The taste of bitterness in the mouth bothers many people, especially with age, when a person
Hemorrhoids came out
Everything you need to know about rectal hemorrhoids
What to do when hemorrhoids come out? Is self-medication possible, and what methods of therapy are there? Inflammation
Cardia of the esophagus
Gastric cardia insufficiency: what is it and how to treat it correctly?
The cardia of the esophagus is its lower sphincter, the valve at the transition to the stomach. The main purpose
Serous-fibrinous and serous peritonitis
 Peritonitis in adults
The mobile Internet audience is growing rapidly: 66 million Russian users use it along with desktop,
Duodeno-gastric reflux
Duodeno gastric reflux
A pathology such as duodenogastric reflux (there is no code in ICD-10) is detected in 15% of
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Acute stomach pain: symptoms, causes and treatment
The appearance of pain indicates the development of a pathological process in organs and tissues. In most cases
Causes of severe bloating and pain
Category: Unpleasant sensations Flatulence, especially constant, can throw anyone off balance, and so
Treatment of acute intestinal colitis, its symptoms in adults, causes of development
Acute intestinal colitis can create a serious imbalance in the normal life of any person. With timely
What to do if there is a white coating on the tongue?
Why is the tongue covered with a white coating, and how to remove it from the tongue?
It is a mistake to believe that a white coating on the tongue is a normal phenomenon of the body. Healthy color
Life expectancy with ulcerative colitis
Examination by a doctor Depending on the stage of development of the disease, manifestations of dry skin and tongue are possible
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