14 Most Effective Base and Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, oils are actively used - vegetable and animal, solid and liquid, basic and essential.

They can be combined or used in a single version, adding them to compresses and baths, making lotions and rubbing.

The use of flaxseed, olive, sunflower, coconut, cedar, fir and butter oils in the treatment of hemorrhoids will be discussed in our article. We will also answer the question: “Does camphor oil help with hemorrhoids and how exactly.”

About the benefits of oils for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are often accompanied by ruptures, anal fissures, and damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Open wounds get infected, which can cause severe inflammation.

Various oils can be used to combat these symptoms. They are included in industrial products: ointments, creams, sprays, rectal suppositories.

All oils used to treat hemorrhoids can be divided into:

  1. Basic (olive, sunflower, soy, corn, almond, argan). They soften fabrics well and retain water in them, preventing them from drying out. They treat cracks, abrasions and tears, are suitable for dissolving esters, and combine well with other fat-containing components.

  2. Essential (tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, rose, lavender, lemon). Very concentrated ingredients. Suitable for disinfection, stimulating tissue regeneration, accelerating the healing process, relieving inflammation and swelling. Used in very small quantities, preferably dissolved in a fatty medium (base oil, cream).

  3. Solid vegetable (palm, cocoa, coconut). When melted, they become liquid and are used to make rectal suppositories, ointments, and compresses. They heal deep fissures well and treat damaged hemorrhoids.
  4. Others (sea buckthorn, fir, rose hips). Combines the properties of base and essential oils. They have a thick, flowing texture and do not require additives. Used for compresses, lotions, anorectal tampons, suppositories. Widely used in folk medicine as decongestants, anti-inflammatory, wound healing agents.

Oils are used for different stages of hemorrhoids, but they are especially effective at the beginning of the disease.

Also, find out more here about what hemorrhoids look like in men and how to treat them.

For extensive skin lesions, they are used with caution. When treating advanced hemorrhoids, a mandatory consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Why oils can be beneficial for vascular disease

Hemorrhoidal disease is characterized by ruptures, large cracks in the rectal canal and microtrauma, as well as deformations of the mucous membranes and epidermis. Infection can penetrate into such unprotected wounds, and this, of course, is an extremely undesirable scenario. Oils for hemorrhoids can help remove negative symptoms.

It is convenient to differentiate the oils used for this purpose into groups:

  1. Basic. These include sunflower oil, olive oil, as well as soybean, argan, almond and corn. These compounds perfectly soften fabrics and help retain water in them so that they do not dry out. Oils heal cracks, tears and various abrasions quite well, they are suitable for dissolving esters, and work well in combination with other fat-containing compounds.
  2. Solid vegetable. These are cocoa butter, coconut oil and palm solids. When melted, they turn into a liquid mass, and can be used to create creams, ointments, and even candles. Capable of healing deep cracks.
  3. Essential. These are tea tree oil, rosemary, also lemon, lavender, eucalyptus and rose. These samples are considered overconcentrated. They can be used for disinfection purposes. The compositions stimulate tissue healing, accelerate recovery processes, relieve swelling and inflammatory manifestations. Such oils should be used in very small quantities, and they must be dissolved in a fatty medium (for example, base oil).
  4. Other. These are sea buckthorn oil, fir oil, rosehip oil. These compositions combine the characteristics of base and essential oils. They have a fluid consistency, which means they do not need additives. They are actively used for lotions and compresses, suppositories and anorectal tampons. These oils are also used in alternative medicine as remedies against swelling, signs of inflammation, and for wound healing.

Oils are often used at all four stages of the disease, but they can still achieve maximum effect at stages 1-2. If you have just identified the disease and were able to detect it at an early stage, oil therapy is quite possible.

Best Recipes

All types of oils are used in folk medicine. They are rubbed into the affected tissues, included in microenemas, lotions and compresses, and added to water for sitz baths.

You can make homemade rectal suppositories based on solid fats, while semi-solid and viscous ones are needed for preparing ointments.

