Stomach blockage symptoms and treatment


Stomach blockage occurs due to disruption of the stomach.

There are several factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  1. tumor formations form in the stomach;
  2. the disease develops because the tumor makes it difficult for food to move;
  3. The cause of damage to the mucous membranes may be radiation therapy;
  4. adhesions can be seen on the walls of the stomach;
  5. scar changes occur after surgery;
  6. inflammatory processes are accompanied by a decrease in the diameter of the pylorus of the stomach;
  7. gastric blockage may be associated with cholelithiasis;
  8. there are complex forms of constipation that develop due to Parkinson's disease;
  9. in many patients the pathology is congenital;
  10. taking medications that impair motility affects the movement of food through the stomach;
  11. clogging of the stomach may be associated with the consumption of low-quality products; curious children may accidentally swallow an inedible object;
  12. Gastric atresia leads to overgrowth of the canals, which impede the free movement of food;
  13. with hypertrophy of the gastric wall, the patient suffers from constant bouts of vomiting.


As you know, it is better to prevent diseases than to treat them, and this situation is an exception. First of all, you need to follow the established daily routine, sleep as much as possible and increase the number of daily walks. Don't sit too long in front of the TV. It is necessary to create a friendly atmosphere in the family, since a lot will depend on this, because stress can provoke the appearance of this disease.

If we are talking about a baby who has not yet turned one year old, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods according to his age. It is not recommended to eat fast food at any age. Be sure to track the schedule of meals, which should be at the same time. This allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including contributing to its stable functioning. When eating, talking and pampering are prohibited. You should not combine eating and watching cartoons, as many children want to do. The environment should be calm and conducive to not disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular examinations by doctors are considered mandatory to prevent the occurrence of infections, because they provoke gastritis. In addition, it is necessary to explain to the child how to chew food and that it should not be swallowed without thorough chewing.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs of pathology include:

  • constant attacks of vomiting mixed with bile;
  • the body tries to get rid of food by any means;
  • a person becomes dehydrated and becomes weak in the body;
  • nausea and flatulence occur;
  • clogging of the stomach is accompanied by abdominal pain, a person begins to have diarrhea;
  • with indigestion, bloody clots appear in the stool;
  • the temperature rises, the patient loses appetite;
  • accumulation of blood in the patient's stool indicates internal bleeding.

There is a risk of death due to untimely treatment.

How to help a patient suffering from a clogged stomach

To eliminate a blockage in the stomach, it is necessary to clean it.

To get rid of blockages, conservative and surgical methods are used. Conservative therapy involves the use of an enema and gastric lavage.

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Doctors recommend using a drip using a special solution. This method helps restore normal electrolyte balance.

Thus, a person gets rid of the symptoms of dehydration. During surgery, doctors use a flexible tube. With its help, food is removed from the stomach. If necessary, tissues that have undergone necrosis are removed.

After surgery, measures must be taken to restore water and electrolyte balance. Conservative therapy is used in cases where there are no serious injuries.

When the first symptoms of blockage appear, doctors recommend flushing the stomach in any way. Registration medications are used to eliminate symptoms of dehydration. They should be taken in small sips to avoid vomiting.

Pathologies of the pancreas affect the functioning of the digestive organs. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, doctors prescribe the patient to take medications that contain enzymes (Festal, Mezim).

To eliminate the symptoms of stomach blockage, you need to adjust your diet. During your illness, you will have to exclude fatty meats and fast foods from your diet. They are difficult to digest in the stomach and slow down the movement of the food bolus through the stomach.

A clogged stomach affects the condition of the mucous membranes. In patients, the inflammatory process begins. Such patients can be helped by starting treatment with herbal decoctions with anti-inflammatory properties.

Chamomile decoction has long been used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. A healing infusion will help stop inflammatory processes. Antiemetics are used to stop vomiting. In case of infection, the patient must undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

To get positive results, doctors advise completely abstaining from food for several days. However, therapeutic fasting is contraindicated in children under one year of age. In the future, you need to stick to the diet. Avoid mushrooms, marinades and canned foods.


