The frequency of complaints of constipation and other problems with bowel movements increases significantly in older people. They may tell family members that their stool is very hard, that straining is painful, or that the process is too slow and intermittent. These symptoms often significantly impair quality of life and require intermittent or continuous use of laxatives.
The most complete information on the incidence of constipation in older people is from the United States. It occurs in 36-45% of the population over 65 years of age. In more than half of cases, symptoms require drug treatment. It has been found that complaints of constipation become more frequent in the presence of chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, depression and arterial hypertension).
The reasons for the increase in constipation in older pensioners have been well studied.
First of all, these are the features of the diet. It has been established that nutrition for constipation in the elderly is often inadequate, since the proportion of products of plant origin decreases. At the same time, appetite decreases, which is why older people eat less food. The second aspect of the problem is a decrease in physical activity. Chronic disorders, joint problems, and forced bed rest inhibit the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which provokes the development of constipation.
Physiological changes in the lower rectum also play an important role. With age, the muscle fibers of the walls are gradually replaced by connective tissue. This can be facilitated by pathologies of the anorectal area: proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, ulcerative colitis.
Doctors have noted that the likelihood of the disease increases in citizens with heart failure, diabetes mellitus and neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's disease, Pick's syndrome). The progression of these diseases leads to disruption of the neuronal regulation of the digestive system.
Also, the appearance of constipation can be caused by taking medications of various groups:
- antacids;
- iron supplements for anemia;
- antibacterial drugs (cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones);
- thiazide and loop diuretics;
- neuroleptics;
- tranquilizers;
- narcotic analgesics.
A dangerous prerequisite for increased constipation in older people is the development of colorectal cancer. This malignant neoplasm is one of the most common causes of death from cancer in the world. In addition to difficulty defecating, the progression of cancer is usually accompanied by weakness, loss of body weight, the appearance of blood in the stool and the development of anemia.
Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also provoke problems with stool. At older ages, the likelihood of detecting Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and proctitis increases. In such cases, in addition to constipation, other symptoms can be found: abdominal pain, decreased appetite, increased body temperature, and “inflammatory” changes in the blood.
Folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in the elderly
Treatment of constipation in older people with folk remedies includes both the use of herbs and changes in diet:
- Oil. We are talking about all oils extracted from plants, except essential oils. Shortly before meals, it is enough to consume sunflower, corn or any other oil in the amount of just 1 teaspoon. Salads seasoned with such oils will also help improve your peristalsis.
- Honey collection. A very aromatic and tasty product that not only stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, but also fills the body with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. To make it, you need to take half a liter of honey, and then add chopped light raisins, dried apricots, walnuts and prunes to it in the amount of 1 cup of each ingredient. Mix in a third of a glass of flaxseeds and senna herb. Put your delicious medicine in the refrigerator. Eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture daily in the morning, not forgetting to drink 2 glasses of cold water.
- Flax-seed. We are talking about flaxseed flour. Due to its special structure, this product is not addictive. You just have to use it correctly. Flax seed flour is available in many health food stores. But don't be upset if you haven't found it. Any pharmacy (sometimes at the market) sells flaxseeds. They can be purchased and then ground in a coffee grinder. Then this flour is very convenient to add to various salads and other foods.
- Rhubarb. Almost every dacha is decorated with a broad-leaved rhubarb bush. We are accustomed to using the stems of its leaves for food as one of our favorite delicacies. Pies with rhubarb, porridge with rhubarb, borscht with rhubarb leaves, jelly, etc. We serve many rhubarb dishes on the table before the plant blooms. The root of this plant is used to combat constipation. A small amount of it in food gives a bonding result, but large portions have a diametrically opposite effect. In a glass of boiling water, steep two tablespoons of rhubarb root for 15 minutes. But be careful, since the medicine is prescribed to combat atonic constipation. It can be used no more than once a week before bed in the amount of 100 g.
- Gathering at the tsmina. This is what the sandy immortelle is called. Based on the flowers of this plant, you can prepare a high-quality laxative medicine. To 20 g of tzmina corollas, add 15 g of trefoil, 10 g of peppermint and 5 g of coriander. Mix it all in one bowl, and then take 5 g of the finished mixture and brew it in a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to drink it if gallbladder disease leads to constipation. This should be done three times a day, using 100 g of broth each time.
- Gathering at buckthorn. The recipe is very similar to the one we looked at a little earlier. The only ingredients here are 15 g of buckthorn bark, 10 g of nettle, 5 g of yellow, sunny dandelions.