Before the procedures, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and perform a thorough toilet of the anorectal area. The anus area is washed with warm water and mild soap or antibacterial gel, then dried with a clean cloth. This treatment is carried out several times a day, the exact number of procedures depends on the chosen course.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is rich in vitamin C and valuable amino acids.
An excellent regenerating and restorative agent, relieves pain, itching and burning, reduces external and internal swelling, fights infections and accelerates wound healing. Used for compresses and lotions for protruding hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Apply a portion of oil to a thick cotton cloth and press it to the perineum. The top of the compress is covered with plastic wrap and secured with a bandage. For internal hemorrhoids, it is useful to administer the drug into the anus. Dampen a cotton swab and carefully place it inside. To prevent the leaking substance from staining your underwear, use a sanitary pad or gauze pad applied to the anus.


Olive oil for hemorrhoids is a basic preparation suitable for softening tissues and healing minor injuries.

Heated oil is rubbed into the anal fissures and used to lubricate abrasions.

You can treat internal cones with microenemas. For one procedure, you need 50 ml of a slightly warmed drug, which is injected into the rectum using a syringe. The course of treatment can be continued for up to 10 days.


The product, rich in amino acids and milk fats , softens even very dry skin, creates a thin elastic film on its surface that does not interfere with the access of oxygen. Butter for hemorrhoids is suitable for making homemade ointments and rectal suppositories.

Melt 100 g of the product in a water bath and mix with chopped flax grass and chamomile (3 tablespoons each).

Heat the mixture over very low heat for about 30 minutes, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed beeswax, reheated, poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator. Use 2-3 suppositories per day, the course lasts up to 10 days.


Sunflower oil is a common food product that is quite suitable for treating hemorrhoids. Only purified fresh oil is used, rich in vitamins E and K, amino acids and antioxidants. Can be mixed with ethers, herbal extracts and other components.

To facilitate bowel movements and heal small internal tears, do healing microenemas. Heat 50 ml of the product in a water bath and inject it into the rectum using a syringe. It is better to do the procedure at night after cleansing the intestines.

For painful external nodes, lotions made from warm sunflower oil, to which a few drops of tea tree ether, rosemary or eucalyptus have been added, help.


Fir oil for hemorrhoids is a very valuable product with a pleasant pine aroma.

Contains antibacterial resins and valuable amino acids, improves tissue regeneration, has a disinfecting and hemostatic effect.

Used for rubbing into the anus several times a day.

Can be mixed with other oils, added to baths or homemade ointments.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil for hemorrhoids has disinfecting, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties . Stimulates tissue regeneration, used only for external procedures: compresses, lotions, baths, home ointments.

For painful anal fissures and protruding hemorrhoids, a sitz bath helps to speed up wound healing and prevent suppuration. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat cream with 5-6 drops of essential oil, mix and pour into warm water (temperature about 39 degrees). The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes, it is advisable to do it after cleansing the intestines and thoroughly washing. The course of treatment is 7 nightly procedures.

The drug can be added to wound healing ointments, including industrial ones. For 1 serving, 1-2 drops are enough. The mixture is rubbed into the anus until completely absorbed.

Black cumin oil

Caraway seed squeeze has a very delicate, easily absorbed texture and a pleasant bitter smell. Black cumin oil for hemorrhoids is mainly used to prevent constipation. The product is taken orally, mixed with an equal amount of olive oil. Daily dose – 3 tbsp. spoons, the course lasts 2 weeks.

Therapeutic baths are useful for pain relief and treatment of external and internal injuries. Add 1 tbsp to warm water. spoon of butter. The procedure lasts 15 minutes, it is better to do it before bed, 7-10 days in a row.

Healing agents for the treatment of hemorrhoids


Mix ingredients:

  • Coconut oil – 40 drops;
  • Essential oils (drops): geranium – 5; lavender – 4; bergamot – 3

The ointment relieves pain and relieves inflammation, restores tissue. Store the drug in a glass container.

Ointment for hemorrhoids

Pain relieving lotion

Mix ingredients:

  • Lotion “Cucumber” - 100 ml;
  • Essential oils (drops): cypress – 20; lemon – 10; lavender – 10.

