One anti-worm tablet for children and adults, names and description of action

Pharmaceutical companies have developed many effective drugs used to prevent and treat various parasites in humans. Some products fight a specific type of helminth, and some have a broad spectrum of action, destroying several types of parasites at the same time. In any case, before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, determine the diagnosis and the reasons why prevention is necessary.


The most common parasites that infect humans fall into three categories: nematodes, cestodes and trematodes. Let's look at methods for home prevention of helminthiases and effective medications for them.

Harm from parasites

Harmful microorganisms lead to the development of severe consequences. Many of them subside until the immune system is unable to contain the constant growth of parasites. As a result of massive infestation, a person is poisoned with toxic waste from helminths, which manifests itself as allergies.

Substances secreted by parasites poison internal organs; adult individuals mechanically damage the intestinal mucosa and bile ducts. They infect the liver and feed on human blood. Some types of worms take up residence in the brain.

Even a small lamblia can reproduce on an incredible scale. And she needs very little time for this. Living in the human body, it disrupts all its systems. While other parasites require gradual maturation and fertilization does not occur immediately, Giardia reproduces in a short time.

Intestinal parasites

Truths and myths about parasite infestation

They can appear in any living creature. These organisms invade the host's body, quickly multiply there and live off it. Settling in the human intestines, they disrupt the ability to normally process food, literally stealing beneficial nutrients, preventing vitamins and minerals from being absorbed.

The waste products of worms spoil the intestinal microflora, reduce immunity, and can cause bacterial infections and malfunctions of other body systems. Common multicellular parasites are tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms. Single-celled parasites are Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Giardia).

Symptoms of infection

In the initial stages, a parasitic infection is usually asymptomatic. Some types of helminths provoke severe consequences during migration. If they move into the lungs, intestines, or bile ducts, they often do not manifest themselves for many years. However, there are still general signs of infection, so preventive tablets may be required if a person has:

  • performance decreases. The patient quickly gets tired and feels general malaise;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders are observed. Constipation is replaced by diarrhea. Sometimes diarrhea can last for several days in a row;
  • I am constantly worried about allergies. Treatment of its symptoms is powerless. Drowsiness, sneezing, watery eyes and coughing do not go away after taking antihistamines. This reaction is caused by the activity of parasites in the body;
  • irritability, depression, absent-mindedness, and apathy appear.
  • protective functions weaken. A parasitic infection disrupts the functioning of the immune system, as a result of which the body is exposed to viral and bacterial diseases;
  • A person with helminthiasis quickly loses weight, his metabolic processes are disrupted, which leads to diabetes and psoriasis. Lack of vitamins provokes the development of atherosclerosis and swelling of the limbs.

When infected with parasites, the gastrointestinal tract often suffers

Massive invasion can block the esophagus and cause intestinal obstruction. Helminths in many cases cause cirrhosis of the liver and kidney stones. Internal organs can become enlarged if hydatid cysts develop in them.

How to find out if there are parasites in the intestines

Symptoms and signs of worms in an adult

Most diseases caused by parasites go unnoticed. The consequences of infection are not immediately felt, and the symptoms of helminth invasion can be confused with the flu or food poisoning. You can go years without knowing about the existence of worms inside yourself. If parasites are not detected in time, they will cause irreparable harm.

Symptoms characteristic of intestinal helminth infection:

  • cramps, stomach pain;
  • nausea, upset stomach, vomiting;
  • heat;
  • dehydration;
  • increased gas formation, diarrhea or constipation;
  • weight loss (sharp decrease or gradual long-term);
  • pain in muscles, joints, flu symptoms;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • skin redness, itching or irritation.

These symptoms are the human body's reaction to foreign substances inside. Parasitic worms feed on the same substances as humans, depriving the body of essential nutrients. If one or more symptoms persist for several days or weeks, it is important to seek medical help. If diagnosed early, oral medications can help control parasites.