The choice of treatment procedures that will be carried out to eliminate gastrostasis directly depends on the degree of the disease. But at the first manifestations of symptoms, doctors advise patients to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Perform gastric lavage. There is an affordable and simple way to cleanse the stomach, which is suitable for doing at home. First you need to prepare a weak solution for washing: it can be saline, soda, and the use of potassium permanganate is also allowed. The active ingredients must be used in very low concentrations to avoid burns or irritation of the mucous membranes. The solution needs to be warmed up a little so that it is slightly warm. Then the patient should drink two glasses of the drug and induce vomiting.
  2. Take any enzyme preparation. There are a lot of remedies that are aimed at normalizing intestinal microflora and improving gastric and intestinal digestion. Such drugs include Mezim, Festal and others.
  3. Drink as much warm water as possible. Any liquid helps to quickly remove excess from the body. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of water in small sips so as not to create a large load and not cause a gag reflex.
  4. Adjust your menu. During the period of illness, the food in your diet should be easily digestible; you must exclude any coarse dietary fiber and other difficult-to-digest foods to make it easier for the stomach.
  5. Use some folk remedies. To achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, you can drink chamomile decoction, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes of organs.

Surgical methods

Mezim will help improve the functioning of the digestive system.

To eliminate gastric obstruction, the specialist adheres to the following algorithm:

  • A tube is inserted through the patient's mouth. With its help, a certain volume of liquid is removed.
  • If dead tissue is identified, the surgeon performs resection. After this, the specialist connects the healthy endings.
  • Intravenous procedures are mandatory after surgery. This is due to the fact that surgery is accompanied by the loss of a large amount of fluid. It is urgent to replenish your electrolyte supply.

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Medicines improve the patient's condition and prepare him for surgery. The patient is prescribed antiemetic and antibacterial drugs. In some cases, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids to help him cope with heavy workload.

This video will show you how to cleanse your colon with salt water:

Stomach blockage in babies

Digestive disorders in children under two years of age occur due to infectious diseases. In this case, the digestive function of the digestive system is disrupted.

Stomach flu can cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is quite difficult to identify a blockage in the stomach in a baby under one year of age. The reason is that the baby is simply not able to describe the symptoms of the disease.

The cause of obstruction in infants is infection. It leads to decreased blood flow in the intestines. An inflammatory process begins in the stomach. When diagnosing with an X-ray machine, specialists determine the location of the blockage. The examination results are used to select treatment options.

While palpating the abdomen, the doctor identifies painful areas. The specialist uses a stethoscope to listen. A more accurate diagnosis can only be made after undergoing an examination.

For this purpose, the baby is sent for an abdominal x-ray. Thanks to this procedure, specialists receive information about the presence of tumors, diseases of the digestive system and the condition of the mucous membranes. X-rays use a contrast agent. This method is used to determine the degree of gastric patency.

Many parents have questions about how to help their baby. First, rinse your stomach with warm water. Drink a glass of water and lean over the sink. After that, take a teaspoon and put it in your mouth. Induce vomiting artificially by irritating the base of your tongue.

The contents of the stomach will rise during the cleansing process. Thus, you can free your stomach from excess food. The procedure must be repeated until now, until only water comes out. You can do without gastric lavage.

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To do this, you need to take 2 Mezim tablets. This drug will improve the absorption of food and relieve blockages. The child should not be fed fatty and fried foods. Such dishes will only worsen the baby’s condition.

It is necessary to relieve the digestive organs as much as possible. Light foods that are easily absorbed by the body are suitable.

How to treat

Treatment of blockage can be carried out either surgically in severe cases or conservatively in the hospital, however, at home in case of acute symptoms the following measures can be carried out:

  • rinse the stomach by inducing vomiting with water or using castor oil;
  • take Regidron 1 teaspoon every 10 minutes for several hours;
  • drink Mezim forte, Festal or other enzyme preparations in the amount of 2 tablets for an adult and 1 for a child;
  • drink mineral water at room temperature in small sips, but often;
  • limit the consumption of fatty, fried and other foods that require significant time and resources to digest;
  • As a folk recipe, you can use a decoction of chamomile or sage to relieve acute inflammatory processes.

Conservative treatment with hospitalization involves enemas and gastric lavage, as well as the appointment of special droppers to restore water and electrolyte balance, if necessary.

In some cases, a catheter is installed to balance the amount of fluid in the body.

Possible complications

Festal improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

The pathological process often affects the distal section. With this pathology, there is a high probability of food accumulation for 7 days. Slowing down the movement of food in the stomach affects the functioning of all digestive organs.

The patient experiences intestinal juice reflux outside the stomach. The acidic contents get on the mucous membranes and easily damage the mucous membranes. The patient develops ulcers.

Constant bouts of vomiting deprive the patient of the fluid necessary for the functioning of the body. Vomit may enter the respiratory tract. A clogged stomach poses a danger to the patient. If left untreated, the pathology can be fatal.

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