Does treating pancreatitis with Omez give results?

If you have been suffering from abdominal pain for a long time, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. One common diagnosis is pancreatitis. Whatever the reason, the result is always quite disastrous. Special enzymes for breaking down food no longer get to where they are needed most.

Of course, this results in disruptions in the digestion process, but this is not the most important thing. Enzymes begin to accumulate and affect the tissue of the pancreas itself, that is, digest it. To stop these processes, special drugs are used, one of which is Omeprazole.

general description

What is this medicine? This is an antiulcer drug that has an acid-lowering effect. That is why Omeprazole is used in the vast majority of cases for pancreatitis. As a result of intake, acid production decreases. The drug works very effectively for pain relief. Conventional painkillers are powerless here, because the irritating factor remains. In acute pancreatitis, the use of this remedy allows you to create conditions for recovery.

Release form

Today, gastroenterologists prescribe Omeprazole for pancreatitis in 95% of cases. The drug is produced in the form of a white powder, which is difficult to dissolve in water. The biggest problem is finding the dosage. This can only be done by the attending physician. It depends on the volume of gastric secretion, which is individual.

Effect of the drug

The drug can be prescribed in capsule form. But in a hospital setting it is most often administered intravenously. For oral use, it is recommended to have a light snack beforehand. Omeprazole helps with pancreatitis because it actively inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

In their practice, gastroenterologists use the drug for the following diseases:

  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Gastritis.
  • Tumors of various etiologies.
  • Pancreatitis.

At the same time, the drug is very careful about the acid-forming function. The active substance only temporarily blocks acid formation. In this case, the entire mechanism remains unaffected, and if treatment is canceled it will certainly act as before.

Characteristics of Omeprazole

The drug has antiulcer action, which is provided by omeprazole, a substance that has the ability to inhibit proton pumps in the parietal cells of the stomach, which ensure the formation and release of hydrochloric acid in response to irritation of specific receptors. The treatment process is through the mechanism of suppressing the activity of the enzyme adenosine triphosphate. As a result of all processes, the level of already existing hydrochloric acid is reduced and its excessive synthesis is not allowed, and thus its content is controlled.

Omeprazole does not affect the condition and activity of nerve endings sensitive to histamine and acetylcholine.

The advantage of omeprazole is that the substance has bactericidal properties: it suppresses the activity of Helicobacter pylori infection, which is usually localized in the pylorus of the stomach and is the causative agent of various types of hepatitis and gastric ulceration.

The use of Omeprazole in one course together with appropriate antibiotics helps to quickly suppress the source of inflammation, accelerate the healing of affected tissues and thereby prevent the development of internal bleeding.

Indications for taking Omeprazole are:

  • Therapy for exacerbation of peptic ulcer and duodenum and maintenance of remission
  • Treatment of reflux esophagitis.

In addition, this drug is actively prescribed for pancreatitis in any form (acute or chronic). As a result of treatment with Omeprazole:

  • Pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas is eliminated
  • The intensity of the inflammatory process decreases
  • The amount of hydrochloric acid released decreases and at the same time the level of available hydrochloric acid decreases.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized.

Omeprazole is mainly produced in capsules, but manufacturers also provide an injection form of the drug.

The effect of the antiulcer agent manifests itself more slowly than that of Pancreatin: symptoms of improvement become noticeable an hour after ingestion, and a visible therapeutic effect occurs several days after the start of the course.


"Omeprazole" for pancreatitis is prescribed strictly after a confirmed diagnosis. Most often, the oral form of the drug is prescribed, much less often - intravenous injections. Doses are prescribed individually. The most dangerous diagnosis is acute pancreatitis. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, and in the absence of proper treatment, severe deterioration of the condition is possible. This may include fever and severe vomiting. In this case, Omeprazole is successfully prescribed for pancreatitis. How to take it is decided by the attending physician. The standard regimen is 20 milligrams once a day. It is recommended to take the drug in the morning, immediately after breakfast. The standard admission time is 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended.

If the disease returns again and again, or recurs, then the dose of capsules is increased to 40 milligrams per day. The course of treatment is at least a month; the prescribing specialist will tell you more exact numbers. Your attending physician can answer more precisely how to take Omeprazole for pancreatitis. Each treatment regimen is individual and has its own characteristics.

After the general course is completed, maintenance therapy can be prescribed, 10 milligrams per day. If the pancreas is difficult to recover, then the dose is increased to 20 milligrams.

How to take medications

The duration of treatment and dosage are determined according to individual indications, so we can only talk about average recommendations:

  • You need to take Omeprazole capsules once a day, half an hour before meals (preferably in the morning), Pancreatin capsules - at any time: combined with each meal or consumed immediately after meals. You are allowed to take several tablets during the day.

The course of Omeprazole, depending on the pathology, can take from 4 to 8 months, Pancreatin, if necessary, for an unlimited time.

Chronic form

In some cases, treatment gives good results. Therefore, most experts answer positively the question of whether Omeprazole can be used for pancreatitis. If the disease cannot be stopped completely, the disease goes into remission. This condition is called chronic pancreatitis. The gland was unable to recover, and for some reason the inflammation flares up again and again. For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to rest the pancreas and protect it from the effects of acid.


How can you take Omeprazole for pancreatitis if the disease is already quite advanced and has reached the chronic stage? In this case, doctors prescribe a dosage of 60 milligrams for 24 hours, preferably after meals. Sometimes the dose can be increased, in other cases, on the contrary, reduced. But this is done on the basis of analyses.

In the most severe cases, the dosage can be increased to 80 milligrams per day. The duration of treatment is prescribed individually, usually at least two weeks. Of course, a specially selected diet is a prerequisite. Without this improvement, the condition may not be achieved. This may be justified in acute chronic pancreatitis.

Contraindications for use

There are a number of restrictions for joint drug therapy. Medicines are not prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

  • severe forms of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tumors of the digestive system of malignant origin;
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • functional renal failure;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Medicines are prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are not recommended for use in children under 6 years of age.

