What can you eat if you have diarrhea, and what should you avoid?
Tuesday, June 13, 2020 07:50 + in quote book
You can use it to prepare many hot and cold, meat and sweet dishes, and also use it as a base for homemade masks.
With a very low calorie content (one hundred grams of pumpkin pulp contains only 22 calories), pumpkin has a high nutritional value.
It contains so many beneficial substances for the body that it is extremely unwise to refuse to eat sweetish pumpkin.
Scientists have discovered a rare vitamin T in the vegetable, which promotes good absorption of heavy foods, as well as vitamin K, no less rare for vegetables, thanks to which our body is able to synthesize bone tissue and blood.
Despite the presence of plant sugars, pumpkin is not only possible, but also should be included in the diet plan for excess weight. Weight loss will occur faster due to substances that accelerate metabolic processes and promote rapid absorption of food.
The rich composition explains the beneficial properties of pumpkin. Dishes made from it improve the composition of the blood, its coagulability, and can serve as an excellent prevention of anemia and platelet formation. Pumpkin pulp has a beneficial effect on all systems and organs of the human body, has vasodilating, regenerating properties.
Scientists have discovered a substance in pumpkin that prevents the tuberculosis bacillus from multiplying in the body. The beneficial properties of pumpkin can be used in the treatment of diseases of the intestines, kidneys, stomach, and liver.
People suffering from gout, atherosclerosis, obesity, intestinal infection, diabetes, hemorrhoids, heart and vascular diseases should include pumpkin dishes in their diet.
It relieves edema, reduces the load on the heart, strengthens blood vessels and vision, and eliminates congestion in the spleen and liver.
It is very important that baking and boiling do not deprive the pumpkin of its beneficial properties. Thus, baked pulp has a laxative, choleretic and diuretic effect.
A large harvest of vegetables can be stored frozen and used in any season.
If you dry pumpkin slices, you will get an excellent remedy for removing mucus and bile, strengthening the body during increased physical activity, improving memory and digestive processes.
One of the most famous folk remedies for getting rid of helminthic infestations is pumpkin seeds. They perfectly expel roundworms, pinworms, and larvae of bovine or pork tapeworms.
Almost half the mass of seeds in their purified form consists of oil. They contain organic acids, proteins, proteins, zinc, vitamins, resins, phytosterol, carotene.
Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw or dried. To improve the taste, they are often ground with honey and taken as a mixture with tea. But you can’t fry or bake the seeds in the oven: they will lose their benefits. Dried seeds can be stored for two years: during this time, all beneficial properties are preserved.
In addition to the anthelmintic effect, pumpkin seeds have other benefits. Healing home remedies prepared on their basis are capable of many things:
In order to expel worms, the seeds should be consumed fresh or dried, without removing the green film. They should be eaten on an empty stomach; after taking them, you can do an enema 30 minutes later.
In the past, pumpkin seeds were used to enhance male libido. Flour prepared from them was often included in love potions.
The beneficial properties of pumpkin are very important for women and children. The fact is that pumpkin pulp makes the skin beautiful, smooth, clean. By including pumpkin dishes in your diet, you can get rid of not only acne, but also symptoms of PMS (for example, irritability), as well as insomnia.
The antioxidant properties of pumpkin allow it to be that magical food product that prevents aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. The vegetable improves the condition of the mucous membranes, so it is very useful for intimate life.
Pregnant women suffering from toxicosis can use pumpkin juice to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Another option is to prepare a pumpkin decoction and mix it with a spoon of lemon juice.
Pumpkin is beneficial for children's immunity due to its abundance of vitamins. Plant fiber will contribute to the formation of soft stools. Including pumpkin dishes in your diet will make your child not only healthy, but also calm. The baby will sleep better and get rid of anxiety.
Pumpkin allergies are extremely rare. And yet, when you first become acquainted with a vegetable, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the child’s body. It may manifest itself as skin rashes.
It’s not all just me using pumpkin seeds to fight worms. The fact is that if you eat too many seeds, you may experience nausea and vomiting. For preschool children, it is optimal to eat no more than 50 grams of seeds. For schoolchildren, the dose can be increased to 100-150 grams. In any case, a handful of pumpkin seeds will not harm your well-being.
You should stop eating pumpkin pulp in any form if there is an exacerbation of gastritis and the presence of ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa. If a person has diabetes, you should definitely consult a doctor about including pumpkin in your diet. Despite the low percentage of sugar, pumpkin can harm the body due to its high alkalizing properties.
What are the benefits of broth?
Chicken soup is considered a low-fat dish and in most cases it can be eaten for diarrhea. With diarrhea, the body loses a large amount of fluid. The body needs help to replenish lost water.
However, with diarrhea, the diet should be gentle. Low-fat soups have a good effect on the intestinal wall, having a slight anti-inflammatory effect.
Broth for diarrhea delivers the nutrients necessary to fight infection, without unnecessarily burdening the sick body.
Which pumpkin seeds are healthier, raw or roasted?
