What antibiotics to take for stomach inflammation

  • August 24, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Maria Maria

Gastritis is a common disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest as pain, discomfort, heartburn, sour belching, or occur without significant symptoms. When the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial therapy cannot be avoided. Only correctly selected medications and a followed treatment regimen will help get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease.

Antibiotics for gastritis: when are they needed?

Until a certain time, gastritis was not treated at all as it should be. The patients followed a diet, took symptomatic medications: antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids, and so on. But all efforts did not bring the desired result. It was then that experts began to look deeper for the cause of the disease. Research has shown that in most cases the disease is caused by a microorganism called Helicobacter pylori. Gram-negative bacteria can provoke gastritis with high or low acidity and cause chronic, acute, erosive gastritis.

Less commonly, inflammation of the stomach walls is caused by other bacteria, such as salmonella. In order for antibiotics to help with gastritis for sure, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary diagnosis. To do this, fibrogastroduodenoscopy is performed, during which a specialist takes a particle of the mucous membrane for further examination.

Reviews from people

“My weak point is my stomach. I often go on diets, but recently I ate something and thought I was poisoned. I went to a gastroenterologist, took a test and received a positive answer for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Because of this infection, my gastritis worsened. She was treated with Amoxicillin tablets. Completed the course - 5 days. Taking the pills is not very convenient, they are huge. It's good that you can wash them down with water. After some time, I took another test. Everything is fine, no infection detected.”

“I usually took Amoxicillin for a sore throat (I have chronic tonsillitis). But recently I was treated with it for gastritis, which was caused by Helicobacter infection. The drug quickly suppressed the growth of the infection. I took it exactly according to the plan. I advise everyone to see a doctor. Some may need dosage adjustments or need additional medications.”

“Before treating gastritis with antibiotics, make sure that the cause of the disease is Helicobacter infection. Otherwise, antibiotic therapy will be unsuccessful. And it can also harm the body. It is not enough to treat gastritis with antibiotics alone. It is necessary to undergo complex treatment with the mandatory use of lactobacilli.”

“I got sick with a cold, I treated myself, I didn’t take sick leave. The cough persisted for a long time, and a week after the onset of the illness the temperature rose again. After that I went to the doctor, the doctor suspected pneumonia. The diagnosis was confirmed by x-ray. I was afraid that I would have to go to the hospital and get injections. But I managed to recover at home, taking amoxicillin under the supervision of my local police officer. After three days I felt better, a week later the doctor stopped the drug.”

“My stomach hurt for a long time, especially when fasting and at night. After examination, gastritis and an incipient ulcer were discovered. They did a breath test, which detected germs. Antibiotics were prescribed. I doubted it for a long time, since I had never heard of such treatment before. But soon after starting to take amoxicillin and other drugs, the pain noticeably decreased and appetite improved.”

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, which is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. Bacterial infection leads to disruption of the stomach. Food is poorly digested, leading to loss of strength and lack of energy for normal functioning. The disease occupies a leading place in the ranking of diseases of the human digestive system. Gastritis affects adults and children. 90% of older people suffer from gastritis. Chronic gastritis often develops into gastric ulcers, even cancer.

With chronic gastritis of the stomach, the quality of life deteriorates and regular pain appears. The patient is worried about heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, belching, and vomiting symptoms. Stomach upset and bloating occur periodically. Bad breath causes inconvenience. Chronic gastritis can provoke atrophy of the gastric mucosa. The glands of the stomach stop working normally.

More often the inner wall of the stomach is damaged. More precisely, the mucous membrane. The production of gastric juice and protective stomach mucus is disrupted. The described interferes with the normal digestion process.

Gastritis is divided into types: catarrhal, fibrous, necrotic and phlegmous. It is important to correctly recognize the clinical symptoms of different types of gastritis. Knowing which antibiotics are needed requires an accurate diagnosis. For each type of gastritis, a separate category of drugs is used for treatment.

Penicillin group

Treatment of gastritis with antibiotics is often carried out using the penicillin group. These agents have long been known and studied in work; they belong to natural antimicrobial compounds. Penicillin antibiotics penetrate the cell of the bacterium that causes gastritis, causing it to die. Trade names of such drugs:

  • "Amoxil";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Augmentin";
  • "Flemoxin";
  • "Amoxicar".

Amoxicillin can be used for gastritis even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This drug is prescribed to children of all ages. It is believed that antibiotics of the penicillin group are the safest and most effective. But there are also disadvantages to the drug Amoxicillin. The instructions for use warn that this medication may cause an allergic reaction. It manifests itself as skin rash, swelling, and poor health. In most cases, amoxicillin-based drugs cause diarrhea, bloating and cause disruption of the intestinal microflora. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days with three doses of the drug.

What antibiotics are effective?

To treat gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori, antibacterial agents of several groups can be used:

  • penicillins, namely amoxicillin;
  • macrolides: clarithromycin, less often azithromycin;
  • tetracyclines: tetracycline;
  • fluoroquinolones: levofloxacin;
  • antimicrobial agents, imidazole derivatives: metronidazole, ornidazole, tinidazole.