  • Espumisan emulsion for pancreatitis
  • Use of Metformin for pancreatitis
  • Compatibility of picamilon and mexidol
  • Compatibility of dibazole and papaverine

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If you compare the instructions of both drugs, there is no direct prohibition. At the same time, these drugs are prescribed for diametrically opposed digestive problems. At the same time, omeprazole is a serious drug and should not be used for self-medication. Accordingly, contact the doctor who prescribed it, and it is worth checking with him about the problems for which you are taking pancreatin or analogues - mezim, festal, Creon, etc. If the doctor prescribed this (use both drugs) and if If you don’t trust it, try consulting another doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Is it possible to take Omeprazole for pancreatitis without a doctor's prescription? No, even if your friends convince you that he can definitely help you. The drug also has its contraindications. In some cases, reception is not just undesirable, but unacceptable. Absolute contraindications are:

  • Carrying a child and breastfeeding.
  • Lactation period.
  • Age up to 14 years.
  • Individual intolerance to components.

In addition, the doctor must assess the severity of concomitant, chronic diseases, and based on this, make a decision on prescribing the drug. Finally, it is extremely important to take into account that for seemingly identical diseases, the dosage may be different. As you can see, the list is relatively small, but this does not mean at all that this medicine can be taken independently, without a prescription.


The main active ingredient of the drug is pancreatin itself. It is isolated from the pancreas of a cow or pig.

Pancreatin contains the following enzymes:

  • Amylase. Responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • Protease. Responsible for the decomposition of proteins;
  • Lipase. Helps the body absorb fats;
  • Trypsin. Activates the pancreas and relieves discomfort.

The drug shell is made of safe components.

According to the instructions, take the medicine for diseases such as:

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Fibrosis of the pancreas with the formation of cysts;
  • All kinds of pathologies of the pancreas and biliary tract;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Pancreatin is also prescribed as a concomitant drug in the following cases:

  • After surgery performed on the stomach;
  • Rehabilitation after pancreatic resection;
  • After a course of radiation therapy;
  • Preparation for ultrasound examination.

The dose and schedule of administration are prescribed to the patient individually.

But in the instructions you can find the following recommendations:

  • Patients aged 6 to 9 years – one tablet per day;
  • From 10 to 14 years – two tablets with any meal once a day;
  • In adults, the dose varies from 2 to 4 tablets at a time. The number of doses can be up to 6 times per day.

To find out whether Omeprazole and Pancreatin can be taken together, you should also consider Omeprazole.

Side effects

When prescribing Omeprazole for chronic pancreatitis, the doctor must inform the patient about the health problems that this may cause. In particular, long-term use promotes leaching of magnesium from the body. But the list of side effects is not limited to this. These include:

  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Swelling or itching.
  • Severe dry mouth.
  • Increased sweating.

Any reaction should be discussed with your doctor. Only after this can a decision be made on further treatment.

Individual reaction

Don't forget that every body reacts differently, sometimes in the most unpredictable ways. Therefore, if any unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, if it was prescribed to you earlier, this does not mean at all that Omeprazole will help again in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis. It is quite possible that the situation has already changed, as have the processes taking place in your body.

What everyone should know:

  • The drug should be taken carefully, avoiding overdose.
  • It is necessary to undergo examination to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor.


Treatment of pancreatitis with Omeprazole is a very effective method of therapy, the popularity of which generally justifies itself. This drug is very effective, as evidenced by clinical studies. Unfortunately, many people think that everyone can take it. But this is not true at all. For example, it is not suitable for a person with pain and discomfort in the abdominal area. There are a large number of other nuances that need to be taken into account. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult your doctor before use.

  • It is very important to know that while you are undergoing treatment, you should not drink drinks that contain alcohol. Moreover, the strength and quantity are not important. Complications can occur, including death.
  • Any alarming symptoms are a reason to interrupt the course and inform your doctor.

This is an effective drug that can also be used during rehabilitation therapy. The drug significantly speeds up the healing process. You will be required to follow the specialist's recommendations. Moreover, this must be done in the most careful manner. The slightest mistakes in your diet can set you back a long way.

Prevention measures

There are many reasons for the development of pancreatitis. This could be a metabolic disorder, stomach surgery, and much more. Poor nutrition, non-compliance with the regime and alcohol consumption can lead to an exacerbation of this disease.

That is why it is not enough to take the drug, no matter how good it is. It is necessary to eat properly and in small portions so as not to burden the stomach and pancreas. Food should not be too hot or cold, which irritates the mucous membranes. Avoid sour, spicy, fried and fatty foods. This is the only way to achieve lasting results. If after a course of treatment there is an exacerbation, then it is necessary to return to the doctor again to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe further treatment.

That is, treatment comes down to two main points: preventing the destruction of the gland and relieving severe pain. The anti-inflammatory effect for pancreatitis can be maintained with the help of folk remedies. This could be chamomile and milk thistle. But before you start taking it, do not forget to consult your doctor first. Complex treatment usually gives very good results, so you should not rely only on drugs.

Inflammatory disease of the pancreas - pancreatitis - has become one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which affects more and more people every year. The course of treatment of the disease, in addition to an individually selected diet, depending on the type and severity of inflammation of the organ, includes the prescription of medications that alleviate the acute condition, promote “unloading” and restoration of the damaged pancreas. A popular first aid remedy is Omeprazole.

Omeprazole for pancreatic inflammation

The drug belongs to the proton pump inhibitors, which effectively acts in an acidic environment (reducing the “spiciness”), reducing the amount of juice secreted by the stomach. The medicine's abilities help patients with confirmed pancreatic disease and those suffering from diseases related to the digestive system. The range of effects of the medicine is diverse, high quality allows you to achieve the desired effect in a short period of time.

What is he?

The drug is enclosed in capsules filled with small granules (crystallized powder). The granules contain active substances and are coated with a quickly dissolving coating. The medicine begins to work sixty minutes after entering the body, the maximum functional effect is achieved after two hours, reducing the secretion of stomach acids by sixty percent.

An additional bonus is the complete breakdown of active substances by the liver and easy removal from the body. The maximum result of treatment is possible four days after starting to take the drug. Omeprazole:

  • Removes unpleasant pain sensations accompanying pancreatic disease.
  • Relieves the severity of inflammatory processes.
  • Significantly reduces the secretion of juice (acid) by the stomach.
  • Brings the patient’s metabolism, which has been shaken, to a stable state.

