Can diarrhea be caused by anesthesia?
If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter. Diarrhea is common
What tests to take for cirrhosis of the liver?
Palpation using the Obraztsov-Strazhesko method allows you to determine: - an increase in the size of the liver; - sensitivity, pain
Physical therapy classes
Features of sports nutrition for pancreatitis: protein intake and cocktails
Every person needs reasonable physical activity. Even bedridden patients after a stroke are already 2-3
Are marshmallows and marshmallows allowed for pancreatitis?
Marshmallows and marshmallows for pancreatitis: can airy sweets be dangerous?
Anyone who has experienced an acute attack of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, or cholecystitis -
Features of consuming dairy products for ulcers
Ulcerative diseases of the digestive organs are quite unpleasant and dangerous pathologies that are considered a precancerous condition.
Dietary recommendations for people with ostomy
Indications Ostomy is not a common method of surgical intervention. Most often, specialists look for other
Diseases manifested by constipation and nausea
Constipation and associated pain is a rather delicate condition that requires close attention.
What to do if mucus is released from the anus during hemorrhoids
Pus after hemorrhoids
If a person monitors his health, he tends to notice even small changes and
Allohol in the treatment of the liver
Composition of "Allochol", release form Components of the drug and their role Name Amount, mg Value Bile
Stomach pain after poisoning: how to treat it
Stomach hurts after poisoning: what to do and how to treat it, diet Poisoning, as a rule,
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