Can apples cause intestinal pain?
When it comes to natural remedies, apple cider vinegar is one of the first to come up in the conversation.
What pills should you not take if you have a stomach ulcer?
Injections description types If injections are used for treatment, the drug enters directly into the bloodstream
Can fish oil cause stomach ache?
In addition to taking medications, the key to treating gastrointestinal diseases is diet and biological intake.
What juices can you drink if you are diagnosed with gastritis, and which ones should you avoid?
What are the benefits of juice therapy? Lack of vitamins and nutrients means the body lacks resources
Slice of white bread
Bread and pastries allowed for pancreatitis
Limitations Bread for pancreatitis should not be consumed in the highest or first grade. Also in limited quantities
Pancreatic steatosis by type: how to treat?
What is steatosis of the liver and pancreas
Pancreatic steatosis is when fat cells appear in place of healthy ones. To such a state
Anomaly of gallbladder development in children
Etiology There can be many etiological factors that can cause the formation of such an anomaly. Enough
The structure of the pancreas
Comparative morphology of the pancreas of experimental animals and humans
The pancreas (lat. pancreas) is an endocrine organ of mixed secretion that performs digestive and sugar-regulating functions.
Instructions for use of Enterosgel for gastritis
Instructions Release form, composition and packaging Paste for oral administration in the form of a homogeneous mass
Homemade cookies for pancreatitis recipes
Oatmeal cookies are a healthy dessert that everyone has known since childhood. The main components of baking are
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