Prescription of Omeprazole for pancreatitis

Inflammatory processes in the pancreas are dangerous due to the inability of the damaged organ to remove the produced enzymes “outside”, into the intestine; as a result, substances get stuck in the gland, digested inside the organ, having a destructive effect.

In addition to the loss of functionality of the gland and the danger of extensive necrosis, there is an increased possibility of infection of vital organs with toxins secreted by the suffering gland. It is highly recommended not to delay treatment.


Quite often, specialists began to

for patients
with pancreas, omeprazole
. This drug is an excellent remedy for reducing acidity in the stomach, which occurs as a result of a decrease in the activity and amount of gastric juice. In addition, it helps with other problems related to the digestive system.

Omeprazole is a capsule filled with a special powder, which begins to act an hour after administration, and at the end is completely eliminated from the body. Its action is aimed at:

  • decreased acidity in the stomach;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • pain relief.

The doctor prescribes omeprazole only if the diagnosis has been confirmed, recommending taking it with meals or shortly before meals. Due to the high quality of the drug, cure is possible in a short time if it is taken correctly, strictly as prescribed.


Omeprazole for the pancreas

is one of the best medicines, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding children. In addition, it may cause side effects in patients with pancreatitis. Side effects resulting from taking this type of medication include the following:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • CNS disorders can manifest as migraines, headaches, severe sweating, and depression;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • manifestations of allergy symptoms;
  • Itching, hair loss and other skin disorders cannot be ruled out.

In order to avoid them, you must strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor and the dosage schedule. Many people mistakenly believe that the drug can be taken by everyone, for any digestive disorders.

Important! Experts ask patients to pay attention to the fact that this drug has a pronounced effect, so it is not suitable for every person who experiences discomfort in the abdominal area due to pancreatitis and other diseases


Taking the drug

A gastroenterologist prescribes Omeprazole for pancreatitis with a confirmed diagnosis orally (in some cases, depending on the severity of the disease, intravenous administration is possible), shortly before or during meals. The dosage of the medicine and options for use depend on the form and stage of the disease.

Omeprazole for acute pancreatitis

Acute inflammation of the pancreas is a dangerous and severe form of pathology that brings a person under a surgical scalpel; in the absence of proper treatment, death is possible. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by severe pain, fever, vomiting (sometimes does not stop), and rarely, skin jaundice that accompanies the disease.

For this form of illness, the dosage of Omeprazole is twenty milligrams at a time; it is better to drink the capsule with warm water in a large volume. The standard treatment time is two weeks; if necessary, treatment can be extended.

In case of acute recurrent inflammation of the pancreas, the dose of capsules is doubled (up to forty milligrams), administration is possible at any time of the day, before meals and also with plenty of warm water. The general course is a month, and in case of secondary manifestation of symptoms, an additional dose of ten milligrams per day is prescribed (for people with a reduced ability to restore the pancreas - twenty).

In chronic form

Chronic pancreatitis indicates that the form of the disease has gone into remission, but the gland has not completely recovered. The diseased organ must be protected and supported with restrictions in the daily menu and properly selected medications.

Omeprazole for patients in the chronic stage is prescribed in a dosage of sixty milligrams every twenty-four hours, preferably in the morning, washing down the capsule with plenty of warm water. If absolutely necessary, the doctor can, based on the patient’s test results and the tolerability of the drug components, double the number of capsules.

In a rare form of inflammation of the gland - acute chronic pancreatitis - Omeprazole is increased to eighty milligrams per day for a minimum of fourteen days against the backdrop of a strict diet and additional medications. The dose is increased according to the severity of the disease. In such a case, the time of reception does not matter.

Side effects

When taking Omeprazole to improve the condition of patients with damaged pancreas, importance is attached to the possible side effects of the drug. It is assumed that there is a category of people who are initially not recommended to purchase the drug for treatment. In some patients, the use of medicinal capsules causes unpleasant consequences:

  • Excited state, increased temperature, fever.
  • Insomnia or, conversely, increased sleepiness.
  • Constipation or the opposite effect - diarrhea.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Headaches, dizziness, increased sweating.
  • Redness of the skin combined with increased temperature (erythema). Rashes, itching.
  • Numbness of the limbs, hair loss, infrequently - hallucinations.
  • Dry mouth, decreased sense of taste, inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Decreased platelets and leukocytes.
  • If a person with an inflamed pancreas is diagnosed with various liver ailments, hepatitis may develop while taking Omeprazole.

Taking medication capsules is prohibited for pregnant women, mothers while breastfeeding, children under twelve years of age and patients with developed high sensitivity to the active substances.

Omeprazole or Omez?

Often, carriers of pancreatitis have doubts about whether it is possible to replace the Omeprazole prescribed by the attending physician with Omez. The latter is often found on shopping lists for pancreatic inflammation and is capable of long-term reduction of unnecessary acidity. The drugs are similar in appearance (capsules with granules).

The main active ingredient in both drugs is omeprazole, the difference is in the auxiliary components, the country - distant India (Omeprazole is our compatriot) and cost. In the Russian version, the main substance is contained in the maximum volume, and emphasis is placed on it in the medicine. In the Indian drug, the volume of omeprazole is reduced due to the variety of auxiliary components aimed at reducing possible side effects and improving the body’s perception of the drug. The possible consequences of taking both medications are virtually identical, but the less aggressive Omez reduces the likelihood of consequences to minimal values, unlike the Russian medicine.

Omez is often prescribed for pancreatitis, just like Omeprazole; it is impossible to say categorically which version is better. The optimal drug should be prescribed by a doctor based on the characteristics of the patient with a damaged pancreas. The dosage and duration of use are determined exclusively by a competent doctor!

The drug Omez for pancreatitis is used as a complex treatment for diseases of the pancreas. Often this pathology is combined with inflammatory processes in the stomach, which are eliminated by taking this medication.

Omez, or Omeprazole, is available in capsule form. The drug has a complex effect on the gastric mucosa, blocking the production of hydrochloric acid. At the same time, regeneration processes occur. In addition, hydrochloric acid does not have any aggressive effect on the pancreas in this case. There is no hypersecretion and inflammation, which leads to pancreatitis.

Omez is a proton pump blocker. It can only be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the large number of beneficial properties, this medicine has a number of contraindications and may not be used by everyone. Before taking the drug, you should read the instructions for use and the side effects that it can have on the body.