If the infection is detected at a late stage, internal organ injuries may occur. Lack of timely treatment causes serious consequences, in some cases tumors develop. In children, advanced forms of helminthiasis are fraught with delayed physical and mental development.

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Why are infections not treated immediately?

As a rule, a person who experiences the above symptoms does not even suspect that parasites have settled in his body and are poisoning him from the inside. In most cases, the presence of helminthiasis is not immediately diagnosed, so the patient is prescribed therapy aimed at restoring the functioning of the affected organs. However, it turns out to be ineffective, and only then can an accumulation of helminths be detected during examination.

Symptoms of helminthiasis are similar to the symptoms of many diseases

Symptoms of helminthiasis are often confused with diseases such as cystitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. In order not to carry out complex and pointless treatment, it is imperative to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures and only then take anthelmintic drugs.

Products for children

A child's body is more vulnerable to worms, so it is necessary to prevent their reproduction and suppress the disease in the early stages. First of all, you need to consult a parasitologist and, based on the data obtained, purchase certain medications. All products aimed at combating helminths have a toxic effect, so it is dangerous to use them without a doctor’s prescription.

Decaris for getting rid of parasites

Currently, among the basic drugs recommended by doctors, the following can be distinguished:

  • Vermox;
  • Pyrantel (Helmintox, Nemotsid);
  • Levamisole (Decaris);
  • Piperazine (the least toxic drug);
  • Albendazole (Vormil).

Wormil for parasites

If the dosage is observed, all of these drugs are safe. Prevention should be carried out according to the recommendations of specialists. For children attending kindergartens, these procedures should be carried out every six months. If the child is doing well - with weight and appetite, then you should not once again expose his body to the effects of drugs. But if there are obvious signs, then it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Pumpkin seeds for worms

What is the danger of helminth infection?

Parasitic infection is the culprit of many diseases. In some cases, helminths can cause cancer, as evidenced by medical practice. The affected cells of individuals, under the influence of intestinal juices, begin to be digested and are carried through the bloodstream throughout the entire organ. There is great danger if they make their way into the lymph system.

Over time, dangerous cells develop into cancer. The tumor grows so quickly that the person dies within a couple of months.

To prevent malignant tumors in humans, one should resort to regular prevention of helminthiasis.

If parasites infect the human brain, it causes paralysis of the entire body. Their further reproduction in this organ leads to the death of the patient.

Heartworms are also dangerous to humans. They can be infected from pets. For example, toxocara is most often found in dogs. If you do not wash your hands after contact with a sick animal, there is a risk that the parasite will enter the stomach and then through the bloodstream into the right ventricle of the heart. The parasite will live in this place, hiding for many years, but at the same time it will begin to grow intensively. When there is not enough space for him, or new infections appear, sudden death may occur.

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Toximin® - a remedy for parasites for children and adults!

  • Dispensed without a doctor's prescription;
  • Can be used at home;
  • Clears parasites in 1 course;
  • Thanks to tannins, it heals and protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, and skin from parasites;
  • Eliminates rotting in the intestines, neutralizes parasite eggs thanks to the F molecule.

A certified remedy recommended by helminthologists for getting rid of parasites at home. It has a pleasant taste that children will like. Consists exclusively of medicinal plants collected in environmentally friendly places.

There is a discount now. The drug can be obtained free of charge.

Hello, readers of the site about parasites My name is Alexander Lignum. I am the author of this site. I am 23 years old, I am a 5th year student at the Kemerovo State Medical Institute. Specialization "Parasitologist". Consultation by phone: +7. More about the author>>

The best stories from our readers

Topic: Parasites are to blame for all troubles!

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected] )

To: Administration

I have felt very bad for the past few years. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, and in the morning I had bad breath.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

Then I went to an expensive clinic and had all the tests done, and in one of the tests I was found to have parasites. These were not ordinary worms, but a specific type, with which, according to doctors, almost everyone is infected, to a greater or lesser extent. It is almost impossible to remove them from the body. I took a course of antiparasitic medications that were prescribed to me at that clinic, but there was almost no result.

