Methods of preparation and benefits of semolina porridge for gastritis

Pearl barley is a rich source of fiber that helps the body eliminate toxins.
Processed barley grains actually improve the overall health of the gastrointestinal tract. But will barley be useful for gastritis? Doctors and scientists say that grains rich in fiber are a food source for friendly bacteria. This means that with gastritis caused by H.Pilory, pearl barley will help restore normal bacterial balance. The uniqueness of the product is that it can be consumed at any acidity level. However, it must be borne in mind that the positive properties will appear only if properly prepared grain is consumed during the period of remission of gastritis. Even heavily boiled porridge is too rough for a stomach with inflamed walls.

Is pearl barley acceptable for gastritis?

Barley for gastritis of the stomach can have a positive effect on the body and on the patient’s condition during illness. This is explained by the fact that this cereal contains the valuable element hordecin. Its role is to restore the mucous membrane, and this, in turn, is exactly what is needed for the gastrointestinal tract affected by gastritis. In addition, it has a positive effect on both gastritis with high and low acidity.

So, the answer to the question: is it possible to eat barley with gastritis? Answer: yes!

Corn grits

This is another example of a very useful porridge for gastritis. It has a fairly high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically include it in the diet of people who have problems with the digestive system. Thanks to its unique properties, corn grits help normalize metabolism and restore the gastric mucosa.

You need to cook it in water, and if the remission is long, you can add a little milk and butter at the end. Too thick porridge can be processed using a blender until a more liquid and viscous mass is obtained. Before use, the finished dish must be brought to room temperature.

Vitamins and microelements

The composition of pearl barley is very diverse. Not every cereal can boast such a content of microelements and vitamins. It contains the following microelements:

  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Manganese;
  • Iron;
  • Chromium;
  • Nickel;
  • Zinc;
  • Bromine;
  • Iodine;
  • Phosphorus;

Vitamins in pearl barley:

  • PP Groups;
  • Groups A;
  • Groups E;
  • Group B.

Each of these vitamins is important for the body and is needed every day. Therefore, in order to at least partially replenish their reserves, you need to eat pearl barley porridge.

What is semolina: brief information about the cereal

Semolina porridge refers to coarsely ground wheat cereal. The diameter of the ground particles does not exceed ¾ millimeter. The product is rich in useful elements: vitamins of all groups (especially E and B), calcium, iron, potassium.

The composition of semolina includes:

  • number of carbohydrates – 73.5;
  • protein content – ​​11;
  • fats – 1;
  • energy value – 330 kcal per 100 grams.

For reference! Semolina porridge is a dietary product. The peculiarity of the cereal is its quick preparation time (a few minutes). This allows you to preserve all useful elements in the finished product.

The benefits of pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley is made from barley, which is rich in fiber. In turn, fiber helps the body get rid of various types of toxins and substances that negatively affect the human body. In particular, pearl barley helps improve stomach function and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it helps to get rid of constipation.

The beneficial properties of pearl barley also lie in the fact that it contains the polysaccharide b-glucan. What is its value? The fact is that this polysaccharide, entering the blood, begins to fight bad cholesterol. An acceptable level of b-glucan will help avoid blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol. As a result, eating pearl barley prevents the development of blood clots in blood vessels, which can end a person’s life.

The human body needs vitamin A every day, and pearl barley contains it. Its benefit lies in the fact that this vitamin is largely responsible for many body systems. In particular, for the immune system, preventing viruses from entering the body. Protects the respiratory tract from bacteria. And this prevents the development of respiratory diseases. Vitamin A is essential for vision. In today's age of technology, this is one of the vulnerable spots of the human body.

Many will be interested to know why pearl barley porridge is good for the kidneys. Pearl barley contains silicic acid. It helps break down formed kidney stones. Destroying their structure, the acid gradually removes them out through the genitourinary tract. It produces the same effect on stones in the urinary and gall bladders.

By consuming pearl barley just twice a week, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair, nails, and skin. In addition, it contains an element such as hordecine. It has antifungal properties. Therefore, cereals will be useful for those who suffer from similar diseases. And even if you do not suffer, its use will help to avoid them, because it is much better to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Analysis "bit by bit"

The basis for choosing cereals for preparing porridge is always the family’s food preferences. It also matters how long it takes to prepare a healthy breakfast. Here, the honored leaders are “Hercules” and semolina - a couple of minutes in the kitchen - the dish is ready.