Used to treat hemorrhoids after visiting the toilet, and also apply a cotton swab soaked in lotion to the inflamed area at night. recipe

How to supplement treatment

Oil-based preparations help fight the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids: pain, itching, swelling, cracks and inflammation.

However, they do not affect the condition of the blood vessels, but it is venous dysfunction that becomes the main cause of hemorrhoids.

Treatment should be supplemented with the use of venotonics and anticoagulants in tablets and capsules.

To relieve severe pain attacks, the patient is prescribed anesthetics in the form of oral medications, sprays, ointments and suppositories.

And also read the article about the use of traditional medicine at home to treat hemorrhoids.

An important point is proper nutrition , a balanced drinking regime and a complete rejection of bad habits. Without making lifestyle changes, it will not be possible to achieve a complete cure. Therapy can be supplemented with vitamin preparations, strengthening herbal decoctions and industrially produced BALs.

Carrier and essential oils are an excellent remedy for treating various symptoms of hemorrhoids. They are easy to use, suitable for most patients and easily tolerated by the body. In the early stages, home remedies are especially effective; in advanced forms of the disease, they should be used with caution, under the supervision of a proctologist.

Oil is a wonderful remedy. Many diseases can be treated at an early stage. The same applies to hemorrhoids. It is not necessary to buy olive or sea buckthorn oil; you can use regular sunflower or corn oil. They contain enough vitamin E and microelements. There is one point that I do not see in the article. It would be a good idea to boil the oil. If only because none of us can be sure of the purity of the oil and the inside of the container in which the oil was stored was purchased. Making candles is not necessary. You can use an old toothbrush, or rather its handle, or something similar. Smooth and long enough. Pour the prepared oil into a glass and place a toothbrush handle or similar object in it. Just dip in the oil and gently coat the inside of the anus. Paying attention to the stage of the disease, if this procedure is suitable for you. If you are at the very beginning, relief will come.

People who have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids try to use not only conservative

treatment methods, but also folk recipes. Healing decoctions, lotions, natural suppositories made with your own hands, and even oil - all remedies for hemorrhoids are good. However, before you start using unconventional methods of treatment, you need to find out about their effectiveness, dosage regimen, and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

The greatest demand is castor oil for hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn, sunflower, olive, flaxseed and butter. Convenient use, quick effect and reduction of symptoms with regular use - all this gives patients a chance to get rid of a delicate problem. Each remedy listed above helps relieve itching and burning in the anus, eliminate inflammation, soften irritated skin and heal cracks.

Composition and beneficial properties

Camphor essential oil

The chemical components of camphor essential oil are organic compounds such as borneol, bornyl acetate, geraniol, camphene, camphor, caryophylline, limonene, linalool, methyl cinnamate, pinene, piperitone, sabinene, safrole, terpinene, terpinolene, phellandrene, furfural, cymene, cineole, cinnamaldehyde , eugenol.

Among the properties of the drug are the following:

  • Stimulates many processes in the body - metabolism, respiration, digestion, blood circulation, the work of the heart muscle and brain, the secretion of various glands.
  • It resists microbes, purifies the air from pathogenic microorganisms, and is included in preparations to combat bacterial and fungal infections.
  • It is a carminative - it prevents the formation of gas bubbles in the intestines and improves the evacuation of already formed ones.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, activates nervous processes when it is depressed, awakens the body and supports its functioning. Helps overcome stress, apathy and nervous disorders.
  • It is used for local anesthesia, causes numbness of the nerves in the area of ​​application, and eliminates pain due to neuralgia.
  • Suppresses platelet aggregation (gluing) and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Improves trophism (movement of biological fluids) of tissues, relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • When adding a few drops to the bath, it has a cooling effect; when mixed with massage cream, it causes a rush of blood to the treatment site and warms.
  • For oily skin, it normalizes sebum production, cleanses and tightens pores, relieves inflammation and heals acne scars. Eliminates pigment spots and cares for hair.

Important! For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to choose “white” essential oil, made from natural d-camphor.

