Poisoning in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Young parents experience stress when they first encounter the phenomenon of vomiting in their baby. In anticipation of it, the child’s well-being may worsen, but this is not necessary; quite often the unpleasant symptom manifests itself abruptly. The reasons can be very diverse: intoxication of various origins, disturbances in the functioning of certain body systems, such as the pancreas, damage to the body by infections.

If an indomitable and constant vomiting occurs, the child must be shown to a medical specialist. Before the doctor arrives, as well as in situations of uncomplicated illness, the use of certain medications is indicated, one of which is Enterosgel.

how to take enterosgel for children when vomiting

Description of the drug

The drug belongs to the group of enterosorbents. Its active component based on organic silicon compounds absorbs and absorbs toxins of various etiologies. In fact, the medicine has a similar effect to such a generic as the popular activated carbon. What are the instructions for using Enterosgel for children?

In descriptions, the drug is often compared to a sponge. With the help of this structure, the drug effectively manifests itself by binding all kinds of harmful microelements and toxic pathogens in the stomach and intestines, and then actively removes them. The active component does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

The drug is produced in the form of a paste for oral use. It is presented in the form of a dense mass that has a white tint. The active microelement of Enterosgel is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate; its concentration in one hundred grams of paste is seventy grams. Water is considered an additional substance.

The paste is sold in sachets of 22.5 grams. There can be ten pieces in total in a package. Enterosgel is also produced in plastic jars or tubes of 225 grams.

Positive properties of the drug

The medication has sorption and detoxification effects. The active component provides the ability to combine toxic compounds. The medicine forms a film on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs that binds toxic compounds in the intestines, as well as in tissues, with their subsequent excretion in the feces.

Enterosgel paste is an intestinal enterosorbent. The main substance of the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and has a therapeutic effect in the intestinal lumen. How should children take Enterosgel when vomiting, in what dosage?

how to give enterosgel to a child when vomiting

Composition and properties of the drug

Enterosgel is one of the most famous drugs from the group of enterosorbents. The main active ingredient in the drug is methyl silicic acid hydrogel, the auxiliary is purified water. It does not contain chemical additives or dyes, so the drug is given even to infants.

acts quickly and effectively when administered

  1. Thanks to its gel-like structure, Enterosgel absorbs toxic endogenous and exogenous substances.

Endogenous toxic substances, or endotoxins, include: pathogenic and opportunistic microbes, their metabolic products, products of destruction of their own cells (bilirubin, urea).

Exogenous toxic substances, or exotoxins, include: drugs, alcohol and its surrogates, metal salts (Pb, Hg, As and others), allergens, poisons and solvents.

  1. When harmful substances are absorbed, a protective layer is formed that does not injure the intestinal mucosa.
  2. They are excreted from the body unchanged.


The medicinal gel for poisoning Enterosgel does not affect the absorption and motor functions of the intestines. The drug does not inhibit the absorption of essential vitamin complexes and minerals. It also helps normalize intestinal microflora.

Due to its properties, Enterosgel is used for the development of drug and food allergies, intoxications of various origins, hepatitis and cirrhosis, toxicosis in the first semester of pregnancy.


This medication can be given to children for the following ailments accompanied by vomiting:

  1. Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses. It is the most common cause of diarrhea in children.
  2. Acute respiratory viral infection is a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the causative agents of which are pneumotropic viruses.
  3. Enterovirus infections are a multiple group of acute infectious diseases that can affect children and adults when infected with viruses of the Enterovirus genus.
  4. Digestive problems.
  5. Salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection of animals and humans caused by Salmonella; acute infectious anthropozoonotic disease caused by Salmonella.
  6. Dysentery is an infectious disease characterized by a syndrome of general infectious intoxication and a syndrome of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the distal colon.
  7. Various poisonings.

There may be situations where the cause of vomiting has not yet been established, but parents would like to alleviate the child’s condition.

enterosgel instructions for children with vomiting

How to give Enterosgel to a child who is vomiting?

The suspension in the form of a paste can be consumed orally, the hydrogel can be used to make a suspension. The gel is mixed in special proportions in fifty milliliters of water and the resulting composition is taken. Due to ease of use, children are given the paste in most cases. If the patient is very young or has symptoms of an allergic reaction, you should purchase an adsorbent labeled “sugar-free.”

According to the instructions for Enterosgel for vomiting for children, it is known that it should not be given to children under one year of age. But many pediatricians calmly prescribe drugs to infants for intoxication and poisoning in certain concentrations:

  1. Children under one year of age are recommended to take half a teaspoon of paste (2.5 grams). This amount of medication must be mixed with three parts water or milk and given to the baby, preferably before feeding. The number of procedures is up to six times a day.
  2. Children from one to five years old who are vomiting should be given half a tablespoon of the drug three times a day. The maximum permissible content of the drug should not exceed 22.5 grams per day.
  3. Children from five to fourteen years old are recommended to take a tablespoon three times a day (no more than forty-five grams).
  4. Adolescents over fourteen years of age are prescribed adult doses - one to one and a half tablespoons up to three times a day (up to 67.5 grams per day). The adsorbent should be used for three to seven days.

