Beneficial and not so beneficial bacteria and substances in food

Healthy intestinal microflora determines a person’s overall health, having a positive effect on the state of the immune system and emotional state. Almost 90% of the anaerobic intestinal flora are bifidobacteria.

Reference! Bifidobacterium belongs to the class of gram-positive anaerobes. The microorganism “got its name” from the Latin “bacterium” - “bacterium” and “bifidus” - “divided in two”. The bacterium has the appearance of a slightly curved rod (length 2-5 microns), which can thicken and/or thinner at the ends, and bifurcate.

It is bifidobacteria that form the basis of the intestinal microflora of babies under 1 year of age. They are located mainly in the large intestine, making up the parietal and cavity flora. Today, 24 bacterial strains are known. However, scientists were most interested in B. bifidus, B. infantis, B. longum, since these are the subspecies that dominate the microflora of breastfed babies. There is a hypothesis that this is one of the factors in the immune defense of infants and the key to normal digestion and weight gain.


The intestinal mucosa of any person is a habitat for a huge number of different types of bacteria that can harm the body or, on the contrary, be beneficial. Bacteria that are beneficial include lactobacilli (or lactobacilli), which enter the body mainly from fermented milk products.

By the way, lactobacilli are the first microorganisms that a newborn encounters in his life: passing through the birth canal, the baby receives these beneficial microbes from the mother.

Benefits of lactobacilli

  • Transformation of lactose, which is contained in the whole product, directly into lactic acid, which provides favorable conditions for the complete digestion of food.
  • Prevention of the development of intestinal diseases. The fact is that lactobacilli produce substances that have pronounced antibiotic properties that suppress the growth of putrefactive bacteria.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer. Thus, lactobacilli suppress the functions of enzymes that affect the formation and reproduction of cancer cells.
  • Strengthening the immune system through the synthesis of vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, calcium, selenium and iodine.
  • Improving metabolism and metabolic processes.


One should not attribute miraculous properties to lactobacilli, remembering that products containing these bacteria are only an auxiliary measure in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system and dysbiosis.

What foods contain lactobacilli?

Lactobacilli provoke lactic acid fermentation, which is why they are widely used in the production of fermented milk products.

The maximum amount of lactobacilli is contained in the following fermented milk products:

  • yoghurts;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • soft cheeses;
  • curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream.

Symptoms of Bifidobacteria deficiency and possible consequences

Bifidobacteria deficiency manifests itself very clearly, as a person begins to suffer from signs of dysbacteriosis. The first symptom and most striking manifestation of a deficiency of essential bacteria is the occurrence of an acute intestinal infection, since the protective forces are either absent or in too small quantities, and therefore are unable to repel harmful microorganisms.

With a deficiency of bifidobacteria, diarrhea and diarrhea often occur. The lack of bifidobacteria provokes a slowdown in peristalsis, which causes congestion.

All signs of putrefactive processes appear, fermentation of products is possible, and bile acids accumulate among the entire intestinal contents. Typically, these processes provoke diarrhea, but among patients there are cases with constipation.

Sometimes, when the number of bifidobacteria decreases, flatulence occurs. The natural microflora is unable to cope with the constant emergence and proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Due to their large number, significant accumulations of carbon dioxide appear, released during the activity of microbes. In addition to bloating, chronic flatulence is manifested by heartburn and bad breath.


Among the “harmless” manifestations of a lack of bifidobacteria are constipation and diarrhea. The risk of developing severe intestinal infections gradually increases significantly.

In the absence of proper treatment, severe allergies appear, not only to products that always cause irritation, but also to those substances that were previously consumed without problems.

The appearance of gastritis, including in severe form, is possible. Due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane, signs of peptic ulcer disease appear.

Among the general symptoms provoked by a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria, a strong decline in general and local immunity stands out, and the frequency of diseases of a viral nature increases.

The patient exhibits excessive fatigue, feels constant weakness up to a complete loss of strength. Indirectly, the lack of necessary bacteria in the intestines affects a decrease in concentration and psychological exhaustion.


Probiotics are microorganisms beneficial to human health. Probiotics include living microorganisms (namely lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and yeast) present in the intestines of a healthy person.

