - boiled meat, oatmeal;
  • After dinner at 18.00 you cannot eat. In the evening you can drink water. It should be remembered that milk is not a liquid, but a food, so a glass of milk the night before the procedure is not allowed;
  • On the morning of the endoscopy, it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, brush your teeth, or use chewing gum;
  • It is not recommended to smoke on the eve of the test.

Even a small amount of water, toothpaste, entered into the stomach on the eve of the study, components of tobacco smoke can provoke excessive secretion of mucus, hydrochloric acid, thereby distorting the data obtained.

Eating before the procedure can lead to vomiting during gastroscopy. This is very dangerous due to vomit entering the respiratory tract and aspiration.

How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach with biopsy

Whether a biopsy is performed during an endoscopic examination or not has absolutely no effect on the patient’s preparation for the examination.

A biopsy means taking a piece of the gastric mucosa from an area that causes suspicion to the doctor: an inflamed lesion, the edge of an ulcer or erosion, for microscopic, bacteriological, cytological examination.

Preparation for endoscopy with biopsy is exactly the same as described above.

Preparation for gastroscopy in the morning and afternoon

The main rule of preparation for the procedure: do not eat 12 hours and do not drink 4 hours before the examination.

It must be followed regardless of what time the study is scheduled for. You can wait long periods without food and drink, but you cannot wait shorter periods.

If the examination is scheduled in the morning at 9.00, then it is advisable to take the last meal no later than 18.00, if the patient can easily tolerate the state of hunger, or no later than 20.00, if he is used to having dinner late. Food should be light.

If the examination is scheduled in the afternoon, then the last meal (light dinner) can be taken at 22.00, but not eaten in the morning. In the morning you can drink water, but no later than 4 hours before the start of the procedure.

How many hours before FGDS should you not eat or drink?

Standard preparation for gastroscopy should begin at least 3 days before the procedure. Its main goal is to reduce the load on the mucous membranes and gradually normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. To ensure that the examination of the digestive tract is as comfortable as possible and does not lead to complications, a light diet is recommended before gastroscopy. It is the basis of preparation, but the course preceding FGDS is not limited to it.

Important! Using a specially designed menu, you can delicately clean the surfaces of the mucous membranes and reduce their irritation. This will increase the reliability of the data obtained during the inspection and will help avoid diagnostic errors.

The doctor explains the essence of nutrition and general preparation of the gastrointestinal tract before gastroscopy in advance. The patient may be given a printed leaflet stating:

  • Is it possible to drink water before the examination;
  • how to eat on the eve of diagnosis, which dishes should be preferred and which should be avoided;
  • How many hours before gastroscopy should you not eat?
  • is it possible to take oral forms of medications and much more.

As for the most common question regarding preparation - what time should the last meal be - here the patient will have to independently calculate the time. It will depend on what part of the day the gastroscopy is scheduled for. Experts insist that the period of not eating before FGDS with conventional anesthesia should be at least 8 hours, and with anesthesia and sedation, the fasting period should be at least 12 hours.

Regarding fluid intake, the length of preparation will depend on the type of pain relief chosen. When using local anesthetics, you can drink even on the day of gastroscopy, but no later than 3-4 hours before diagnosis. If FGDS is performed under anesthesia, you should also stop drinking 10-12 hours before the examination.


What you can’t and can’t eat before gastroscopy of the stomach

For a few days, it is advisable to eliminate nuts, smoked meats, chocolate, fried and fatty foods, legumes, cabbage, fresh vegetables and fruits and other foods that cause increased gas formation. You can't drink carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to eat boiled meat, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, and fermented milk products per day.

It is not advisable to consume alcoholic beverages 2-3 days before the test and are strictly contraindicated the day before.

It should be remembered that milkshakes and milk in their pure form are not a drink, but a complete food. And a glass of milk drunk 4-8 ​​hours before the test is equivalent to a meal, which means it is also contraindicated.

How long after gastroscopy can you eat?

If local anesthesia of the pharynx with lidocaine was used during gastroscopy, then you can eat as soon as the sensitive receptors of the tongue and pharynx are restored and the medicine stops working - 10-15 minutes after the end of the manipulation.

