Diet for exacerbation of the pancreas

Treatment with diet

Diet for acute pancreatitis is one of the ways to eliminate the symptoms of this disease, thereby improving the functioning of the pancreas. The main treatment is carried out under the supervision of a therapist, and the treatment is often supervised by a surgeon.

Acute pancreatitis
The diet for acute pancreatitis has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other diets.

Chief gastroenterologist of the Russian Federation: “PANCREATITIS does not go away?! A simple treatment method has already healed hundreds of patients at home! To cure the pancreas forever you need...” Read more »

On the first day of pancreatitis after an attack, doctors prescribe it for 3 days. Note that fasting can last for 6 days. During this period of time, the patient is allowed to drink only water.

It should be noted that the duration of fasting depends on the severity of the attack itself.

Important! During an attack of pancreatitis, doctors prescribe fasting and carry out all the necessary medical measures to eliminate the attack.

Along with fasting, doctors prescribe medications that help eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. With properly selected therapy, it is possible to restore the functioning of the pancreas in a short period of time, as well as support local immunity.

In order to monitor the enzymes of the inflamed pancreas, a general analysis of urine and blood is prescribed. As soon as the results of laboratory examination reveal a decrease in enzymes, it will be possible to expand the therapeutic diet.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis:

  1. It is allowed to drink weak tea during this period of time.
  2. Kefir, but only low-fat.

Around day 2 or 3, you can gradually introduce other foods. Despite the fact that the diet for pancreatitis is strict, the patient is allowed to eat meatballs, but only they must be steamed. After an attack of acute pancreatitis, introduce beef, chicken and creamy vegetable soups into the diet.

Also read: Kefir for pancreatitis: can you drink it?

Diet dishes
Diet in the first week after exacerbation of pancreatitis

During exacerbation of pancreatitis, meals should be taken in small portions, approximately 4-6 times a day. If you eat in large portions, this will create additional stress on the inflamed gland, and can also provoke a repeated attack of the disease.

What should you not eat?

You should not eat if you have acute pancreatitisThe patient may be prohibited from eating smoked meats, pickles, fried foods, mushrooms, and legumes.
It is undesirable to eat pasta, millet, corn and pearl barley porridge. The list of prohibited products is quite extensive. Prohibited:

  1. Fatty broths.
  2. Sausages.
  3. Alcoholic drinks.
  4. Marinades.
  5. Canned fish or meat.
  6. Salo.
  7. Don't hard boil eggs.
  8. Hot spices and sauces.
  9. Salads made from raw radishes and bell peppers.
  10. Exclude any type of mushrooms.
  11. Sorrel.

Additionally, it is prohibited to eat fresh bread and various pastries. We have not provided the entire list; more detailed information can be obtained from your doctor. Remember that dietary intake will depend on the severity of the disease, as well as concomitant diseases.

What not to eat during an exacerbation

  • Concentrated juices, compotes, grape drinks, coffee, strong tea, soda.
  • Fresh bread from any type of flour, butter and puff pastry.
  • Milk-based products with a fat content higher than 2%, yoghurts with preservatives, mass-produced cottage cheese.
  • Any first courses with meat broth, milk or fish.
  • Fried, boiled eggs.
  • Smoked, spicy and fatty meats, fish, as well as canned food and sausages.
  • Any legumes, pearl barley porridge, millet, all crumbly types of cereals.
  • Mushrooms in any form, vegetables - radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, cabbage.
  • Sweets, jams, preserves, chocolate.
  • Any preservatives, dyes, spices.
  • Alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

It is important to know! Having a list of allowed foods is not the whole diet. It is very important to properly thermally and mechanically process these products, as well as eat according to the regimen.

The 5p diet at the time of exacerbation involves eating boiled, baked, or steamed food. Fried, stewed, pickled food is strictly prohibited. Some vegetables and fruits are best consumed raw, but only in pureed form.

Important information! All cooked food should be warm, vegetables and fruits should be at room temperature; you should not eat very hot or cold food.

For cooking, it is best to use Teflon dishes or heat-resistant glass dishes that do not require greasing the surface.

Diet for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

A diet for pancreatitis during an exacerbation helps to gain strength and replenish the body with nutrients. Therapeutic nutrition is prescribed under number 5. This menu includes a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and salt from the diet.