Omeprazole for the treatment of pancreatitis

Medicine for the treatment of pancreatitis,

or inflammation
of the pancreas, omeprazole
is widely used in modern medicine as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, and also to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach. It also contains substances such as glycerin, gelatin and other components.

Despite the large number of positive qualities of omeprazole, it has a number of contraindications. The most important thing, which also applies to other medications, is the intake of alcoholic beverages and medications containing alcohol. Combining medication with the slightest dose of alcohol can cause serious complications, including death. In addition to this contraindication, there are others:

  • Pregnant women are not recommended to take capsules;
  • It is contraindicated to take the medicine for nursing mothers;
  • Children under 12 years of age should avoid taking the drug;
  • Individual intolerance to one or more components is also a contraindication to taking omeprazole.

For inflammation of the pancreas

The dose
of omeprazole
is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. Thus, the correctly selected dosage promotes rapid recovery, but not always everything is so good. Therefore, every patient taking this medicine should know that if any negative changes in well-being occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and tell him about the problem. If the problem is directly related to taking omeprazole, the doctor will prescribe the optimal medicine to replace it.

For pancreatitis,

of the pancreas, omeprazole
is undoubtedly one of the most effective medications. However, many resort to self-medication, which does not lead to the best consequences. As a rule, the use of any method of treatment without the appointment of a specialist can lead, at best, to complications; as a result, the disease will not disappear, and in the worst case, a person may die.

Important! Scientists have found that alternative medicine really works, however, even when taking medicines of exclusively natural origin, it is necessary to consult with specialists, and ideally they should be combined with special-purpose medications.

Considering the drug omeprazole for the treatment of pancreas

The following conclusions can be drawn: despite certain contraindications and side effects in some cases, the product is indeed effective. However, do not forget that it should be taken only after a doctor’s prescription, and self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Omez for pancreatitis

Omez is a medication that can reduce the level of acidity in the stomach. In a neutral environment, the mucous membrane recovers faster, so this medicine is often prescribed for peptic ulcers. For biliary pancreatitis, this drug is an auxiliary treatment method. The active substance is able to neutralize the aggressive effects of bile acids on the stomach and pancreas.

The fact is that pancreatitis is not always an independent disease. Often the inflammatory process in the pancreas is provoked by hypersecretion of the stomach and improper functioning of the gallbladder. In this case, the contents of the organ, namely bile, can become a consequence of the disease. The pancreas becomes inflamed and acute symptoms occur. Omez can solve this problem. It helps the organ recover by eliminating the aggressive effects of bile and hydrochloric acid.

However, this does not mean that such a medication can be used by all people suffering from pancreatitis without exception. If a person has gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori infection, then at first the disease will subside for a while, but with uncontrolled use of Omez it may intensify again. The fact is that the Helicobacter pylori bacterium multiplies especially quickly with reduced acidity, causing, on the contrary, hypersecretion. If the pH of the stomach is close to an alkaline environment for a long time, this only increases the spread of infection.

In addition, the risk of catching E. coli and becoming seriously ill increases several times. The acidic environment of the stomach is a natural obstacle to pathogenic microflora. Not all bacteria can overcome such a barrier. And when taking proton pump blockers, acidity decreases, which can provoke infection with a common infection.

Is it possible to take omeprazole for cholecystitis and pancreatitis?

This drug helps reduce the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
In this regard, it is recommended for use in chronic pancreatitis. Omeprasone helps reduce pain, helps bring the pancreas to a state of rest, and makes the secretion of gastric juice much less.

Omeprazole is available in powder and tablet form; this substance is white in color. The dosage of this drug during treatment of pancreatitis should be selected by a specialist. Since it has a direct dependence on how large the secretion of stomach acid is.

This drug very actively fights against high acidity at any time of the day. The medicine begins to work two hours after it enters the human body and its effect lasts for a day. It is used orally during meals, but there are cases when Omeprazole is administered intravenously for pancreatitis.

The drug is prescribed after diagnosing the following diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Inflammation of the esophagus or reflux esophagitis;
  • Peptic ulcer, which is provoked by certain microorganisms and in some cases such disorders lead to stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • Cholecystitis.

Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy, but this drug has a sufficient number of side effects, so you should definitely take this into account when taking it.

Sometimes taking Omeprazole you may notice the following side effects:

  • Insomnia;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Paresthenia or feeling of numbness in the arms and legs;
  • Hallucinations or delusions;
  • Pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • Constipation or, conversely, digestive tract disorders;
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • Distortion of taste sensations;
  • Gastrointestinal candidiasis;
  • Stomatitis and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Allergic reactions, in the form of skin rashes and itching;
  • Weakness and drowsiness;
  • Hair loss on the head;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Vision problems;
  • Swelling;
  • Some liver diseases may cause jaundice or even hepatitis.

Very often, the cause of pancreatitis is cholecystitis or vice versa, so therapy for these diseases is approximately the same. The causes of these diseases are also similar and include:

  1. Overeating, poor nutrition or constant fasting and strict diets;
  2. Food poisoning and alcohol abuse, also alcoholism;
  3. Sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, frequent constipation;
  4. Diabetes mellitus, chronic digestive diseases, various types of infections.

Despite the fact that the work of the pancreas and gall bladder is different, their purpose is undeniably similar. This is to help the digestion process with the help of enzymes that these organs secrete.

Cholecystitis appears due to stagnation of bile in the bladder, which provokes an inflammatory process.

With pancreatitis, pancreatic juice does not leave the gland and this leads to the fact that the organ begins to digest itself.

If we consider the work of a healthy body, the pancreas and gallbladder fully cooperate and complement each other.

  • Pain in the abdominal area, back and lower ribs;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Jaundice, which manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Fever and high body temperature;
  • Weakness of the body and a constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness;
  • Indigestion, loose stools with pieces of undigested food.
  • Hemogram, this method shows an increase in ESR, platelets and leukocytes, most often this occurs during inflammatory processes with purulent manifestations, as well as when there is a suspicion of cancer.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood and urine. These studies should show if there are disturbances in the pancreas: an increase in elastase-1, lipase, blood trypsin or urine amylase. Such indicators occur during the inflammatory process. And with the loss of gland cells, that is, its death, most often associated with oncology: it reduces all these enzymes.
  • Coprogram. This is a stool test that can show that fats and proteins are not being digested.
  • Fecal elastase-1 study. If the level of this enzyme decreases, then the specialist can identify malignant tumors, complex pancreatitis, and other abnormalities in the patient in the early stages.
  • Tumor markers. They will talk about whether there is death of tissues and cells of the pancreas against the background of developing oncology.
  • Tests for pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Such tests include: Lund's test, with methionine, bentyramine, with mecholyl ether, pancreatolauric test.
  • Glucose tolerance test or starch load test. This test helps to show disturbances in the production of the very important hormone insulin.