Although fresh and fried have many beneficial properties, the former are healthier. During roasting, some nutrients may be lost.
Protein, carbohydrates, and minerals are preserved during frying. Their quantity is approximately the same both raw and fried.
One of the advantages of raw seeds over roasted ones is the presence of vitamin E. Raw seeds contain 0.6 milligrams per 30 grams. Fried - only 0.2 mg.
Unroasted ones also have more vitamin K. Raw ones contain 2 milligrams per 30-gram serving. After roasting, its content is reduced by half.
Benefits of soups for diarrhea
Nutrition during intestinal upset is very important. Some people prefer to fast for several days, however, this is not the best solution. During diarrhea, the human body loses many valuable vitamins and microelements. If the patient does not eat anything, this loss will not be replenished, and problems may arise.
Due to a lack of nutrients, the body is weakened and does not have enough energy to fight infection. Diet soup is good for a healthy person. Moreover, it will be beneficial during the period of diarrhea.
The benefits of eating soups during diarrhea come down to the following:
- if the dish includes chicken broth, it perfectly nourishes a weakened body;
- suitable cereals coat the intestinal walls and relieve inflammation;
- boiled vegetables normalize peristalsis and help stop diarrhea.
If the recipe includes chicken meat, this has a very beneficial effect on the body suffering from intestinal disorders. This dish will ensure long-term satiety and help eliminate toxic substances.
Soup or broth for diarrhea, what soup can an adult or child eat with diarrhea?
Special dietary first courses for diarrhea help restore intestinal microflora. When the body loses a large amount of fluid, they improve the function of its absorption along with nutrients. However, for a quick effect, you need to follow certain rules when preparing food:
1 Use only boiled foods for diarrhea. It is strictly forbidden to fry soups.
2 Do not add butter or any other vegetable or animal fats to dishes.
3 If you use meat in the recipe, you need to chop it well.
4 Eat food often when you have diarrhea, but in small portions. Small meals are the key to a speedy recovery.
Source: https://poliklinika73.ru/otravleniya/tykva-pri-ponose-2.html
Pea soup can cause diarrhea
Pea soup is a well-loved, inexpensive and tasty dish that can provide the human body with essential nutrients. However, it is not indicated for everyone, because in some cases it can aggravate existing internal ailments.
In this article, we will look at the benefits and possible harms of pea soup and whether it can be consumed for certain diseases.
Calorie content
Pea soup is rightly considered not only healthy, but also a low-calorie dish:
Bouillon | Kcal |
On the water | 39,6 |
Chicken | 88,6 |
Pork | 101 |
Beef | 138 |
With smoked meats | 92 |
Bouillon | Squirrels | Fats | Carbohydrates |
On the water | 1,6 | 1,6 | 5 |
Chicken | 6 | 3 | 11 |
Pork | 8 | 5 | 6 |
Beef | 9,7 | 5,7 | 13 |
With smoked meats | 3,5 | 4,4 | 8 |
What is good for the body
The popular pea dish is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also for its rich vitamin and mineral composition, which brings the following benefits to the human body:
- improves blood circulation;
- relieves vascular spasms;
- prevents depression, normalizes sleep;
- speeds up metabolism;
- acts as a prophylactic against colds;
- prevents the development of oncology;
- improves the condition of the skin;
- removes toxins from the body;
- stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract;
- improves brain function, saturates the body with energy;
- relieves stress.
Is it possible to eat pea soup
Despite its original taste and benefits, pea soup can have an unpleasant and even negative effect on certain categories of people who, in principle, should be careful with the specific properties of peas and other products included in the dish.
During pregnancy and pregnancy
From a medical point of view, there are no contraindications to eating this tasty dish for a woman carrying a child, since peas are a source of valuable plant proteins, vitamins and microelements.
The product also has a very beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, but can sometimes cause discomfort in the intestines of the expectant mother.
In what cases is it contraindicated for a pregnant woman to consume pea soup:
- for such acute diseases - cholecystitis, nephritis, kidney disease;
- with unstable high or low blood pressure;
- with excessive gas formation that causes pain.
If the expectant mother has not identified any serious contraindications, she may well delight her body with a weekly plate of hot soup, not forgetting to add chopped fresh dill to it, which minimizes the risk of discomfort in the stomach.
When losing weight
Soups and purees made from peas are an essential part of many diets. In particular, experts advise including these dishes in your diet for rapid and extreme weight loss.
But, despite the good level of nutritional value of the legume product and the vitamin and mineral component, such diets should be used no more than once a year, since frequent consumption of peas can cause increased flatulence and worsen well-being.
For pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a serious disease in which many foods, including peas, have an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the body. Literally one bowl of pea soup can greatly strain the pancreas and cause the following unpleasant consequences:
- diarrhea (extreme removal of useful minerals and substances from the body);
- painful bloating;
- severe intestinal colic.
In addition, a legume product included in the diet can cause new attacks and significantly worsen the already unenviable situation of a sick person.
For gastritis
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is an acute and debilitating disease that requires adherence to the most gentle, strict diet.
