How to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites?

Last updated - January 14, 2020 at 11:21 pm

Reading time: 6 min

Have you ever thought that the possibility of contracting parasites is extremely high?

More than half of the entire population of the planet are carriers or carriers of all kinds of parasites. The reason for this is the extremely low awareness of our population: people do not think about or even assume that they may be the cause of their own illnesses.

How can you cleanse yourself of unwanted “cohabitants” of your body?

Let's look at everything in order.

What species can live in our biological body?

Types of parasites - picture on gemoparazit.ruSome types of parasites that live in the human body
The most common parasites that live in you and me are worms, roundworms, helminths, Giardia, protozoa, pathogenic fungi, pinworms and others.

The vast majority of parasites known to us are extremely dangerous. If the disease is ignored, serious consequences can occur, which can progress to the irreversible stage of infection.

Tips from Nadezhda Semyonova for cleaning from parasites using traditional methods

Nadezhda Semenova suggests cleansing with enemas with acidified solutions. The procedure is performed 2 times a day - the first in the morning on an empty stomach from 5 to 7 o'clock, the second in the evening from 18 to 19. Use filtered, unboiled water at room temperature.

Cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn, and lemon juice are added as an acidifier. Cranberry juice is the most effective, as it allows you to cleanse yourself of even the simplest parasites. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. juice, 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. table salt. Frequent enemas often lead to swelling, which can be prevented by adding salt. After completing the course, you should drink 2 glasses of fresh green apple juice or 1 glass of decoction made from chamomile inflorescences for 10 days. This is necessary to restore the intestinal mucous membranes.

The length of the course should not exceed 7 days, as otherwise dysbacteriosis may develop.

How can a person become infected?

Infection with parasites - picture on gemoparazit.ruMethods for parasites to enter the body
The simplest version of infection, which is found everywhere and is typical for both children and the elderly, is failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene and self-care. This applies to both eating food with unwashed hands and eating unclean food.

Naturally, there is a whole list of options for contracting parasites that we cannot control. For example, the bite of a mosquito or a simple beetle can “add” an unexpected “guest” to you. And the food we eat every day can carry eggs of certain types of worms. Moreover, some parasites are also transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse.

To protect yourself from some common parasites, experts recommend following minimal self-care rules: washing your hands thoroughly and promptly, carefully monitoring the food we eat, and also being careful when choosing a sexual partner.

Recipes with garlic to cleanse the body of parasites

Thanks to the bactericidal properties of garlic, you can get rid of both large helminths and protozoan pathogens. You can use milk instead of water to prepare the product

You can perform enemas: prepare a solution for them from a mashed vegetable head and unboiled water at room temperature. Pour water over the garlic, let it brew for 30-40 minutes, filter it and perform an enema. The procedures are performed every day for 1 week in the evening.

You can use milk instead of water: boil a few cloves of the vegetable in milk, cool to room temperature, filter and use as intended. Such enemas are especially indicated for children, as they have a mild effect. The duration of the course is the same as in the first recipe.

The cognac tincture received positive reviews: grind 400 g of garlic and pour 1 liter of the drink. Keep the product in a tightly closed glass container in a dark place. The tincture is filtered after 3 weeks. On an empty stomach, take 1 tbsp every morning. l., course duration 2 months. Repeat cleaning every 2 years.

What symptoms can there be when infected with parasites?

Symptoms of infection with parasites - picture on gemoparazit.ruThe main symptoms of parasite infection
There are the following symptoms of infection of the body, which you can determine yourself if you notice changes in your condition.

  1. pain in muscles, joints;
  2. increased frequency of colds and viral diseases;
  3. change in skin condition (acne, spotting, irritation, etc.)
  4. sudden increase in body temperature;
  5. impaired breathing stability;
  6. frequent dizziness, attacks of nausea or vomiting;
  7. state of apathy, pre-depression, drowsiness;
  8. increased blood pressure;
  9. changes in metabolism, which led to sudden weight loss or weight gain.

