What is hemorrhoidal necrosis, what can it lead to and how to treat it?

Stages and symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men

There are four stages of this disease , each of which has certain symptoms.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by itching, burning and mild pain after defecation.
  2. At the second stage, the patient begins to complain of the appearance of blood clots after defecation. When palpated, nodes begin to be felt.
  3. At the next stage, the nodes begin to cause pain and are difficult to reduce. The patient may experience pain not only during bowel movements, but also when walking. Sometimes in the third stage it even hurts for the patient to sit.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease is the most advanced and leads to the formation of many unpleasant consequences, such as thrombosis and necrosis.

Possible complications in the postoperative period

Latex doping is a fairly safe operation, but the development of complications in the postoperative period is possible. An increased risk of complications is possible if the rings are applied incorrectly or when several nodes are alloyed simultaneously.

The most common complications after the procedure:

  • Thrombosis of external nodes. It is observed in patients with a combined form of the disease, when there are no clear boundaries between formations. It is characterized by severe pain and the release of bloody clots.
  • Bleeding from the rectal canal. It occurs due to strong compression of the hemorrhoidal node, when the size of the ligature is not suitable, and it can rupture. The cause of bleeding may be non-compliance with doctor's instructions, when the patient violates bed rest and does not observe the rules of personal hygiene after defecation.
  • Infection. The addition of pathogenic microflora is accompanied by hyperthermia, chills, weakness, and urination disorders.

What does it look like at the initial stage?

IMPORTANT! If you find any formations in the anal area, you should immediately contact a proctologist.
The disease, caught at the very initial stage of development, is easily treated without surgery. With this diagnosis, hemorrhoids form under the skin, so they are clearly visible upon examination. At the initial stage, when no inflammatory processes are observed yet, the skin around the anus has a normal color. In most cases, the nodes are noticeable only during defecation, and after that they retract inward on their own.

Contraindications to the procedure

Removal of formations by alloying is not recommended in the following cases:

  • The first stage of the disease, when hemorrhoids are difficult to diagnose due to the incomplete process of their formation.
  • A combined form of the pathological process, when hemorrhoids are located both inside the rectum and outside the anal canal without clear boundaries between the plexuses.
  • Cracks in the anal area.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the rectum.


Fighting methods

The treatment of this disease in men is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes in the node and eliminating such unpleasant symptoms as swelling and soreness. Most often, treatment consists of drug therapy, but sometimes taking medication is not enough. In this case, the doctor prescribes surgery for the patient.

Typically, surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed when thrombosis occurs.

It goes through the following methods:

  • tying hemorrhoids with latex rings;
  • cutting the node and removing the clot.

In addition, many men note the fact that this disease can be treated well at home with the help of special baths, creams, ointments and suppositories.

IMPORTANT! Treatment of hemorrhoids at home requires a mandatory consultation with a proctologist, who will help you choose the right medications.

In addition, in order to completely cure this diagnosis, you need to be careful about your lifestyle.

Treatment of this disease includes a diet without fatty and spicy foods, as well as an active lifestyle without excessive exercise.

Radical measures

At stages III and IV of the disease, the use of medications and traditional recipes is ineffective. The main treatment method for advanced forms is surgery. Minimally invasive techniques and open surgeries are used.

The advantage of minimally invasive interventions is less trauma and a short recovery period. In addition, they do not require the use of general anesthesia. The following types are used:

  • coagulation – nodes are removed by laser;
  • sclerosis – a sclerosing drug is injected into the vein area, which leads to a reduction in the node;
  • ligation - a latex ring is placed on the lump, which leads to the death of the node.

Open surgeries are more effective. However, their use is associated with a high risk of postoperative complications and a long recovery period. In open surgery, the nodes are excised using a scalpel.

How to treat at home?

  1. You can get rid of this problem at home using medications.
    Before you begin treatment for hemorrhoids, you need to carefully study the instructions for use for contraindications and consult with your doctor.
  2. Natural remedies have also proven effective in getting rid of this disease.
    Such proven methods include compresses with propolis, as well as taking raspberry leaves and beet juice brewed in boiling water.
  3. Medicinal baths with plants such as calendula and St. John's wort are also useful for external hemorrhoids. They can be either warm or cold. Cold baths with these herbs not only relieve inflammation, but also prevent bleeding and relieve pain.
    Carrying out such a health procedure is quite simple. You need to pour an infusion of herbs and water into a basin, and then sit in it, spreading your buttocks.

    The duration of such baths is 5 minutes.

Effective means

Drug therapy for this disease includes the use of tablets , ointments and suppositories. All these medications help relieve swelling, eliminate inflammatory reactions, and also relieve itching.

Most of these products contain anesthetics that relieve pain and substances that increase the speed of restoration of damaged tissue.

But those products that contain components that reduce blood density are more effective.

IMPORTANT! In the external form of the disease, proctologists most often prescribe ointments and gels to patients, and tablets and rectal suppositories are used less frequently.


Ointments are an excellent remedy for treating this disease. They are easy to use and quickly penetrate the hemorrhoidal node, providing a local effect and alleviating the symptoms of the disease. Their only drawback is that the fatty components included in their composition can be poorly absorbed into the skin and leave marks on clothes.