Unfortunately, pea soup does not fit into this diet, as it is quite difficult for the stomach to digest and causes a strong accumulation of gases, accompanied by acute pain.
Even after successful treatment of gastritis, doctors do not recommend consuming this dish more than once a month.
For constipation
If you experience regular constipation or are prone to it, pea soup should be consumed with extreme caution. The dish can lead to a significant deterioration of the situation, causing intestinal colic and pain. To avoid negative consequences as much as possible, before preparing the soup you need to perform several simple manipulations:
- dry product should be soaked for several hours;
- Yushka should be prepared using vegetable, beef or chicken broth;
- reduce the amount of peas for soup by half;
- add salt only after cooking;
- Before use, mash the dish with a blender into a puree.
For diabetes
A well-known pea-based dish for diabetes can be eaten quite often, but it is important to know the specifics of its preparation for patients:
- You should only buy packaged cereals, but to make the dish as healthy as possible, it is advisable to take a fresh, seasonal product;
- after boiling dietary meat or poultry (turkey fillet), you need to pour half the amount of peas into the broth, and then the rest of the desired products.
Cooked yushka retains its rich pea aroma and taste, while the beneficial qualities for diabetics remain virtually unchanged.
Most often, soups made from legumes (especially peas) cause an unpleasant and painful sensation in the stomach.
This well-known feature can be explained very simply: peas contain many enzymes that inhibit seed growth. Their entry into the human body leads to heartburn, flatulence and bloating. A person often has a stomach ache, and in some cases there is acute diarrhea.
Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for preparing delicious pea soup. But no matter what variation the housewife prefers, it is important to always remember the specific properties of peas so that your favorite dish brings only benefits.
-pea soup recipe
Fruits and vegetables for diarrhea
Every person knows what diarrhea is - this unpleasant condition is a symptom of various infectious or inflammatory diseases, as well as a protective reaction of the body in response to dietary errors and excesses.
A doctor will help determine the cause of stool disorder, and he will prescribe adequate drug treatment, but we must not forget about diet. Proper nutrition for diarrhea is the key to successful recovery.
It should be as gentle as possible, simple in the range of products, at the same time energy-rich, with a reduced content of fats and carbohydrates, but with a sufficient amount of protein.
The point of a therapeutic diet for diarrhea is to relieve stress, not to irritate, to help gradually restore normal bowel function, and to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes.
- What is possible
- Folk recipes
- What not to do
What is possible
Regardless of the reason that caused the stool disorder, a fasting break should be prescribed on the first day (only fractional drinks - for 6 or 12 hours, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition).
Then porridge with water (preferably rice or oatmeal), pureed meat, puree soups with croutons, cottage cheese, low-fat sea fish, biscuits, and boiled eggs are gradually introduced into the diet.
The situation is more difficult with fruits and vegetables.
During the acute period, only boiled vegetables are allowed in soups, in the form of puree, as well as steamed or baked - potatoes, carrots, zucchini, green beans, green peas, pumpkin, eggplant, tomatoes. You can add onions, herbs, and garlic with caution to the soup.
As one of the effective means of drinking water for diarrhea, a decoction of carrots is recommended - wash the carrots, peel them, cut them into pieces, boil, cool, then squeeze the pieces through gauze into the resulting decoction, strain and drink in portions of 1-2 sips every 5 - 10 minutes. You should alternate with saline solutions, rosehip decoction and dried fruits (without sugar). Suitable for fractional drinking during the acute period for adults and small children.
As for fruits and berries, if you have diarrhea you can eat:
- apples (mashed or peeled);
- blueberries, preferably dried;
- bird cherry in any form;
- chokeberry;
- dogwood;
- rose hips in decoctions or compotes;
- baked quince;
- cranberries and lingonberries - fruit drinks, juices;
- Potassium-rich bananas.
If your general condition is satisfactory, you can eat a small handful of fresh raspberries or strawberries. Compotes, jellies, jelly from pears, blueberries, raspberries, dogwoods, rose hips, apple juice, as well as recipes for folk experience in treating diarrhea with berries and fruits are welcome.
Folk recipes
- Lingonberry juice – for adults, drink a glass a day in 2 – 3 doses.
- Cranberry juice or infusion of berries and leaves (brew 2 tablespoons of raw materials with two glasses of boiling water, hold on low heat for 10 minutes) after cooling, drink ½ glass three times a day.
- A decoction of blueberries and bird cherry in a berry ratio of 3:4 - pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool, squeeze through cheesecloth, drink ½ cup three times a day before meals.
- Infusion of dried blueberries - pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into a liter of plain water overnight, then you can drink small sips throughout the day.
- Wild strawberry juice - drink 1 tablespoon or dessert spoon every hour.
- Cherry tincture - pour 100g of fresh berries into a bottle of dry red wine, leave for two days, then strain, drink 1 glass for adults, 1 thimble for children three times a day - for chronic diarrhea.