Some go even further - they buy semi-finished porridges that do not require cooking. We do not recommend doing this. The beneficial substances of the semi-finished product remain where it was prepared, and for breakfast you only get extra calories and no benefits.

Therefore, review your morning routine and prepare breakfast correctly. Even if this requires getting up half an hour earlier. To convince you completely, let’s look at the porridge “bit by bit.”

It has enveloping properties and sufficient calorie content. After oatmeal for breakfast, you will feel full for a long time, and you will not have stomach pain. In addition, oatmeal for gastritis promotes the regeneration of inflamed mucous membranes and heals minor erosions and ulcers. In addition, there are many recipes for treating gastritis using oatmeal broth and oatmeal jelly. Don't neglect this information.

The new-fashioned muesli product is prepared on the basis of oatmeal, with the addition of candied fruits, nuts, raisins and dried fruits. Muesli is not contraindicated for gastritis, but you should not consume it in dry form or in the form of pressed bars. The correct option is muesli covered with milk for an afternoon snack.


An interesting and useful product from the point of view of nutritionists. Bran porridge is a strong word; you don’t need to cook it. By pouring ready-made bran with milk, water or broth, you get a dish similar to porridge in consistency, but not at all in properties.

The main task of bran is to cleanse our body and normalize peristalsis. In their pure form, they are not digestible, they pass through the digestive tract in “transit” and are excreted, collecting all the waste, toxins, and harmful substances.

Bran is very useful for indigestion - it helps to cope with constipation and diarrhea. They are a must in the diet of people who are losing weight, because they do not add calories and fill you up well.

For gastritis, bran can be consumed, but not more than 2-3 times a week, preferably in the afternoon. Bran with milk or kefir as an afternoon snack is an excellent solution.


The nutritional value of buckwheat is so high that nutritionists call it the queen of cereals. It is the “royal” breakfast that should become the main one in the choice of cereals. Buckwheat is perfectly digestible, contains a huge amount of useful substances, regulates glucose levels, strengthens the immune system, and protects the mucous membrane. Prepare viscous porridge with water or broth as a side dish, and for breakfast, use buckwheat in milk with fruit additives. The body will be grateful to you.

In terms of nutritional value, rice is much inferior to buckwheat; there is an opinion among nutritionists that refined rice grains contain nothing but starchy compounds. However, for problems with the intestines, for acute gastritis, rice water becomes a medicine.

It is the viscous starchy structure of rice broth that helps relieve inflammation and diarrhea and protects the mucous membrane during subsequent meals.

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When gastritis is in remission, give preference to unrefined varieties of rice - brown, red and others. All valuable microelements and vitamins are contained in the cereal shell, which is absent in white rice.


Convenient, quick to prepare product. Guryev porridge with honey and fruit is prepared using semolina. For gastritis, semolina is not contraindicated, but you should not abuse it. Semolina is too high in calories and contributes to excess weight gain. The harmful qualities of semolina include its ability to destroy calcium in the body.

So cook semolina when you desperately lack time to cook another, healthier porridge.

A lot has been written about the benefits of flax seed. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of kidney diseases, blood pressure, and hypercholesterolemia. Flax is able to remove toxins and radionuclides, improves the condition of hair and skin, and strengthens the immune system.

For gastritis, flaxseed porridge made from grains ground into flour is allowed, but during a period of remission. Due to the large amount of fiber, flax is not included in the diet during exacerbations and gastritis with high acidity.

Energy value of pearl barley

The beneficial properties of pearl barley can also be explained by its energy value. Pearl barley contains 315-320 kcal , which can be called a low-calorie product. There are even fewer calories in porridge, because it is saturated with water, so per 100 grams there are already about 110 kcal. The pearl barley porridge diet is very popular today. However, it is worth remembering that refills can significantly increase the energy value by two or even three times. The best option for pearl barley is on the water.

Exacerbations and remissions – balancing

For exacerbation of chronic gastritis, as well as for acute gastritis, a starvation diet is recommended in the first two days. Starting from the 3rd day, liquid porridges prepared in water are introduced into the diet. By day 6–7, water can be replaced with meat or vegetable broth. Milk porridges are allowed only during the period of remission.

  1. Place meat or poultry in cold water and bring to a boil.
  2. Skim off the foam, reduce heat, and cook until tender.
  3. At the end of cooking, add salt.
  4. Let the broth cool well and skim off any congealed fat using a slotted spoon.

