Use of Festal for gastritis of the stomach

Festal for gastritis with high acidity

During an exacerbation of gastritis, a person suffers from pain in the epigastric region, pain and bloating in the abdomen, constant nausea and belching, and after each meal he experiences general internal discomfort.
It is not surprising that at such moments he wants to quickly get rid of all the unpleasant and painful sensations, so he begins to look for pills for gastritis. Those who are experiencing an attack not for the first time already know what they need to take to normalize their condition. But those who have just learned what gastritis is should not self-medicate.

First, you need to be examined and the gastroenterologist, based on the studies already conducted, will prescribe pills that will help the patient recover.

Tablets for gastritis and stomach ulcers - list

Treatment of gastritis with tablets can bring a much greater effect, since they act on the specific cause of the disease, eliminating it.

In addition, tablets have a strong effect on the body, so with their help you can cure gastritis not only at the initial stage, but also ulcers and erosions.

Tablets, compared to, for example, emulsions and suspensions, have the advantage of containing a larger amount of active substance.

The list of tablets for gastritis is very large and includes medications that are aimed at eliminating any manifestations of the disease.

Tablets, depending on the effect they provide, are combined into the following groups:

  • Antacid drugs - prescribed for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, are very effective, reduce the manifestations of the disease, eliminate heartburn and gastritis. If you take the tablets on an empty stomach, they do not last long; if you drink them after meals, their effectiveness increases to 4 hours.


The tablets are absorbed instantly, and during the interaction process they turn into carbon dioxide and salts. They can stop heartburn very quickly, but their effect does not last long.

Carbon dioxide provokes the appearance of sulfuric acid, and residual salts negatively affect the chemical balance in the human body.

For this reason, doctors do not recommend taking this medicine for a long time.


Normalizes acidity, eliminates pain, the feeling that the stomach is full, heartburn - symptoms characteristic of gastritis. Tablets are not able to cure the cause of the disease, they only reduce its manifestations. The tablet is placed under the tongue and dissolves slowly; there is no need to chew.


Recommended for use for any type of gastritis. Adults should take 1 or 2 tablets strictly after meals. The tablet is chewed thoroughly and then completely dissolves in the mouth.


The tablets contain a number of microelements that are beneficial to health. They promote the production of mucus in sufficient quantities to protect the gastric mucosa from destruction. The medicine begins to act literally seconds after administration and the effect lasts up to four hours.

  • Antisecretory drugs - reduce the amount of juice in the stomach by blocking histamine receptors. These include:

The tablets inhibit the activity of the proton pump and block the last stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis.

Whatever dosage is prescribed, they are absorbed in a short time and concentrated in the parietal cells, where the environment is acidic.

They are taken without crushing or chewing; the doctor determines the dosage for gastritis and ulcers himself. Self-medication is excluded, since there are many side effects.


Recommended for use 2 times a day. It can be prescribed both for the treatment of gastritis and for the prevention of this disease, if a person is predisposed to it. The tablets improve microcirculation and reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.


It is a blocker of M1-cholinergic receptors. Effectively suppresses the production of juice in the stomach and protects its mucous membrane from an alkaline aggressive environment. Recommended for use 2 times a day. Typically, these tablets are prescribed to people with high acidity to reduce the amount of juice in their stomachs.


The tablets are designed to reduce acidity and reduce the production of acid itself. They can be taken immediately before meals for one and a half months.

In addition, the group of antisecretory drugs also includes proton pump inhibitors that reduce acid secretion, the most famous of which are:


The tablets help reduce acidity, but can cause headaches, rashes, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea and a number of other unpleasant side effects. Therefore, you should not take them without a medical prescription.


Like previous tablets, these work to reduce acidity. They have a composition that helps suppress the formation of acid at the last stage.

That is why acidity, regardless of where the irritant comes from, decreases. The tablets begin to act very quickly, and their effect does not stop for the whole day.

They are not suitable only for treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Antibiotics are necessary in the treatment of gastritis complicated by any infection to eliminate the cause of the disease. Most often prescribed:
  • Amoxicillin
  • Neomycin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Cephalexin.

As a rule, a course of therapy consists of a combination that includes several different types of tablets that enhance the effect of each other.

  • Bismuth-based medicines have an antiseptic astringent effect and are effective in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. Bismuth contains:


The tablets are taken strictly after meals, one hour later. Due to the content of special substances, they relieve pain, inflammation, and have an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa.



The product contains active ingredients: pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile enzymes. It is much more efficient than many radars and cheaper than imported analogues.

In addition, the tablets contain additional auxiliary ingredients:

  • sodium chloride (table salt);
  • cellacephate;
  • ethyl vanillin;
  • castor oil;
  • sugar;
  • gelatin;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • dextrose in liquid form;
  • propyl parahydrobenzoate;
  • gum;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • talc;
  • titanium dioxide.