- Mustard collection. For the recipe you need to take mustard grains, but certainly not ground. To grams of mustard balls, add finely grated 10 g of buckthorn bark and the same amount of anise. Add 5 g of yarrow and 15 g of licorice herb to this. Like the above fees, this one has the same properties, rules of preparation and use.
- Juices. Many of us have dachas where the older generation likes to spend most of their time. Little do they realize that they actually have an incredibly rich store of constipation remedies at their fingertips. It is enough to take only carrot juice – and it will be able to help the patient for 2-4 hours. In addition, to improve peristalsis and relieve constipation, you can use mixtures of juices of the following vegetables: pumpkin + carrots, cucumber + beets + carrots, onions + cucumbers, tomatoes + cucumbers + onions, cabbage + tomatoes. Drink 150-200 g immediately after preparation. This product cannot be stored.
If an elderly person is constipated, there is no need to immediately rush to folk remedies. After all, it is unknown which type of constipation has affected your body. Visit a gastroenterologist, perhaps he will tell you about the nature of the problems. Only after diagnosis can you use a drug that affects the state of peristalsis.
Do not forget that with age many diseases occur. Each one requires attention. The best treatment option is a combination of drugs. But only a specialist can correctly calculate possible risks when selecting traditional and traditional medicine. Don't self-medicate! Even the most harmless, seemingly folk remedies for constipation (especially in older people) can give an unpleasant side effect if used incorrectly.
During your consultation with a specialist, ask him or her about the possibility of combining herbs and medications. He will carefully check the data and also help you choose what will be your salvation.
There is no need to suffer from stomach pain and toxic poisoning. Difficulty with bowel movements (constipation is not only the complete inability to defecate, but also the formation of solid waste, sometimes called mutton pellets). Eliminating such complications is an important element for those who have lived over 60 years. Take care of your health!
Symptoms and diagnosis of constipation
In the medical sense, the word “constipation” combines various symptoms that are accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of bowel movements. Many people may perceive them differently, which makes diagnosing this condition difficult.
Doctors now use the Rome III criteria for diagnosing functional bowel diseases. According to these recommendations, constipation is defined as a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements less than 4 times a week. At the same time, older people may complain of:
- frequent, prolonged and painful straining during bowel movements;
- hard consistency of stool;
- regular feeling of incomplete bowel movement of the rectum;
- the need for mechanical removal of feces using enemas;
- feeling of a “plug” in the lower abdomen;
- loose stools only after taking laxatives;
- feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
To make a diagnosis of chronic functional constipation, it is necessary that the symptoms bother the patient for at least 3 months over the past six months. The doctor must also exclude the presence of organic pathology (for example, inflammation or tumor).
These symptoms usually develop gradually. Their severity can vary significantly depending on diet, physical activity and certain medications. Therefore, they usually turn to outsiders for help only when bowel retention seriously affects daily life.
Often this disease is the first symptom of dangerous disorders of the digestive system (for example, cancer or ulcerative colitis). Therefore, all adult patients who seek medical help are recommended to undergo an endoscopic examination (colonoscopy) and/or computed tomography with contrast injection. This allows us to exclude tumors and active inflammatory process.
What can't you do?
Often, when the problem of constipation arises in older people, they do not go to the doctor, but treat it at home.
This should not be done, because with a competent approach to the treatment of constipation, in a short time you can normalize the functioning of the intestines and get rid of difficulties with emptying them. If a person refuses to see a doctor, he must understand that such behavior can lead to serious health problems.
When treating constipation at home, you should remember some rules:
- Constant use of laxatives is not allowed, as this may cause intestinal hypotension;
- constipation should not be treated with enemas; this method gives only short-term results, but does not eliminate the problem;
- If the condition worsens or abdominal pain occurs, you should urgently seek medical help.
Treatment of chronic constipation in older people should be carried out under the supervision of a local physician or proctologist. Lack of regular examination and constant use of medications can cause even greater harm to health.
Author: Violeta Kudryavtseva, doctor, especially for
Modern treatment of constipation
Treatment of functional constipation always begins with nutritional correction. Patients are advised to increase the proportion of fiber products in their diet, drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day (unless they have heart or kidney failure), and increase physical activity. Gymnastics or other active exercises for bowel retention should last at least 45 minutes a day. These simple recommendations allow 30-40% of people to get rid of the problem.
Your doctor will tell you how to get rid of constipation in old age that arose after the prescription of a new medicine. During a second consultation, the specialist will change the medication (if it has available analogues) or completely cancel it.