Diet for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
Boiled or baked vegetables

Diet for exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis , what you can eat:

  1. Skim cheese.
  2. It is allowed to eat cheeses, but only of the hard variety.
  3. It is allowed to eat one egg once a week during an exacerbation.
  4. Include fermented milk products in your diet. With this disease, it is allowed to eat foods that have a low fat content.

Additionally, you need to enrich your diet with meat products. For example: cook chicken, lamb or rabbit.

Diet food

Dietary food number 5 is prescribed for acute or chronic disease. This diet therapy is also prescribed for diseases of the duodenum and intestinal damage. Very often, dietary table No. 5 is prescribed for liver diseases.

The diet helps reduce the load on the inflamed pancreas. At this moment, the main thing cannot be conveyed, so you need to eat small portions. The patient needs to drink at least 1.5-3 liters of still water per day.

Also read: Is it possible to eat seeds for pancreatitis?

As you can see, the diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis is very strict.

Drawing up a menu for exacerbations

When drawing up a dietary menu for a patient during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the following data should be at hand: a list of permitted and healthy foods, a table of calorie content, a table of the content of microelements and vitamins in foods. This is quite extensive information, but this data is freely available on the Internet - it will help you strictly follow the diet instructions.

What to consider when creating a diet menu:

  1. Every meal should end with a drink.
  2. The first breakfast is light. A baked product with a small portion of protein is the perfect combination to start the day.
  3. The second breakfast should be more nutritious; it may include a fish or meat dish, vegetables and fruits.
  4. The lunch portion begins with a first course with bread, is supplemented with any protein dishes, fruits, and at the end is a drink.
  5. An afternoon snack is a light snack. You can eat fruits, puddings, cottage cheese, casserole.
  6. For dinner, it is best to serve a combination of meat with a side dish, some bread or crackers. At the end there may be vegetables, fruits and, of course, a drink.

When eating, the patient needs to listen to his feelings, adjust the portions and content of the diet based on his condition. There is no need to force yourself to finish a portion or force yourself to eat a specific product. To alleviate the physical condition, the emotional peace of the patient is also important. Exacerbation of pancreatitis is a reason to relax and not force your body.

Already on the third day of taking pureed food, the patient feels better. A diet in combination with taking medications prescribed by a specialist helps the pain subside, and the regeneration of pancreatic cells begins. After a week, you can switch to the standard 5p diet menu. Finely and medium-chopped foods are introduced into the diet, and mashed potatoes and pureed foods are gradually removed.

Nutrition after an attack

The diet after an attack of pancreatitis is prescribed in the hospital. Even after discharge, the patient must adhere to a diet for a certain period of time. At this moment, it is necessary to enrich your diet with healthy proteins, which will help restore the entire body as a whole.

Nutrition after an attack
Diet after an attack of pancreatitis is the main condition for quickly relieving painful symptoms for the patient, along with drug treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Diet after exacerbation of pancreatitis , basic rules:

  1. Prepare dishes only by steaming or boiling.
  2. Include low-fat and nutritious foods in your diet. The products must contain nutritional components and vitamins.
  3. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats during this period.
  4. At the time of discharge, adhere to a vegetarian diet.
  5. Include more fruits and vegetables and other plant-based foods.
  6. Diet during acute pancreatitis and after an attack limits the consumption of spices, sugar and salt. To add flavor to the dish, it is allowed to use herbs.

It should be noted that exacerbation of pancreatitis and non-compliance with the diet can lead to serious complications. Therefore, you should not neglect the rules of your doctor.

Please note that women most often develop acute biliary pancreatitis, so doctors strongly recommend including as much low-fat fermented milk products in your diet as possible.

If pancreatitis occurs in combination with diabetes, then it is necessary to exclude from the diet: rice, pasta, sugar, potatoes and sweet fruits.

Principles of therapeutic nutrition

Table No. 5p is very gentle on the pancreas, but at the same time it is designed to have a stimulating effect on its activity. Each meal should lead to an optimal “release” of digestive enzymes and hormones, their free transportation through the small and large ducts into the duodenum without massive irritation of pain receptors. That is, no conditions should be created for the formation of an imbalance between these two processes and for the development of dysfunctions and dyskinesias.

It is very important to take into account the fact that a diet designed to spare one internal organ can negatively affect other organs. But table No. 5p is specially designed so that all parts of the gastrointestinal tract only benefit from this diet. Not only do they not develop any pathological phenomena, but, on the contrary, normalization of all functions occurs.

