Dill water for newborns

How nice it is to return home from the maternity hospital with a little loved one in your arms. Only mothers can understand this state of euphoria. However, almost all parents, along with the happy moments of life, have to suffer with newborns. Changing diapers and diapers, disrupting sleep patterns, and frequent feedings simply tire moms and dads. But the biggest challenge is usually that, due to the immaturity of the baby's digestive system, gases accumulate in the intestines .

This leads to painful sensations in his stomach (the appearance of colic), which occur during and after feeding the baby. At the same time, the baby starts screaming, pulls his legs up to his tummy , and his face turns red. And even though flatulence in newborns goes away by the third month, exhausted mothers, as they say, are ready to give “half their kingdom” for a panacea for this pain.

Panacea for intestinal colic in infants

Diseases of the digestive tract (colic) in infants are treated with pharmacological drugs that contain beneficial microorganisms to populate the intestines. But this treatment is long-term. Fortunately, there are medications that quickly relieve spasms of the digestive tract. True, they only work for a short time. These are drugs that increase intestinal motility. Air and feces do not stagnate and move faster.

But, perhaps, the best helper in intestinal function for newborns is dill or fennel water. Fennel is the pharmaceutical dill. Preparations based on its seeds are beneficial not only in the fight against flatulence, but are also used to improve lactation in nursing mothers.

Fennel infusion or dill water, recommended by doctors for the treatment of intestinal colic, is sold in almost all pharmacies. This medicine can be given to a newborn from two weeks (digestive problems in children usually begin at this age).

Dill water for a newborn - and colic will go away!

How is fennel water made?

Fennel water has the property of relieving smooth muscle spasms , which helps the release of gases during flatulence in newborns. At the same time, it improves the process of food digestion and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. They begin to use it after the child reaches two weeks of age. Mom can mix it into expressed breast milk or into formula milk.

In pharmacies, healthy water is prepared from dill (fennel) seeds under sterile conditions. Its seeds are converted into essential oil through special distillation. Then 1 liter of purified water and fennel oil (0.05 g) are mixed. Shake. All is ready. It is produced in 100 ml bottles. Shelf life: 30 days. Price - about 150 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies, where pharmacists themselves prepare medications according to prescriptions.

Mode of application

To avoid intestinal colic, infants should drink healing water only after feeding (1 teaspoon) three times a day

Pharmacy dill water for newborns is, of course, very useful. Just a jar of it, especially imported, is expensive, and not every pharmacy has it in stock.

But the healing decoction can be brewed at home by the mother herself, it will not be difficult.

Take care of

for your baby is a sacred and honorable duty of every parent. And the most important point here is that this care becomes a daily habit. Then this will not be a burden to you, and the child’s sleep will be sound, and

Turning from back to stomach is simply a holiday for everyone, especially for grandmothers. All the relatives are waiting for this day, they want to help the baby so that everything happens faster and are sincerely happy about the success. But is it worth forcing things? Is it normal to turn over earlier?

Making dill water at home

A real pharmaceutical one - made from fennel seeds. In order to prepare it, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 g of seeds (crushed) of this plant. After half an hour, strain.

Medicinal decoction of dill seeds

Not every home has fennel, but dill grows in every rural garden, and it’s not difficult to buy it in the city. How to make a medicinal decoction? The recipe is simple. You need to take dill seeds (1 teaspoon) and pour 200 - 250 ml of boiling water. It is better to use purified water or special water for children purchased at a pharmacy. Strain the dill infusion through cheesecloth and cool to room temperature.

The broth must be fresh, that is, it must be prepared every day.

Dill tea

Pharmacies for babies sell instant dill teas that are easy to prepare at home. Of course, real healing teas from pharmacies consist of fennel essential oil, but many mothers and fathers prepare infusions and teas from fennel seeds or garden dill. Tea, unlike water, can be made from fresh dill.

Dill tea recipe

Take a tablespoon of chopped green dill and pour 100 ml of boiling water. The tea is infused for one hour, then filtered through a thick strainer.

Very tasty! While you're cutting, you can eat a little.


The main component of the Dill Water preparation is ripe fennel fruits. This plant is popularly called pharmaceutical dill. The concentrate itself consists of essential oils, which include atenol, anisic acid, and aldehyde.

The ratio of essential oil to purified water in the factory preparation is 0.1%. Dill water contains glycerin and vitamin B1 as additional substances.

In a diluted 2 ml preparation, the proportion of vitamin B1 will be 0.18 mg - from 35 to 60% of the recommended daily intake for children under one year old.

Dill water is sold in pharmacies and online in concentrated form in 50 ml bottles, with or without cardboard packaging. The volume of the drug inside the bottle produced at the domestic factory is 15 ml.

