Liver hemangioma code ICD
Included: morphological codes M912-M917 with character of the neoplasm code /0 Excluded: blue or pigmented nevus
The first symptoms and manifestations of pancreatic cancer
Frequent patients of the oncologist are people with pancreatic cancer. The danger of this neoplasm is
Antiemetic for adults
Nausea is a painful, unpleasant sensation in the abdomen. Occurs in children and adults.
The taste of bitterness in the mouth bothers many people, especially with age, when a person
photo 2
Acute stomach pain: symptoms, causes and treatment
The appearance of pain indicates the development of a pathological process in organs and tissues. In most cases
Causes of severe bloating and pain
Category: Unpleasant sensations Flatulence, especially constant, can throw anyone off balance, and so
What to do if there is a white coating on the tongue?
Why is the tongue covered with a white coating, and how to remove it from the tongue?
It is a mistake to believe that a white coating on the tongue is a normal phenomenon of the body. Healthy color
Drotaverine - indications and instructions for use (tablets, injections), what it helps with, how to take it during pregnancy, can it be given to children, analogues, reviews and price of the drug. What is the difference between Drot
Drotaverine (Drotaverine) is a drug with antispasmodic, myotropic, vasodilating, hypotensive effects, prescribed to relieve,
Abdominal ultrasound
How to do an abdominal ultrasound: preparation and examination procedure
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the types of complex non-invasive, practically safe examination of internal organs.
Edge numbering
Where is the human liver located, on which side?
Knowing where the liver is located, you can notice its pathology in time - when it protrudes from under