After all the studies have been completed and the tests are ready, the specialist prescribes therapy using medications, including Omeprazole for pancreatitis and a diet, which includes table No. 5.

The fact is that the causes of cholecystitis and pancreatitis are largely the same. Both one and the second disease often occur for the same reasons:

  • chronic bacterial infection, chronic metabolic disorder, diabetes;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and all its consequences, including obesity, constipation, decreased tone of internal organs;
  • disordered eating, overeating, abuse of fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, hot seasonings and spices;
  • alcohol, food poisoning.

Some medications can also cause symptoms of pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Although these organs work completely differently, the pancreas and gallbladder have a similar purpose: to release enzymes into the digestive tract for the normal digestion of food.

Only the gallbladder stores and doses bile, which is produced by the liver, and the pancreas itself produces the digestive enzyme - pancreatic juice.

With cholecystitis, bile in the bladder stagnates and inflammation begins; with pancreatitis, instead of entering the intestines, pancreatic juice remains in the gland, and it begins to digest itself.

In a healthy body, the pancreas and gallbladder work in tandem, allowing the intestines to process any familiar food. But if at least one of the organs is unhealthy, this often causes disease in the second.

For example, with pancreatitis, pancreatic juice enters the gallbladder and corrodes its walls.

Due to the fact that the diseases often complement or even cause each other, and their symptoms are similar, doctors sometimes call the combination of cholecystitis and pancreatitis “cholecystopancreatitis”.

In addition to inflammatory changes in the organs themselves, pancreatitis and cholecystitis lead to the fact that not enough enzymes enter the intestines, and the digestive system malfunctions.

Other serious complications may develop: liver disease, stomach disease, and with pancreatitis - even type 2 diabetes.

The treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis is carried out by a gastroenterologist who is well aware of the symptoms and signs of both diseases and their mutual influence on each other.

It is impossible to quickly cope with cholecystitis and pancreatitis. For this, medications are needed, and physiotherapy and medicinal herbs are used to help them. Treatment of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis will be long and persistent. The first thing the doctor will do is prescribe antibiotics to the patient, for example, Bactrim (Biseptol), to suppress the infection that caused the inflammation.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the conditions in which bacteria began to actively multiply, that is, to establish the outflow of bile and pancreatic juice and stop stagnation.

  1. To relax painfully contracted bile ducts and relieve pain, No-shpu, Meteospasmil and Motilium, Halidor, Papaverine, Buscopan are usually prescribed for cholecystitis. If there are signs that the gallbladder is too relaxed and cannot contract to release bile, Eglonil and Cisapride are prescribed. Choleretic drugs help to enhance the production of bile: Holosas, Cholenzym, Holagol, Liobil.
  2. Pancreatitis comes in different forms. Sometimes the diseased pancreas produces too little, and sometimes too much pancreatic juice, this condition is called pancreatic hypersecretion. In this case, patients are prescribed Omeprazole (Antra), Famotidine (Quamatel), Pantoprazole (Controloc), Lansoprazole (Lanzac), etc. Antispasmodics are also prescribed to relieve spasms.
  3. For normal digestion, the patient will have to take those enzymes that are lacking in pancreatitis and cholecystitis. These are, first of all, Creon, Panzinorm and Pancitrate, Festal, Pancreatin, Cotazim, Mezim, Digestal, Pankurmen. If the patient only has cholecystitis, and the pancreas is working normally, but choleretic drugs are not effective enough, he is prescribed bile drugs.

For any chronic diseases, physiotherapy is prescribed only if there is no exacerbation. If you have cholecystitis, you may be prescribed UHF, ultrasound and/or electrophoresis to the liver area. Electrical procedures increase bile production and improve blood circulation in the gallbladder area. They reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and in the acalculous type of disease, they will prevent stones from forming.

Ultrasound, electrophoresis and UHF are also used to treat those with pancreatitis or a combination of diseases. The only difference is that the effect is carried out on different areas of the abdomen. Additionally, the patient is recommended to drink mineral waters - “Essentuki”, “Borjomi” - and take mineral baths, sodium chloride and with carbon dioxide.

Mud is considered a very effective treatment for chronic cholecystitis. They are useful for the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver. Mud baths and applications increase immunity, relieve inflammation, and act as pain relievers. Treatment of chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis with mud begins after the symptoms of exacerbation disappear.

There is no point in treating pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other gastrointestinal diseases without a diet. Any chronic disease of the intestines and related organs is most often caused by poor nutrition. You need to eat little by little, carefully selecting foods. It is recommended to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

If you have chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis, especially with signs of exacerbation, you should not eat fried, spicy or fatty foods. You also need to give up smoked meats, salty foods, canned food and sausages. Chocolate, cocoa, and all alcoholic beverages are prohibited for these diseases.

You will benefit from cottage cheese and fermented milk products, stewed, boiled vegetables and vegetable soups, porridges, non-acidic fruits, boiled or steamed meat and fish. You can drink compotes, jelly, mineral water. To alleviate the symptoms of worsened cholecystitis and pancreatitis, foods should be light. Then they will be quickly digested and will not overload the stomach and intestines.

The diet for chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach is often supplemented with herbal medicine. When choosing medicinal herbs, you need to take into account that you may be allergic to some of them. Some medications increase or decrease blood pressure and may cause stomach weakness or constipation.

Collection No. 1. Take 3 parts each of dill seeds and mint leaves, 2 parts each of hawthorn berries, immortelle flowers and one part medicinal chamomile. It is recommended to prepare herbal infusions in a water bath, heating the mixture of herbs and water for half an hour. But you can just pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water.

You need to infuse the decoction for at least an hour, drink 1/4 cup three times a day before meals. Keep in mind that mint and hawthorn lower blood pressure.

