Gastritis concept
Gastritis symptoms and treatment in adults 28320 3
Inflammation of the stomach is one of the most common diseases. It is this pathology that becomes the main
diffuse changes
Diffuse changes in the pancreas: suspicious symptoms or acceptable physiological state
What is pancreatic parenchyma Parenchyma is a homogeneous soft tissue of the organ that performs a specialized function.
Pancreatic inflammation problem
How does acute pancreatitis manifest: symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention of inflammation of the pancreas
Not many people know the signs of pancreatic inflammation in adults. This gland is an important internal
Diet for gastritis with high acidity
Diet for gastritis is a way to get rid of symptoms and pain. Required within a certain period
Acute pancreatitis
Diet for exacerbation of the pancreas
Treatment with diet Diet for acute pancreatitis is one of the ways to eliminate the symptoms of this disease,
Drug De-Nol ???? for symptoms of GERD - features of use
Treatment of reflux esophagitis with drugs: we talk about the most effective tablets
Description of the disease Some domestic doctors in many classifications often consider non-erosive GERD as a syndrome
How to cure a stomach ulcer - methods
Drug therapy The drugs that are used in the therapy process are quite numerous and are divided into several
Chronic appendicitis, symptoms in women, diagnosis and treatment
How to determine appendicitis at home in a woman after childbirth
Surgical excision of the inflamed appendix does not yet indicate that this appendix is ​​not
How does the pancreas work in humans?
Causes of discomfort The pancreas can hurt due to various ailments. Discomfort and pain more often
Can appendicitis hurt for several days?
Symptoms (signs) of appendicitis in adults 20498 0
Can appendicitis hurt for several days and what is the appendix for? Doctors are still