How to get to the hospital, or Trying to feign illness

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, that is, the appendix of the cecum. This is a small organ that has ceased to participate in digestion.

Most often it becomes inflamed in people 10–30 years old, but in general you can get sick at any age.

In the Russian Federation, up to a million people suffer from appendicitis every year. The risk that you will develop this disease sooner or later is approximately 7%. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF CLINICAL SONOSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC SCALES FOR ACUTE APPENDICITIS.

If you don't seek help in time, you can die.

When you need to urgently call an ambulance

Dial 103, 112 or go to the nearest emergency department if these symptoms of appendicitis Appendicitis: Early Symptoms, Causes, Pain Location:

  1. A nagging pain in the navel area or in the right lower abdomen. Sometimes it can radiate to the hip. In most cases, pain is the first sign of appendicitis.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Weakness, lethargy.
  4. Pallor.
  5. Nausea and vomiting. Sometimes they appear immediately, and sometimes several hours after the pain occurs.
  6. Cold sweat.
  7. Bloating, difficulty passing gas.
  8. Frequent heartbeat.
  9. Temperature increase. Sometimes it can be insignificant - a little more than 37 ° C. Sometimes the fever jumps to almost 39 °C.

When is surgery necessary?

Acute appendicitis is usually treated surgically. Antibiotic therapy can precede surgery - it helps to neutralize pathogenic microflora and prevent infection of the gastrointestinal tract during appendix removal.

Also, treatment with antimicrobial drugs is prescribed if the patient has any contraindications to surgery.

Appendectomy is an operation to remove the appendix and can be performed in two ways:

  • Traditionally, the appendix is ​​excised and removed through an incision in the lower abdomen.
  • Laparoscopic, which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Read more about laparoscopic appendectomy →

The patient should not eat for half a day after the operation. He must remain in a hospital under the close supervision of medical staff. It is important to maintain bed rest and avoid sudden movements.

After removal of the appendix, the patient is prescribed a second course of antibiotic therapy. It is necessary for the prevention of postoperative complications.

The recovery period after surgery to remove the appendix depends on the stage of development of the inflammatory process at which it was performed. But, as a rule, rehabilitation takes no longer than 14 days. Although, to eliminate the risk of seams coming apart, intense physical activity should be avoided for 1-2 months.

Author: Elizaveta Krizhanovskaya, doctor, especially for

Sometimes it ends badly

The fact is that then appendicitis can easily happen to a person again, and there is a chance that the patient will not get to the hospital on time.

There have also been cases when surgery was not performed and oncology was missed, which could have been noticed and treated in time. In the area of ​​the appendix there are sarcomas and some other tumors. This place is complex, plays a certain role in immunity, and something unexpected can grow there.

In 2020, a large study was conducted in which many people from different countries participated, and it turned out that appendicitis was treated without surgery in only 4% of cases. And this is taking into account that most cases were uncomplicated appendicitis.

Of those who were cured without surgery, approximately 30% still had to be operated on within a year for another appendicitis.

In a good way, those patients who can or need to wait for surgery have a CT scan of the abdomen. It is expensive, difficult and radiation-intensive. Therefore, no one really bothers. It is much easier and calmer to have surgery.


The disease progresses individually. When determining the necessary therapy, the doctor relies on the data of the individual patient. The form of the disease plays an important role. Doctors are more often inclined to radically solve the problem of appendicitis. Recent research and treatment of the disease have proven that antibiotic therapy is effective and helps reduce the inflammatory process, as well as leave the abdominal area intact.

It is worth considering that not all forms of the disease are suitable for drug treatment. Such types of appendicitis as gangrenous and phlegmonous, when purulent processes occur in the organ, imply surgical intervention that saves the health and even the life of the patient. The infection causes the walls of the appendix to become thinner. In the absence of help, rupture and the development of peritonitis are inevitable.


An appendectomy (removal of the appendix through surgery) is risky. Complications that arise afterwards include the appearance of adhesions, poor bowel function, etc. The surgeon cannot vouch for the success of the operation.

An experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the drugs. For the first two days, patients diagnosed with appendicitis were administered intravenous cefotaxime and tinidazole. Then antibiotics were introduced into the body in tablets for a week. 7 people participated in the study and three of them went home; no surgery was performed. But, unfortunately, these people were not subsequently tracked; there is no reliable data about the recurrence of the disease.

Conservative treatment for appendicitis is possible only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision! The action of any antibiotic is aimed at defeating pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammatory processes inside the appendix.

What to do if you doubt whether it is appendicitis

If there seem to be dangerous symptoms, but your health seems tolerable and does not require calling an ambulance, recheck yourself using self-diagnosis techniques 9 Appendicitis Symptoms You Should Know, According to Doctors.

  1. Cough. If it is appendicitis, the pain in the right side of the abdomen will increase.
  2. Lying on your left side, lightly press your palm onto the sore spot, and then quickly remove your hand. With appendicitis, the pain will become stronger at this moment.
  3. Turn onto your left side and stretch your legs. With appendicitis, the pain will become more severe.

However, it is important to understand that self-diagnosis must be taken critically. Monitor your condition. If symptoms suggestive of appendicitis become more severe, call an ambulance or go to the emergency room immediately. There is a high risk that it is still appendicitis and you will need urgent surgery.

Preventing constipation

To prevent appendicitis, it is important to prevent constipation. Preventive measures for appendicitis directly depend on the condition of a person’s stool. Constipation negatively affects both the intestinal microflora, causing pathogenic bacteria in it, and the entire body as a whole, causing intoxication in it. To prevent constipation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.
  • Limit the intake of meat and dishes with it. For those who find it difficult to do this, doctors recommend consuming meat dishes along with foods that are rich in fiber.
  • After eating, you should massage your stomach 7-10 times in a clockwise direction. This action helps move food through the intestines.
  • Do physical activity. During active movement and sports, the intestines function intensively, which prevents the accumulation and retention of food debris in it.

Signs of inflammation

The nature of the manifestation of symptoms directly depends on the form and type of appendicitis. Usually the disease is characterized by an acute course, and therefore the symptomatic manifestations are intense.

    Pain syndrome. The early and most pronounced symptom of inflammation of the appendix. Pain, as a rule, does not have a specific localization, and can manifest itself in the navel, in the right side, in the solar plexus. Has a burning or aching character. If appendicitis is suspected, it is forbidden to take painkillers, as they interfere with further confirmation of the diagnosis.

Pain due to appendicitis

If symptoms of inflammation appear, you should seek medical help without trying to treat the disease yourself.

The question of how to get appendicitis is extremely relevant, since there are many reasons for the development of the disease, and therefore every person has a chance of getting sick. Treatment of the disease is carried out by removing the process, which should be done immediately after the onset of symptoms.

Where does appendicitis come from?

Why the appendix is ​​needed, modern science vaguely presents Appendix (Anatomy): Appendix Picture, Location, Definition. Some consider it a useless vestige and support this version by the fact that after its removal, as a rule, no health consequences arise.

Others suggest that the appendage serves as a kind of repository of “good” bacteria, necessary to reboot the intestinal microflora affected, for example, by diarrhea.

There really are a lot of bacteria in the appendix. And they are often to blame for the development of appendicitis.

Kateryna Kon / Shutterstock

When the lumen of the appendix, connecting it with the cecum, for some reason narrows or is completely blocked, the number of bacteria in the appendix grows rapidly. This is how inflammation begins, that is, appendicitis.

Why the lumen of the appendix narrows is a complex question. Doctors are not always able to answer it Symptoms & Causes of Appendicitis. But most often the reasons are:

  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract and other abdominal organs;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • accumulation of hardened stool;
  • parasites;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • neoplasms;
  • abdominal injuries.

Is it possible to cause appendicitis?

One of the most common pathologies of the abdominal cavity is acute appendicitis. Many people have heard about him since childhood and, sometimes, it seems that everything is already known about him.

Some doctors believe that the appendix with its lymphatic system in childhood contributes to the formation of immunity. Thousands of patients visit hospitals every day with a diagnosis of appendicitis.