Collection No. 2. Mix equal amounts of string, elecampane, and mint leaves. Pour 3 tbsp. l. herbal mixture 1.5 cups of boiling water and boil for several minutes in a covered saucepan. Leave for an hour, drink 1/3 glass twice a day before meals.

Collection No. 3. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers, wrap, leave for 8 hours. You need to drink the infusion 1/3 cup. Like all herbs, it is taken 20-30 minutes before meals.

With the calculous, that is, stone type of the disease, the bladder is removed when it is clogged with stones and they move, blocking the bile ducts. In some cases, only stones can be removed, but over time they appear again. If inflammation appears against the background of dysfunction of the gallbladder, but there are no stones in it, surgery is usually not necessary.

Surgeries are also performed in some cases of chronic pancreatitis. After prolonged inflammation, some pancreatic tissue may become dead and need to be removed. The most serious consequence of inflammation of the pancreas is the death of those cells that produce insulin.

Inflammation in the pancreas and gall bladder is often diagnosed simultaneously. To treat such a complex pathology, doctors use an integrated approach, including drugs with different mechanisms of action. Antibiotics are prescribed for cholecystitis, pancreatitis, antispasmodics, and drugs to compensate for impaired organ functions and normalize digestion.

With simultaneous inflammation, a person feels pain under the ribs, radiating to the right side

The gallbladder and pancreas (PG) are interconnected. The organs actively participate in digestion, secreting, respectively, bile and pancreatic juice, without which the breakdown and absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is impossible. Unlike the pancreas, the bile duct itself does not produce its own secretion, but is only a reservoir for its accumulation and release at the right time. The liver produces bile.


Course of treatment and benefits of the medicine

Only a doctor prescribes the optimal course and dosage of the drug. When taken, the pancreas and gastric mucosa are restored. Ulcerative lesions also scar. It is very important that the doctor prescribes the required amount of the drug for pancreatitis, since the dose varies depending on the disease. Omez has no direct indications for inflammatory processes in the pancreas and the advisability of taking it is determined by a specialist.

The course of treatment often does not exceed 10 days. The drug is not used during breastfeeding and pregnancy, as it is well absorbed and can have a negative effect on the child’s body.

Omeprazole for pancreatitis causes positive dynamics in the functioning of the pancreas. The use of the drug is a comprehensive solution to problems with the digestive system. This antiulcer drug is used to prevent pathological processes in the body. Omeprazole has proven itself as an adjuvant therapy for pancreatic diseases. The properties of the drug can reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and also help eliminate pain in the pancreas. It is worth considering the mechanism of action of this medication, existing contraindications for use and the occurrence of adverse reactions if a number of rules are not followed during treatment.

Dosage and prescription for use of the drug for pancreatitis

Your doctor will tell you how to take Omez for pancreatitis, since the dosage and duration of the course of treatment depend on the stage and severity of the disease.

Omez is not a drug that can be used as a preventive measure or in cases of suspected pancreatic disease.

Instructions for using Omez for pancreatitis, as a rule, prescribe taking capsules for several weeks or months. The course depends directly on the degree of the disease and progress in treatment.

  1. At the initial stage (about two months), the drug is prescribed to take two tablets daily. Orally: in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and in the evening. Simultaneous food intake does not reduce bioavailability, that is, it does not have any effect on the amount of omeprazole absorbed.
  2. Next, the doctor reduces the usual dose to one capsule per day - as a maintenance function.

The drug is taken once a day, with a dosage of 20 mg, it quickly and effectively suppresses the daytime and nighttime production of acidity by gastric juice. After 4 days, the maximum effect of the drug is observed.

The combination of Omez with antimicrobial drugs helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of pancreatitis and its complications, has a high rate of healing of any injuries to the mucous membrane and long-term remission of peptic ulcers.

Instructions for the use of Omez for pancreatitis are drawn up by the attending physician based on some tests and characteristics of the patient:

  • the level of intragastric pH is measured;
  • patient weight;
  • pronounced clinical symptoms.

The drug Omez is produced in dosages of 10, 20 and 40 mg, the daily norm should not exceed 120 mg.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Omeprazole is part of the group of proton pump inhibitors - compounds that stop the production of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. The therapeutic effect of the drug is carried out at the molecular level. Omeprazole helps reduce the secretion of gastric juice after eating food. If you stop taking the drug, the production of hydrochloric acid is restored within 3-4 days.

The use of Omeprazole leads to regression of pancreatic ailments and all kinds of acid-related diseases of the stomach: pain and dyspeptic symptoms are eliminated, and general health is normalized.

The drug can be used for a long time. Systematic reduction of acidity levels helps to destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori - the causative agent of ulcers and 90% of gastritis of various etiologies.

Pancreatin and omez

When treating diseases of the digestive tract, medications of different groups are prescribed: proton pump inhibitors, enzymes, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Patients often wonder which is better: Omez or Pancreatin. For comparison, you need to study their main characteristics. Capsules containing 10 mg of the active substance omeprazole. Omez is a member of the group of proton pump inhibitors. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice by inhibiting the production of an enzyme that delivers hydrogen protons for the synthesis and release of hydrochloric acid.

Omez is prescribed by a gastroenterologist in the following cases:

  • ulceration of the stomach and/or intestines;
  • erosions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract caused by NSAID therapy;
  • benign stomach tumors;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • gastritis.

As a component of complex therapy, it is prescribed to eliminate Helicobacter pylori.

Contraindicated in cases of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient, as well as during concurrent therapy with nelfinavir.


A drug with a multienzyme composition containing the enzyme substance pancreatin 250 mg. The active component exhibits proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic effects in the breakdown of nutrients, thereby replacing pancreatic secretions.

The use of Pancreatin is indicated for the following conditions:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • eating unusual foods, overeating;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • acceleration of food passage in the intestines;
  • insufficiency of enzyme production;
  • low enzyme activity.

Pancreatin is not prescribed for the acute form of pancreatitis, as well as for its chronic course during exacerbation. Taking Pancreatin is contraindicated for intestinal obstruction of any etiology.

Methods of using drugs

The recommended dosage of Omez is one or two capsules once a day. It is recommended to take Omez in the morning twenty minutes before meals. The course of therapy in most cases lasts up to thirty days. Take the capsule with a glass of clean water.