According to the instructions for Enterosgel for children, it is known that in case of severe illnesses, the doctor can double the dosage of the medicine in the first days of therapy.

Enterosgel for poisoning - Methods of use

Poisoning can bother our digestion for various reasons.
Food poisoning can occur after eating poor-quality or expired food, medicinal after prescribing an incorrect course of medication, bacterial due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. The clinical picture is approximately the same in each case. Digestive disorders occur, including:

  • Feeling nauseous;
  • Frequent loose stools;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Abdominal cramps, pain;
  • Repeated debilitating vomiting;
  • General deterioration in health.

In case of poisoning, symptoms develop quickly, so treatment should be started immediately. Enterosorbents are taken when symptoms appear, among which Enterosgel can be distinguished.

What to do if vomiting does not stop and the drug does not stay in the body?

In this situation, an antiemetic, for example Cerucal, will help improve the situation. It can be used from three years of age in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. Approximately thirty minutes after taking the medication or injection, you should take Enterosgel in the required dosage.

If the child cannot be persuaded to take the medicine, it is allowed to mix it with water. In difficult situations, you can add it to another liquid.

It must be remembered that if you cannot stop the urge to vomit, you should seek help from a specialist. This is especially true for newborn children, for whom this condition poses a high health risk.

To bring their general condition back to normal, a number of therapeutic measures may be required in a hospital setting.

Enterosgel for a cat in case of poisoning

Every owner monitors the health of their beloved pet. When a cat shows suspicious symptoms, owners notice it immediately. When poisoned, the animal behaves very lethargically and motionlessly, refuses any food, but drinks a lot of liquid. In addition, the cat walks past the litter box and has loose stools. Every attempt by the owner to play with his pet is accompanied by a plaintive meow, which indicates pain.

The appearance of vomiting and diarrhea in an animal indicates a response from the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. Causes of food poisoning in cats:

  • Bad and low-quality food;
  • Pathogenic microbes that could get into food;
  • Dirt, chemicals on the fur that the cat could swallow while licking;
  • Poor quality medications, for example, anthelmintics;
  • Eating poisonous house plants;
  • Eating poison that was intended for rats or cockroaches.

In this case, the cat needs to take adsorbents that will neutralize and remove accumulated toxic substances. Enterosorbents are widely used in veterinary practice, so you can give Enterosgel to a cat in case of poisoning.

The medicine is given 2 hours before or after meals. The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the animal. For every 5 kg of animal weight, we give him 3-4 mg of the drug. This is about one teaspoon. If a kitten is poisoned, then reduce the daily dose by half. Accordingly, it is worth giving him half a teaspoon.

You should take precautions before you give your cat medicine. She may not like this procedure and may bite or scratch you. To protect yourself from this, the cat should be wrapped in a towel. Afterwards, draw the gel into a syringe and carefully squeeze it into the oral cavity. Or mix with a small amount of water and also pour into the mouth. It is necessary to squeeze out the medicine from the side so that the cat does not choke. Make sure to give your animal plenty of water.

If your cat is poisoned, you should not mix Enterosgel into its wet food. This is due to the fact that cats with diarrhea are given only dry food.


Antidiarrheal medicine with an adsorbing effect. "Smecta" is used when diarrhea of ​​various origins occurs.

The recommended duration of treatment varies from three to seven days. For other indications, the drug is used in infants under one year old, one sachet per day, for children over one year old - two sachets per day, for adult patients the standard dosage is three sachets per day. The cost of the drug ranges from 100 to 180 rubles.

how to take enterosgel for children when vomiting dosage

Reviews about the treatment of drug poisoning

Oksana, 33 years old

Recently I was poisoned by expired yogurt. I lay in bed in pain all day. My husband brought Enterosgel from the pharmacy. I took the medicine as indicated in the instructions, 3 times a day. In less than a few days, my health improved, and vomiting and diarrhea went away without a trace.

Anna, 21 years old

I keep two large dogs at home. On a walk, I may not be able to keep track of them, so it happens that one of my dogs will grab some dirt on the street and immediately swallow it out of harm’s way. Every time on this occasion we went to the veterinarian to the clinic, she prescribed this gel for us. The price of the gel for Enterosgel poisoning is small, a tube of paste lasts a long time. Now every time one of my dogs eats something on the street, I immediately give this remedy. I give a spoonful of gel, then I give the dog water, sometimes from a syringe. The next day we still go to the vet, but I’m no longer afraid for the dog. The product works quickly, the very next day my dogs can eat and move normally.