What not to do
In case of diarrhea, foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines, as well as a number of raw vegetables, fruits and berries, are excluded from the diet:
- legumes – peas, beans, lentils;
- vegetables - beets, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, melon, garlic, horseradish;
- greens - lettuce, spinach, sorrel;
- fruits - grapes, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, plums, as well as juices from them;
- mushrooms;
- nuts;
- berries - watermelons, currants, gooseberries, cherries.
While diarrhea is present in the body, you should not starve yourself, but you should also eat carefully, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations, your own experience of food tolerance, including vegetables, fruits and berries, which, if consumed correctly, will help, along with medications, to cope with the unpleasant condition.
Source: https://easymed-nn.ru/zhidkiy-stul/pitanie/frukty-i-ovoshchi.html
Making chicken broth
In order for chicken broth to bring only benefits for disorders, it is important to know how to prepare it correctly. It should be borne in mind that steep broths are not suitable for treating people with intestinal problems.
The ideal option for preparing broth for diarrhea is to drain the water three times. The third broth is prepared as follows:
- when the water with the meat has boiled, the composition should be drained and water should be added again,
- bring to a boil and repeat the procedure,
- pour the third water over the meat and only then prepare the soup.
It is recommended to prepare beef broth in the same way. Only the first time you need to not only bring it to a boil, but also boil the composition for about 20 minutes.
After the broth is ready, remove the meat from it and grind it through a meat grinder. This is necessary, since the intestines will not be able to absorb large fragments during diarrhea. It is important that he spends energy on recovery, and not on digesting food.
Only after this can you start preparing the soup with any suitable ingredients.
Pumpkin for diarrhea
> Medicine
Pumpkin is one of the vegetables that not only has numerous beneficial qualities, but also rarely causes problems after consumption. Purees, soups, juice from the sunny fruit are excellent complementary foods for your baby.
Delicious dishes do not cause allergies, are easily digested, and enrich the body with useful substances. Despite the many advantages, it often happens that diarrhea occurs after pumpkin.
To avoid intestinal irritation, it is recommended to understand in advance the causes of loose stools and signs indicating vegetable poisoning.
The main causes of diarrhea after pumpkin
Research on pumpkin has shown that the vegetable does not have any harmful qualities. One of the reasons for the trouble is that some of the beneficial properties are lost during cooking. That is why it is recommended to use raw pulp for cooking.
Eating raw vegetables comes with its own troubles - some farmers, when growing melons, abuse fertilizers and chemicals. The pulp accumulates harmful substances that enter the human body along with the pumpkin.
Raw juice provokes stool upset and unpleasant discomfort in the abdominal area. Bright orange fruits are especially dangerous - it is the unnatural shade that indicates an abundance of harmful substances.
It is better to avoid eating such fruits - diarrhea from pumpkin in such cases is guaranteed.
Symptoms indicating intestinal upset after eating pumpkin
There are several provoking factors in which pumpkin weakens and causes additional manifestations. Eating low-quality fruits, overusing vegetables, and improper heat treatment are the main causes of intestinal upset. The problem is not difficult to identify, because it shows itself in several signs:
- intense diarrhea;
- nausea, which often turns into bouts of vomiting;
- headache;
- stomach twists;
- unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area;
- temperature rise.
If diarrhea is too intense, dehydration occurs. Most often, signs of intoxication become noticeable 2-3 hours after poisoning. Be sure to drink a lot of liquid - plain water, compotes, fruit juice.
First aid for diarrhea caused by pumpkin
As with other poisonings caused by the consumption of low-quality products, in case of intestinal upset caused by the fetus, it is recommended not to hesitate to get help. The first stage is gastric lavage. You can induce vomiting with a solution of potassium permanganate or soda. An adult should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid, a child - up to half a liter.
Be sure to give the victim activated charcoal. The dosage calculation is simple - it is recommended to take one tablet of the drug per 10 kg of body weight. The peculiarity of activated carbon is that it removes toxins, which are the main cause of diarrhea.
To alleviate the condition and get rid of diarrhea, take anti-diarrhea medications. It is better to take medications after consultation with the doctor - most medications have a number of contraindications that should be taken into account during treatment.
There are a number of home remedies that will help you quickly deal with loose stools. One of the effective home remedies that is recommended to be taken after gastric lavage is rice decoction. The active components contained in the liquid strengthen feces, relieve unpleasant discomfort, and help remove harmful elements from the body. Preparation:
- Rinse under running water 20 g. rice grains.
- Pour the raw material with cold water (240 ml).
- Place the container on low heat.
- After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour, be sure to stir.
- Strain, use only liquid for treatment, do not add anything.
Drink the prepared decoction throughout the day. Be sure to store in the refrigerator and reheat before use. Dosage – up to 20 ml at a time. It is advisable not to eat heavy meals that provoke additional discomfort.
If a child has diarrhea from pumpkin, it is strictly forbidden to administer medications on your own, even activated charcoal. Parents are advised to consult a doctor at the first signs of intestinal upset caused by eating vegetable dishes.