If you have some of these symptoms, consult a specialist immediately.

The doctor will prescribe certain tests that will confirm or refute your suspicions. If the presence of parasites in the body is confirmed, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment.

What to do if traditional medicine does not inspire confidence or you simply cannot afford the medications the doctor prescribed?

Please take into account that in some cases it is simply impossible to cure the body without pharmaceutical products. And you can still help speed up recovery using folk and natural remedies.

Is it necessary to cleanse the body or not?

There's no point in doing a parasite cleanse just because it's trendy. If you do not have any symptoms, the cause of which is difficult to find out, and only occasionally indigestion or diarrhea occurs, then taking care of a good diet and a healthy lifestyle will be enough. If you do not have any symptoms, then taking care of a good diet and a healthy lifestyle will be enough

In nature, it is so invented that the human body is a home for other microorganisms. The creatures that live inside us are very necessary for us. This especially applies to the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal walls have entire columns of bacteria that feed on digested food.

Even potentially dangerous bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Candida are important because they provide food for other microorganisms and protection against serious diseases. When we are healthy, the entire system regulates itself. None of the microorganisms harm our health.

High immunity can keep even the largest parasitic worms in check. However, if you have a weakened immune system or eat a lot of sugar, white flour and meat, and take a lot of different medications, then your entire internal ecosystem is spoiled, opening the door for parasites to attack.

They settle in the liver, heart, brain and other vital human organs. In such cases, you need not only to get rid of the “uninvited guests,” but also to cleanse the liver and the entire body.

In any situation, folk remedies should never be used

Treatment of parasites with folk remedies - picture on

Even one of the points listed below is a good reason for refusing self-medication, due to the fact that you do not know how this or that remedy works in special cases. You need to see a specialist if you:

  1. are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  2. have a diagnosis of oncology;
  3. you have a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, or have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  4. you suffer from acute respiratory viral infections or have exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  5. have any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. you recently had surgery, lost a lot of blood (the same applies to your period), or had other significant blood loss.

If there are no contraindications, then how can you quickly and harmlessly cure yourself of parasites using folk home remedies?

First, you need to prepare your body. To do this we need to do some cleaning:

  1. balance your daily diet. Namely, do not eat fatty and fried foods, reduce the amount of yeast foods you eat (baked goods), and temporarily give up meat, fish and poultry.
  2. stabilize the consumption of simple clean water, increasing the volume to 4 - 5 liters per day.
  3. During the cleansing period, it is imperative to cleanse your intestines with an enema. To do this, you can use both plain water and decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, wormwood, rose hips, and so on.

Preparing for anthelmintic cleaning

Stages of preparing the intestines and the body as a whole:

  • You need to understand that cleansing the body of parasites is not carried out just like that; first you need to find out whether these parasites really exist inside the body. There are a large number of methods for diagnosing the type and presence of worms.
  • It is important to switch to a vegetarian diet two weeks before cleansing; if it is not possible and healthy to eat only plant foods, then you need to at least limit yourself to eating junk food: sweet, fatty, salty. Cleaning the intestines from parasites at home will only work if you follow proper nutrition and get rid of constipation.
  • You need to drink as much pure water or herbal tea without sugar as possible, at least two liters per day. It is important to ensure that herbal tea does not have a laxative effect.
  • If constipation exists, cleansing the intestines of worms is carried out only after constipation has been eliminated.

Read on topic: Methods of cleansing the intestines with soda

How to cleanse the body yourself

There is no single method in the world that will instantly relieve you of all diseases. You need to cleanse yourself of parasites in a measured manner, because no one knows which method will be effective for you. Therefore, stock up on time and patience and you will achieve success.

All drugs that contain onions (as well as garlic or horseradish) act both to cleanse parasites and strengthen your immune system. That is why such plants are used to cleanse parasitic pests.

