10 remedies for heartburn, burning and belching

Getting rid of heartburn at home

Heartburn and belching are unpleasant sensations that occur in the throat in the form of a burning sensation. There are different types of heartburn, sometimes you feel bloating and pressure. All this suggests that a person has disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Causes of heartburn

Acidity in the body increases, in particular in gastric juice - this is the main cause of heartburn.

Other reasons:

  • weak valve located between the esophagus and stomach;
  • throwing away what is in the intestines;
  • food with pronounced taste sensations: sweet food, spicy, sour, fatty, fried;
  • drinking tea or coffee without added sugar and steeply brewed or alcohol.

The disease may appear after overeating, or after drinking a large amount of water. Typically, burning sensations appear an hour after eating.

We quickly treat heartburn

It happens that a person only sometimes experiences the feeling of heartburn, but it happens that it appears very often.

Remember, if the feeling of heartburn appears too often, you need to sound the alarm, because we are talking about some kind of disease!

Compliance with the regime, eating in small portions, but more than three times a day. Unhealthy foods and snacks should be avoided. There is no way out of the situation by limiting food intake to a minimum. Many people do this because they don’t want to experience the burning sensation.

If heartburn appears systematically, you need to go to the doctor, he will prescribe treatment based on the identified disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Medications will help improve bowel function and relieve the terrible burning sensation during heartburn. Along with drug treatment, folk remedies are often used. They are effective in relieving a burning sensation in the throat at home.

Possible diseases

If heartburn with “empty” belching does not last long and then does not occur again, then this manifestation can be “attributed” to the foods eaten. However, their regular occurrence indicates the need to visit a doctor. In this case, it is possible to identify the following disorders in the functioning of the digestive system:

  1. Inflammatory processes. This could be gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis, gallbladder pathologies or hepatitis. With gastritis, which occurs with an increase in acidity, sour belching and painful heartburn appear, and pain in the stomach is often bothersome.
  2. Due to pathologies of the nervous system, as well as tumors that have arisen in the brain area, belching and a lump in the throat may appear.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system. Frequent belching can be a symptom of thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, and damage to the adrenal glands.

With the above diseases, belching of rotten eggs may occur. There may be a sour, bitter and even acetone aftertaste in the mouth, accompanied by heartburn. If such symptoms appear, you must tell your doctor about it, since they indicate certain pathologies. Depending on the cause, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Visit to the doctor

Treatment of heartburn with folk remedies for high acidity

If you have high acidity, warm milk is an effective way to relieve heartburn. Slowly, in small sips, you need to drink a glass after eating. An infusion of flaxseeds will also help. Pour a glass of hot water over 3 teaspoons of crushed seeds and leave overnight. Take a sip of jelly before and after meals and before bed.

As a rule, heat and burning begin to occur in the chest and epigastric region, and gastric secretion products penetrate the esophagus. There are many folk remedies that allow you to get rid of this unpleasant feeling. This ailment can be treated with both herbs and plain water - if used correctly, the remedies will become helpers.

Mineral water for heartburn

All folk remedies are aimed at reducing the increased acidity of stomach juice. In addition, the products protect the gastric mucosa from harmful substances and irritation. Thanks to this, the esophagus is protected from the harmful effects of acids on it, heartburn stops tormenting you and causing inconvenience.

Many products will help:

  • soda;
  • mineral water;
  • Activated carbon;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • apples;
  • lemons.

Peas, seeds and buckwheat will help; You should be more careful with products: mumiyo, cigarette ash and soda. If you feel unwell, immediately adopt one of these methods, and you will instantly feel better.

Vegetable juices

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables are excellent helpers that can have a beneficial effect on the body. The juice of carrots, cabbage and beets is mixed; individually they will also help. It is better to drink juice before meals.

Freshly squeezed juices for heartburn

Potato juice

Potato juice ranks first in terms of effectiveness among folk remedies for heartburn. Its main advantage is that it immediately relieves the burning sensation. Potato juice helps with heartburn and gastritis; it reduces acidity in the body. This product is safe and natural; it is effective and safe during pregnancy. In early pregnancy, women may experience nausea and heartburn, and potato juice can help relieve discomfort.

The peculiarity of juice is that it must be made before you want to consume it.

  1. Three potatoes larger than average are washed, eyes removed, peeled and grated.
  2. The grated mass is squeezed out through gauze and the resulting juice is drunk.

Give preference to potatoes that are elongated and pinkish in color; it is believed that the vegetable contains more vitamins. Green and sprouted tubers cannot be used.

Potato juice for heartburn

Freshly squeezed juice will contain starch. For this reason, let it sit for about three minutes, but no more. If the juice sits for more than 10 minutes, then there is no point in drinking it for medicinal purposes. Because organic substances, when exposed to air, are susceptible to oxidation.

To improve the taste, you can mix potato juice with other freshly squeezed vegetables. This will increase the efficiency even further.

  1. On an empty stomach in the morning you need to drink one glass of juice.
  2. It is recommended to lie down for about half an hour after this.

Ten days of this treatment, then a 10-day break, repeated three times, this course will relieve heartburn forever. The course cannot be increased, because this can have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

Attention! When using this remedy, you need to remember the contraindications: it should not be used by people suffering from diabetes, as well as by those with low acidity.


Baking soda has been known for a long time as a remedy for heartburn. It is popular because there is no need to prepare decoctions or infuse them. You can find baking soda in any home; you only need a teaspoon. It is poured with a glass of chilled water. The water should be boiled first. Do not drink the rest of the mixture. After drinking a glass of water with soda, you can enhance the effect of the product - lie down and raise the head of the head. It is believed that the effect of this method is ten minutes.

Soda for heartburn

Attention! You should not take more than two hundred grams of soda solution per day.