Pumpkin is a vegetable containing many useful substances, but improper consumption or use of low-quality raw materials for cooking can cause intense diarrhea.
To avoid troubles, be sure to monitor the quality of the melon crop, follow the rules of culinary processing, and carefully monitor your well-being after consuming delicious juices, soups, and casseroles.
Source: https://super-parents.ru/info/tykva-pri-ponose/
Is the pumpkin weakening or strengthening?
Not every person knows whether pumpkin weakens or strengthens; in folk medicine, this beneficial fruit is often used as a mild laxative. This method of treatment is safer than taking medications and is less likely to cause unwanted reactions.
Unique properties of pumpkin
This berry contains a large number of useful substances. It contains vitamins A, E, T, groups B, PP, K, ascorbic acid. The pulp is rich in zinc, iron, sodium, potassium, fluorine, copper, manganese, iodine and phosphorus. The seeds contain healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The pulp contains a high content of organic acids.
The product is low-calorie, with only 23 kcal per 100 g, which allows you to eat pumpkin even if you are losing weight.
The fruit is also allowed in many therapeutic diets: it is allowed to be eaten in case of gastritis with high acidity, chronic pancreatitis. You shouldn’t give up pumpkin completely even if you have diabetes: moderate consumption helps maintain pancreatic function, helps lower cholesterol levels, and prevents weight gain.
Regular consumption of food allows you to get rid of anemia or prevent its development, increase visual acuity, and strengthen the immune system.
Thanks to vitamin E, the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates improves, and the aging process slows down. Vitamin K helps normalize blood clotting. Metabolism improves.
The high fiber content in pumpkin pulp has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, stimulates peristalsis, and removes toxins and toxic substances.
The fruit has a diuretic effect on the body and is beneficial for kidney pathologies. It is useful to use it for urolithiasis, since the substances included in the composition contribute to the breakdown of stones. Relieves excess fluid and swelling.
You can not only eat pumpkin, but also use its pulp for external use: compresses based on this orange berry are used in folk medicine to treat a number of dermatological diseases: eczema, fistulas, acne, skin rashes.
Women are recommended to consume a small amount of pumpkin seeds for toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy: they help reduce the intensity of unpleasant manifestations and relieve symptoms. Pumpkin will also be useful for men, as it is a natural aphrodisiac, increases potency, and improves the quality of seminal fluid.
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Weakens or strengthens
Pumpkin is a universal product for regulating digestive function. It can be used both for constipation and diarrhea: depending on the characteristics of use, the product can have both a laxative and astringent effect.
Impact on baby's stool
Pumpkin dishes can also have different effects on a child’s stool. Laxative properties allow the berry to be used as an effective and safe laxative for children. When consumed in moderation, it stimulates intestinal motility, facilitating easier passage of feces, but does not cause diarrhea.
Pumpkin laxative recipes
It is recommended to select suitable prescriptions together with your doctor: this will help avoid unwanted reactions.
For adults
To get rid of constipation, an adult can drink a glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice in the morning. Can be combined with juices of other fruits: apple, carrot. The laxative effect will be more pronounced if a small amount of pulp remains in the drink.
Salads with added pumpkin will also help get rid of constipation. Both raw and thermally processed fruit are suitable for their preparation. The pulp is grated using a fine grater and mixed with grated apples and carrots. The components are mixed. If desired, you can pour the resulting mixture with flower honey. It is recommended to eat the resulting dish at night.
A tasty intestinal cleanser can be made by mixing pumpkin with honey. To prepare, you will need to peel and seed 1 large pumpkin, then pass through a meat grinder. The weight of the fetus must be at least 10 kg.
When the pulp is crushed, pour 5 liters of liquid flower honey into it. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, after which they are removed to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. When the period has expired, squeeze out the juice.
You need to drink 50 g of it daily, it is better to divide it into 3 equal portions and take it before meals.
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Eating baked pumpkin also helps relieve constipation. You should add orange berry dishes to your diet and consume them 2-3 times a week to prevent bowel disorders.
For children
Recipes for adults are not very good for children's bodies; It is recommended to replace them with pumpkin puree. It is better to take something prepared yourself rather than store-bought, since such a product retains a greater amount of plant fiber.
The dosage depends on age: in the first year of life, you should not give the child more than 40 g, then you can gradually increase the consumption of pumpkin.
From 2-3 years old, children are allowed pumpkin juice. You shouldn’t even buy a special one for children, because for better storage they add sugar and preservatives that are harmful to health. It is better to prepare the drink at home: grate the berries or beat them with a blender, then carefully squeeze out the pulp using a gauze bandage folded several times.
Cases of constipation from pumpkin
The answer to the question of whether pumpkin weakens or strengthens stool is ambiguous: some cooking methods allow the fruit to be used as a binder for loose stools. The product may cause constipation in infants. For this reason, pediatricians recommend introducing berries into children's diets carefully, starting with small portions of 0.5 tsp.
Strengthening properties were also observed by some adults who decided to lose weight with the help of a pumpkin diet. Long-term consumption of large amounts of pumpkin pulp sometimes leads to constipation.