Characteristics of the drugs:

  • Amoxicillin has a bactericidal effect, disrupting protein synthesis during the growth and division of microbes. Active against many pathogenic microorganisms, including Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, Amoxicillin for gastritis is often used as part of complex treatment. Trade names: Flemoxin, Hiconcil, Ecobol, Danemox, Ospamox.
  • Clarithromycin is most often used to treat diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori. It exhibits bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects by inhibiting microbial cell protein synthesis. The drug is available under the names: Klacid, Kriksan, Binoclair, Fromilid, Kispar.
  • Azithromycin exhibits a bacteriostatic and, in large doses, a bactericidal effect. It is used in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori gastritis in cases where it is impossible to use clarithromycin, since its effect on the pathogenic microbe is much lower. Analogs: Summed, Azicide, Azivok, Zitrolide, Sumazid.
  • Tetracycline exhibits a bacteriostatic effect against a wide range of microbes. Due to its increased toxicity and large number of side effects, it is included in the treatment of diseases when other means are ineffective.
  • Levofloxacin is one of the most modern and quite powerful antibiotics. It is used during the treatment of gastritis in exceptional cases that cannot be treated with other means. In treatment regimens it often replaces clarithromycin. Trade name: Lomflox, Lomatsin, Okatsin, Xenaquin.
  • Metronidazole has antibacterial, antimicrobial, trichomonacid and antiprotozoal effects. Metronidazole for gastritis is usually not very effective in triple therapy, so it is often included in quadruple therapy. Analogue: Trichopolum.
  • Tinidazole is an antibacterial and antiprotozoal drug. May be included in treatment regimens for Helicobacter pylori gastritis instead of metronidazole.
  • Ornidazole also exhibits antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. In some cases, it is prescribed as part of a complex treatment of a disease, in case of ineffectiveness or intolerance of other drugs in the group. Known under the names: Tiberal, Ornisid, Dazolic.

Additional "Metronidazole"

Penicillin antibiotics for gastritis are often used in combination with synthetic Metronidazole. This drug is used in tablet form. It is considered an antibiotic with anti-ulcer and anti-alcohol activity. Trade names of drugs based on metronidazole:

  • "Trichopolus";
  • "Flagyl";
  • "Klion";
  • "Metrogil."

The combination of drugs "Metronidazole" and "Amoxicillin" - the instructions for use tell - is the most effective. Such treatment will not allow the formation of resistant microorganisms, which often happens with therapy with one type of antimicrobial agent. Metronidazole is taken 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Analogues of the famous antibacterial drug

This antibacterial agent has many analogues: Metronidazole, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Amosin and others. We will discuss them in more detail, their advantages/disadvantages, and differences compared to the described product below.

Amoxicillin with Metronidazole: when should you take it?

Gastritis does not always need to be treated with the antibiotic Amoxicillin. After all, this disease can be caused by improper (harmful) nutrition, the effects of alcohol, and medications. But if the bacterium Helicobacter pylori gets into the stomach, and it gets there with poor-quality food, then the only way to destroy it is to use an antibiotic.

Often, gastroenterologists prescribe 2 groups of antibacterial agents to patients at once - Amoxicillin and Metronidazole. Many people wonder why you need to take two antibiotics at the same time?

The fact is that the Helicobacter pylori bacterium quickly gets used to antibacterial agents and stops responding to them. In order for the treatment to really produce results, doctors prescribe two drugs at once. Both means complement each other.

You need to take medications 1.5–2 grams twice a day. But the treatment regimen can be changed by the doctor. It takes into account the patient’s health status, the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and its duration.

Gastritis, which is not caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, requires different treatment. Antibiotics will not work in this case.

Amoxicillin or Ampicillin: interchangeable medications or not?

After reading the instructions for both drugs, it may seem that they are no different from each other. Both drugs are similar in composition and belong to the same group of penicillin medications. Their indications for use also agree.

However, there is a difference between them. The differences are presented in the table:

Differences between drugsAmoxicillinAmpicillin
Pharmacokinetics (bioavailability)75–90%40%
Reception frequency3 times a day4 times a day
Release formTablets, capsules, solution, suspension (syrup)Powder, tablets, granules
Children's use, restrictionsUp to 4 yearsUp to 5 years
Price20 pieces - 60 rubles10 pieces - 20 rubles

Based on the table, we can conclude: Ampicillin is poorly absorbed and quickly eliminated. It needs to be taken more often. More than half of the active substance is excreted by the kidneys, never reaching the stomach.

Both drugs should not be taken by young children, but only Amoxicillin can be given according to indications, starting from the age of 4. The cost of both drugs is low.

Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin: differences

Consumers often ask pharmacists and doctors: “Why do medications with the same active ingredient and indications for use have such a big difference in price?” Indeed, their prices vary. For 15 tablets of Amoxiclav you need to pay an average of 400 rubles. And for 20 tablets of Amoxicillin you need to pay less than 100 rubles? Is such a difference justified or is it possible not to buy an expensive analogue?