Use boiled meat or poultry to prepare second courses, and low-fat broth will serve as an excellent alternative to water for preparing porridge. If you are preparing vegetable broth, place the vegetables in boiling salted water and cook for 30 minutes.

For hyperacid gastritis, give preference to viscous and liquid porridges. Make sure that the cereal is well cooked and is not too cold or hot. It is better to grind cereals with coarse fibers and use them to prepare liquid porridge. Legumes are not recommended.

Alternate milk porridges with dishes cooked in water or broth. The optimal time of day for cereal dishes is morning; eat cereal for breakfast.

Barley porridge - contraindications

For whom is pearl barley contraindicated? People suffering from high stomach acidity should avoid using it. Perhaps not forever, but the regularity needs to be reduced. As mentioned above, it contains silicic acid. It is not as strong as others, but can influence the increase in acidity. If consumed in excessive quantities, the benefits of pearl barley will turn into harm to the stomach. It is not advisable for men to consume a lot, as this can lead to gas and a decrease in sexual activity.

As for children, it is better not to give to children under three years of age. Porridge is difficult to digest, it is better to replace it with oatmeal.

Contraindications to its use

Those who suffer from constipation should avoid this dish, as this porridge contains a large amount of starch. It should not be consumed by patients with low body weight, since it is a fairly high-calorie product and does not make you want to eat for a long time.

This cereal should be stored at low temperatures and preferably in a ceramic container. The place where the cereal is stored should not be damp or dark. If it is wet, harmful microorganisms may develop.

From all of the above, we can draw a positive conclusion that corn porridge has unique properties. It contains useful minerals and vitamins. It is worth remembering that it should be used only in the remission stage. If you regularly eat this porridge during treatment, you can reduce the symptoms of gastritis, get rid of fermentation processes in the intestines, eliminate constipation, and increase immunity.

Don't get sick and take care of yourself!

Barley during pregnancy

Can pregnant women eat pearl barley? A definite answer to this question cannot be given; only the attending physician can advise how to behave. Therefore, consultation before use is necessary.

With all this, pearl barley also has beneficial properties for pregnant women. After all, it is full of fiber, which flushes toxins out of the body. Accordingly, the child will not receive them either. Phosphorus helps normalize metabolic processes in the body. This suggests that the child will receive them sufficiently. There are benefits of pearl barley porridge during pregnancy, but there may also be contraindications. You shouldn't turn a blind eye to this.



This is one of the most striking examples of universal cereals. It is recommended to use it for gastritis due to its highly pronounced enveloping properties. In addition, semolina is considered an excellent prevention of tumors in the stomach. Plus, it helps eliminate waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body due to the consumption of other foods.

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It is recommended to cook semolina intended for people suffering from gastritis only in water. During an exacerbation period, it is strictly forbidden to add salt or sugar to it. After achieving stable remission, the taste of cooked semolina porridge can be varied with nuts or berries.

How to cook pearl barley porridge is healthy

The preparation of pearl barley is somewhat different from the preparation of other cereals. For this we need 1 glass of cereal and five glasses of water. We wash it under running water to get rid of dust and impurities. Then put three glasses of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour the cereal into it and simmer over low heat for about 7-8 minutes. Remove from heat and strain through a colander or sieve.

This time, bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add our boiled pearl barley. Add salt to taste, as well as oil. Then simmer for about 30 minutes until the water has completely evaporated. To prevent the porridge from burning, it is better to use a metal fire sprayer. For electric stoves, this problem is not terrible.

The side dish can be served in combination with vegetables, or better yet, with vegetable salads. Meat and gravy will not be as beneficial for those who suffer from pancreatic diseases or stomach ulcers. You should avoid such additives.

Milk barley will be more useful, but who wants to lose excess weight. It is better to cook pearl barley in water with the addition of a small amount of oil.

Discovering culinary secrets

The consistency of the dish always depends on the ratio of cereal and water. Liquid porridge is prepared from oatmeal, semolina, and crushed cereals. It is better to prepare viscous porridges from buckwheat, whole rice, and oats. We offer you a small cheat sheet that will help you achieve the desired consistency of the dish.

Table 1. The ratio of cereals and water for preparing viscous and liquid porridge

Name of cerealLiquid porridgeViscous porridge
Oatmeal "Hercules"100 g420 ml100 g320 ml
Buckwheat100 g320 ml
Rice100 g570 ml100 g370 ml
Manna100 g570 ml100 g370 ml

By observing the indicated ratios, you will never be mistaken in the result. Now a few more culinary secrets that will be useful to you.