Source: https://alltravnik.ru/travy/slabyat-ili-krepyat-tykvy
Is it possible to eat pumpkin if you have diarrhea: the beneficial properties of the vegetable – Let’s all lose weight
Diarrhea (diarrhea), from a medical point of view, is frequent (3 or more times a day) loose stools.
The reasons can be very different, from psychological (“bear disease”) to severe organic (Crohn’s disease, small intestinal lymphoma, etc.). But, regardless of the cause, the principles of nutrition for diarrhea remain the same.
We'll tell you what you can eat when you have diarrhea and what you should avoid in this article. Read about how to treat diarrhea in adults here.
Why does the stool become liquid?
- This may be related
- with accelerated movement of intestinal contents;
- with impaired absorption of water and electrolytes;
- with increased secretion of water and sodium into the intestinal lumen;
- with increased mucus production.
What principles is the diet based on?
To prevent dehydration, a person suffering from diarrhea needs to drink plenty of fluids.
- To minimize the immediate load on the intestines, meals should be frequent; in fact, small portions should be eaten every 3 hours.
- Mechanical and chemical irritants of the intestines are excluded.
- Products with a choleretic effect are excluded.
- Anything that can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines is excluded.
- The diet should be energetically complete, but the amount of fats and carbohydrates should be at the lower limit of the physiological norm. The amount of protein in the diet does not decrease.
- It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes that is inevitable with diarrhea.
In general, food is semi-liquid, boiled or steamed, preferably pureed, without spices.
What should you eat if you have diarrhea?
White bread crackers, rice porridge with water, bird cherry compote or blueberry jelly, strong tea - this is a well-known first aid for frequent loose stools.
To this list I would like to add whey, which is rich in microelements and prevents the development of putrefactive flora.
What can you eat if you have diarrhea?
- Meat: lean, freed from films, fascia, tendons - any connective tissue. Boiled is better, mashed and steamed is even better: cutlets, quenelles, soufflé.
- Fish: lean fish, like cod or pollock, boiled or steamed, or even better - in the form of meatballs or steamed cutlets.
- Cereals: porridges are certainly included in the diet, almost any kind is acceptable, except pearl barley; they are cooked in water or with the addition of milk (no more than a third), and butter is added to the finished porridge. It's good to make pudding sometimes. Mucus soups are very good for diarrhea.
- Pasta: yes, but not three times a day. The best option is boiled vermicelli.
- Milk: can be used to prepare porridge, in a ratio of 1/3 with water or added to puree, along with a spoon of butter. And almost all fermented milk products are acceptable; they normalize the intestinal microflora, prevent fermentation and flatulence. True, the fixing effect of kefir with an expiring shelf life is a myth. The fact is that “three-day kefir” is prepared using a special starter for 3 days, and regular kefir does not turn into it after three days of storage. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium; like mild cheese, it is advisable to eat it every day, of course, little by little.
- Eggs: soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, one is allowed, if well tolerated, two eggs per day.
- Vegetables: carrots and potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini, green peas and green beans, eggplants and tomatoes, with caution - onions and garlic, and dill and parsley are fine. Vegetables should be boiled (except for tomatoes), or baked without a golden brown crust, and preferably in the form of puree.
- Fruits and berries: you can and should, baked, in the form of compotes, jelly, jellies, jam or mousse; if well tolerated, you can eat half a glass of strawberries or raspberries raw.
- Bread: white, soft, dried or in the form of crackers, dry biscuits or dry bread.
- Drinks: tea, coffee, water cocoa, still water, compotes and jelly, non-carbonated fermented milk drinks, red wine (no more than 50g per day).
What should you not eat if you have diarrhea?
Avoid drinking milk if you have diarrhea.
You should avoid the following foods if you have diarrhea:
- Meat: fatty, with a golden brown crust. By-products - liver, kidneys, brains, etc. - are not desirable. Smoked meats, canned food, and rich broths are completely excluded.
- Fish: fatty, fried, smoked, marinated or canned.
- Dairy products: whole milk, heavy cream, whey-based carbonated drinks.
- Eggs: If they are hard-boiled or fried, or if they are poorly tolerated, causing abdominal pain and flatulence.
- Vegetables: white cabbage, fresh and pickled, beets, turnips, radishes and rutabaga; cucumbers Canned vegetables are not recommended - they usually contain spices and vinegar. The exception is puree for baby food. Horseradish, mustard, mushrooms are also prohibited.
- Fruits and berries: raw sour varieties (cranberries, lemon, currants, sour apples, gooseberries).
- Bread: baked goods, brown bread, cakes, especially with cream.
- Drinks: cold and carbonated, such as beer, kvass and lemonade.
If the thought of spending a day without food at all does not cause panic, you can not eat at all for the first day, just drink sweet tea, but not less than 1.5 liters.