Camphor oil solution

In this preparation, camphor crystals make up 10% of the total mass, the rest is given to sunflower oil, which includes:

  • fatty acids – arachidic, behenic, linoleic, linolenic, myristic, oleic, palmitic, stearic;
  • vitamins – large amounts of alpha-tocopherol (E), traces of vitamin K;
  • macroelement – ​​phosphorus;
  • phytosterols – beta-sitosterol.

This camphor oil is an effective preparation for external use – for damage to the musculoskeletal system, bruises, scars, and inflammatory skin diseases.

Simple and affordable treatment methods

Sunflower, olive or butter can be found in any housewife’s kitchen. An indispensable ingredient in cooking can also be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Each folk remedy contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and mineral substances. The unique composition of the liquid will allow you to quickly get rid of a number of symptoms during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and will complement traditional treatment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the methods of using oils, learn about their positive and negative effects on the body, and study several simple and effective recipes.

Recipe No. 1

You can make a special ointment from butter and honey that will help relieve bleeding, relieve pain and a painful burning sensation, heal cracks in the anus and reduce itching. To do this, you need to mix both ingredients in equal proportions, bring to a homogeneous mass and begin treatment.

Sunflower and olive oils

These products are found in literally everyone's kitchen. If you decide to use sunflower oil for hemorrhoids, then only fresh and purified oil with an impressive amount of vitamins E and K will do. However, you can mix it with essential oils and herbal extracts.

This oil is suitable for

carrying out therapeutic microenemas. Heat 50 ml of sunflower oil in a water bath. It must be inserted into the cleansed rectum using a syringe.

This session is recommended to be performed at night. Oil lotions can also help, to which you first add a couple of drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil.

Warmed olive oil (but not hot!) can be rubbed into the anal fissures to soothe the irritated area. You can treat internal nodes with microenemas. Again, take 50 ml of oil, it should be heated and injected into the rectum with a syringe. The approximate course of therapy reaches ten days.

Natural first aid kit for a painful illness

Products widely used in cosmetology have also proven themselves well. Sea buckthorn, flax, camphor, cocoa and even tea tree oil will provide comprehensive care for inflamed skin of the perianal area, reduce the size of hemorrhoidal cones and heal cracks on the anus. With regular and correct use, you can get rid of the external manifestations of the disease and relieve some of the symptoms during periods of exacerbation.

Recipe No. 1

Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids is often used if there are contraindications to the use of traditional medications. The healing composition can be used to make microenemas, compresses, and lotions. Treatment of hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil must be long-term in order to notice positive dynamics. The medicine can be made at home or purchased at a pharmacy.

Sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy with hemorrhoids will help get rid of pain, cracks and itching, reduce bleeding when other drugs do not help or there is a risk to the child’s health. For the internal variety of the disease, therapeutic enemas can be done. To do this, a product at room temperature is injected into the anus, and after half an hour the intestines are emptied. You can carry out such procedures daily without fear of side effects.

Instead of enemas, you can use tampons. They are inserted into the rectum for a couple of hours, then removed and hygienic procedures are carried out.

Sea buckthorn oil can also be used in the form of compresses for hemorrhoids. To do this, a piece of gauze is soaked in a healing composition, applied to the anus overnight, and washed with warm water in the morning. You can supplement the treatment with internal intake of sea buckthorn extract - every day for a month you need to drink 1 tsp. oils on an empty stomach.

Recipe No. 2

Tea tree oil for hemorrhoids helps many patients. It has excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. The healing composition can only be used externally in the form of baths, suppositories and compresses. For example, you can mix 3 drops of tea tree extract with 10 drops of soy extract, mix well and rub the product into the inflamed nodes.

Sitz baths with medicinal liquid can be taken daily for 10 minutes. To do this, in 2 tbsp. l. cream, dilute 4-5 drops of natural extract, pour the composition into a basin and immerse hemorrhoidal cones in water. After the procedure, the patient will feel a decrease in pain, itching and burning.

Recipe No. 3

Camphor oil for hemorrhoids is used in the form of compresses and suppositories. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. A cotton swab is moistened with the mixture and carefully inserted into the anus. The duration of the procedure is 30–40 minutes. The first results can be seen after 4 sessions. The cracks begin to gradually heal, the skin in the anal area is less inflamed, and bleeding decreases.