You can get this insidious disease at any age, but people between 20 and 40 years old are at particular risk. Women are more likely than men to suffer from this disease.

In children under 7 years of age, the vermiform appendix becomes inflamed extremely rarely. Starting from school age, appendicitis is observed more often.

In children, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl, the percentage of the disease is distributed approximately equally, but with age in the female half it appears more often.

Doctors tend to believe that during the process of bearing a child, their immune status changes, the fetus can compress the intestines, digestion is disrupted, its microflora changes, and, therefore, appendicitis becomes more likely to worsen. It can also be triggered by:

  • adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • spread of infection through the bloodstream;
  • unknown reasons.

Appendicitis develops rapidly as a result of two main factors: blockage of the vessels of the appendix or congestion of its lumen. In older people, the disease is less common. The operation lasts no more than an hour, and cutting out appendicitis is not difficult for any surgeon. After 8–12 hours, the patient can already get out of bed and move independently.

The main signs of appendicitis

The main symptom of the disease is pain, and more often than not it is this reason that becomes the reason for contacting a doctor.

Pain in the abdominal area may not always indicate inflammation, but appendicitis often occurs initially with unclear localization of pain, and gradually aggravation is felt in the lower part of the peritoneum.

The person feels discomfort, gradually turning into increasing nagging pain in the iliac region. He may experience lethargy, weakness, and fever. General malaise is often accompanied by vomiting, which is inconsistent.

Symptoms vary from person to person and largely depend on where the appendix is ​​located. Its non-standard position causes an atypical character, so the symptoms manifest themselves in the most unexpected way.

Surgeons observe the patient for some time, and if the pain appears suddenly and does not stop, but rather intensifies, then they decide on surgical intervention. It is difficult for patients to recognize appendicitis at home, and many recklessly take painkillers.

The specialist faces a difficult task: to establish an accurate diagnosis due to a violation of clear symptoms.

It is important to remember: if you have abdominal pain, you should not take pills, and only in some cases you can take antispasmodics (drugs that relax muscles).

What causes inflammation of the appendix?

The most common causes of the disease are mechanical blockages, that is, foreign bodies that for some reason enter the human body. After congestion of the colon, microbes begin to develop, causing acute inflammation.


Excessive consumption of fatty, smoked and other unhealthy foods increases the risk of appendicitis. It’s hard to believe, but there are people who are prone to provoking the disease, that is, they are interested in the question of how to cause appendicitis in order to avoid more serious complications in the future, for example, peritonitis.

Although many often have to work for a long time in remote areas, where there are not even paramedic stations nearby. Since appendicitis requires only surgical intervention, the inflammatory process of the abdominal cavity far from civilization can be fatal.

The disease develops rapidly, is accompanied by severe pain, and sometimes, in order to remove a person’s appendix, they simply do not have time to take him to the nearest hospital.

A lack of fiber from food can contribute to the development of the disease more often than with a balanced diet.

It has been noticed that plant foods do not provoke appendicitis, but, on the contrary, contribute to the fact that the rudimentary organ does not become inflamed throughout life.

The disease is often provoked by food that easily gets stuck in the internal organs and is not digested by the stomach, so many are interested in whether seeds can cause acute appendicitis.

In order to cause intestinal inflammation, you need to eat a considerable amount of them with dirty peels. Many people enjoy healthy treats throughout their lives without getting sick. Inflammation of the appendix can begin not only with a large number of unpeeled seeds eaten, but also with the ingestion of pomegranate, watermelon or apple seeds.

Other causes of appendicitis

The attack is also provoked by factors, the origin of which is not always clear even to doctors, but observations show a certain category of patients whose disease occurs as a result of:

  • chronic sore throat;
  • pneumonia and other chronic colds;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • advanced dental caries.

The result is the penetration of various bacteria into the bloodstream, which contributes to inflammation of the colon and the development of appendicitis. It is important for any person to regularly visit doctors, not only when illnesses become acute; annual preventive examinations play an important role in order to identify pathologies in the early stages of development.

Is it possible to remove a healthy appendix?