Listen to yourself: we are all different, some people tolerate bananas just fine, for some they increase flatulence, for some people feel better when eating walnuts, for others they experience abdominal pain. The main thing is to adhere to the general principles of the diet for diarrhea, because even antidiarrheal medications will help if you eat them with a good portion of fried pork with sauerkraut.
Which doctor should I contact?
In case of stool disorder that is not caused by an acute intestinal infection and continues for a long time, you should consult a gastroenterologist. If you have abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting, you should immediately go to the infectious diseases department. For chronic diarrhea, consulting a nutritionist will help. -version of this article:
Diet for diarrhea in children:
Source: https://pohedeemvs.ru/mozhno-li-upotreblyat-tykvu-pri-ponose-poleznye-svojstva-ovoshha.html
Nutrition for intestinal upset
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A diet for intestinal disorders will help neutralize all unpleasant sensations, and most importantly, relieve discomfort and pain. If food is poorly digested and “flies” through the organs of the digestive system, digestion processes are disrupted with the occurrence of vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. This condition requires correction to ensure the supply of necessary nutrients and “calm” the intestinal mucosa. How to do it? Proper nutrition first of all. You need to create a diet with a special menu that will help normalize the digestive process and eliminate symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, exhaustion and dehydration.
Our readers successfully use Monastic Tea to treat gastritis and ulcers. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...
Principles of diet for intestinal disorders in adults and children
If you have an intestinal disorder, you need to make sure that you eat properly and replenish your body’s water reserves. With diarrhea, vomiting, the body begins to catastrophically lose water reserves, and in order to prevent dehydration, you should follow a drinking regime - drink more fluids (after each trip to the toilet), and, if necessary, drink Regidron. Consume mostly liquid and pureed food. It is better not to eat raw vegetables, because the fiber they contain is very irritating to the intestines. You should steam or boil them. It is better to exclude fruits from the diet. Viscous ground porridges are welcome. You need to eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions.
Authorized Products
Steamed quail egg omelette.
If the intestines are upset, vomiting and diarrhea, heaviness, pain occur, you should choose the right food products. Instead of bread, it is better to use crackers in your diet. As for protein foods, preference is given to lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey) without veins and skin, as well as fish. Soft-boiled eggs or steamed quail egg omelette are excellent nutritious dishes. Soups should be cooked in light broth and pureed before use. The best source of carbohydrates is porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat), but they should be ground. Vegetables should only be eaten steamed or boiled. Raw - not allowed. The only fruits allowed are apples, but baked ones. From drinks you need to choose still water, weak tea and coffee (only natural), jelly, cocoa, rosehip decoction. You can eat dairy products in small quantities - low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.
What should you not eat?
An upset intestine does not accept smoked meats, fatty meats, too salty and spicy foods. It is important to give up sausage, pork, canned food, pickles, and mushrooms. Bread, pasta and baked goods are also not allowed. Soda, very cold drinks, as well as chocolate, cocoa, honey and jam are prohibited. Porridges made from whole grains and legumes (barley, barley, peas, beans, beans) are contraindicated in the diet. Tasting such dishes will be followed by severe irritation of the intestinal mucosa, which will lead to even greater discomfort, diarrhea and pain. You should not include unground food in your diet; everything should be ground and chopped, because digesting large pieces produces a huge amount of hydrochloric acid, and it irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
Features of child nutrition
Baked apples help a child with intestinal upset.
The diet for children and adults with intestinal disorder varies. The baby’s body, with vomiting and diarrhea, loses several times more nutrients, so when developing a menu, the emphasis should be on vitamins and microelements. If children are upset, they should be given aqueous solutions of Hydrovit or Regidron every quarter of an hour, as well as dried fruit compote. If your baby is upset, you need to eat low-fat food without salt. It is necessary to give foods that will strengthen the stool in children to the maximum: mashed bananas and a baked apple, viscous rice porridge, steamed egg omelet.
Sample menu for the day
To follow a diet for intestinal upset, it is better to create a daily menu. You should eat according to a certain schedule, and the diet should contain foods that will have a beneficial effect on the intestines in case of disorder. Approximate daily diet:
- 9:00 - rice porridge in water, crushed using a sieve. You can add a tablespoon of butter and a little sugar.
- 12:00 - viscous soup with low-fat meat broth, steamed cutlets and blueberry jelly or jelly.
- 16:00 - 250 grams of drink with rose hips.
- 19:00 - low-fat steamed fish and fruit jelly.
- 60 minutes before bedtime - 250 grams of kefir.
- You can eat a small amount of crackers throughout the day.
Healthy recipes
Rice soup is very easy to prepare.
The foods you should eat when you are upset are good for your body. But they can only heal if they are prepared using the right technologies. Diet soup is prepared viscous in non-concentrated meat broth. A rich broth of meat will only make your stomach heavier and bring discomfort and pain. The best option is rice soup. For it you will need:
- 200 grams of broth;
- 1 teaspoon butter;
- 20 grams of rice cereal;
- 0.5 liters of water.