Recipe No. 4

Flaxseed oil for hemorrhoids can be used both internally and as medicinal compresses. In the first case, the composition will help improve digestion and solve the problem of constipation. You need to consume it in 2 tbsp. l. daily before the first meal.

To make a compress for cracks, pain and itching in the rectum, mix 30 ml of flaxseed and sea buckthorn extracts, 50 g. dry calendula inflorescences and 1 gr. anesthesin (in powder form). All components should be mixed well, applied to a cotton swab and applied to inflamed tissues overnight. Treatment should be carried out in courses, the duration of which should not be more than a week.

Recipe No. 5

Castor oil for hemorrhoids is best taken orally. The healing liquid will improve intestinal perilstatics, relieve constipation, and help reduce knots. You need to take it 1–1.5 tbsp. l. daily before breakfast.

Usually the process of defecation occurs within 4–5 hours from the moment of taking the drug.

Recipe No. 6. Cacao butter

Cocoa butter is often used for hemorrhoids to reduce and relieve swelling in the nodes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should lubricate the cones with the extract at night, and after sleep, carry out the usual hygiene procedures.

Hemorrhoids are the occurrence of pathology of the rectum with subsequent exacerbation and the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. They become pain and bleeding. Possible itching and microcracks on the skin. People with constant accumulation of feces in the body and pregnant women are at risk of getting hemorrhoids. To save themselves from the disease, patients resort to the use of traditional medicine.

Oils for hemorrhoids made with natural ingredients are famous. Heal skin damage, relieve pain, reducing hemorrhoids. Oil-based rectal suppositories and hemorrhoid creams are produced. Using a traditional recipe is possible with the permission of a doctor.

Coconut oil and cocoa butter

If sunflower oil

if hemorrhoids do not inspire confidence in you (and in vain, by the way), try more exotic options - for example, coconut oil. This is a plant product with an unusually hard texture. It is white in color, its sweet smell is difficult to confuse with something else. It contains a lot of vitamins K and E that are beneficial for the skin, as well as fatty acids and microelements important in the healing process.

Coconut oil is used as a natural softening, soothing and regenerative ointment. Apply the composition carefully to deformed areas of skin in the anus area. How to administer oil if the problem is internal? To do this, you need to divide it into pieces that are easy to administer. Push these pieces gradually into the cleaned anus, without sudden movements. You do not have the task of pushing them as far as possible - you are not treating all segments of the rectum, but only acting on hemorrhoidal cones.

By the way, coconut oil also works as a laxative: using it, you will help yourself with constipation. The oil helps the rocky feces pass out comfortably.

Another healing oil is cocoa butter. It is a whole vitamin-mineral complex + useful acids. And the delicate chocolate aroma leaves good associations with such home therapy. Cocoa butter helps restore deformed areas, relieves swelling and itching. Based on this herbal ingredient, you can prepare an ointment or rectal suppositories (first melt the oil and then freeze it in suitable molds).

What types are used for hemorrhoids

Tea tree oils for hemorrhoids, stone oil, and cream oil are common. Useful options include olives, cumin, flax, and fir. Let's take a closer look at their functions.


Oil is taken orally to soften the intestines and combat constipation. Use castor oil to get rid of cones. For oral administration, take 20 ml. The effect will occur five hours after administration.

For external use for hemorrhoids, make a castor compress and warm baths (13 drops of oils per 3 liters). Using castor oil for hemorrhoids relieves pain and itching, removes swelling, and improves blood circulation. For a similar effect, camphor oil is used.

Tea tree oil for hemorrhoids

Concentrated oil is poured into baths to relieve swelling and heal wounds. Treatment lasts 30 days. Suppositories richly moistened with oil and special ointments for external cones are used. It is acceptable to lubricate the anal area before going to the toilet.

Flaxseed oil for hemorrhoids

To get rid of constipation, take flaxseed oil orally (10-15 ml per day). The most effective treatment for external bumps is the combination with Wundehil pharmaceutical ointment, mixed in equal proportions.