Normally, the human body should contain about 1 – 1.5 kg of probiotics (this is the amount that ensures the full functioning of not only systems and organs, but also the immune system). But the realities are far from the norm: for example, in fact, the human body contains about one tenth of the established norm of probiotics, while in many people almost all healthy microflora is completely replaced by pathogenic ones.

Benefits of probiotics

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Synthesis of vitamins K and B.
  • Improved digestion.
  • Neutralization of toxins and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Neutralization of the harmful effects of antibiotics on the body.
  • Elimination and treatment of diarrhea.
  • Reducing the manifestations of allergies.
  • Elimination of inflammation.
  • Maintaining normal metabolism.
  • Fighting infections.
  • Improving the condition of the skin.

What foods contain probiotics?

One of the main sources of probiotics is yogurt, which will help cope with diarrhea, flatulence, and other digestive disorders.

In addition to yogurt, probiotics are present in the following foods:

  • soft cheeses;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • miso soup (miso is a fermented soybean product);
  • tofu (or soy cheese);
  • sauerkraut;
  • pickled cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • sourdough bread;
  • artichokes;
  • onion;
  • soaked apples;
  • leek;
  • banana.


The effectiveness of probiotics increases significantly when they are consumed simultaneously with prebiotics, which are not digested in the intestines, but create a favorable environment for both the growth and functioning of healthy intestinal microflora.

What it is?

Bifidobacteria are classified as gram-positive anaerobic microorganisms. The appearance of these bacteria is similar to a curved stick. The extreme points of the structure can become thicker, thinner, and sometimes divided into 2 approximately equal parts. This is where their name comes from, since in Latin it consists of two words (split in two and bacterium).

In the intestines of newborns, bifidobacteria occupy a leading role in organizing the microflora necessary for digestion. They do not lose their importance even in adulthood. The predominant location of their location is the large intestine.


Prebiotics are the remains of food substances that are not digested by gastric enzymes, as a result of which they are not absorbed in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, but end up in the lower parts, where probiotics “feed” on them, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of not only the intestines, but the whole body.

Benefits of prebiotics

  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Strengthening intestinal motility.
  • Eliminate constipation.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of probiotics.

What foods contain prebiotics?

Food sources of prebiotics:

  • chicory root;
  • raw Jerusalem artichoke;
  • dandelion greens;
  • garlic;
  • bulb onions;
  • leek;
  • raw asparagus;
  • raw wheat bran;
  • bananas;
  • wheat flour;
  • cornflakes;
  • oat groats;
  • beer;
  • strawberry.

How to restore intestinal microflora

Restoring normal intestinal microflora when the normal ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria is disturbed is a primary task for improving well-being. Conditions for normalizing flora:

How to remove bags and wrinkles around the eyes at 50 years old?

  • a balanced diet creates conditions for the growth of Bifidobacterium;
  • increased physical activity;
  • taking medications containing the necessary flora;
  • traditional medicine methods.

The combination of these measures allows you to get rid of bacteriosis.


Bifidobacteria are found in the body in large quantities (for example, during breastfeeding, bifidobacteria make up about 80–90 percent of the normal intestinal flora of children). Moreover, most of them are concentrated in the large intestine, representing the basis of its parietal and cavity microflora. With the help of bifidobacteria, the reproduction and spread of both putrefactive and pathogenic microbes in the body is suppressed.

The benefits of bifidobacteria

  • Reducing the risk of developing various allergic reactions.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  • Prevention of the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Promoting weight loss.
  • Restoration of liver and kidney function.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  • Normalization of digestion.
  • Stimulating intestinal motility.
  • Promoting the synthesis and absorption of vitamins and amino acids.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Preventing the development of constipation and flatulence.
  • Inhibition of the action of carcinogens.

What foods contain bifidobacteria?


Products containing bifidobacteria are characterized by fairly high dietary properties, since they contain a number of biologically active compounds, including amino acids, fatty acids, vital enzymes, and antibiotic substances, not to mention micro- and macroelements.

All fermented milk products (especially kefir) are bifid-containing products. It is kefir that is recommended to drink for diseases such as dysbiosis, rickets, anemia, pneumonia, and food allergies.

But it is important to use this truly healing product correctly.

Firstly, kefir should not be drunk cold or warm (this drink should be at room temperature).