A couple of weeks later I came across an article on the Internet. This article literally changed my life. I did everything as it was written there and within a few days I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, and the energy that I had in my youth appeared. My head no longer hurts, my mind became clearer, my brain began to work much better. My digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I took tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

Anyone who wants to cleanse their body of parasites, no matter what types of these creatures live in you, read this article, I’m 100% sure it will help you! Go to article>>>

When parasites appear in the body, it is imperative to cleanse the intestines. Medicines or traditional recipes will help with this. To understand which product to use, consult a specialist. He will conduct a diagnosis and if the diagnosis is confirmed, you can begin treatment. It is important to remember that self-medication can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “advanced” ulcers or gastritis can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Galina Savina says and read the recommendation.

In what cases is parasite prevention necessary?

Tablets for parasites in humans are prescribed for prevention purposes in the following cases:

  • if there are animals in the house;
  • in contact with the ground;
  • when traveling to exotic countries;
  • when engaged in fishing and hunting.

If there are animals in the house, then worm prevention must be carried out.

Drug prevention of parasites is necessary for children who attend preschool and school institutions.

In order to prevent helminthiasis, doctors unanimously agreed that the fight against parasites should be carried out using pharmaceutical drugs. It is important that the dosage and treatment regimen be drawn up by a doctor. As for folk recipes against worms, they only work in conjunction with drug therapy. For example, excellent products that will help expel parasites and prevent invasion are onions, garlic, and pumpkin seeds.

Alternative medicine involves the use of natural products that do not harm the human body, but at the same time are effective in removing worms.

List of drugs and brief instructions for each


"Albendazole" is one of the most common drugs that help fight parasitic infestations. This medicine is also available under the names “Nemozol” and “Vormil”. The product was created by an Indian pharmaceutical company that studied helminths and proved the effectiveness of the active component “Albendazole” on parasites. Due to the fact that the drug is produced in India, the price of Albendazole is higher compared to inexpensive domestic analogues that have the same active ingredient.

The drug effectively fights different types of parasites, including both nematodes and flukes. In addition, this medicine can affect not only adult parasites, but also their eggs.

For an adult, one dose of Albendazole tablet is enough for preventive or therapeutic purposes. Further use of the drug is allowed only after a month. It is not recommended to drink this remedy during pregnancy and lactation.


"Vermox" is recommended for the prevention of various types of parasites. This drug has a wide range of effects on helminths. It effectively copes with parasites such as roundworms, pinworms, strongyloides, echinococci, etc.

The drug is not allowed to be used for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, you should take into account its compatibility with other medications, as described in the instructions. For prevention, an adult patient is prescribed one tablet per day. The prophylactic course lasts three days. While taking the medicine, a person should give up alcohol and foods that are heavy on the stomach.

Since Vermox contains lactose, the drug is contraindicated for people intolerant to this substance.


The drug "Helmintox" is characterized by a broad effect - it can overcome one and a half dozen types of parasites. To carry out prevention, an adult should take only one tablet. After two weeks, the dose can be repeated. The active action and absorption of the drug in the body does not depend on food intake.

Caution when using the medicine should be exercised in patients suffering from severe liver diseases. The drug does not cause intoxication of the body. Its overdose does not pose a health hazard. “Helmintox” is well tolerated by patients, and side effects such as vomiting and dizziness are extremely rare. Despite the advantages and safety of the drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor before prophylaxis.


"Pyrantel" is a good remedy for eliminating roundworms. This drug is safe, so it is recommended even for young children. However, there are a number of contraindications: taking the drug is not allowed in case of chronic kidney and liver failure.

After entering the human body, “Pyrantel” dissolves and penetrates the body of the parasite. This creature loses its ability to move. In a short time, the drug makes the helminth completely paralyzed.

Pirantel also has side effects, namely: diarrhea and possible allergies. However, these phenomena pass quickly enough if the patient carries out prophylaxis correctly and does not exceed the recommended doses.