Boil water and add washed rice. You need to cook the cereal for 60 minutes, then pour in the meat broth and cook over low heat. The mass will boil thoroughly and the soup will become slimy. Before use, you need to grind it and add butter. A few white crackers are allowed.
For the main course, it is better to cook meatballs or steamed cutlets. The meat must be thoroughly cleaned of tendons and skin, minced 2 times in a meat grinder or using a blender. For meat garlic cutlets you will need:
- 100 grams of minced meat (grind several times in a meat grinder);
- 2 teaspoons butter;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 20 grams of rice.
Let's find out which vegetables you can eat when you have diarrhea, and which you should avoid
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Treatment and Symptoms
- Diarrhea
The first recommendation for diarrhea is to review your diet.
This is very logical for two reasons:
- Eating the wrong foods can cause diarrhea;
- Eating the wrong foods can make diarrhea worse.
And if there are no problems with heavy fried meat or very acidic juices, then around the question “Is it possible to eat vegetables with diarrhea?” controversy flares up.
The article will try to answer this question and everything connected with it.
How do different vegetables affect the body during diarrhea?
First you need to “look” into the process of diarrhea. The latter (we will not consider too complex isolated cases) is formed for several reasons:
- excessive development of pathogenic bacteria;
- accelerated intestinal peristalsis (peristalsis is muscle contraction; due to the acceleration of this process, water moves out faster);
- increased secretion of mucus;
- the outflow of fluid from the body, when the intestinal walls do not absorb water, but, on the contrary, give it away.
The last point occurs very rarely and is associated with an imbalance of salts in the body (this situation can arise if you drink sea water), it can be ignored.
So how do vegetables (and other plant foods) contribute to the first 3 reasons?
Anything sour (cabbage, pickled cucumbers, some types of tomatoes, salted and pickled vegetables in general) is a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria, which includes all intestinal pathogens. Therefore, diarrhea from cabbage, like diarrhea from sauerkraut, is a common occurrence.
Spicy foods (a head of garlic, a pod of pepper) irritate the intestinal mucosa, which increases the secretion of mucus. In addition, intestinal motility accelerates, which is far from happy about the presence of an irritant in itself. Therefore, peppercorns are a poor treatment for diarrhea.
There is a separate class of vegetables with which everything is not very simple. It includes all types of mushrooms, beets, and corn. These products contain a lot of fiber, which, on the one hand, accelerates peristalsis (the intestines need more effort to move them), on the other hand, has an astringent effect if too much mucus is secreted.
Therefore, diarrhea occurs after beets, but the same beets help with diarrhea after garlic or pepper.
What vegetables can you eat?
Allowed vegetables:
- If you have diarrhea, you can eat regular potatoes. It contains a lot of starch, which has an astringent effect and nourishes the body. Regular boiled potatoes are best, although juice from raw potatoes can also help with mild diarrhea.
- Broccoli. Although they are classified as cabbage, broccoli is not as heavy (it has less fiber). Broccoli is quickly digested and provides the body with the necessary microelements.
- Fresh cucumbers. Cucumber is over 90% water, making it a good natural remedy for rehydration. In addition, this vegetable is rich in useful substances, so a couple of cucumbers a day, if not eliminate it, will alleviate diarrhea.
- Corn. Can corn cause diarrhea? Yes, if you eat a lot. But if you boil it well and eat it in small portions, then you can treat mucous diarrhea with corn.
- Carrot. Carrots contain many nutrients and are also gut-neutral. Therefore, carrots are a good choice for those who suffer from diarrhea.
- Pumpkin. It contains a lot of moisture and vitamins. There is fiber, but not too much. Pumpkin seeds are also good if dried, fried and taken in small portions.
Diarrhea after eating pumpkin - why does the esophagus react this way to the fruit?
Pumpkin is one of the vegetables that not only has numerous beneficial qualities, but also rarely causes problems after consumption. Purees, soups, juice from the sunny fruit are excellent complementary foods for your baby.
Delicious dishes do not cause allergies, are easily digested, and enrich the body with useful substances. Despite the many advantages, it often happens that diarrhea occurs after pumpkin.
To avoid intestinal irritation, it is recommended to understand in advance the causes of loose stools and signs indicating vegetable poisoning.
Overview of allowed vegetables
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by stool disorders, diet is an important component of treatment. Vegetables during this period should be present in the diet of an adult or child.
Basic principles when choosing products:
- gentle effect on the intestinal mucosa;
- do not cause fermentation or flatulence;
- do not have a laxative effect;
- do not cause a feeling of disgust or vomiting in the patient;
- must be subjected to heat treatment without compromising the nutritional content;
- all dishes must be fresh.
All representatives of this genus - broccoli, cauliflower, common cabbage - are a storehouse of useful substances and are rich in coarse fiber. Excessive consumption of this vegetable causes irritation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and excessive gas formation.
Contraindications to eating cabbage are conditions in which coarse plant fibers are prohibited. For diarrhea, representatives of this genus are not included in the list of permitted products. Sauerkraut for diarrhea, despite all its beneficial qualities, is prohibited during bowel disorders.