Dried fruits for gastritis: benefits, indications for use, prohibitions

Is it possible to eat prunes if you have gastritis?

Most specialists, including gastroenterologists, believe that prunes are useful, sometimes even for gastritis. Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, it complements the diet well with useful substances. But this circumstance applies only to hypoacid gastritis.

Important! In any case, before you start eating dried plums for gastritis, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Dry fruits contain a fairly high concentration of acids and fiber, which irritates the gastric mucosa. So dried, dried or smoked plums should not be consumed during an exacerbation of the disease. But at this time it can be used to prepare compotes and jelly.


If gastritis is accompanied by low acidity (hypoacid), it can be eaten in fairly large quantities. If the acidity of gastric juice is increased (hyperacid form), it is better not to consume dried fruit at all.

Dried apricots for the stomach

All dried fruits and berries can be eaten during the period of remission of the disease, but in recommended dosages. The best types for consumption are compotes and decoctions. They have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane without irritating it.

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Dried apricot can remove waste and toxins from the body. How dried apricots will be useful for gastritis and ulcers remains to be seen:

Gastroenterologists recommend consuming dried fruit in quantities of no more than 3 pieces per day.

Beneficial properties of prunes for the body

Even in fresh form, plums have many beneficial properties due to their high content of vitamins and minerals. And the benefits of dried, dried or smoked fruit (that is, in dehydrated form) increase many times over. This is explained simply: the bulk of the beneficial substances are contained not in the liquid that leaves the plum, but in the dry residue.

Read more about the benefits of prunes for the body.

When dried, fruits lose up to 2/3 of their mass, therefore, we can say that 100 g of dried fruit contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals as 300 g of fresh fruit. The composition contains vitamins B, A, C, E, K, provitamins, minerals (Mg, P, Zn, K, Na, Cu, Fe, etc.), tannins, amino acids.

Composition of prunes


Dried or dried plum fruits have many qualities that are especially useful for children. Some health problems can be solved without resorting to medications, by eating only natural products.

  • Prunes can help in the following cases:
  • has an antimicrobial effect, an inhibitory effect on pathogenic bacteria. It is with this quality that this property of dried plum is associated: it enhances the effect of taking certain medications;
  • helps relieve constipation, normalizes intestinal motility;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces the risk of caries;
  • strengthens the central nervous system;
  • promote weight gain;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes better secretion of gastric juice;
  • is a mild natural diuretic;
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamin A, it helps improve vision.

Did you know? In 1910, the city of Sochi was in quarantine due to cholera; all entries and exits to the city were blocked, which threatened to cause famine. That year there was an unprecedented harvest of Hungarian plums, which began to be dried. Later, both traders and consumers came to the conclusion that the product was superior to imported analogues in most respects.


  • For adults, the product is useful in the following cases:
  • has an antimicrobial effect against gastrointestinal infections;
  • has a mild laxative and diuretic effect;
  • helps with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which is due to the high concentration of potassium in an easily digestible form;
  • relieves swelling, removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, relieves swelling;
  • useful for women during menopause, since a decrease in the body’s production of estrogen promotes the leaching of calcium from the bones;
  • It is useful for men as a potency stimulant, especially in mixtures with nuts and honey.

Benefits of prunes for adults

Dried apricots for the stomach

All dried fruits and berries can be eaten during the period of remission of the disease, but in recommended dosages. The best types for consumption are compotes and decoctions. They have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane without irritating it.

Dried apricot can remove waste and toxins from the body. How dried apricots will be useful for gastritis and ulcers remains to be seen:

Rules for choosing quality prunes

The highest quality product is obtained by drying plums of the Vengerka or Renklod varieties. It is best, of course, to prepare it yourself at home. However, not everyone has this opportunity, so you need to learn how to choose high-quality dried fruits in retail.

Important! The brown tint of prunes indicates that before heat treatment, the plum was doused with boiling water to increase shelf life. It is better not to purchase such a product - the amount of useful substances, in particular vitamin C, in it is minimal.