The drug can only fight adult worms, so during the treatment process, two weeks after the first dose of the medicine, you need to repeat the procedure again.


“Kombantrin” is an anthelmintic that effectively prevents diseases caused by the active activity of parasites in the human body. If you take the drug for prevention, there is no need to follow a special diet or take laxatives. The “Kombantrin” tablet must be chewed and washed down with a large volume of boiled water.

During treatment with the drug, two tablets are taken on the first day: a morning and an evening dose. On the second day you need to take one pill at night. After 14 days the scheme is repeated.

The medication is characterized by pronounced concomitant actions. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and can lead to insomnia. Before preventive treatment, you need to talk to your doctor.

The medicine is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.


"Levamisole" is characterized by a broad effect on helminths of various types. This is its advantage. After consuming the drug, the active component affects the respiratory organs of the parasite, as a result of which the individual loses the ability to move and breathe, and soon dies. Then the helminth comes out along with the feces.

Levamisole is an effective prophylactic against helminths. Preparations with this active ingredient are able to fight against adult parasitic individuals and their eggs.


In pharmacies there is a drug based on levamisole, which is called “Dekaris”. For therapy, taking one tablet is enough. After two weeks, the patient can repeat the procedure to consolidate the result.

A distinctive feature of “Dekaris” is that it not only expels helminths from the body, but also improves the condition of the patient’s immune system, which is especially important when worms have already been identified in the body. In this situation, prevention will no longer give the required effect, and an extended treatment regimen will be required with further restoration of health.

"Dekaris" can be given to a child if he is already three years old, but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.


The drug with the active substance praziquantel is marketed in domestic pharmacology as “Biltricide”. This medicine fights a large list of types of worms that can settle both in the intestines and beyond.

After Biltricide enters the human body, it specifically affects helminths, reducing their muscles.

There is no need to chew the tablets when taking them - they are swallowed whole. The drug does not have strong toxicity, however, for the prevention of this drug there are a number of contraindications. It is not allowed to drink Biltricid during the first three months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


The drug "Piperazine" contains the main component - piperazine adipate. The product is intended to paralyze nematodes in the body.

The high efficiency of the drug allows you to remove more than 90 percent of worms from the body after the first use. To achieve 100% relief from worms, the patient must take the second tablet after two weeks.

"Piperazine" is absolutely safe from the point of view of human intoxication. Therefore, it is recommended for the treatment of childhood helminthiasis.

Preventive medications for children

Prevention of parasitic infestations plays an important role in child care. To do this, parents should visit a parasitologist with their child so that he can prescribe a safe and effective anthelmintic drug. It is impossible for a child to choose a medicine on his own, since many antiparasitic drugs cause poisoning of the body.

The same medications are produced for children as for adults, only in a different dosage form - in the form of suspensions or syrups. Thus, in pharmacies you can find children’s “Vermox”, “Levamisole” and other drugs.

In order for antihelminthic prophylaxis with tablets to be as effective as possible, do not forget about household preventive measures. Remember that before eating, after visiting the toilet, public places, transport, shops, you must wash your hands with detergent. If there are animals in the house, keep them clean and have your pets examined by veterinarians for the presence of parasites. It is recommended to use hand sanitizer, monitor the quality of the water you drink, wash all foods before eating them, properly prepare meat and fish dishes, and do not leave food in places accessible to rodents and insects.

What medications can be taken for prevention?


Biltricide can be considered one of the most effective antiparasitic drugs. The instructions for the tablets mention that they have many contraindications and side effects. This remedy can be used both for the treatment of parasitic infection and for its prevention. The active substance of the drug is praziquantel.

Biltricide is a low-toxic drug

Used when

  • schistosomiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • fascioliasis;
  • cat fluke;
  • paraganimosis.