The most proven ointments for external hemorrhoids in men are:

  • "Proctosan." This remedy is comprehensive.
    It helps relieve inflammation and pain.

    It also has a drying and healing effect.

    Another advantage is that this ointment does not contain hormonal substances.

    The course of treatment with Proctosan is 7–10 days.

  • "Relief".
    This drug, containing shark liver, is a good immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

    Its use helps relieve swelling and reduce the amount of serous discharge and exudative phenomena.

  • "Hepatrombin G".
    This ointment is prescribed for exacerbation of symptoms of external hemorrhoids and in the presence of complications such as thrombosis.

    This medicine contains anticoagulants that prevent the formation of blood clots.


Tablets for this disease are used less frequently than ointments or suppositories. Only a doctor can prescribe such medications. Treatment with tablets does not give such quick results and should always be a course. Such courses can be short and regular or long, amounting to about 1.5 - 2 months.

Most often, when the disease appears, doctors prescribe:

  • "Detralex." This medication eliminates hemorrhoids in a fairly short time.
    Active substances contained in the medicine.

    Increases vein tone.

    Improve capillary permeability and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

  • "Pylex." This medication is a comprehensive remedy for hemorrhoids.
    These pills relieve pain.

    Stop bleeding.

    Reduce inflammation and disinfect.


Rectal suppositories are prescribed quite often for this disease. They are distinguished by a short course of treatment - from 7 to 14 days. After this period, you definitely need to take a break. The most popular of them are:

  • "Anuzol".
    They are taken when the symptoms of hemorrhoids worsen.

    They stop the bleeding.

    Envelops the mucous membrane and relieves pain.

  • "Natalsid." These candles contain only natural ingredients.
    They have a hemostatic and regenerating effect.
  • "Proctosan." This drug is prescribed by a doctor to treat the second or third stage of external hemorrhoids. Such suppositories relieve swelling, dry and relieve pain.


For advanced external hemorrhoids, minimally invasive techniques are ineffective. Large nodes that are prone to inflammation and pinching can only be removed surgically, using a scalpel or an electric knife. In the latter case, the tissues are cauterized, which reduces the risk of bleeding.

How to get rid of external hemorrhoids if they are in an advanced stage? The most popular operation is performed using the Milligan-Morgan method .

It can be carried out in an open or closed manner. In the first case, the nodes are ligated at the base and then excised along with a small amount of the surrounding mucosa. The threads are tightened, but the wounds are left open.

In a closed operation they are sutured. An operation is possible with cutting the mucous membrane and removing the affected part of the vessel through it. The choice of method depends on the doctor and the patient's condition.

The operation is performed in a hospital, under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia . The recovery period depends on the method.

So, how long does it take to treat external hemorrhoids if the Milligan-Morgan method was used? With the open method it takes 1-1.5 months, with the open method it is reduced to 3 weeks.

Relapses are possible, but with proper nutrition and the absence of provoking factors, they occur no earlier than after 12-15 years.

In some cases, doctors recommend Longo surgery . It is less traumatic and suitable for weakened patients.

During the operation, the nodes are stitched and tightened, freeing the lumen of the rectum, but are not cut off.

Over time, the displaced parts of the vessels are overgrown with connective tissue, the nodes decrease in size, and the vascular walls become denser and more elastic. The advantages of the method are its painlessness, absence of incisions and bleeding .

How long does it take for external hemorrhoids to go away after Longo surgery? Since the operation is performed in a hospital, the recovery period does not exceed 2 weeks. Remission depends on lifestyle; in the absence of provoking factors, hemorrhoids will not return.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnostic measures for making a diagnosis of external hemorrhoids include a history and physical examination. This form of the disease, in most cases, does not require insertion of an anoscope into the rectum.

In order to distinguish this disease from other possible ailments, a specialist can prescribe the patient such modern types of examination as colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. These types of studies help to establish the type of disease and its stage, which is necessary for selecting competent treatment.

External hemorrhoids in men are an unpleasant disease that often causes not only physical but also moral discomfort in men. It is very important to overcome the feeling of embarrassment and go to see a doctor. The earlier the disease was detected and treatment started, the better the prognosis.

Nutrition correction

It is not enough to know how to treat external hemorrhoids. It is possible to restore well-being and put the disease into remission only through comprehensive measures. When the disease worsens, it is imperative to adjust your diet. As part of this, the following recommendations from experts should be taken into account:

  • it is necessary to consume foods that cannot cause constipation;
  • Broccoli, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and cauliflower must be included in the diet - they can be consumed boiled and baked/stewed or as juices with pulp;
  • Fruits you can eat are figs, tangerines, dried apricots, peaches, and prunes.

The attending physician will definitely recommend avoiding foods such as:

  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken eggs, raw and boiled;
  • strong broths with meat and fatty fish;
  • carrots, potatoes and eggplants;
  • chocolate;
  • rice porridge, semolina;
  • any pasta.

Note! The listed products provoke constipation, but this is strictly individual. For example, some people have difficulty moving their bowels even after eating beets. It is recommended to make a list of prohibited/allowed dishes and products, based on the characteristics of your own body.

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