If intravenous anesthesia was performed, 1.5-2 hours after regaining consciousness, provided that no complications arose during the study.

You should not eat hot, spicy food that can irritate the mucous membrane, especially if it has undergone mechanical irritation - a biopsy.

Food should be easily digestible, preferably warm. Slimy porridge, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, boiled chicken, mashed potatoes are quite acceptable as a meal.

Sample menu before gastroscopy

What can you eat before gastroscopy? Below is a sample menu of dishes that are allowed.

  • Breakfast. In the morning you can eat a cottage cheese dish (casserole, cheesecakes). Oil cannot be used, so it should be baked in the oven or steamed. You can drink weak tea or rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner. As a first course, you can eat vegetable or cereal soup. For the second course - lean meat, steamed. Stewed or boiled vegetables are perfect for a side dish. From drinks you can choose compote or fruit drink.
  • Dinner. In the evening, you can snack on a small portion of lean fish (steamed or boiled). Another possible dish is vegetable casserole. A fermented milk product is suitable as a drink.

Diagnosis and examination of the stomach without gastroscopy

This method of diagnosing the gastric mucosa is the most informative today; it allows you to macroscopically visualize the inner wall of the organ, as well as take material for a more detailed study and accurate diagnosis.

There are other examination methods that complement or partially replace endoscopic:

These methods can only partially replace endoscopic examination, because neither ultrasound, nor x-rays, nor MRI allows taking a biopsy and confirming the diagnosis at the cellular level.

How to determine stomach acidity during gastroscopy

The endoscopic method can reliably determine the level of acidity of gastric contents.

If it is not possible to do a gastroscopy, we can assume increased acidity in the clinic: the patient will complain of heartburn, sour belching, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

What should be excluded from the diet before examining the stomach?

How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach? First of all, foods that contribute to irritation of the inner wall of the organ are removed from the menu, causing it to work harder. The diet before gastroscopy of the stomach should reduce its functional load. Two days before the event, the following products are subject to exclusion:

  • smoked, spicy (seasonings);
  • any fatty foods (including fish);
  • fast food;
  • pickled, canned foods;
  • nuts;
  • whole grain, rye bread;
  • chocolate.

The day before the diagnosis, you need to exclude the following foods:

  • dairy;
  • dishes made from whole grain cereals;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • jam;
  • baking.

Gradually, the inner lining of the stomach gets rid of the load and the risk of retention of undigested food residues in the organ.

What is stomach diagnostics?

The study, which has become popular, allows the doctor to obtain on the monitor screen a complete picture of the condition of the inner lining of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. To perform the procedure, an endoscope is used, which is a flexible hose of small diameter, the end of which is equipped with a small video camera. The research is necessary for the following purposes:

  • determining the acidity of stomach contents;
  • clarifying the cause of gastric bleeding;
  • administration of medications;
  • cauterization of bleeding vessels;
  • sampling tissue material to perform a biopsy;
  • removal of a foreign body, excision of polyps.

An important point: the results of an internal examination of the stomach are considered a reliable fact for prescribing the correct treatment. This is only relevant if, before gastroscopy, the patient is familiar with the rules of what should not be done before the procedure.

The manipulation is performed in a separate clinic room, equipped with a couch and special equipment. The complex consists of a rubber tube with electron-optical filling and a monitor that reflects the state of the organ, which is viewed from the inside using a probe with a mini camera at the end.

Diet for gastroscopy without the use of a probe

There is also a type of gastroscopy procedure called capsule. To carry it out, the patient needs to swallow not a probe, but a special capsule containing a chamber inside. It passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract, so cleansing in preparation for the procedure concerns not only the stomach, but also the intestines. In this case, the nutritional requirements before gastroscopy are more stringent; the diet begins a week before diagnosis and is combined with cleansing enemas. With careful preparation, the specialist receives data on the condition of all parts of the digestive tract, which is impossible during a routine examination.

The diet that should be followed before gastroscopy can be taken as a basis for fasting days in the future. It does not harm the body, is easy to use and follow, and is beneficial for the body. According to doctors and patients, people who carefully followed a diet before the procedure experienced virtually no discomfort when inserting and removing the probe. The procedure itself also went without complications.