There really is a difference and it is expressed in the following:

  1. The drug "Amoxicillin" is a pure form of antibiotic. Amoxiclav contains 2 active ingredients: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. It is due to this that the medicine has a wider spectrum of action;
  2. Amoxicillin affects only gram-positive bacteria, and Amoxiclav affects both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  3. Harmful microorganisms may be resistant to Amoxicillin, but not to Amoxiclav. The antibacterial activity of Amoxiclav is much higher;
  4. Amoxiclav, unlike Amoxicillin, causes side effects more often (confirmed by laboratory tests).

It is impossible to say 100% which drug: Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin is more effective. One has a greater spectrum of action, better resistance (resistance) to microorganisms, but a higher price and a greater likelihood of developing side effects. Only the doctor should decide which antibiotic should be prescribed to a particular patient.

Amosin and Amoxicillin: can one be replaced by the other?

People often encounter situations where, when buying drugs at a pharmacy, pharmacists offer analogues, noting that there is no such drug with the same name, but there is a substitute. The same thing happens with Amoxicillin tablets. They are often replaced with another medicine - Amosin tablets. Is there a difference between these drugs and if so, what is it?

  1. Both drugs contain the same active substance - amoxicillin trihydrate;
  2. The regimen and dosage for both medications are the same;
  3. Indications, contraindications, and side effects for the drugs are the same, because the composition of the drugs is identical.

Macrolides and their names

Macrolide drugs are used less frequently for the treatment of gastritis. These antibacterial agents, like penicillins, are considered safe. They can be used for children and adults. However, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors try not to prescribe them. Treatment of gastritis with macrolides is carried out using the following drugs:

  • "Binocular";
  • "Clarithromycin";
  • "Klacid";
  • "Clarexide";
  • "Macropen";
  • "Wilprafen".

These antibiotics for gastritis are recommended for use if the patient has intolerance to the penicillin group. The need to use macrolides occurs in one person out of five people with gastritis. An important feature of such drugs is their delayed action. For some time after the end of the course, the medication remains in the patient’s body and continues to work. For example, Azithromycin is used for gastritis for three days, but its effect remains for another 2-5 days after discontinuation.

Bismuth preparations

Antibiotics for gastritis with high acidity are designed not only to eliminate the causative agent of the disease, but also to create a protective film on the surface of the stomach. It will protect the delicate mucous membrane from the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The preparation “De-Nol”, “Vicalin” and other products containing bismuth cope well with this task.

These drugs need to be taken longer than standard antibiotics. The average duration of treatment is 1-2 months. A repeated course is prescribed by a doctor individually.

Amoxicillin for children: dosage regimen

For the treatment of childhood diseases for which Amoxicillin is prescribed, it is advisable to use granules to prepare a tasty solution.

To do this, pour boiled water into the bottle (to the top) and shake well. The solution must be stored in a cool place. The shelf life of the product in liquid form is 2 weeks.

Before using the medicine, the bottle must be shaken.

The advantage of the drug in the form of granules is that it is convenient for children to give the medicine in this form. The drug also contains raspberry and strawberry flavors, so little patients can drink the tasty medicine without any problems.

How to increase the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy?

There are many medicinal products that are not antibiotics, but they are often used in the treatment of gastritis. Such medications are prescribed to enhance the antibacterial activity of antimicrobial agents and alleviate the patient’s condition.

  • Antacids are used for high acidity. The drugs “Almagel”, “Maalox”, “Rennie” and others can reduce the acidity of the stomach contents, thereby preventing the destructive effect.
  • Antispasmodics and analgesics eliminate pain. The drugs “No-Shpa”, “Baralgin”, “Nitroglycerin” accelerate the onset of the effect of antibiotic treatment.
  • Enzymes normalize digestive function. The drugs “Mezim” and “Digestal” can be used during the antibacterial course or after its completion.
  • Antisecretory drugs reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice. The drugs Famotidine and Ranitidine are antihistamines.
  • To reduce the acidity of the stomach and increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, Omez, Omeprazole and their analogues are prescribed.


Treatment of gastritis with antibiotics is almost always effective. It is important to choose the right drug and take it strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Even if you feel much better, you should not stop taking the medicine on your own. The antibacterial course must be completed completely. Otherwise, the bacteria will develop resistance, and repeated treatment will be ineffective.

The negative effects of antibiotics on the human body are known to many patients. However, the treatment of gastritis cannot be done without these drugs. Subsequently, the patient will need a recovery course, including vitamins, immunomodulators and probiotics. When treating gastritis, do not forget to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding lifestyle and nutrition.

Effective medications for gastritis

Treatment of gastritis, both chronic in the acute phase and acute, initially involves taking several drugs, some of which are aimed at eliminating the clinical symptoms of stomach disease, while others affect the cause of the inflammatory process in it.

The list of medications that help get rid of the signs of worsened, protracted and acute gastritis includes:

1. Polysorb, Smectu - antidiarrheal agents that remove waste and toxins.

2. Espumisan is a carminative drug that can be used not only in adults and adolescents, but also in young children, in particular, newborns.

3. Motilium, Raglan, Fractal, Cerucal, Domstal, Motilak, Ganaton - prokinetics, the purpose of which is to stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, are used with equal success in the treatment of chronic and acute gastritis.

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