  1. Be sure to sort and rinse the grains before cooking.
  2. If you are preparing liquid porridge, add salt and sugar immediately to the liquid before adding the cereal.
  3. The ratio of water and milk for milk porridge should be 2:3.
  4. Add butter to the porridge after turning off the heat. Add the oil, cover the pan with a lid and only after the oil has completely dissolved, carefully stir the dish.
  5. First cook buckwheat and rice in water; after 10 minutes from the start of cooking, drain the water and add milk.

If you follow these rules, even the most ardent opponent of porridge will not refuse the prepared dish.

How to choose pearl barley in a store

The benefits and harms of pearl barley will depend on its quality, so before you buy barley, check it for quality.

For bagged cereals

The first thing you should pay attention to is the date on the packaging. The shelf life is 12 months. Promotional offers may have expired. This kind of cereal is not worth taking.

Through the packaging bag, pay attention to the color. Is there any black grain on it, which indicates mold?

For cereals by weight

If you buy cereal by weight, also pay attention to the smell. The absence of rancidity or a damp smell indicates that the cereal is suitable for consumption.

It is also worth paying attention to external factors. The cereal must be completely crumbly; if there are glued grains, and they are not in one copy, then this means that the supplier has neglected the storage rules. It is better to buy pearl barley elsewhere. Check this every time, regardless of the fact that the last time there was an excellent quality product. Delivery batches are different, and yesterday's product is completely different from what it is today.

Useful video


Porridges for gastritis are the basis of dietary nutrition, speed up the healing process, and help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Porridge is prescribed by specialists for low and high acidity, but the diet has slight differences.

Each cereal affects the body in its own way, so it is recommended not to stop at just one cereal; you should alternate dishes throughout the week, guided by how you feel.

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Proper dietary nutrition is the key to a quick recovery and an effective method of preventing exacerbations. Cereals enrich the body with fiber, beneficial microelements and vitamins. But thanks to their unique chemical composition, each of them has its own mechanism of action.

Wheat porridge

It is recommended to use for chronic gastritis in remission. Porridge increases energy reserves, strengthens the body, and improves overall well-being. Quickly puts patients back on their feet after surgery. Wheat cereals should be boiled until soft and eaten no more than 3 times a week.

Porridge removes toxins, coats the walls of the stomach, normalizes stool, eliminates nausea, relieves pain, and alleviates the patient’s condition with any form of gastritis. In the acute stage, liquid oatmeal with milk is especially useful.

The universal product can be consumed at low and high acidity. However, the therapeutic properties can be increased with additional ingredients. If the acidity is low, honey and nuts are added; if the acidity is high, dried fruits are added.

Dietary nutrition gives good results if the diet is prepared correctly. If necessary, you should seek advice from a nutritionist or other specialist.

Gastric disease is most often characterized by an increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid. As a result, irritation of the walls of the stomach and esophagus occurs, heartburn, belching, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and plaque appear. With high acidity, there is a deterioration in appetite, nausea, and increased salivation. At the same time, there is pain in the epigastric region on an empty stomach.

Porridge, in this case, facilitates digestion, soothes the mucous membrane, normalizes microflora, helps reduce pain, and stops the inflammatory process.

Of course, porridge cannot replace medications and qualified therapy, but it is the main element in complex treatment.

For gastritis with high acidity, the following porridges are recommended:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Wheat;
  • Corn;
  • Manna;
  • Rice;
  • Hercules.

Cereals saturate the body with useful minerals, vitamins, enrich them with fiber, and increase energy reserves. It is worth noting that buckwheat is not on the list of allowed cereals.

Buckwheat porridge reduces acidity, it is even recommended to eat the grains raw, however, with frequent consumption, it has the ability to increase the level of hydrochloric acid, and therefore provoke an exacerbation of gastritis.

Is it possible to eat corn porridge if you have gastritis?

There is no categorical prohibition, but the frequency of use should be controlled. If symptoms worsen, you should give preference to a dish made from another cereal.

Millet cereals have a similar chemical composition, so if there is high acidity, such porridge should be avoided.

Increased production of gastric juice during gastritis can also occur, although much less frequently. Hydrochloric acid helps break down food and digest food.

If its quantity is insufficient, the digestion process becomes difficult, the load on the gastrointestinal tract increases, and unpleasant, painful symptoms appear.