When buying prunes, you should remember some simple recommendations, the implementation of which will help you choose a quality product and better preserve it:

  • plums should be black, have a slight shine, whole, without damage;
  • You should not buy dried fruits that have an unnatural excessive shine; its source is glycerin;
  • The product with the seed is the most useful; it is better to buy it;
  • do not buy dried plums in large quantities; it is better not to store the product at home for a long time, but to periodically buy small batches;
  • It is best to store prunes in a dry, dark place, in a paper or linen bag, glass jar, or wooden barrels.

How to choose prunes

Features of using the product for gastritis

In a state of stable remission with gastritis, dried fruit can be eaten, although in limited quantities - up to 4 pieces per day. In the hypoacid form (when the acidity of gastric juice is normal or reduced), prunes can be consumed in large quantities.

In addition, the product is used not only in its raw form, but also as part of various dishes - after heat treatment (compote, rice porridge with prunes), it has a more gentle effect on the walls of the stomach.

Find out also whether you can eat apples, carrots, cabbage, watermelon, onions, melon, grapes, dill and eggplants if you have gastritis.

General recommendations for use

  • only during remission;
  • in a soaked form;
  • after heat treatment;
  • for hypersecretion of digestive juices - up to 5 berries per day, only after meals;
  • for adult patients.

With low acidity

With this type of gastrointestinal pathology, most of the features of this product will benefit the body. To best reveal the qualities of the fetus, several rules should be understood and applied.

Features of the use of prunes

Desired effectActive components of berriesTerms of saleMeans of achievement
Restoring the integrity of the mucous membraneAntioxidantsUse in soaked formUse prunes in the form of decoctions, compotes, or crushed
Improved appetiteExtractivesConsume before meals, 10-15 minutesChew a few prepared berries, or drink half a glass of weak broth
Reducing the amount of pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tractPhytoncidesBerries must be clean so as not to introduce new microbial agentsScald or soak in boiling water before use
Normalization of stoolPectin>Eat no more than 30 grams of prunes per day for a mild laxative effectWeigh a portion of dried fruits and distribute them among main meals.
Reducing belching, heartburnCoarse dietary fiberEnsure sufficient concentration of pectin in the stomach during mealsEat soaked berries, but without excessive amounts of liquid, supplement with fiber-rich fruits (for example, baked apples)
Preventing Abdominal PainExtractivesDosed provocation of the secretion of digestive juicesConsume prunes only during remission

With increased acidity

In this case, there is excessive production of digestive juices. Prunes also stimulate their production. This increases the number of aggressive factors that damage the gastric mucosa. The risk of a defect appearing in it increases significantly.

Eating prunes for gastritis with high acidity is strongly not recommended.

But if the desire to eat it is extremely strong, then you must follow several rules:

  • acceptable for long-term remission;
  • in crushed form;
  • eat berries only at the end of a large meal;
  • 5 prunes per day is the maximum allowable amount.

In what cases are prunes contraindicated?

  • In the following situations, prunes should not be eaten at all:
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis and acute conditions of the disease, accompanied by increased acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with excess weight;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Use with caution for women with breastfeeding, since the properties of the dried fruit can cause stomach upset in the child;
  • allergy.


If you suffer from gastritis and have normal gastric acidity, or the disease is in remission, several prunes can be introduced into your diet. If the disease is exacerbated, or you have high acidity, you should refrain from eating dried fruit.

Composition and benefits

Prunes for gastritis slow down destructive processes and promote the removal of toxins from the body, thereby cleansing the organs. However, any allowed dried fruit (including raisins and dried apricots) is rough food and can cause an increase in acidity, so it is better to boil them in water. Prunes are useful because:

  • the substances it contains stimulate the healing of erosive damage in the digestive organs;
  • when used correctly, restores the acidity balance;
  • acts as a natural laxative, helps with bowel problems;
  • awakens appetite and replenishes the body's energy reserves due to its calorie content.

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Dried plums contain many useful substances, such as vitamins E, K, B, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and others. Prunes contain various natural antioxidants, so they are useful for both healthy people and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. It has a positive effect on the mucous membrane, since it neutralizes components that have a detrimental effect on the structure of the walls of the stomach. It also restores already damaged membranes.

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