Certain physical exercises also make defecation easier. For example, it is recommended to massage the front wall of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, repeat drawing in the abdomen while inhaling, or purposefully compress and relax the otkhodnik. The duration of the exercises should be 5-7 minutes.
Attention is also paid to the correct position during bowel movements. To speed up the process of bowel movements, it is recommended to slightly bend your torso forward. In this case, it is advisable to bend your legs as much as possible at the knees and hip joints.
Features of herbal medicine
Among the effective laxative herbs are buckthorn bark, senna leaves, burdock roots, rowan leaves and berries, yarrow, plantain seeds and many others. Senna leaves and buckthorn bark, together or separately, have an aggressive effect on intestinal motility, cause a painful urge to defecate, and contribute to the appearance of dyspeptic disorders.
To mitigate their effects, plants are usually included in preparations along with other medicinal herbs. In pharmacy chains you can purchase special preparations and teas for a safe and quick solution to the problem of constipation.
Before starting any self-therapy at home, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially important in old age and with a complicated medical history. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on compliance with the dosage regimen and timing of the treatment course.
About the characteristics of constipation in the elderly and treatment methods in E. Malysheva’s health program:
Constipation: treatment in older people.
Impaired defecation with age is perceived by many as a variant of normal bowel function. And this misconception greatly complicates the lives of people who do not see a doctor, but struggle with a delicate problem on their own every day. How to treat constipation in elderly patients? How to cope with the disease? We will tell you in detail in this article.
Principles of nutrition for intestinal stagnation
A decrease in intestinal activity with the development of chronic constipation after 60 years requires adherence to a diet and a special diet, including the following:
- Fractional meals.
Food should be taken 4-6 times a day in small portions, avoiding overeating and not leading to a feeling of acute hunger.
- Regularity.
Eating at the same time stimulates the intestines, improves digestion and normalizes stool.
- On an empty stomach, you should definitely take a glass of clean, unboiled water.
This is an excellent intestinal stimulant.
- Despite the limitations, the basic principle of menu design should be diversity.
Cooking should be delicious, taking into account the preferences of an elderly person.
- Sufficient amount of water.
If the kidneys and heart allow, then an elderly person is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day.
- The diet should be based on the use of products that rich in protein, dietary fiber,
vitamins and are easily digestible.
A gastroenterologist is involved in finding out the causes of constipation in the elderly. A diagnostic search involves a comprehensive examination of the gastrointestinal tract, which is aimed at studying the morphological features and functionality of the digestive system. If necessary, consultations with other specialists are prescribed. The most informative are:
- Rectal examination
. A digital examination of the rectum is performed to study the structure of the mucous membrane, identify enlarged hemorrhoids, cracks and space-occupying formations. According to indications, the examination is supplemented with anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy to visualize the lower parts of the large intestine. - Endoscopy
. Colonoscopy is prescribed to all elderly people with complaints of delayed bowel movements for a detailed study of the structure of the colon and sigmoid colon, and to identify tumors. If suspicious areas are detected, a biopsy is performed for further histological analysis. - X-ray examination
. Taking X-rays after oral contrasting of the gastrointestinal tract with barium sulfate is necessary to detect organic changes in the intestinal wall, signs of ulcerative defects, and inflammatory processes. Delayed images are taken to determine the rate of passage of chyme through the intestines. - Sonography.
Using abdominal ultrasound, the structural and functional features of the digestive tract are assessed and pathological changes that can cause constipation are identified. If necessary, an ultrasound of large vessels of the abdominal cavity is performed to exclude occlusion of the mesenteric arteries. - Stool tests
. Constipation in the elderly is accompanied by changes in the consistency and composition of stool, which is established using a coprogram. To study the microflora of the large intestine, bacteriological analysis is carried out. The Gregersen reaction to occult blood helps to exclude chronic bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
To clarify the diagnosis and detailed visualization of the structures of the abdominal cavity, computed tomography is prescribed. All patients undergo general and biochemical blood tests. If damage to the intestinal vasculature is suspected, contrast angiography is performed. To exclude diseases of the hepatobiliary system, duodenal intubation with microscopic and bacteriological examination of bile is used.
If you are prone to constipation, you should reconsider your diet
Types of constipation in the elderly
- Spicy. It is episodic in nature and does not last long
. May be triggered by eating disorders, stress, depression or taking certain medications - Chronic. Regular difficulty in defecation for a long period of time
This type occurs in older patients much more often than the previous one
. Chronic constipation is an independent disease, although often the inability to empty the bowels on your own for a long time is a symptom of a variety of, and sometimes serious, health problems.
Treatment with folk remedies for constipation in the elderly has its own characteristics.