Unlike gastritis with high acidity, pain in the epigastric region appears every time food enters the stomach. There is also belching, heartburn, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Allowed low acidity cereals:

  • Rice;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Wheat;
  • Hercules;
  • Millet;
  • Pearl barley;
  • Corn;
  • Manna;
  • Barley.

As for the use of buckwheat, there are also restrictions. Buckwheat can initially lower the level of hydrochloric acid, and then enhances its reproduction. In the first days of exacerbation of gastritis, you should prepare dishes from other cereals; buckwheat porridge is administered after several days of active therapy.

Moreover, you should focus on the consistency of the stool. With gastritis, both diarrhea and constipation can occur. Rice groats thicken stool, so they are suitable for diarrhea; buckwheat softens and is recommended for constipation. A universal product is oatmeal, which has a beneficial effect on the body for any manifestations of gastritis.


You should select a cereal dish based on the stage of the disease and general symptoms. A direct contraindication to any porridge is individual intolerance to the components.

Allergies manifest themselves in the form of deterioration of well-being, increased unpleasant symptoms, as well as skin rashes. Vomiting or diarrhea may occur within a few minutes after consuming the product.

The condition returns to normal if you do not eat the dish in the future.

Forbidden cereals

Not all cereals are equally useful for gastritis. But this statement is true if you prepare the dish incorrectly or do not pay attention to the stage of the disease. For example, during an exacerbation period, millet porridge, wheat, corn, and barley are prohibited. At this time, it is better to eat oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and semolina.

For a long time, pearl barley was prohibited for gastritis, primarily due to the large size of the grains, which slowed down digestion. However, it later turned out that pearl barley can increase acidity, so it is recommended for gastritis with a low content of hydrochloric acid. In addition, before preparing the grain, it is recommended to initially grind it in a blender.

There are no prohibited cereals as such. You just need to cook and eat correctly. Portions should be small, the consistency of the dish should be liquid. Other ingredients can be added to increase effectiveness.

The porridge diet is used for any gastrointestinal disease. Recipes for patients with gastritis, ulcers, and pancreatitis are no different. The only thing you need to take into account is the stage of the disease - exacerbation or remission. What cereals to use in this or that case were described above. Below are delicious recipes that will help you achieve a speedy recovery.

Millet porridge

A useful dish during the period of remission, as well as after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms after 2-3 days of active therapy. Porridge helps to gain strength, improve overall well-being, and remove toxins.

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. Millet cereal – 150 g;
  2. Milk – 300 ml;
  3. Vanillin;
  4. Egg – 1 pc.;
  5. Cream – 3 spoons;
  6. Banana;
  7. Nuts.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add vanillin and salt, and place on the stove. After boiling, add the cereal and cook until tender. Separately, beat the whites into a foam, add the yolk, cream, and chopped banana. Add to cooled porridge.

Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out the mixture, and cover the top with foil. Bake for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. You can add a little sugar, honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts. You can prepare rice porridge using this recipe.

And instead of banana, they add dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots.

If you are tired of sweet milk porridge, you can prepare a delicious nutritious breakfast using chicken broth.


  1. Semolina – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  2. Chicken broth - 1.5 cups;
  3. Boiled chicken breast – 200 g;
  4. Butter – 30 g;
  5. Turmeric, salt, herbs.

Initially, you should prepare chicken broth. To do this, add water to the chicken and cook until done. The chicken is shredded. Add 300 ml of prepared broth to the saucepan, add meat, salt, and turmeric. After boiling, add semolina. Cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Add chopped herbs and butter.

Rice pudding

This traditional British delicacy is ideal as a dietary supplement for gastritis.


  1. Rice – ¾ cup;
  2. Milk – 2.5 cups;
  3. Coconut milk – 400 ml;
  4. Vanillin;
  5. Sugar;
  6. Salt;
  7. Raisin;
  8. Coconut flakes.

Rice cereal is poured with water, salted, and cooked with the lid open for 20 minutes until tender. Add cow's and coconut milk and continue cooking for another half hour.

The consistency is liquid, even slimy. 5 minutes before readiness, add vanillin and raisins. Cover the porridge with a lid and steam for 15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

If you plan to eat it like pudding, cool it in the refrigerator.


On the supermarket shelf, in addition to traditional buckwheat, rice, millet and oatmeal, there are also quite exotic products - chickpeas, lentils, bran, corn and flaxseed.

Any housewife, in a desire to diversify her home menu, is periodically tempted by an unfamiliar product and prepares a new dish.