Peter, 46 years old

I always keep Enterosgel in my home medicine cabinet. My child has very sensitive digestion, so any new product or dish is met with hostility. The instructions describe in detail how to take Enterosgel in case of poisoning. As soon as the child begins to complain, I dilute the gel in water and give it every day. So far, the medicine has never failed my family.


Before starting therapy with Enterosgel, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the medicine. There are several features of taking the medication, which include:

  1. Use is possible in conjunction with drugs from other therapeutic groups, provided that the drugs are taken separately with an interval of at least two hours.
  2. The medicine, as a rule, binds toxic compounds, while it does not interfere with the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals from the intestinal lumen into the general bloodstream.
  3. Enterosgel is allowed to be used by women in the “position” for complex treatment of infectious inflammation of the interstitial tissue, pyelocaliceal and tubular apparatus of the kidneys.
  4. The medication does not affect the functional state of the structures and cortex of the brain, therefore, work related to increased concentration is allowed.

You can buy Enterosgel in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. If you have doubts about the correct use of the medicine, it is considered grounds for contacting a medical specialist.

enterosgel reviews for children with vomiting

The shelf life of the drug is thirty-six months. Enterosgel should be stored in its original packaging, in a dark, dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of plus four to thirty degrees. It is not recommended to freeze the drug.

Features of treatment of poisoning with Enterosgel

Enterosgel should not be taken together with other medications. This is due to the fact that enterosorbent can absorb active substances and molecules of other drugs. Also, when taken together, a decrease in the effectiveness of Enterosgel is observed. Combination therapy with bile acid sequestrants, which affect the reduction of excess cholesterol in the blood, is allowed.

The drug Enterosgel contains no additives, preservatives or dyes. In this regard, there are no restrictions on taking the medicine in case of poisoning. Enterosgel is approved for drug therapy for pregnant women and infants. The indicated dosages of the drug, which are prescribed according to age, should be strictly observed.

Taking the drug Enterosgel should begin with the appearance of early symptoms of poisoning. Recommendations for use:

  1. If the patient is bothered by uncontrollable vomiting, the drug must be taken in between bouts of vomiting. After some time, the drug will begin to act and the feeling of nausea and vomiting will subside.
  2. Patients with severe poisoning, as well as children, are given the drug in diluted form.
  3. In case of severe intoxication, for example, when the toxic substances of poisonous mushrooms affect the body, the dosage indicated in the instructions should be doubled.
  4. The course of treatment with Enterosgel for poisoning is at least three days. Further use of the drug and possible repetition of the course should be indicated by the doctor after a thorough examination and questioning.


Reviews of Enterosgel for vomiting in children confirm that the drug effectively fights intoxication and eliminates unpleasant symptoms. The drug has established itself as an effective and fast-acting medication for any form of poisoning and allergic reactions. In addition, the drug is widely used for hangover syndrome.

In most cases, the product is recommended to eliminate allergies in children. The choice in favor of Enterosgel is due to the fact that it is considered absolutely harmless to the child, has a minimum of contraindications and rarely causes negative effects.

Reviews from medical specialists about Enterosgel are no less positive: the drug perfectly cleanses the intestines, while reducing the load on the liver, with the help of which it is used not only for diarrhea and general intoxication, but also as a remedy for acne and for weight loss.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that without physical exercise and diet correction when losing weight with the help of this medicinal drug, it will not be possible to achieve harmony. Moreover, even if the weight does not decrease, the benefits of Enterosgel prophylaxis for the body will be significant.

Enterosgel: principle of action

Enterosgel for vomiting and diarrhea is a new and modern sorbent drug that copes well with these ailments. It perfectly removes toxins and substances that caused vomiting or diarrhea. At the same time, Enterosgel during diarrhea and vomiting is not absorbed into the blood at all and does not remove useful elements from the body. Its action is point-directed. And that's why it's so effective. When using the medication Enterosgel for vomiting and diarrhea, the body is helped in the fight against negative substances, it is restored, and resistance to toxins and pests increases. The processes of the gastrointestinal tract are improved, the membranes of mucous membranes damaged during diarrhea and vomiting are restored, and blood and urine test values ​​are restored.

Enterosgel for vomiting

Vomiting is often a dangerous sign of serious illness. Therefore, you should immediately seek medical help. Enterosgel is often prescribed as part of complex treatment for vomiting. You should definitely use Enterosgel when vomiting. It will help remove substances such as:

  • allergens;
  • bacteria, as well as their metabolic products;
  • substances after natural metabolism of the body;
  • salt;
  • chemicals that are dangerous due to the large release of toxins;
  • excess medications.
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