The basic principles of the diet for pancreatitis are as follows:

How to relieve pain with pancreatitis

  • meals should be fractional, that is, 5-7 times a day in small portions, thereby achieving the optimal load on the pancreas;
  • The principle of physical gentleness must be observed, that is, dishes should not contain large pieces, should be easy to chew and not injure the mucous membranes; the amount of coarse fiber in them should be reduced;
  • thermal sparing, which consists of maintaining the optimal temperature of the dishes: they should not be too hot or cold, so that a reflex spasm of the blood vessels and ducts of the pancreas does not occur;
  • chemical sparing, which is achieved by excluding fatty, smoked, pickled foods, as well as by using processing methods such as boiling, stewing, steaming;
  • increased content of plant and animal proteins;
  • reduced content of carbohydrates and fats;
  • preference for dishes made from vegetables and fruits, but not fresh, but heat-treated, in order to reduce the percentage of coarse fiber, but preserve vitamins as much as possible;
  • complete exclusion of fried foods containing huge amounts of extractive compounds and fat;
  • complete exclusion of products containing high amounts of vegetable and animal fats;
  • sufficient daily volume of fluid (2.5-3 liters per day).

Jug and glass of water
In case of pathologies of the pancreas, the amount of fluid consumed should be sufficient

Compliance with these principles when developing menus and preparing dishes is the key to ensuring that the functionality and healthy state of the pancreas will be maintained for a long time. In adult patients or children, the diet will also serve to prevent periods of exacerbation of pancreatitis and, in addition, will become a reliable therapeutic method for pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.


The diet for acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis is the same. Let's look at what you can eat. Adults for breakfast ; they can also eat oatmeal cookies or make a smoothie from fresh raspberries and low-fat sour cream.

A properly composed menu for pancreatitis plays a leading role in improving the health of the pancreas.

For lunch , prepare oatmeal; if necessary, you can add some raisins or dried apples, bananas or other fruits. Include for lunch: bread and a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to prepare a vegetable casserole. Drink a glass of birch sap or weak tea for your afternoon snack. If you wish, you can eat an apple or other fruit.

Meals for dinner : prepare creamy vegetable soup (for example, use carrots, cauliflower).

What else to eat for dinner:

  1. Steam fish or meatballs.
  2. Bread.
  3. Drink a glass of tea, you can add a slice of lemon.

Also read: Soups for pancreatitis: recipes

For the second dinner, you are allowed to eat ginger cookies, one banana or apple, and also drink a glass of skim milk.

Recommendations from Elena Malysheva in the special issue “Live Healthy!” on how to overcome pacreatitis using the healing effects of natural remedies.

With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the diet is more varied, but nevertheless has many restrictions. For those who do not know how to properly prepare dishes, we recommend that you read the information below.

General recommendations

The diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis consists of mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing of the digestive tract. If you follow the recommendations of the prescribed treatment table, normal functioning of the gland, stomach and intestines is achieved. Patients should eat nutritious foods as well as protein foods.

The amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet is reduced as much as possible, this helps prevent the development of the degeneration of normal cells into fat cells. A diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas involves following these rules:

  • correct mechanical processing of products. This means that the food consumed must be pureed, boiled or steamed;
  • compliance with temperature conditions. You should not eat hot food, just like cold food;
  • Don't forget about moderation. Try not to overeat. A large amount of food will create increased stress on the pancreas and the entire digestive tract;
  • fractional meals. Try not to take long breaks between meals. Eat a little every two to three hours. Small portions are better absorbed by the body;
  • give up alcohol. Alcoholic drinks lead to blockage of the lumen of the pancreatic ducts, which disrupts the outflow of digestive juice into the duodenum;
  • quit smoking. Nicotine enhances the development of the inflammatory response.

Harmful productsDiet during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis excludes the consumption of fatty and fried foods. Important!
Drinking alcohol during treatment will lead to a deterioration in health and the development of dangerous complications. Treatment for an attack of pancreatitis is based on “three pillars”:

  • Cold. An ice pack is applied to the abdomen at the site of the projection of the pancreas.
  • Hunger. In the first few days, patients should not eat food at all.
  • Peace. It is extremely important to maintain complete physical and mental rest.