A special strict diet is not required before gastroscopy (gastric endoscopy). Gastroscopy is performed on an empty stomach so that the examined organs are in a calm state. But in order for the results to be as reliable as possible, you need to remember some important points before preparing for this study. In this article we will focus on proper nutrition before gastroscopy, since nutrition is one of the important conditions for preparing for the study.

Stages of preparation for the study

For many people, the mention of gastroscopy is associated with well-founded painful sensations, since inserting a rubber probe through the mouth and swallowing it causes a lot of unpleasant moments. Therefore, it is permissible to carry out the procedure under local anesthesia, which allows to reduce the symptoms of pain. In addition, it is necessary to psychologically tune in to the examination and understand its importance.

The main condition for preparatory measures is the absence of food debris in the stomach, which not only creates an obstacle to the advancement of the gastroscope, but also distorts the results of FGS, preventing the detection of pathological changes. Therefore, before diagnosis, certain rules of behavior should be observed, and the preparation process consists of two stages.

How to behave 2-3 days before the examination

  1. Limit, or better yet completely exclude, spicy and fatty foods, spices from your diet, and limit the amount of salt. Especially if there is a suspicion of a pathology of an ulcerative nature. You will have to do without chocolate and nuts, and overeating is simply unacceptable.
  2. The menu should include light, easily digestible food - boiled vegetables, steamed fish and chicken, a small portion of boiled buckwheat. A day before the study, meat and slaves, bread, cereals, and pasta are prohibited.
  3. As for drinks, alcohol is strictly contraindicated before an FGD! As for the issue of coffee or tea, the best solution is to replace them with infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs and still mineral water.
  4. You will also have to limit your participation in active sports. Stop treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antacids so as not to provoke a disturbance in the clinical picture.

Important note: it is forbidden to eat any food at least 12 hours in advance. This is easy to do if the procedure is scheduled for the morning. If gastroscopy is performed in the afternoon, a light breakfast in the morning is acceptable, provided that there are 8-10 hours left before the study.

Rules of conduct on the day of the study

  1. Is it possible to eat on the day on which gastroscopy is scheduled? The last meal should be 8 hours before the procedure. During this time, the food will be completely digested and will not distort the overall picture of the condition of the internal organs. In addition, a full stomach will react to the insertion of the probe with a gag reflex.
  2. Drinking liquids is not prohibited; 2-3 hours before the start of the stomach examination, you can drink some still water. It is acceptable to treat yourself to a cup of coffee or tea, but not more than 100 ml. If there is a need to take medication, it should be taken with a minimum amount of water.
  3. Before starting the study, the person should not be wearing metal objects - jewelry, lenses, glasses, dentures. You should notify your doctor if you suspect you are pregnant, and also completely empty your bladder.
  4. 3 hours before the start of the diagnosis you should not smoke, and during the procedure you should not talk or swallow saliva. If there is a risk of drooling, you should use a personal towel you brought with you.
  5. If a gastrointestinal examination is scheduled for the morning, brushing your teeth during morning exercise is not recommended. Substances contained in toothpastes can negatively affect the level of acidity of gastric juice. You can rinse your mouth with boiled water.
  6. On the day of the examination, you should stop using perfume and forget about the habit of chewing gum for several hours, since it causes increased production of gastric juice. It is useful to add a positive attitude, giving up anxiety and fear.
  7. If the patient has diabetes, you need to notify the attending physician in advance. Since during the study it is necessary to reduce the insulin dose to obtain reliable results.

Advice: for many heavy smokers, it is difficult to give up the addiction before gastroscopy. However, you will still have to be patient, since smoking can change blood counts, causing distortion of the results as a whole. Even if it's just one cigarette smoked.

How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach in the morning

When prescribing FGDS for the first half of the day, especially careful preparation begins in the evening. Before this, the patient is recommended to follow a standard diet before gastroscopy (it will be discussed a little later), and on the eve of the procedure it is necessary to switch to the lightest possible diet. Breakfast and lunch the day before the examination should consist of light dishes, and for dinner, the diet before FGDS prescribes eating only light, quickly digestible dishes: cottage cheese casserole, pureed vegetables or stew.