Secondly, kefir is consumed in small sips.

Reception features

Despite the variety of drugs with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria for the intestines, there are general rules of administration that allow you to get the maximum benefit from taking these medications. These rules include:

  1. The frequency of taking prebiotics is 3-4 times a day, while the total duration of the course of treatment is individual for each person. As a rule, it is necessary to continue treatment until the symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis disappear. Prebiotics are often prescribed for prophylactic purposes, to stimulate a person’s own intestinal microflora.
  2. Probiotics must be taken 3-4 times a day, 20-40 minutes before meals, with a course of treatment ranging from 14 to 21 days. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli to restore microflora are prescribed for therapeutic purposes in cases of already developed dysbacteriosis. If dysbiosis has developed during antibiotic therapy, then probiotics should be taken from the first day of using antibacterial agents.
  3. If you have increased stomach acidity, before taking probiotics you should drink any antacid drug or 1 glass of alkaline mineral water.


Alkaloids are organic substances that contain nitrogen.

There are a huge number of such substances in nature, they have different chemical formulas and have different effects on the human body. Most alkaloids have a bitter taste. Alkaloids are produced by the breakdown of amino acids.

Benefits of alkaloids

  • Elimination of pain syndrome.
  • Relieving spasms.
  • Helping to quickly stop bleeding.
  • Decreased blood pressure.
  • Calming the nervous system.
  • Protecting the body from the action of pathogens.
  • Inhibition of the development of tumors in the body.
  • Elimination of symptoms of intoxication.


There are alkaloids that are dispensed only as prescribed by a doctor because they are drugs or dangerous poisons (such alkaloids include, for example, morphine and cocaine).

What foods contain alkaloids?

Alkaloids are found primarily in plants, and different parts of them may contain different amounts. Moreover, one alkaloid may be present in the fruits of a plant, while another is present in the roots, and a third is present in the leaves.

The alkaloid content in plants often does not exceed 1–3 percent. Particularly rich in these substances are plants from the families Poppy, Solanaceae, Legumeaceae, as well as Cutraaceae, Madderaceae, Ranunculaceae and Loganiaceae.

In addition to plants, alkaloids are present in some types of mushrooms and marine organisms.

Interesting fact!

A unique alkaloid is produced by tropical frogs. And the human body also produces substances similar in their chemical properties to alkaloids (we are talking about serotonin and adrenaline, which in some sources are called alkaloids, which is not a mistake).

Next, we will take a closer look at such alkaloids as caffeine and nicotine.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the human body

Both types of drugs ensure the normalization of vital bacteria in the human body, which are responsible for digestive processes. Since bifidobacteria significantly predominate in our body, doctors often prescribe Bifidobacterin. The slightest disturbance in the ratio of bacteria in the human body is called dysbiosis. The main signs of this disease are:

  • Prolonged constipation, diarrhea.
  • Colic, bloating.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Flatulence.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Fatigue, apathy.

Lactobacilli are beneficial microorganisms that destroy pathogens by intensively producing lactic acid from ingested carbohydrates.

Bifidobacteria - due to intensive reproduction, they neutralize and squeeze out pathogenic microflora from the intestines, thereby accelerating the process of cleansing the body of waste products and toxins.


The alkaloid caffeine belongs to the class of mild and non-aggressive stimulants that increase brain activity.

Benefits of caffeine

  • Stimulating the heart.
  • Increased physical and mental activity.
  • Stimulating the nervous system.
  • Promotes the production of stomach acid, which significantly improves the digestion process.
  • Constriction of blood vessels.
  • Increased urination.
  • Relief of headaches, which is used in the treatment of migraines.
  • Stimulating breathing.
  • Eliminate drowsiness.
  • Increased blood pressure.


With prolonged and regular use of caffeine, it is possible to develop a disease called “theism” (or “caffeineism”). This disease is a mental dependence on caffeine and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • trembling in the body;
  • muscle twitching;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • rapid heartbeat.

To avoid such manifestations, it is recommended to consume caffeine-containing products (especially coffee) in moderation. In addition, if you decide to stop drinking coffee altogether, it is recommended to do so gradually.


Caffeine and other central nervous system stimulants should not be taken in the following conditions:

  • excessive excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • polycystic disease.