This composition ensures the complex effect of the tablets.

The website about the drug provides information about the purpose of this or that drug and what the instructions for using Festal are, and makes it possible to familiarize yourself with the photo.

Please note that the medicine is available only in pill form. This dosage form is most suitable for the drug to begin its action in the small intestine. It is the enzymes released under these conditions that help food digest faster. Even one pill can eliminate the symptoms of overeating.

Festal is a drug used for many gastrointestinal pathologies to improve digestive processes. Let's consider what the instructions for use of Festal are, what the composition of the drug is, its action, indications, side effects and contraindications.

Will Festal help with gastritis of the stomach and how to drink it correctly?

Gastritis is a serious disease, it is manifested by severe pain in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms - nausea, heaviness, and digestive disorders. Every patient wants to find a medicine that would instantly bring relief.

However, there is no such “magic pill”. This disease requires serious and complex treatment. Let's figure out whether Festal can help with gastritis.

Description of the drug

Festal is not a remedy for gastritis, it is a drug containing enzymes. Its intake compensates for the insufficient production of secretions by the pancreas and gall bladder.

The drug is prescribed if, as a result of pathological changes in organs, digestive function is disrupted. The product has a combined composition and contains the following ingredients:

  • pancreatin;
  • bile acids;
  • hemicellulase.

The remaining components of the drug are auxiliary and do not have a therapeutic effect. The remedy works as follows:

  • pancreatin enters the intestines and improves the absorption of fats and other nutrients;
  • hemicellulase ensures better absorption of fiber from plant foods and slows down the process of gas formation;
  • bile acids compensate for biliary insufficiency.

Thus, the composition of the drug indicates that Festal is indicated for digestive disorders. Thanks to him, it is possible to avoid discomfort after eating. Festal is used as an adjuvant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main indication for use is insufficient functioning of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis, as well as dysfunction of the gallbladder. Gastritis is not a disease for which Festal is used, however, it can be prescribed in combination with other medications.

Treatment regimen for gastritis

Festal is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis exclusively as part of complex therapy. So, for gastritis with high acidity, Festal can be prescribed in combination with antacid drugs. And if the examination reveals an infectious cause of gastritis, then antibiotics are included in the treatment regimen.

Depending on the indications, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets three times a day. The drug must be taken during meals or immediately after finishing a meal. Taking Festal on an empty stomach will be harmful, since the bile acids contained in the product will irritate the already inflamed gastric mucosa.

The course of therapy is two months. On the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be increased; in addition, if necessary, the single dose can be increased.

Advice! It is strictly not recommended to use Festal tablets for self-medication or to arbitrarily change the dosage or duration of the course. Uncontrolled use of drugs containing enzymes can be harmful, since the body begins to become “lazy” and stops producing the substances necessary for digestion in the required quantities.


The use of Festal is not allowed for everyone; there are a number of contraindications for taking this drug. These are conditions such as:

  • pancreatitis occurring in acute form, as well as exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • insufficiency of liver functions;
  • hepatitis at any stage;
  • jaundice caused by mechanical stress;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • intestinal obstruction.

It is not prohibited to prescribe the drug to pregnant women; however, this drug is recommended to expectant mothers only if the benefit that the course of treatment will bring to the woman exceeds the degree of risk that arises for the development of the fetus.

Prescribing the drug during lactation is undesirable, but is allowed in case of urgent need. The dosage and duration of the course for pregnant and lactating women are discussed with the doctor individually.

Side effects

The doctor should warn that taking Festal may cause negative side effects. In particular:

  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • constant feeling of nausea;
  • decreased natural production of bile acids and enzymes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased levels of uric acid in the blood and urine, which increases the risk of kidney stones.

So, despite the fact that gastritis is not a direct indication for taking Festal, this drug can be used in the complex treatment of the disease. The purpose of prescribing the drug is to improve the digestion process and absorption of nutrients. It is strictly not recommended to use Festal for self-medication, since improper use can be harmful to health.


The role of enzyme preparations

With insufficiency of digestive enzymes associated with functional disorders of the pancreas in various diseases, people experience digestive disorders, which are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increased gas formation,
  • bowel dysfunction: diarrhea or constipation,
  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

Heartburn in this case may be a consequence of the release of bile and pancreatic juice or may occur due to the formation of fermentation products in the stomach. Enzyme preparations, Festal and its analogues, compensate for the functional insufficiency of the pancreas, helping to normalize the digestion process. Let us consider in detail the instructions for the medicine Festal.

Festal for gastritis: instructions for use

The atrophic form of gastritis is one of the most dangerous types of the disease. If treated incorrectly, it can degenerate into a malignant formation.