Standard preparation for gastroscopy in the first half of the day contains only one point: you should not have breakfast before the procedure. Even coffee and tea are banned. You can only drink 100-150 ml of water 2-3 hours before the diagnosis. If you plan to conduct an examination under anesthesia, you should not drink at all.

How you feel during gastroscopy and the degree of likelihood of complications directly depends on the accuracy of your preparation in the morning. If the patient prepares, ignoring the listed conditions, there is a possibility of strengthening the gag reflex. This is fraught not only with discomfort for the patient himself, but also entails the danger of vomit getting into the respiratory tract. In addition, the presence of food and liquid debris in the stomach makes visualization of the mucous membranes difficult. That is why such close attention is paid to preparation on the day of the study.

How is the gastrointestinal tract examined?

The patient lies on the right side with the chin lowered to the chest. A special device (mouthpiece) is inserted into the mouth to protect the elastic band of the probe from being bitten by the teeth. The physician inserts a disinfected endoscope through the hole in the mouthpiece, slowly moving it to the depth necessary to examine the gastric mucosa. The patient should be calm, breathe evenly through his nose, but not swallow. After the examination, the endoscope is carefully removed, and the patient is given a report on the internal condition of the organ being examined.

Causes of possible complications

If a person follows all the doctor’s recommendations, understands the need for a diagnostic procedure, and adjusts himself to the correct psychological perception of the process, the study proceeds normally. However, in rare cases, in addition to a sore throat, complications do occur. Why is this happening:

  • if a vessel or organ wall is accidentally damaged by an endoscope, bleeding may occur;
  • due to improper preparation (a hearty breakfast before the procedure), there is a risk of developing asphyxia or aspiration pneumonia;
  • When collecting material for a biopsy by pinching off a tissue sample from the inner surface of the stomach, pain may occur.

Fibrogastroscopy, together with the necessary additional studies during the procedure, is a completely safe manipulation for human health. This is the most reliable and also the fastest method of viewing the condition of the stomach. Thanks to timely diagnosis of the early stage of diseases, detection of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, and biopsy, the chances of a speedy recovery increase.

Why should you not smoke before gastroscopy?

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is prescribed to patients if there are suspected pathologies occurring in the stomach and duodenum. Their list should be replenished:

  • ulcerative and erosive lesions;
  • hernias;
  • esophagitis;
  • bleeding localized in the upper digestive tract;
  • neoplasms of various nature, etc.

FGDS of the stomach is a very informative technique that allows not only to diagnose pathology, but also to collect biological material for histological studies. If necessary, during the procedure, specialists can perform therapeutic measures using a gastroscope (a flexible hose equipped with a micro-camera).


Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is not performed on patients who have the following pathological conditions:

  • acute gastrointestinal diseases occurring in a chronic form;
  • strokes;
  • mental disorders;
  • heart attacks;
  • hypertension, during a crisis;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • bronchial asthma during exacerbation;
  • unconsciousness

It is prohibited to perform fibrogastroduodenoscopy on patients who have recently undergone surgery on the larynx.


Before FGS, patients must undergo special training, thanks to which it will be possible to obtain the most accurate and informative results. The attending physician prescribes some tests for the patient in advance, for example, blood clotting tests. The day before visiting the physiotherapy room, you must begin to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Within 2-3 days, you need to eliminate from your diet foods that contain unsaturated fats and simple carbohydrates. Sauces and fast food, milk in any form, fresh vegetables, alcohol-containing drinks and legumes are completely excluded.
  2. It is forbidden to eat food for at least 12 hours before the examination.
  3. Smoking is not recommended before gastroscopy of the stomach.
  4. Patients should not use medications that can cause blood thinning for two weeks.
  5. You should not drink drinks that can stain and leave a residue on the mucous membranes. This list is replenished with tea, juices, coffee, as well as any soda.
  6. On the day of the examination, the patient, if very thirsty, can drink half a glass of clean water.

Smoking before FGDS

For people suffering from nicotine addiction, some restrictions are introduced before zofagogastroduodenoscopy.

This is due to the fact that the tars present in cigarettes have a negative effect on blood vessels, in particular on their permeability.