Caffeine consumption leads to increased loss of minerals from bone tissue.

What foods contain caffeine?

Caffeine is found in more than 60 types of plants and products used as dietary supplements and components for various medications.

But the most common of them are the following:

  • tea;
  • a coffee tree;
  • guarana;
  • mate;
  • cocoa;
  • kola nuts.

Interesting fact!

White chocolate does not contain caffeine.


The alkaloid nicotine is found in plants from the Solanaceae family (mainly tobacco and shag), and the biosynthesis of this substance occurs in the roots, while it accumulates in the leaves.

The history of the spread of nicotine is interesting. Thus, the French ambassador Jean Nicot, who served at the royal court of Portugal, sent dried leaves, as well as tobacco seeds, to the French queen Catherine de Medici, who suffered from migraines. To get rid of migraines, Jean Nico recommended putting dry tobacco leaves crushed into powder into the nose. Subsequently, tobacco was grown in gardens by order of Catherine de Medici.

The use of nicotine increases the concentration of adrenaline in the blood, which leads to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, significantly increased respiration and increased blood glucose levels.

Nicotine also increases the level of dopamine, which excites the pleasure centers of the brain. In turn, such pleasure centers are responsible for the pain threshold.

Nicotine is a toxic substance, but when consumed in small doses (for example, through smoking), this alkaloid acts as a psychostimulant.

However, nicotine does more harm to the body than good: for example, nicotine suppresses appetite, which leads to weight loss.


Long-term and repeated consumption of nicotine leads to the development of physical and mental addictions, which are quite difficult to get rid of.

In addition, constant use of nicotine can provoke the following diseases and dysfunctions:

  • hyperglycemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ischemia;
  • heart failure;
  • heart attack;
  • cancer of the lungs, tongue and larynx;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

What products contain nicotine?

As mentioned above, the highest nicotine content is found in plants from the Solanaceae family.

But this alkaloid is also present in eggplants, cauliflower, potatoes, and tomatoes (tomato juice is especially rich in nicotine).

This begs a completely reasonable question: how many vegetables do you need to consume to replace one cigarette?

One cigarette contains 10 mg of nicotine, and most of this alkaloid is destroyed during the smoldering of a lit cigarette (thus, when smoking a cigarette, a person receives about 0.5 - 3 mg of nicotine). To replenish this amount of nicotine, you will have to eat 5 kg of eggplants, at least 12 kg of new potatoes and drink about 10 liters of tomato juice.


It is simply impossible to completely switch to vegetable sources of nicotine, although they can still provide some help in getting rid of such a bad habit as smoking.

Lactobacilli, their properties and features

Lactobacilli produce lactic acid. They are found in yogurt and other fermented foods. These acid-fast microorganisms feed on natural sugars. They secrete their own acid, which prevents the growth of pathogenic flora and helps extend the shelf life of fermented foods. These substances explain the sourish aroma present in kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

But lactobacilli are not permanent residents of our intestines. They survive the journey through the digestive tract, but most Lactobacilli never live in it. To get the health benefits associated with Lactobacilli, you need to consume fermented milk products or special preparations.

Probiotics containing lactobacilli, when combined with exercise and an active lifestyle, can be a good aid in losing excess weight. Researchers have found that probiotic yogurts (Lactobacillus acidolphus, Bifidobacterium BB12, Lactobacillus Casei) become a valuable addition to the diet. The same is true for cheeses with a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum. Biovestin also contains the desired strains.


Speaking about substances that slowly but surely destroy our body, we cannot fail to mention alcoholic beverages.

I would like to immediately note that alcohol in small quantities is not only not harmful to health, but is also beneficial, since it helps lower cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels, and also increases blood circulation. As a result, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to red wine, the daily norm of which is no more than two glasses.

But excessive consumption of alcohol (including beer, liqueurs and vermouth) leads to disruption of the body as a whole, because alcohol does not act selectively, it damages the body almost instantly, and in all directions at once.

While the liver is trying to cope with ethanol, some of the already absorbed alcohol negatively affects the functions of the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system. But that’s not all: at the same time, the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, and intestines is disrupted. Often the complex of damaging factors is so extensive that it can provoke severe alcohol intoxication, which leads to death or severe disability.