This disease is characterized by a sharp decrease in the secretion of enzymes and gastric juice necessary for normal digestion. Because of this, replacement therapy is often prescribed for inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The enzyme drug Festal is indicated for gastritis with atrophy; it restores digestive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to a combination of bile acids and enzymes.

Composition of the drug

Festal is considered the drug of choice for the treatment of hypoacid gastritis. It contains all the enzymes and bile necessary for digestion in an optimal ratio. This multicomponent remedy, indicated for many gastrointestinal diseases, contains:

  • protease,
  • amylase,
  • lipase,
  • hemicellulase,
  • components of bile.

The action of the drug begins in the small intestine. The enzyme composition of the product helps break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as eliminate food stagnation.

Even a single dose of Festal can effectively relieve heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, heartburn and nausea.

Effect of the drug

The components of the product stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes. The product, on the one hand, replaces the lack of enzymes, and on the other hand, activates their secretion.

Festal has the following therapeutic effects:

  • the absorption of certain vitamins improves;
  • gas formation in the intestines is reduced;
  • stimulates the production of enzymes and bile;
  • insufficient production of enzymes and bile secretion is compensated;
  • the processing of plant fiber improves;
  • digestion processes are activated;
  • emulsification of fats is facilitated;
  • the breakdown of proteins and their absorption in the small intestine improves;
  • lipase activity increases.

The drug is coated with a special coating that is resistant to gastric juice. Thanks to this, the enzymes present in Festal begin to act only when they enter the small intestine. The product can quickly eliminate negative phenomena associated with disruption of digestive processes, such as:

  • discomfort and pain in the epigastrium,
  • feeling of fullness,
  • loose stools,
  • bloating and flatulence,
  • nausea,
  • heartburn.

Prescribing the drug improves the well-being of a patient with hypoacid gastritis, relieving symptoms and improving the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The product is well tolerated by children, stimulates the secretion of enzymes and bile, and also regulates digestion.

Indications for taking the drug

All components of Festal have a complex effect on the patient’s body. Hemicellulase reduces gas formation and improves fiber processing. Bile acids help the absorption of fats and vitamins K, A, E, improve the functioning of the pancreas and bile secretion.

The drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and liver caused by inflammatory-dystrophic processes;
  • postoperative period, accompanied by increased gas formation, diarrhea and indigestion;
  • decreased secretory activity of the pancreas;
  • inability to chew food well (for example, with dental pathologies and injuries);
  • overeating, eating excessively fatty, coarse, fried, indigestible foods, eating disorders;
  • as part of complex therapy with antibiotics or sulfonamides to improve absorption;
  • decreased activity due to prolonged immobilization;
  • preparation for ultrasound of intra-abdominal organs or radiography.

For chronic gastritis, the drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets with each meal. The course of therapy is 60 days. In case of malnutrition, it can be used until the condition improves. For children, Festal is prescribed by a pediatrician on an individual basis.

Side effects and contraindications

Festal should not be used in cases of exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas, severe liver diseases with bilirubinemia, empyema of the gallbladder, hepatitis of non-infectious origin, congestion in the intestines, as well as intolerance to the components of the drug.

In addition, the use of the drug is prohibited when:

  • obstructive jaundice,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • acute pancreatitis,
  • hepatic coma,
  • pregnancy,
  • stones in the gallbladder.

In case of an overdose of the drug for gastritis, discomfort in the epigastric region, loose stools, lacrimation, sinusitis, vomiting and skin rashes may occur. In laboratory tests of blood and urine, an increase in uric acid levels may be observed. If you use a large dose of the drug, you should stop further taking Festal and take symptomatic medications.

The drug affects the absorption of sulfonamides, antibiotics and some dietary supplements, so before starting use you should consult with a specialist to determine compatibility and treatment tactics. The use of the drug by pregnant women and children under 3 years of age is prohibited.


Composition and clinical effect

1 tablet of the drug contains auxiliary components that make up the enteric coating of the tablet and active substances:

  • pancreatin is an enzyme responsible for the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates,
  • hemicellulase – digests plant fiber, preventing gas formation,
  • bile components – promote the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, lipid digestion, and improve intestinal motility.

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Festal is prescribed to patients with inflammatory diseases and cirrhosis of the liver, chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, and chronic gastritis. Also for people with digestive disorders associated with poor diet and bad habits.

  • chronic pancreatitis with reflux of pancreatic juice into the esophagus,
  • chronic gastritis with low acidity, which causes the formation of fermentation products in the stomach,
  • chronic cholecystitis with reflux of bile into the esophagus.

Mode of application

The medicine Festal is sold freely in pharmacies, without a doctor’s prescription. But before use, you should carefully read the instructions for use and familiarize yourself with the doctor’s requirements. Otherwise there may be consequences.