It is recommended to take one or two tablets of Pancreatin during a meal or immediately after it. Take up to four tablets per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

Omez should be taken with the drug Pancreatin according to the following scheme:

  • one or two capsules of Omez in the morning before breakfast;
  • one or two Pancreatin tablets with or after meals.

The specific dosage will be determined by the doctor, depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

Joint reception

At the same time, Omez and Pancreatin are indicated for functional pathologies of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • flatulence, belching;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • low production and/or activity of enzymes;
  • slowing down the digestion process.

For pancreatitis during remission, Pancreatin together with Omez is prescribed to reduce the load on the pancreas. This combination of drugs effectively eliminates symptoms associated with high acidity and poor digestion of food.

Differences and analogues

You can compare Omez with Pancreatin based on their medicinal properties. Omez affects the acidity of gastric contents, thereby relieving inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes. Pancreatin is involved in the digestion process and eliminates those symptoms associated with poor digestion of food. The pharmacological action is where the difference between the drugs lies.

Instead, the gastroenterologist may prescribe analogues. Omez substitutes:

Pancreatin substitutes:

The choice of an analogue should be made only by the attending physician based on the diagnostic results and severity of symptoms.


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Pancreatitis is a disease that requires adherence to a diet that alleviates the patient’s suffering, but only with proper medications can a speedy recovery be achieved.

An antiulcer drug, the main function of which is to suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid, is Omez. The main active ingredient is omeprazole.

It is familiar to everyone who, at least once in their life, has encountered the feeling of heartburn, overeating, pain in the abdomen, pancreas, and all kinds of gastritis. The drug acts as a pain reliever, but using it uncontrolled and not as prescribed by the attending physician is quite dangerous.

What is Omez?

With the rapid development of pharmacology, pharmacy shelves are overflowing with a mass of drugs that relieve symptoms of inflammation in the stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and fight ulcers affecting the digestive organs.

One of the leaders of such drugs is Omez. It belongs to the group of antiulcer drugs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid. It is due to the main component of omeprazole that this effect occurs in the intestines.

The work of the drug begins an hour after administration and continues throughout the day. At the end of taking Omez, the exocrine gland restores its secretory activity within 3-5 days.

Thanks to the capsule shell, which consists of acid-resistant components, dissolution of Omez is possible only in the intestines. The shell consists of:

  • lauryl sulfate;
  • dibasic sodium sulfate;
  • sucrose;
  • specially purified water.

Externally, it is presented in a transparent pink, transparent yellow shell with visible balls inside or in the form of a hard opaque gelatin capsule. One plate contains 10 or 30 pieces.

Absorption of omeprazole occurs immediately.

Indications for use of the drug

When taken once a day, Omez controls the secretion of gastric acidity. Omeprazole in an acidic environment inhibits the enzyme that accelerates the exchange of hydrogen ions, thereby blocking the final stage of the formation of hydrochloric acid.

The dosage of the drug regulates its effect on the basal (basic) and acquired secretion of acidity.

Omez is indicated for use during diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer and any peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, when gastric juice has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane;
  • gastritis;
  • the development of reflux esophagitis, a disease in which the esophagus becomes inflamed;
  • stress ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • with systemic mastocytosis.

Omez and pancreatitis are continuously linked, since this drug is one of the first in the prescription containing the treatment of this disease. It can be purchased at any pharmacy freely and without a special prescription.

Are there any contraindications for taking the medicine?

The main criterion for refusing to take Omez is direct intolerance to the substance omeprazole or an allergy to the components of the drug.

Problems with the kidneys during pancreatitis require you to refrain from using Omez, because the medicine is expelled by the body under the condition of increased kidney function.

Any chronic diseases must be indicated in the patient’s medical card in order to exclude possible side effects after taking Omez.


Indications for use

The drug is used for the complex treatment of chronic pancreatitis. The medication suppresses secretion and reduces intrapancreatic pressure, which leads to a reduction in the load on the pancreas. This is a significant property of the drug. Thanks to the use of Omeprazole, it is easier for the internal organ to function. Therefore, the main purpose of prescribing Omeprazole is to provide the pancreas with the greatest possible rest.

It is important to know that pancreatitis causes a number of complications, such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). This disease occurs in patients suffering from pancreatitis for 10 years. The following reasons for the development of GERD can be named:

  • disorders of the motor function of the stomach and esophagus;
  • esophageal sphincter dysfunction;
  • increased formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Acid enters the esophagus, which leads to heartburn and painful sensations in the chest, a reflex cough may occur, a sour taste is felt in the mouth, and cases of dental caries also become more frequent.

Therefore, the only way to relieve the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux is the use of Omeprazole, which has a small list of contraindications. The drug can be used for six months, which helps relieve the pancreas and reduce the intensity of GERD symptoms.

Omeprazole is often taken in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime for severe clinical symptoms. If a positive effect is observed during the therapeutic effect of the drug, then you can switch to a single dose of Omeprazole. The dose can only be determined by the attending physician, based on your medical history, as well as depending on the pH level of the gastric contents and the patient’s weight.

Omeprazole and Pancreatin: combined use

Digestive disorders occur for many reasons, and one of them is insufficient activity of the pancreas or its diseases.
To eliminate the pathology, various means have been developed, among which Pancreatin and Omeprazole are especially popular. Both drugs can be used separately, but very often they are prescribed at the same time. Why is this done and what is special about these medications?

The main component of the drug is pancreatin. A substance of natural origin, which is obtained mainly from the cells of the pancreas of pigs.

The particular value of the compound is the presence of the main enzymes: alpha-amylase, lipase, protease, the activity and amount of which determines the normal digestion of incoming nutrients.

The drug is designed to replenish the lack of these substances in case of insufficient activity of the human pancreas or its disease, as well as in case of its absence after removal. Each of them plays its role:

  • Alpha amylase ensures the breakdown of starch into oligosaccharides
  • Lipase is a water-soluble substance that promotes the absorption and dissolution of incoming fats.
  • Protease is a group of enzymes that ensure the cleavage of peptide bonds in amino acids.

In addition, pancreatin also contains trypsin, an enzyme responsible for protein breakdown. At the same time, the substance has an analgesic effect, inhibiting the stimulated activity of the pancreas.