Let's consider an approximate diet for an exacerbation of pancreatitis for two days:

  • 1 day. For breakfast, steam a protein omelet and oatmeal in water. You can have a snack with homemade yogurt and dry cookies. Lunch – vegetarian soup, buckwheat porridge with chicken quenelles and berry jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese. Dinner – mashed potatoes and boiled fish. Two hours before bedtime - a glass of kefir;
  • Day 2. Breakfast – semolina porridge with rosehip infusion. Lunch – milk with cottage cheese. For lunch, prepare pureed soup from zucchini and pumpkin, oatmeal with fish balls and dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack – biscuits with tea. For dinner you are allowed to eat cottage cheese soufflé and pureed buckwheat porridge. Drink a glass of yogurt two hours before bedtime.

Diet recipes

Let's look at some of the most common recipes that doctors recommend preparing for acute pancreatitis.

Mint tea

Mint teaAlong with a large number of beneficial properties for the body, mint has a number of contraindications and restrictions for use.
If pancreatitis has worsened, you can prepare mint tea. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Fresh mint.
  2. Cinnamon stick.
  3. Lemon slice.
  4. For sweetness, add a little honey.

Preparation: steam the mint in a mug of boiling water or pour in all the other ingredients. Leave for 5 minutes, drink warm.

Baked fish

Baked fishThere are medical recommendations regarding the selection and preparation of fish.
To prepare this recipe you will need:

  1. Cleaned carp.
  2. A little sour cream.
  3. Hard cheese and greens.

Preparation: grate the fish with herbs and brush with sour cream. Then put in the oven for 20 minutes, then sprinkle with cheese and leave for another 10-15 minutes. You can bake the fish in foil and place vegetables next to it, for example: peppers, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, potatoes.

Steamed meatballs

To prepare the recipe you need to buy fresh minced beef, you will also need 1 egg, a little cheese, you can buy it with smoked meats.

When the symptoms of pancreatitis subside, meatballs replenish the body with high-quality protein, minerals and trace elements.

Preparation: put minced meat in a container, then add egg, grated cheese and mix everything well. Form small circles and steam the dishes for 15-20 minutes. The finished dish can be served with buckwheat porridge.

Potato casserole

Potato casserolePotatoes are one of the products that can be introduced into the diet of a sick person almost immediately after the symptoms of an exacerbation have stopped.
You will need:

  1. Lean meat.
  2. Potato.
  3. Onion.
  4. Eggs.
  5. A little salt.

Boil and crush the potatoes, then add ground meat and finely chopped onion. Mix everything and beat in the egg. Form into a mold and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Important! While preparing the casserole, be careful not to form a crust. Potato casserole can be served with meat dishes.

Now you know what kind of nutrition you should have. Remember, if you neglect the rules of dietary nutrition, serious health complications can occur.

What can you eat if your pancreas is worsening?

Despite a number of restrictions, the diet prescribed to a patient with pancreatitis is quite varied. The diet is especially rich in protein, since its breakdown puts much less stress on the gland than the utilization of carbohydrates.

So, what can you eat if your pancreas is worsening?

  • Meat and fish with low fat content. It could be turkey, beef, chicken or rabbit. From fish, it is best to give preference to cod, carp, pike and pollock. All products must undergo heat treatment by steaming or in the oven and served as soufflé, pate, cutlets and meatballs, that is, in mashed or ground form.
  • Eggs. The diet for pancreatitis includes egg dishes with the exception of fried eggs. The best option is a steamed protein omelet. It is better to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, since the protein of the latter is much easier to digest.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream and yogurt are introduced into the patient’s diet provided that the fat content is reduced (no more than 1-1.5%). Cottage cheese is acceptable for consumption if it is fresh or steamed as a pudding. In case of exacerbation of the pancreas, whole cow's milk is difficult for the body to tolerate. It is best to replace it with diluted or goat milk, which is hypoallergenic.
  • Cereals. It is recommended to introduce porridge cooked in water into the diet in the first days after the acute phase of the disease has passed. Buckwheat, rice and semolina have the most beneficial effect on the stomach without causing negative reactions from the pancreas. As for bread, it is better to exclude wheat varieties from the menu for a while, or, as a last resort, replace them with crackers or biscuits.
  • Beverages. Normal functioning of the digestive tract is impossible without a sufficient amount of fluid. For pancreatitis, you must drink at least one and a half liters of mineral water per day. Jelly, rosehip or bran decoctions, and herbal teas have a beneficial effect. Chicory, which has a choleretic effect, is very useful for pancreatitis.
  • Nuts and seeds. After a period of long-term remission, it is allowed to introduce walnuts, chestnuts or cashews into the diet. They contain a minimum of fiber and in small quantities do not increase the load on the gland.


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