A drug such as Pirantel has a small list of side effects, but at the same time it copes well with the antiparasitic task. For preventive purposes, the dosage may be equal to that prescribed for treatment. The medicine is used to combat enterobiasis, ascariasis, trichostongiloidosis, hookworm duodenal. The medicine is not absorbed into the blood and acts systemically - in the intestines. "Pirantel" is not able to prevent invasion. Its active substance affects the muscular system of the worms, which leads to their death. They are then passed out along with the feces.

Pyrantel is one of the most popular anthelmintic drugs

Taken once at a dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The medication is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and those with kidney and liver problems.


The active substance of the drug with a wide spectrum of action is mebendazole. Active against pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, vlagoslav, strongyloidiasis. The main component blocks the muscles of the parasite. It acts systemically - in the intestines, therefore it is largely excreted along with feces. As side effects, allergic reactions may appear in the form of skin rashes and redness.

Vermox is prescribed quite often


An anthelmintic drug based on levamisole, which has not only antiparasitic functions, but also increases the body's defenses. Effective for the treatment and prevention of pinworms, roundworms, hookworms. Suitable for the treatment of mixed type helminthiasis. Side effects include dizziness and irritability.

Decaris is an effective remedy

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A doctor must prescribe this or that drug for the treatment and prevention of parasites. Before taking medications, you need to undergo a series of tests that will help establish a clear clinical picture. Uncontrolled use of anthelmintic drugs can cause damage to health, therefore, before carrying out prevention against parasites in the human body, tablets should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

Indications for taking prophylactic drugs

Prevention of parasites in the human body may be necessary under the following conditions:

  • The patient had previously suffered from helminthiasis, having completed the main therapeutic course. This person remains at risk of re-infection, and there is also a possibility that parasite larvae remain in the body, so additional treatment is necessary;
  • If one of the family members falls ill with helminthiasis, then all other household members should take medications for prevention;
  • If there is a suspicion of the presence of parasites, but bacterial studies do not indicate this or do not give accurate results;
  • The presence of pets in the house that are often walked outside;
  • A person is constantly in contact with the earth, engaged in growing garden crops;
  • When traveling frequently to distant countries where the food culture and environmental conditions are different;
  • If a person often visits public beaches, finds himself near freshwater bodies, for example, while fishing;
  • Children who attend kindergartens, schools, and often travel by public transport should also undergo a course of prevention against worms.

General preventive measures

Treatment with drugs is in any case harmful to health. It is easier to prevent a disease than to suffer from it later and engage in complex therapy. To prevent helminth infection, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene. You need to wash your hands after contact with animals and the ground, or after visiting public places.
  • Upon arrival from exotic countries, visit a doctor to find out which pills you can take to prevent worms.
  • People who are keen on hunting and fishing should be diagnosed with parasitic diseases.
  • You need to cut fish and meat on separate kitchen boards.
  • Subject meat and fish to full heat treatment.
  • Do not drink water from questionable sources.
  • Do not swim in suspicious bodies of water.
  • Parents should explain to their children that hand washing helps prevent many diseases, including helminthiasis.

Prevention of helminthiasis using tablets can be prescribed to those people who actively spend the summer in nature, in their summer cottages and are engaged in livestock breeding.

Medicinal methods of colon cleansing

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to establish the type of parasite, since most anthelmintic drugs have a limited range of effects on certain classes of worms.

It should be remembered that all of them are toxic to the human body, and the most toxic are broad-spectrum drugs that affect all classes of helminths.

To minimize the negative impact of these drugs on the body, differential diagnosis is required.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications (chronic and inflammatory diseases, etc.), which are also taken into account when prescribing medications.

Cleansing the intestines of parasites is complex and includes three stages:

  • Preparatory;
  • Taking antiparasitic drugs;
  • Restorative.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, preferably vegetarian, and consume at least 2 liters of water daily. To cleanse the body of toxins released during the life of parasites, the doctor may prescribe sorbents (Polyphepan, Cholestyramine, etc.).

