Drotaverine - indications and instructions for use (tablets, injections), what it helps with, how to take it during pregnancy, can it be given to children, analogues, reviews and price of the drug. What is the difference between Drot
Drotaverine (Drotaverine) is a drug with antispasmodic, myotropic, vasodilating, hypotensive effects, prescribed to relieve,
Abdominal ultrasound
How to do an abdominal ultrasound: preparation and examination procedure
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the types of complex non-invasive, practically safe examination of internal organs.
Edge numbering
Where is the human liver located, on which side?
Knowing where the liver is located, you can notice its pathology in time - when it protrudes from under
Effective folk remedies for heartburn. Treating high acidity at home
How to get rid of heartburn folk remedies
Description of the disease A bitter-sour avalanche rising up the esophagus, with varying intensity, depending on the position
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Take care of your liver from a young age! Age-related changes in the liver
Types of diffuse changes and their manifestations The following types of disorders are distinguished: A slight change is observed when
Gastritis concept
Gastritis symptoms and treatment in adults 28320 3
Inflammation of the stomach is one of the most common diseases. It is this pathology that becomes the main
diffuse changes
Diffuse changes in the pancreas: suspicious symptoms or acceptable physiological state
What is pancreatic parenchyma Parenchyma is a homogeneous soft tissue of the organ that performs a specialized function.
Pancreatic inflammation problem
How does acute pancreatitis manifest: symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention of inflammation of the pancreas
Not many people know the signs of pancreatic inflammation in adults. This gland is an important internal
Gallbladder - symptoms and treatment
How to treat the gallbladder This organ is susceptible to various diseases, including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis,
Symptoms of heartburn - I can’t recognize the burning sensation ????????
Heartburn: why does it occur and how to get rid of it?
Causes of heartburn Heartburn appears periodically, usually about an hour after eating. More often