The drug is taken 1 or 2 tablets three times a day in adults. The tablet is washed down with water without chewing. Increasing the waste dose should occur under the strict supervision of a medical professional and as prescribed. The course of treatment varies depending on the severity of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

A pediatric gastroenterologist prescribes medication for children and strictly controls its use. The dosage for children is determined based on the complexity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Before conducting an examination using special equipment, Festal is prescribed: drink 2 tablets three times a day for three days before starting the diagnosis.

Is it possible to festal for gastritis?

What Festal helps with is known to many people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. This drug is often prescribed by gastroenterologists separately or as part of complex therapy. Let's consider what effect this medicine has, how to use it correctly, and when you should stop taking it.

Festal - composition of the drug

The medication is available in the form of white round dragees (tablets) coated with a special acid-resistant coating, which prevents the drug from dissolving in the stomach and ensures its activation when it enters the small intestine, where the environment is alkaline. In the intestinal lumen, the active substances of the drug are released and fulfill their therapeutic purpose, without being absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of Festal. It contains the following active ingredients:

  1. Pancreatin is an extract of the contents of the pancreas, including the enzymes amylase, lipase and protease, which is obtained from pigs and cattle.
  2. Hemicellulase is an enzyme that breaks down hemicellulose (plant fiber).
  3. Ox bile powder.

Additional components (including those included in the shell):

  • sodium chloride;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • cellulose acetate phthalate;
  • ethyl vanillin;
  • sucrose;
  • Castor oil;
  • methylparaben;
  • glucose solution;
  • propylparaben
  • gelatin;
  • talc;
  • glycerol;
  • acacia gum;
  • macrogol;
  • titanium dioxide

Festal - indications for use

The tablets in question belong to the group of enzyme products for improving digestion. They are often prescribed after a series of diagnostic examinations in the presence of symptoms indicating that the digestive organs are not coping with their tasks associated with processing incoming food. Typical manifestations in such cases are:

  • heaviness in the stomach after a meal;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach, a lump in it;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and others.

What are Festal's indications for use:

1. Insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines, associated with pathologies of these organs or surgical interventions:

  • alcoholic or toxic liver damage;
  • cirrhosis;
  • condition after removal of the gallbladder;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dysbiosis.

2. Impaired digestion of food in patients with a normally functioning gastrointestinal system due to errors in nutrition:

  • binge eating;
  • food on the go;
  • meals at night;
  • irregular meals.

3. Disturbances in the process of chewing food in the case of:

  • pathologies of teeth and gums;
  • oral diseases;
  • recent dental prosthetics;
  • forced long-term inactivity.

4. Preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

How does Festal work?

The therapeutic effect of Festal occurs in the lumen of the small intestine, where food masses are processed by various enzymes and bile.

If bile and enzymes are produced and supplied in insufficient quantities, the digestion process is disrupted: some food ingredients are poorly absorbed, vitamins and other useful substances are poorly absorbed, and the processes of fermentation and putrefaction begin. The drug compensates for the insufficiency of biologically active substances for digesting food.


Pharmacies sell many similar products containing an enzyme element that replenishes the lack of the body’s own digestive substances.

If it is necessary to replace Festal, then a person can use the following drugs:

  • Enzistal. Contains pancreatin, bile, hemicellulase. Helps improve the digestive process. Helps absorb nutrients.
  • Mezim. The medication contains pancreatin obtained from the pig pancreas. The action of the medicine is aimed at restoring the normal amount of organ secretion for high-quality digestion of food. The active substance Mezim does not enter the bloodstream, but leaves the body along with the feces.
  • Pancreatin.
  • Normoenzyme.


Quite often you can hear the opinion that Festal is good for coping with heartburn, as well as other problems of the gastrointestinal tract. But doctors have a different opinion on this matter and they strongly do not recommend taking Festal without the recommendation of a specialist.

To understand where the truth is, let’s first try to understand what heartburn is and why it occurs from time to time even in healthy people.


Why should you take this remedy? First of all, it normalizes pancreatic function. In turn, this is necessary for complete digestion of food. The necessary active substances - enzymes - enter the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly improves the digestion process.

Important! All components included in the drug have a positive effect on the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It has been proven that taking the product before meals can improve digestive processes for adults and children.

Hemicellulose significantly speeds up the digestion process of natural fiber. Therefore, the medicine should be taken by those who suffer from flatulence and do not get this component with food.

Bile extract is one of the unique components of the tablets. Why is it needed? The attending physician will definitely prescribe a medicine with this extract to his patient, since it significantly enhances the emulsification of lipids and the absorption of those vitamins that dissolve only in fats. This is what distinguishes Festal tablets, the indications for use of which are very diverse.

The website about the drug provides information about the purpose of this or that drug and what the instructions for using Festal are, and makes it possible to familiarize yourself with the photo.

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