At the second stage, one of the anthelmintic drugs is taken in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The most popular are:

At the recovery stage, the patient takes medications prescribed by the doctor to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, increase immunity, and normalize metabolism.

We must not forget that most anthelmintic drugs affect mature worms, but not their eggs and larvae.

Therefore, usually after a few weeks a repeated dose of drugs is prescribed to destroy the worms hatched from the eggs, after which it is necessary to take tests again to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Preparing for deworming

Almost all anthelmintic drugs are designed to block the muscles of the worms. As a result of such influences, they are no longer able to live in the intestines and reproduce.

Antigelmetic drugs are contraindicated in case of massive invasion. As a result of taking such drugs, a large amount of protein, which is contained in the cells of parasites, will penetrate into the blood. The protein will settle in the kidneys, which will disrupt their functioning.

Before starting deworming you need to take:

  • sorbents that will help absorb most of the toxic substances;
  • antiallergic drugs to prevent negative reactions;
  • enzymatic medications aimed at normalizing digestion.

Before prophylaxis and while taking anthelmintic drugs, you must adhere to an appropriate diet. It is necessary to remove carbohydrates, smoked products, meat, and alcohol from the menu.

Rules for taking anti-parasite medications

Medicines for parasites. Considering the large number of contraindications and the high toxicity of some tablets against all types of worms for humans, you should consult a doctor before taking them.

This is especially true in cases where the disease has affected pregnant women and small children, since it can be extremely difficult to choose the right drug that would be both low-toxic and quite effective.

Taking some medications must be accompanied by taking sorbents that would remove parasites from the intestines.

Also, to increase the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs, you need to eat right. During therapy, it is recommended to exclude spicy, very sweet and sour dishes from the menu.

Signs of parasites

The main symptoms of helminth infection include disruption of the digestive system. Parasites attach to the intestinal walls, causing irritation and inflammation of the tissues. A person feels abdominal pain that does not have a clear localization. A stool disorder occurs.

Parasites in the intestines feed on vitamins, microelements, and proteins that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food. As a result, the body lacks nutrients, vitamin deficiency and anemia develop. A person loses weight, despite a good appetite, the skin becomes pale and dry, acne and papillomas appear, and the condition of hair and nails worsens.

Vitamin deficiency contributes to a decrease in immunity; an infected person may often suffer from colds or viral diseases. There is an exacerbation of chronic pathologies of internal organs and general weakness. It has been proven that with helminthic infestation of the intestines, susceptibility to the tuberculosis bacillus increases and the effectiveness of preventive vaccinations decreases.

During their life, parasites release toxins that cause intoxication of the human body. Symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and fever. The decay products released by helminths disrupt the intestinal microflora and provoke dysbacteriosis.

Toxic substances negatively affect the state of the nervous system, the patient becomes irritable, and insomnia may develop. Toxins provoke the appearance of allergic rashes on the surface of the skin (urticaria, dermatitis, eczema), facial swelling, and enlarged lymph nodes.

Diagnosis of helminthic infestation

1. Parasites in the small intestine can be detected using stool analysis. In the laboratory, the material is examined for the presence of helminth eggs and the type of parasite is determined in order to properly treat the infestation.

2. Scraping of the perianal area helps to detect pinworms. Diagnostic methods include interviewing the patient and identifying the characteristic symptoms of parasite infection.

Based on the test results, the attending physician selects anthelmintics to treat the infestation, taking into account the type of helminths that were found in the intestines.

Preparations for fighting parasites

At the moment, there are many medications known that can remove worms from the body. Such drugs are effective against toxocara, whipworms, trichinella, roundworms and pinworms. So, what are the most effective medications for parasites?

  1. "Albendazole".
  2. "Nomazol".
  3. "Wormil."
  4. "Gelmadol-VM".
  5. "Levamisole."
  6. "Dekaris."
  7. "Mebendazole".
  8. "Vermox."
  9. "Vormin."
  10. "Helmitox".
  11. "Piratel."
  12. "Nemotsid" and others.
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