I wanted to debunk several myths about alcohol.

Alcohol helps you stay warm

To warm up, just drink 50 g of vodka or cognac (as you know, alcohol dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood supply to internal organs). But subsequent doses will increase blood flow only in the skin, causing it to turn red and create a pleasant feeling of warmth. But this feeling will quickly disappear, since with subsequent doses of alcohol, heat transfer will also increase, that is, the body will cool down even faster.

Alcohol increases appetite

And this is true, and only 25 g of strong alcoholic drink is enough to whet your appetite. In this case, alcohol is drunk half an hour to an hour before meals.

Alcohol effectively fights stress

Alcohol helps you relax after a hard week of work, but for such relaxation, 50 ml of cognac or a glass of wine is enough. But after the first 50 ml the mood improves and I want to continue the “banquet”. As a result, it becomes even sadder, and the short-term feeling of celebration and euphoria is replaced by a feeling of hopelessness.

Alcohol helps lower blood pressure

A small dose of alcohol (for example, 100 ml of dry red wine) can indeed weaken the tone of the vascular wall, but alcohol also increases the heart rate. As a result: the more you drink, the higher your blood pressure.

High-quality alcohol is not harmful to health

Any alcoholic drink without exception poisons the body. The only question is that cheap alcohol does not undergo the proper degree of purification, and therefore contains so-called fusel oils, which greatly enhance the toxic effect of alcohol.

Beer is not alcohol

This statement has no right to exist, since beer (albeit in small quantities) contains alcohol.

Alcohol contains no calories

Contains, and a very large amount. And the stronger the drink, the more calories it contains.

Alcohol is not washed down, but eaten

Many are of the opinion that alcohol should be eaten as a snack, without even suspecting that snacks are different from snacks. Thus, cold snacks (like juices, fruit drinks and compotes) very poorly neutralize alcohol, which is quickly absorbed into the blood. But hot and fatty dishes, on the contrary, suppress the absorption of ethanol, thereby reducing the severity of intoxication. Therefore, it is better to have hot snacks.

What foods contain alcohol?

Interesting fact!

We associate the word “alcohol” with a liquid obtained through fermentation. But there are products in which alcohol is present in the form of fructose, which directly enters the fermentation process in the body, thereby forming alcohol in the blood.

Foods and drinks containing alcohol (alcohol):

  • all alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks;
  • kvass;
  • kumiss (oriental drink);
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • fruit juices (the fact is that when making juices a special concentrate is often used, the basis of which is alcohol);
  • chocolate;
  • lollipops;
  • cakes;
  • bananas (especially overripe ones);
  • sour cabbage;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • cheese;
  • citrus;
  • sour cream;
  • black bread.


If we’re already talking about fermentation products, then we can’t help but pay attention to yeast, the benefits and harms of which we’ll talk about below.

Yeast is a protein product that contains live cultures, microorganisms, and bacteria. The proteins that they contain are perfectly absorbed by the body, not inferior in quality to proteins that enter the body with meat, milk or fish.

Yeast is rightfully considered the richest source of mineral elements, as well as amino acids and vitamins (potassium and phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, iron and folic acid, B vitamins, methionine and lecithin).

Benefits of yeast

  • Maintaining optimal balance of intestinal microflora.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and burns (due to this property, yeast is used for skin diseases).
  • Improving the secretion of gastric glands.
  • Improving the absorption capacity of the intestine, which is used in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Relief of pain due to neuritis.
  • Increased physical activity and performance.
  • Improving overall tone and well-being.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Activation of the pancreas.
  • Improving food absorption.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Promoting the elimination of toxins.
  • Strengthening nails and hair.


Not all yeast is equally beneficial. The fact is that baker's yeast enters gluten capsules during the baking process. Already in the intestines, yeast is released from such capsules, beginning to harm the body, damaging the mucous membrane and disrupting the intestinal microflora. Moreover, when entering the blood plasma, such yeast absorbs vitamins, microelements and proteins that are vital for the normal functioning of the human body. At the same time, the yeast begins to release its metabolic products, which are toxins.

Such large-scale “activity” of yeast leads to intoxication and weakened immunity, and this is fraught with chronic diseases and the development of tumor processes.


Live baker's yeast should be avoided!