They combine oils for hemorrhoids: flaxseed with sea buckthorn. To prepare the mixture, take one and a half or two tablespoons of oils, add a gram of bactericidal agent and calendula cream (3 tablespoons), mix.

Olive oil for hemorrhoids

To treat constipation and hemorrhoids, refined olive oil, containing vitamins and antioxidants, is used. For oral administration, drink twenty-five grams on an empty stomach. As a preventive measure, use for preparing salads, replacing vegetable ones. When used externally, inflammation is relieved and skin damage is removed.

We recommend adding olive oils and honey to the treatment and lubricating sore spots. To treat hemorrhoids, 40-60 ml is injected into the rectal cavity. The method is contraindicated for people with liver and stomach diseases.


Coniferous spruce is used for swelling, itching and the appearance of hemorrhoidal formations. The product is characterized by a pronounced antibacterial effect and performs an anti-inflammatory function. The treatment uses rectal suppositories with fir oil four times a day.

To make a candle, 15 grams of the product are mixed with butter (120 grams) with the addition of 15 grams of wax. Fir spruce is used to get rid of hemorrhoids using daily enemas.

Black cumin oil

To defeat hemorrhoids, doctors recommend using it systematically orally. The product helps regulate food digestion and reduce the accumulation of feces. The main “advantage” of cumin is the absence of side effects.

The recipe for daily intake is a mixture of olive oil and black cumin. External use reduces nodes and heals the skin around the anus. It is advisable to lubricate the damaged areas when washing. Methods are contraindicated for pregnant women.


A gentle way to heal affected tissues is treatment with antibacterial essential oils. Used for warm baths, massages, and in the manufacture of ointments. Add cypress and lavender to the sitz bath (for 15 minutes). To make a cream for healing cracks at home, you will need 5 grams of lavender oil and geranium, 35 drops of coconut oil with 3 grams. bergamot.

Kedrovoe (Zhivitsa)

If hemorrhoids worsen, use oleoresin. Mix 20 gr. wax and cedar oil with two hundred grams of butter. Let the gruel simmer in a steam pan until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Leave the finished ointment to cool in the refrigerator for two hours. To treat internal cones, suppositories are prepared. Hemorrhoids can be quickly treated by administering two grams of cedar nut oil daily rectally.


Enriched with beneficial microelements, the product, together with honey, quickly eliminates pain and bleeding. The rectal method of administering the medicine is suitable, lubricating the tissue around the anus. This is the base for homemade rectal suppositories. Should be stored in the refrigerator.


To relieve constipation, it is taken orally. It is considered a base for creams and rectal suppositories. Compressing a starch mixture with sunflower oil and wiping microcracks to relieve discomfort are effective.

Cocoa butter

The product is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. Removes cracks and wounds. To lubricate external components and cracks, the oil is melted. Treatment of internal problems is possible with an enema. Take chamomile tea and mix with 5 grams of melted butter. Add to your usual diet as a preventive measure.


To eliminate fecal constipation, doctors recommend using fifteen grams of petroleum jelly as the best way to form a protective film in the intestines, guaranteeing safety and ease of passage of the anal canal. Vaseline is contraindicated for acute pain.

Rose hip

Wild rose spruce is a natural bactericidal agent for wound healing:

  • Helps cure swelling and inflammation of tissues;
  • Accelerates the absorption of hemorrhoids;
  • Heals skin damage and restores intestinal microflora.

Sold in pharmacies. To treat internal nodes, a tampon soaked in the product is inserted into the anus for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the anus is wiped with oil.


Effectively heals damage, eliminates the inflammatory process. Use internally restores the mucous membrane and normalizes digestion. Take seven grams daily before meals. Try microenemas with warm water (50 g of liquid and 15 g of oil). The course of treatment is carried out over two weeks.

Methods for treating hemorrhoids using oils - rubbing, compresses, suppositories, tinctures and others. Before using the methods, pay attention to the list of contraindications and consult with your doctor.

Cedar and camphor oils for hemorrhoids

Cedar oil is a natural antioxidant. It perfectly disinfects tissues, accelerates their healing, and also prevents bleeding. It contains valuable resins and fatty acids important for the skin.