If the patient smoked before the hardware examination, he may begin to bleed at the time of insertion of the flexible probe, even with minor trauma to the mucous membranes.

It is worth noting that in people who smoke, the stomach walls, under the influence of nicotine, begin to intensively generate mucus. This in turn may negatively affect the interpretation of study results.

Due to the cigarette smoked, the patient’s gag reflex increases at the time of insertion of the medical instrument. In some cases, for this reason, specialists have to interrupt the examination, since there is no possibility for unhindered advancement of the endoscope.

Many patients are interested not only in the technique of carrying out the diagnostic procedure, but also in preparatory aspects, for example, whether it is possible to smoke before FGDS.

As a rule, this question arises among people who have a persistent nicotine addiction, which they cannot get rid of without outside help.

Despite the fact that doctors do not impose a strict taboo regarding smoking, they strongly recommend that patients give up their addiction for a while.

Nicotine can cause unpleasant consequences during an endoscopic examination:

  1. An unwanted gag reflex will appear.
  2. A patient who smokes a cigarette before the procedure will not be able to relax.
  3. Breathing will be impaired, and a cough may occur due to the natural cleansing of nicotine tar from the lungs.
  4. The likelihood of injury to mucous membranes will increase.

Smokers, due to a reflex narrowing of the esophagus during FGDS, experience pain when passing an endoscopic instrument.

Because of this, specialists have difficulties in the diagnostic process, and they are unable to perform a number of manipulations as accurately as possible:

  • determine the extent of damage;
  • assess the general condition of organs;
  • choose the right place for a biopsy;
  • identify reflux and other pathological changes.

For patients who cannot voluntarily give up their addiction, experts strongly recommend not smoking at least three hours before the endoscopic examination. If they ignore this requirement, the FSHD results may be distorted and ultimately they will have to undergo a hardware examination again.

Modern technologies have reduced the discomfort from FGDS and FGS of the stomach to a minimum. To facilitate the procedure, special gels and freezing solutions are used, which reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane and throat. Therefore, FGDS is usually quite painless.

The best solution: do not smoke before FGDS

Considering that after smoking the production of gastric juice is activated, it is very difficult for a diagnostic device to distinguish pathological formations in the stomach (ulcers, tumors, erosions, polyps). At the same time, it is quite difficult for a doctor to carry out an objective assessment of the state of the gastrointestinal tract, identify damage to the mucosa, conduct a biopsy and identify reflux.

You understand that distorted research results are the path to inaccurate diagnosis and incorrect treatment, and therefore to a long recovery. So is instant pleasure worth such sacrifices?

What does FGDS of the stomach show?

Gastroscopy of the stomach can be prescribed to patients of any age and gender; there are no contraindications or restrictions for these parameters. The examination is carried out in a clinic or hospital, but does not require special placement in a hospital. The prescribed medical examination, namely FGDS of the stomach, shows:

  • stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer, hypersecretion, achylia, esophagitis, cancer or mechanical damage;
  • diseases of the inner lining of the duodenum.

A procedure is carried out to identify changes in the listed organs, including possible ulcerations or neoplasms. Your attending physician must also inform you about how to prepare for an FGDS of the stomach.


So should you smoke before gastroscopy or not? This question can only be answered by those who have already undergone this procedure after smoking. If it went well and without complications, the body worked without incidents during the movement of the probe, then you are lucky. You already know the answer from experts to this question.


Then you need a strategy for quitting cigarettes. With its help it will be much easier to quit.

FGS and FGDS of the stomach are diagnostic studies with identical preliminary preparation. The procedures differ slightly in the scope of work performed, but the principle of their implementation is the same. Preliminary preparation for an FGDS or FGS examination is required, carried out at home without any restrictions on work and normal life activities.

Possible complications

The risk of complications is minimized. Even if they do exist, they do not threaten life and health. It is best to contact clinics that have modern endoscopes. There may be some discomfort from bloating with air, but simply burping is enough to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

Some patients may experience a sore throat, which is normal. In the most severe cases, the walls of the esophagus or those organs that were examined may be damaged.

This most often occurs in older people or in patients with mental disorders.

This is also a common occurrence if the doctor did not administer enough anesthetic or is unable to see the full picture during the examination.

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