Vinegar is added to soda to create a fizzy drink. The solution is drunk in small sips at the moment when bubbles and foam appear. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with vinegar and a glass of water; apple cider vinegar is suitable for the recipe.

This fizzy drink will quickly cope with the disease, and the person will instantly feel healthy. Instead of vinegar, you can use acid or lemon juice. It is recommended to take such effervescent drinks when heartburn occurs rarely.


Pumpkin or sunflower seeds, which should be slightly dried or fresh, help against heartburn. Their advantage is that the seeds can be carried with you everywhere in your pocket and chewed as soon as you feel a burning sensation. In the morning before eating, you can eat twenty seeds - excellent prevention for the whole day.

Pumpkin seeds for heartburn

Flax seeds can be ground and three tablespoons mixed with a glass of boiling water. You will see how it turns into jelly. You need to eat this one spoon at a time before and after meals. If you have diarrhea, it is better not to take flax seeds, as this will disrupt intestinal function.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon absorbs acid well. The drug is not dangerous and can help against heartburn; all you need is two tablets and water. You should not drink a lot of activated carbon to avoid an overdose.

Attention! Drinking more than 1 tablet per ten kilograms of weight is contraindicated for any person! Activated carbon can disrupt intestinal function and its microflora.


Honey will calm the stomach. It is effective if mixed with other products. Honey is diluted in warm water and drunk before and after meals. Mineral water is also used.

Honey for heartburn

It will also help with heartburn:

  • green apple on an empty stomach;
  • cigarette ash sprinkled on a slice of bread;
  • vinegar solution;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is consumed on an empty stomach in the morning. The course lasts 10 days; you should not treat this way longer, so that lemon juice does not increase acidity;
  • boiled buckwheat;
  • three fresh peas.

Herbs for heartburn

Various herbs can help relieve heartburn and the discomfort it causes. These include chamomile. Chamomile infusion is prepared as follows: three tablespoons of herbs are diluted in a glass of water. Twenty minutes for infusion and the product is ready. Take three glasses of infusion per day for three weeks. You should drink it in small sips.

An excellent remedy for heartburn is to mix chamomile with St. John's wort and plantain herbs. The mixture in the amount of one and a half spoons should be poured with a glass of boiled water. In a warm place everything is infused for a quarter of an hour. Before three meals a day, you need to consume one tablespoon of infusion.

St. John's wort for heartburn

Mint is a great help for heartburn. Dry the mint in advance. When signs of heartburn appear, you need to dilute one teaspoon of dried herb in a glass of boiling water. The liquid is consumed warm and in small sips.

Heartburn medications

Drugs that help get rid of heartburn are divided into:

  • antacids - reduce acidity - Almagel, Gastracid, Phosphalugel, Rutacid, Rennie, Relzer;
  • antisecretory drugs - reduce acid production - Omeprazole, Rabeprozole, Esomeprazole, Gistak, Kvamatel.

There are many remedies for heartburn, but only experience will help you determine which one is right for you. Each person is individual, as are the causes of heartburn. If this illness often bothers you, it means there are serious problems in the body: you need to consult a doctor. And funds from the people can always help: with the beginnings of heartburn and its constant occurrence. As a preventive measure, none of the above remedies will hurt.

Useful video

Heartburn and belching causes, treatment - every person should know what to do in this situation. It is these symptoms that can indicate very serious disorders and diseases in the body.

Therefore, you need to know which methods really help to cope with this disease, and which ones only eliminate the symptoms. The time of their manifestations may also be different.

For some people, heartburn and belching appear immediately after eating, for others - after a certain time. It is necessary to study in detail the symptoms, causes of occurrence and methods of rehabilitation therapy.

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Frequently asked questions from readers

What is the most effective home remedy for heartburn?

Answer: There are several remedies to help fight heartburn at home:

  • eat a carrot or an apple;
  • before meals, drink juice from carrots and potatoes, taken in equal quantities;
  • drink some warm milk;
  • drink half a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • take infusions of chamomile, mint, yarrow, St. John's wort.

What to do if you suffer from heartburn during pregnancy?

Answer: If heartburn occurs during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination that will help identify the cause. After this, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. You are allowed to take enveloping agents on your own. For example, jelly prepared with starch and berries. For treatment, you can use medications prescribed by a doctor or folk remedies, such as flax seed infusion or potato juice.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, what medications can you take?

Answer: For heartburn during pregnancy, women can be prescribed Talcid, Almagel, Smecta, Phosphalugel, Maalox. They have a wide spectrum of action and are as safe as possible for the fetus. It is also allowed to take homeopathic medicines: Nuxvomica, Pulsatilla, Causticum.

Heartburn after alcohol, how to get rid of it?

Answer: A good remedy for heartburn after alcohol is mineral water, which tones the body. You can also take activated charcoal, which will relieve both hangovers and heartburn. Andacid drugs - Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox are also applicable.

Proton pump inhibitors

This group of drugs is intended for the treatment of acid-related gastrointestinal diseases. A decrease in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid occurs due to blocking the proton pump in the cells of the gastric mucosa. Drugs in this group block the enzyme that transports hydrogen ions to the stomach, thereby preventing the excessive release of hydrochloric acid. A popular proton pump inhibitor is Omeprazole.


The tablets reduce the intensity of hydrochloric acid production. They are widely used to eliminate belching and heartburn in reflux esophagitis, erosive and ulcerative processes, and neurogenic ulcers. The product is available in capsule form, which makes it easy to use. It is best to take the drug in the morning with a small amount of water.

Important! Omeprazole has a cytoprotective effect, that is, it protects the cells of the gastrointestinal tract from aggressive influences.

Omeprozole is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the drug has the ability to have a systemic effect.

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