Camphor oil has a pungent aroma: it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, relieves swelling and has antibacterial properties. It is suitable for performing external and internal therapeutic procedures. To combat the growth of nodes, hold cotton swabs in the composition, then gently squeeze them out and insert them into the painful area. The effect of one such tampon is 1-2 hours. Procedures are allowed to be performed for no longer than a week.


Maria: Hemorrhoids appeared during pregnancy. For treatment, I used suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. The doctor recommended that sea buckthorn is harmless for pregnant women and has no side effects for the child. The course of treatment lasted two weeks, pain relief began on the third day. I was satisfied, I recommend it to expectant mothers during pregnancy.

Victoria Sergeevna: Recently an unpleasant illness began, I was ashamed to go to the hospital. My son-in-law is a doctor, he advised me to use traditional medicine. I recommended tea tree oils and sea buckthorn baths. I was pleased with the result. Before going to bed, I took baths and anointed the sore spots with oil throughout the day. The treatment went quickly - just over a week. For prevention, I added olive oil seed, chamomile tea, rosehip tea to my diet, and I continue to use rubs. I'm sure the disease is no longer a threat. I recommend taking a closer look at traditional medicine for treating hemorrhoids using essential oils.

Peter: To treat hemorrhoids, I underwent a comprehensive course of treatment with flaxseed oil and Wundehil ointment, and continued to use homemade rectal suppositories. The doctor advised to use butter and cedar oils. The treatment went quickly, there were no exacerbations and the pocket was not damaged. It’s not for nothing that traditional medicine has been developing for a thousand years; I consider it a replacement for medical drugs purchased at the pharmacy.


If camphor oil enters the body, it can cause poisoning, the symptoms of which are thirst, vomiting, a drop in body temperature, increased blood pressure, convulsions, and disturbances of consciousness. Taking a few grams of the product can cause death. Therefore, official medicine prohibits the ingestion of the substance.

Contraindications for external use of the drug are:

  • Increased sensitivity. Before use, it is recommended to do a skin test by applying a small amount of oil solution to the wrist or elbow. In the absence of itching, burning, redness of the skin, or rashes, treatment of larger areas is allowed.
  • Epilepsy and other nervous disorders accompanied by excessive stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Hypertension, vascular spasms - these conditions require increased caution during treatment.
  • Open wounds, cuts, burns in the treatment area.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, the body's sensitivity to various substances increases.
  • Lactation.
  • Children under 2 years of age.

Camphor essential oil is a very concentrated and potent remedy. In its pure form, it cannot be applied to the skin and mucous membranes.

Types of medicinal oils

When talking about healing oily liquids, one cannot fail to mention the importance of dividing these products into two large categories: essential and base (vegetable) oils. They differ in the intensity of aroma, consistency, and percentage of useful components.

  • Base oils. These essences are obtained from the most oil-containing parts of the plant - most often these are fruits, seeds, seeds and nuts. They have good absorbent, dissolving and penetrating properties. Base oils contain micro- and macroelements, vitamins, other bioactive substances and essential oils. Depending on the meltability of fats, there are liquid and solid bases.
  • Essential oils. These products are isolated by distillation and extraction from the most fragrant plant parts - foliage, bark, inflorescences, rhizomes. Such extracts are distinguished by a high concentration of healing substances, a pronounced aroma and the ability to evaporate. The result is complex - essential oils cause a local reaction and act on the nervous system through smell.

To get the best results, experts advise mixing base and essential oils.
The base is the basis of the drug, allowing the esters to be distributed throughout the drug and increasing the area of ​​effect. The ratio of the two fractions is as follows: for one part of essential liquid, usually take 10 parts of base oil. The resulting liquid medicine can be applied to a gauze bandage and applied to external hemorrhoids. In the case of rectal cavernous formations, a tampon is impregnated with the drug and inserted into the anus.

Rectal suppositories are formed from a solid oily base. For this purpose, the base oil should be heated, a certain amount of essential liquid should be added to it and poured into special containers. After the drug hardens in the refrigerator, it can be used to treat internal hemorrhoids.

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