Onion tincture

Select the vessel in which you are going to infuse your product. Your vessel should also be convenient for storing the tincture. Therefore, the recommended option is a glass bottle or jar with a capacity of no more than 500 ml.

Finely chop or grate the onion. Fill the container of your choice with onion “mush” exactly halfway through the container. Fill completely to the brim with vodka. Leave this to infuse for ten days in a dry, warm, dark place, at room temperature.

When the tincture is ready, strain the liquid through cheesecloth to get rid of onion particles. Take the drink on an empty stomach before meals, 15-30 ml.

Decoction using onions

Prepare the onions in the same way as for the onion tincture.

Be sure to ensure that the valuable onion juice is completely preserved.

In this recipe, instead of vodka, you need to use water brought to boiling point. After pouring boiling water over the onion, close the container tightly and leave it to steep for 8-10 hours. The liquid also needs to be strained, getting rid of the onions.

The decoction should be taken in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, 100 ml for 3 - 4 days.

Garlic and horseradish tincture

For this recipe you will need 25g garlic and 30g horseradish. The ingredients need to be crushed as small as possible; A meat grinder or a regular fine grater would be a suitable option for this. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a 500 ml container.

Pour the mixture with vodka and leave the drink for ten days in a dry, warm place, stirring occasionally.

When ready, consume 15 ml of tincture in the morning and evening 30 minutes before on an empty stomach.

Tips from Gennady Malakhov on cleansing the body using traditional methods

Gennady Malakhov is sure that most health problems develop precisely due to the presence of parasites, so you should be cleansed of worms regularly. The author of the book “Life without Parasites” offers 2 methods, which are based on the intolerance of helminths to foods with a bitter taste:

  • first method: involves the use of plants such as ginger, wormwood, cloves, tansy, black walnut: the herbs are dried, ground into powder and teas are prepared. Steam 0.5 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. any of the listed herbs. Leave the infusion for 10 minutes, filter and drink warm on an empty stomach. You can simply roll the bread crumb and powder of the selected plant into balls and swallow them before eating;
  • second method: you need to fast for 5 days, which will force the parasites to evacuate from the intestines, or drink your urine and do enemas with it. This treatment should be used every 3 months.

It is worth noting that helminthologists and parasitologists have a positive attitude towards the first method, since all of the herbs listed actually have a good anthelmintic effect.

The second method raises doubts and disputes, based on the fact that human urine contains a large amount of salts and toxins, and often pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, such “treatment” can lead to elementary poisoning and re-infection with various pathogenic bacteria.

When should you cleanse your body?

Rashes on the face and body, acne and pimples, deterioration of hair and nails are often signs of the accumulation of toxins in the body. There is an impact on the mental state - concentration decreases, thought processes and memory suffer, and the number of stressful situations increases. The presence of parasites is manifested by skin imperfections, flatulence, bloating, stool disorders, allergies, nervousness and irritability, and high fatigue. Women experience bladder disease, kidney disease, inflamed ovaries, and menstruation is accompanied by severe pain. In men, the presence of parasites is manifested by cystitis, prostatitis, and impotence.

Treatment of giardiasis using folk methods

To prevent and treat giardiasis of the liver, use sauerkraut brine (drink half a glass before meals), strawberries, and take dill and caraway seeds a teaspoon a day. There are also recipes for decoctions and herbal infusions for giardiasis. There are also recipes for decoctions and herbal infusions for giardiasis

Collection of medicinal herbs: mix 4 parts of birch buds, 4 parts of tansy, 2 parts of yarrow, horsetail, 1 part of celandine. Brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink 1 glass 2 times before meals for 10 days.

Lilac flower tincture: dried flowers are poured with alcohol, left for 10 days, drink a teaspoon before each meal.

Pumpkin seeds: crush them 300 g, add a little water and honey 100 g, eat immediately and take a laxative.

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