The drug acts quite quickly - a person feels relief already 20-30 minutes after taking the tablets.

The medicine is available in several forms - injections (for providing quick relief or for use in the treatment of severe forms of diseases), enteric-coated tablets and capsules.

Pancreatin is prescribed for therapy for:

  • Insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas
  • Chronic forms of gastrointestinal, liver diseases, as well as gallbladder pathologies.

In addition, Pancreatin is useful to drink if you have difficulty digesting after overeating or eating heavy foods. The drug is also prescribed before X-ray examination or ultrasound, in the postoperative period after interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, resection of the pancreas.

Characteristics of Omeprazole

The drug has antiulcer action, which is provided by omeprazole, a substance that has the ability to inhibit proton pumps in the parietal cells of the stomach, which ensure the formation and release of hydrochloric acid in response to irritation of specific receptors. The treatment process is through the mechanism of suppressing the activity of the enzyme adenosine triphosphate. As a result of all processes, the level of already existing hydrochloric acid is reduced and its excessive synthesis is not allowed, and thus its content is controlled.

Omeprazole does not affect the condition and activity of nerve endings sensitive to histamine and acetylcholine.

The advantage of omeprazole is that the substance has bactericidal properties: it suppresses the activity of Helicobacter pylori infection, which is usually localized in the pylorus of the stomach and is the causative agent of various types of hepatitis and gastric ulceration.

The use of Omeprazole in one course together with appropriate antibiotics helps to quickly suppress the source of inflammation, accelerate the healing of affected tissues and thereby prevent the development of internal bleeding.

Indications for taking Omeprazole are:

  • Therapy for exacerbation of peptic ulcer and duodenum and maintenance of remission
  • Treatment of reflux esophagitis.

In addition, this drug is actively prescribed for pancreatitis in any form (acute or chronic). As a result of treatment with Omeprazole:

  • Pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas is eliminated
  • The intensity of the inflammatory process decreases
  • The amount of hydrochloric acid released decreases and at the same time the level of available hydrochloric acid decreases.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized.

Omeprazole is mainly produced in capsules, but manufacturers also provide an injection form of the drug.

The effect of the antiulcer agent manifests itself more slowly than that of Pancreatin: symptoms of improvement become noticeable an hour after ingestion, and a visible therapeutic effect occurs several days after the start of the course.

Is it possible to take Omeprazole and Pancreatin together?

Both drugs are often prescribed in one treatment course, and therefore it is quite natural to ask whether Omeprazole and Pancreatin can be taken together, especially since the instructions do not say anything about this.

Differences and similarities of drugs

The main similarity of the drugs is that both drugs affect digestion, eliminating the factors of its disorder, and are prescribed for pancreatitis. But the mechanism and localization of action are completely different.

Omeprazole is a powerful antiulcer medication, the prescription of which requires serious indications and should not be used for self-medication. It is used to reduce the intensity of hydrochloric acid production, and the action of Pancreatin is aimed at restoring the necessary level of enzymes for the normal digestion process, and it is allowed to be drunk without prescription (for example, after overeating).

Drinking Omeprazole for pancreatitis is indicated if there is too much acid released, and it penetrates the pancreas and thus injures it. The effect develops gradually as the active substance accumulates; its intensity depends on the dosages used.

The therapeutic effect of Pancreatin is aimed at replenishing the missing enzymes necessary for normal digestion. The effect appears much faster, and the enzymes themselves do not accumulate in the body. In addition, Pancreatin is an over-the-counter drug; you can take the medicine once in case of indigestion without a doctor’s prescription.

Pancreatin should not be taken in case of acute pancreatitis or an attack of chronic pancreatitis, but Omeprazole can be taken.

How to take medications

The duration of treatment and dosage are determined according to individual indications, so we can only talk about average recommendations:

  • You need to take Omeprazole capsules once a day, half an hour before meals (preferably in the morning), Pancreatin capsules - at any time: combined with each meal or consumed immediately after meals. You are allowed to take several tablets during the day.

The course of Omeprazole, depending on the pathology, can take from 4 to 8 months, Pancreatin, if necessary, for an unlimited time.

Adverse drug reactions

Pancreatin is easier to tolerate than the effects of Omeprazole, most often causing allergic reactions, but with prolonged use in high dosages it can provoke hyperuricosuria, a condition that develops as a result of increased levels of uric acid in the blood.

Omeprazole, like a more powerful medication, can provoke more disorders. Therefore, when prescribing it, more individual factors need to be taken into account.

What works better for pancreatitis - Omeprazole or Pancreatitis - depends primarily on what caused the organ disease. Since the properties and actions of drugs are different, only a gastroenterologist can determine what will be more effective for a particular patient.


Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of Omeprazole are pregnancy and breastfeeding. But a number of adverse reactions, of which there are quite a few, should be listed:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • headaches (dizziness);
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • the occurrence of hallucinations;
  • stomach ache;
  • upset stomach and constipation;
  • dry mouth, dysfunction of taste receptors;
  • gastrointestinal candidiasis;
  • decreased white blood cell count and decreased platelet levels;
  • the occurrence of stomatitis;
  • joint pain;
  • the occurrence of bronchospasms;
  • muscle pain;
  • itching of the skin, urticaria may occur;
  • hair loss;
  • an infectious allergic disease, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of red spots on the skin;
  • hyperhidrosis (increased sweating);
  • febrile manifestations;
  • the occurrence of swelling;
  • visual impairment.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against pancreatitis, it is still worth considering the advisability of its use, based on the existing adverse reactions of the body. Be careful when taking Omeprazole.

Indications and contraindications for use

This is a universal drug used to treat various diseases and pathologies of the functioning of the pancreas. Omeprazole should be taken if the following indications exist:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • the presence of an oncological neoplasm on the pancreas;
  • acute and chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the digestive system;
  • peptic ulcer caused by pathogenic microflora entering the body.

Omez can be taken for pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract only with the permission of the attending physician, since the drug has many contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Main contraindications to taking the drug:

  • sleep problems;
  • frequent headaches, attacks of dizziness;
  • stool disorders;
  • psychical deviations;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • swelling of soft tissues.

Before using the drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use, since the patient may have individual intolerance to certain components of the drug. You need to drink the product in the exact dosage prescribed by your doctor.

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