Yeast products are not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, kidney disease or gout.

What foods contain yeast?

Yeast is found in bread, kvass, beer and wine. Homemade yeast is prepared from hops, rye bread crusts, as well as malt, raisins, and potatoes.

Bifidobacteria, their functions and characteristics

Bifidobacteria are permanent residents of the gut and, although their numbers may rise or fall, they are usually present in most people of all ages. In fact, Bifidobacteria are among the first types of microorganisms to colonize the digestive tract of infants and literally create immunity. They play an important role in the breakdown of prebiotics, turning them into separate substances that are used by other bacteria as food. The end products of this cascade include short-chain fatty acids, which are incredibly beneficial for the human body.

Like lactobacilli, bifidobacteria are taken orally using probiotic preparations. But bifidobacteria, unlike lactobacilli (more on this below), are a constant component of the microflora and, as a preventive measure, do not require replenishment of their ranks, but support in the form of prebiotics (such drugs also exist, in addition, prebiotics are often included in drugs with a probiotic effect). Most often, the introduction of a prebiotic is enough for healthy bacteria to ensure their stable growth. An increase in beneficial gut flora is directly linked to a decrease in harmful bacteria, as well as a number of other important health benefits.

There is evidence that bifidobacteria may be particularly useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome, drug-related constipation, and restoring normal flora after various types of therapy.

Bifidobacteria in the preparations are designated as “B. _______" (for example, B. longum or B. infantis).


Soybean is an annual herbaceous plant from the Legume family.

Soy is famous for its high content of complete protein, B vitamins, as well as iron, calcium and essential fatty acids. This cholesterol-free product has taste properties that make it possible to make a wide range of different meat and dairy products from soy.

Today there is a lot of controversy regarding the benefits and harms of soy. I would like to immediately note that only natural soy is useful, which in terms of the amount of protein it contains is superior to such products as fish, eggs, meat (and soy proteins are absorbed by 90 percent, which cannot be said about animal proteins).

Benefits of soy

  • Preserving the beauty of skin and hair.
  • Protecting the body from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Regulation of cholesterol levels.
  • Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  • Improving kidney function in diabetes.
  • Normalization of fat metabolism.
  • Promoting weight loss.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Improving the functioning of brain cells.
  • Strengthening the nervous system.
  • Binding and removal from the body of radionuclides, as well as heavy metal ions.

Harm of soy

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Suppression of the functions of the endocrine system (especially for children).
  • Increased risk of miscarriage.
  • Cerebrovascular accident.
  • Increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

But such harm to the body is caused by the consumption of genetically modified soybeans, which today are present in a large number of products that we consume daily.

What foods contain soy?

Food sources of soy:

  • miso (thick soybean seed paste);
  • natto (boiled soybean seeds);
  • soy flour;
  • soybean oil;
  • soy milk;
  • soy meat (prepared on the basis of low-fat soy flour);
  • soy sauce;
  • pace;
  • tofu;
  • Yuba (dried foam skimmed from the surface of soy milk).

If we talk about genetically modified soybeans, it is present in sausages, semi-finished meat products (dumplings, ravioli, pancakes with meat), dairy drinks, mayonnaise, margarine, pasta, chocolate, candies and even in baby food products. The presence of soy in the product is indicated by markings on the label E479 and E322.


GMOs (or genetically modified organisms) contain a foreign gene that has been artificially introduced through genetic engineering techniques.

Why is such a targeted change in the genotype of an organism necessary?

Everything is very simple. Firstly, the population of planet Earth is rapidly increasing, and, consequently, the problem of hunger is becoming urgent.

Secondly, with the help of genetic engineering, new plant varieties are created that are resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions and pests. In addition, artificially bred plants have better growth and taste qualities (not to mention the accelerated growth and high productivity of such plants).

But not everything is so simple, because during selection the natural course of life is disrupted, which, at the simplest level, significantly harms the food chain. As a result, today we eat orange carrots, although initially this product was purple, and hundreds of species of many vegetables and fruits have disappeared from the face of the earth in the process of modification.

Thus, on the one hand, we have the opportunity to eat beautiful and juicy vegetables and fruits, and, on the other hand, agricultural crops gradually turn from a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients into “empty” products.