Let's drink already - tips for use

How to give dill water to a baby? You can - in a bottle with a nipple. The water has a pleasant taste and is absorbed by children with pleasure.

It’s even better to give your child a healing infusion from a teaspoon. In this case, a breastfed baby will not get used to the nipple and will not refuse the breast in the future.

The amount of water consumed depends on the age of the newborn. Don't forget that in some cases (albeit very rare) fennel water can cause allergic reactions.

Experts' opinions

The opinion of most pediatricians will clearly approve of the use of dill water. Doctors recommend other remedies if the effectiveness of this drug is low. The reason for this recommendation is simple: dill water is a completely natural product, domestically produced, and is harmless for very young children.

Well-known specialist Dr. Komarovsky claims that the likelihood of colic increases if there is overfeeding or overheating. Therefore, if colic is daily, then you need to walk more and lower the temperature in the room. You should not use any medications without consulting a doctor; the mother herself can massage the tummy and monitor the regularity of bowel movements.

What to give to an infant in each individual case is best decided together with the pediatrician treating the child.

Dosage of dill water for babies

To improve digestion, water (1 teaspoon) should be taken before meals, first 3 times, and then the number of doses is gradually increased to 6 times a day .

The dose of fennel oil in healing water from pharmacies may vary, so instructions for its use are included. It is usually found on the packaging of the bottles.

There is a remedy that helps speed up the effect of a decoction of fennel or dill. This is a warm diaper folded several times. It is placed on the baby's tummy. Warming reduces pain and enhances the effect of the drug. The newborn quickly calms down.

If your child falls asleep quickly and without problems at night, you are the lucky ones. Others became victims

- they swing on their hands all night long, and during the day at work they swing themselves like boiled sausages, and their head doesn’t work - and all this in order to pump again at night.

There are also those who sleep and don’t want to sleep at all, but as soon as they put a pacifier in their mouth, the life and restful sleep of the whole family immediately improves. Our research on pacifiers is here:


The price of a package of the drug depends on the pharmacy, city or specific online store.

The cost of 15 ml concentrate averages 180 rubles for Russia. This is one of the most inexpensive drugs for colic in newborns. Other analogues, domestic or foreign, are significantly (sometimes several times) more expensive.

The price of the product in Ukraine varies from 70 to 110 hryvnia per package. In terms of cost, dill water greatly outperforms its analogues, however, due to the Russian production of the drug, locally produced drugs of similar effects may be cheaper.

What medications are there for colic in the tummy for newborns?

How to correctly pass and interpret a stool test for dysbacteriosis? Read the link.

How to treat inflammation of the large intestine? https://vashjeludok.com/kishechnik/k-bolezni/vospalenie-tolstogo-simptomy-lechenie.html

Reviews from parents

Some mothers who use dill water to combat colic in their children shared their reviews with us.

Daria: “I bought Happy Baby dill water for my son. It helps a lot. Until the colic goes away, we will continue to buy it.”

Elena: “I was in despair when my baby began to tuck her legs in and scream loudly. I called a doctor, he advised me to drink dill water. It helped!”

Svetlana: “It was only thanks to this means that we were saved. We didn’t buy it at the pharmacy, but my grandmother prepared it. It really helped."

As you can see, the reviews are positive. By the way, this decoction can also be used by mothers.

Indications for use

The main purpose for using dill water is colic and abdominal pain in infants. From 2-3 months of age, and some even earlier, children often cry, scream for no apparent reason, become tearful and capricious. They also arch their back and pull their legs towards themselves. These are sure signs of abdominal pain and cramps.

For adults, indications for the use of dill water are increased gas formation, cramps and pain in the abdominal area. Medical indications include:

  • first degree hypertension;
  • coronary insufficiency;
  • angina pectoris;
  • infectious and colds of the upper respiratory tract.

Nursing mothers use the drug to improve lactation or for menstrual irregularities - as prescribed by a gynecologist.

The benefits of dill water for mom

  • Few people know that a decoction of dill seeds is very useful for a nursing mother. It increases milk production and its quality. If a woman takes it, then the milk contains healing substances that prevent the child from bloating. Therefore, it is advisable for mother to drink the healing decoction.
  • Dill water can be used as a face lotion and lotion for the skin around the eyes. The properties of skin rejuvenation with an infusion of this medicinal plant were known to our great-grandmothers.

Many mothers may argue that they have no time to prepare lotions or masks for rejuvenation. But you can simply moisten a piece of cotton wool in the already prepared dill water and wipe your face. If you do this systematically, your skin will become smooth and radiant.

Almost all babies suffer from bloating. Since the baby’s body is not yet adapted to life outside the mother’s womb (to accept and digest food), and adaptation to new conditions is gradual, mothers have to go through such tests. But remember that you can always help your newborn, and the child’s discomfort is not permanent and will soon pass.

Good luck in raising the most important person in your life!

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