If there is a patient with gastritis in the family, food preparation has its own peculiarities - any porridge should be well boiled, without the presence of coarse elements. Therefore, some types of cereals are not recommended for gastritis.

  • Pearl barley. It has a rough structure, increases acidity, and takes a long time to digest.
  • Millet cereal. Increases secretion, takes a long time to digest.
  • Peas, lentils, chickpeas. They belong to legumes, which should be limited for all types of gastritis. They take a long time to digest, load the mucous membrane, and increase gas formation in the intestines.
  • Corn. Contains a large amount of coarse dietary fiber, injures the mucous membrane, takes a long time to digest and absorb.

There are no restrictions regarding other cereals, but in the acute stage they are also prepared carefully, following certain rules.

There is a good Russian proverb: cabbage soup and porridge - our food is not without meaning. Our ancestors ate simple and healthy food, which they cooked in the oven, that is, stewed, boiled, baked. They had no idea about mayonnaise, ketchup, chili sauce, and they had no idea about gastritis. Let's follow their example and be healthy.

Porridges for gastritis are the basis of therapeutic dietary tables No. 1 and No. 2, which are designed for diseases of the stomach with damaged mucous membrane. They are allowed to be used for different types and stages of the disease in a certain form. The beneficial qualities of porridge help digestion, spare the inflamed walls of the stomach, relieve inflammation, and restore digestive function.

Porridges for gastritis are the basis of therapeutic dietary tables No. 1 and No. 2, which are designed for diseases of the stomach with damaged mucous membrane

Indications for use

Perhaps the first dish that doctors recommend to absolutely all patients with gastritis is porridge from various cereals. However, not all types of cereals can be beneficial for sick people. Some of them are preferable, while others will have to be abandoned. We'll talk about this below.

For almost any type of gastritis, we can recommend eating cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and semolina. The listed porridges do not have an irritating and damaging effect on the inflamed walls of the stomach, but on the contrary, they protect them by enveloping them with a kind of protective film. In addition, such cereals bring great benefits to the entire body: they provide a sufficient amount of nutrients, add energy and saturate.

Is it possible to eat rice?

Rice porridge is one of the food options recommended for gastritis. But it is important to consider that rice for a patient with problems in the gastrointestinal tract must be prepared in a special way, otherwise it can cause harm to a weakened body.

Rice in the form of porridge should not be consumed by people suffering from chronic constipation, since rice provokes constipation.

If you have gastritis, you need to eat rice, because grain contains more than 80% carbohydrates, which provide the body with the necessary energy. Rice can be added as a filler to soups or cooked as a meal on its own. Patients with gastritis benefit from milk rice porridge with a small amount of butter.

How to cook properly?

Here are some tips that will make your corn porridge flavorful and absolutely safe for the stomach:

  1. Buy only high-quality cereals.
  2. Use lightly salted water without any additives for cooking. During remission, you can add a little milk or butter to the finished porridge. The addition of honey is also allowed.
  3. The dish ready for consumption should have a liquid consistency. It envelops problem areas of the stomach, relieves pain and discomfort.
  4. It is quite possible to avoid thermal burns if you serve the porridge warm.

For stomach diseases, the dish should not only be warm, but also as fresh as possible. It is eaten slowly and in moderation. You can consume no more than 250 grams per day, regardless of the time of meal (breakfast, dinner, lunch). It is better to eat it without side dishes, in its pure form.

If the patient's diet consists of such healthy dishes as corn porridge, recovery occurs very quickly. After 3-4 days, there is an improvement in well-being and a slowdown in the inflammatory process. Pain and discomfort gradually disappear.

People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract must adhere to a special diet. They have to exclude fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods from their diet. However, this does not mean that their menu contains monotonous and tasteless dishes. After reading today's article, you will understand what cereals you can eat with gastritis and how to prepare them.

Recipe 2

There is another way to prepare porridge - this time with milk. It turns out even tastier and more nutritious.

  • You will need a glass of pearl barley and a glass of water. Leave them for 12 hours.
  • The remaining water must be drained. Then 2 liters of milk are poured into the mass.
  • The porridge must be cooked for 6 hours.
  • At the end, add salt and a little sugar to taste.

The good thing about the second recipe is that the barley grains are completely boiled and the porridge turns into a homogeneous mass. The dish can be consumed at absolutely any stage of gastritis: atrophic, with high/low acidity. And even in the acute stage thanks to its excellent enveloping properties.


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