Finally, the third reason why GMOs are confidently “walking” across the planet is the benefit, both for breeders and for farmers who, while growing GMOs (genetically modified products), do not incur losses due to poor harvests or widespread animal pestilence.

So is the use and consumption of GMOs harmful or beneficial? Let's try to understand this issue.

And let's start with the fact that the transgene itself, consumed by a person, does not cause serious harm to his health, since it is not able to independently integrate into the human genetic code. But while such a gene “walks” throughout the body, it provokes the synthesis of proteins, which is fraught with severe allergies. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Harm of GMOs

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Disruption of the gastric mucosa.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer (transgenes, when integrated into the gene apparatus of microorganisms located in the intestine, lead to mutations that provoke the development of cancer cells).
  • Infertility (during animal studies it was found that frequent use of OAB leads to the inability to conceive a child).
  • Development of antibiotic-resistant intestinal microflora.

What foods contain GMOs?

Products containing GMOs are divided into three categories:

  • Products that contain GM ingredients (we are talking about transgenic corn and soybeans). These protein enhancers are used to improve the texture, taste and color of the product.
  • Products of processing of transgenic raw materials. Such products include soy curd and milk, chips, as well as corn flakes and tomato paste.
  • Transgenic products that are directly consumed as food.

But how can one determine the presence of GMOs in a particular product (especially considering the fact that today almost every one of them is labeled “GMO-free”)?

First of all, you need to carefully read the label on the product you are purchasing. If the label states that the product was made in the USA and contains soybeans, corn, rapeseed or potatoes, then there is a high probability that GM components were used in its production (GMOs are the main reason that Today, 70 percent of Americans are diagnosed with allergies).

Often, the content of GMOs in a product is hidden behind the E index, but I would immediately like to note that not all additives designated by this index contain GMOs or are transgenic.

Here is a list of E-additives that indicate the content of GMOs or their derivatives in the product: 322, 101 and 101A, 150 and 415, 153 and 160d, 161c and 308-9, 471 and 472a, 473 and 475, 476b and 477, 479a and 570, 572 and 573, 620 and 621, 622 and 633, 624 and 625, 951.

Particularly noteworthy is the presence in the product of such sweeteners as aspartame, aspasvit and aspamix, which can be produced using GM bacteria. These substances are prohibited in a number of countries because they can cause loss of consciousness syndrome. Aspartame, for example, is found in soda water, chewing gum, diet sodas, and ketchup.

List of products that often contain GMOs:

  • soybeans and by-products;
  • corn and by-products (flour, cereal, popcorn, corn oil, chips, starch);
  • tomatoes and offal;
  • potatoes and offal;
  • zucchini and offal;
  • sugar beets and by-products;
  • wheat and by-products;
  • rice and offal;
  • carrots and offal;
  • onion.


It is useful to know in person not only products containing GMOs, but also their manufacturers, including:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - specializes in the production of breakfast cereals and corn flakes.
  • Nestle is a well-known manufacturer of chocolate, coffee and baby food.
  • Heinz (Hayents) - produces baby food, ketchups, sauces.
  • Hersheys is a manufacturer of chocolate and soft drinks.
  • Coca-Cola, Mars (Mars), PepsiCo and McDonalds - as they say, these companies do not need advertising.
  • Danon (Danone) - the main direction of this company is the production of yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, and baby food.
  • Similac (Similac) is a manufacturer of baby food.
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - sells chocolate and cocoa.


Aphrodisiacs are substances that increase vitality in general and sexual desire in particular. They got their name in honor of the Greek goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. And the word “aphrodisiac” itself is translated from Greek as “love pleasure.”

Aphrodisiacs not only increase potency, but also help eliminate frigidity, they prevent premature ejaculation, and also increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

What is the secret of the love properties of aphrodisiacs?


Most aphrodisiacs have high nutritional value and contain many vitamins and microelements, and this contributes not only to proper metabolism, but also to rapid restoration of strength.


Some aphrodisiacs contain enzymes that are similar in properties to human sex hormones (there are aphrodisiacs that contain substances that promote the production of sex hormones by the body itself).


natural aphrodisiacs enhance the formation of endorphins (hormones of happiness), which are known to intensify sexual desire, enhance erotic fantasies, and make a person relaxed and happy.

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