Scientific thought is rapidly developing, and if previously most scientists believed that organs that do not perform an essential function for the body can be easily removed in infancy, now opinions are divided.

Doctors have discovered that there are lymphatic follicles on the walls of the appendix; they can protect the intestines not only from infection, but also protect against cancer. Another essential function of the appendix is ​​to maintain the immune system of the whole body, so its preservation plays an important role.

The best prevention for preventing appendicitis is a healthy diet and timely detection of various diseases.

Source: //

Bad advice

No person is able to foresee a failure in the system, especially an inflammation of the appendix. But you can get some recommendations on how not to treat your body. These tips serve as a kind of prevention to help prevent problems and avoid surgery:

1. Appendicitis is a warehouse of harmful bacteria that, when they enter the appendix, remain there forever. As a rule, food does not pass there, but if the digestive tract is often overloaded with salty, spicy, smoked and any harmful food, malaise will set in very quickly. Constipation will begin, which will turn into chronic, fecal masses will compress the appendage, as a result, the person may develop inflammation and purulent manifestations.

2. Seeds are a healthy product, rich in vitamins and microelements. If you consume it in large quantities, and even together with the husk, the appendix will clog in one day. The same applies to grape seeds. Moreover, it is not recommended to wash fruits, as an infectious disease will develop, which will aggravate the situation and instantly lead to the surgical table.

3. Constant stress helps to get appendicitis in a short time. You need to be nervous, angry, afraid of every step, then the body will react correctly and produce a whole complex of various ailments that can provoke a complete breakdown of all systems.

4. Uncontrolled use of medications has a great effect on the occurrence of negative processes. These are dysbacteriosis, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcers. Each pathology can serve as an impetus for appendicitis. Let the antibiotics completely destroy the microflora and create ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogens.

5. Don't take personal hygiene very seriously. Dirty hands are a testing ground for the activity of pathogenic microbes. They feel especially good under nails and after visiting the toilet. It is better to sit at the table for meals without preliminary water procedures.

6. If a person has a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation in the pelvis and intestines becomes stagnant. Walking in the fresh air, morning exercises, and swimming are preventive measures. Therefore, you can refuse physical education and active recreation so that appendicitis becomes inflamed.

The presence of symptoms such as: 1. bitterness in the mouth, putrid odor; 2. frequent gastrointestinal disorders, alternating constipation with diarrhea; 3. fatigue, general lethargy; indicate intoxication of the body by parasites. Treatment must begin now, as helminths that live in the digestive tract or respiratory system.

The appendix is ​​currently forcing doctors to pay special attention to it. Just as the tonsils serve as an insulator against infection entering the stomach during a sore throat, the appendage works as a reliable barrier. Its mucosa contains a large number of lymphatic follicles, which protect the intestines from cancer and other diseases. It is possible to develop appendicitis in a day, but then the patient is deprived of an important protective function, because nature could not come up with anything extra when it created the human body.

The appendix becomes inflamed only once, and at this time it is very important to quickly detect the symptoms of the onset of inflammation and perform surgery. A person has 12-16 hours to do everything. After this, destructive changes begin that can cause serious complications.

How to get appendicitis quickly at home

  • Author of the article
  • Vlaskina Anna
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Reviewer
  • Sergei Andrianov
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

If you have pain in your right side, it may be appendicitis.
I want to tell you about the factors that cause inflammation, the development of the disease, diagnosis, first aid and prevention.

After all, knowing in advance that you have this disease, you can completely avoid the consequences.

One of which is called peritonitis.

Appendicitis is a pathology of the abdominal cavity, which is an acute (less often chronic) inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix).

The disease is diagnosed in people of any age and both sexes. On average, 5 out of 1000 people fall ill per year.

Inflammatory factors

    Blockage of the lumen of the process. It begins to accumulate mucus and microbial flora.

The cause is chronic constipation, the presence of foreign bodies in the intestinal tract, feces, adhesions and tumors of the appendix.

  • Infectious diseases. Inflammation can occur both in the cecum and in the appendage itself. It is caused by typhoid fever, intestinal tuberculosis, and parasitic infections.
  • Vascular pathologies. When the walls of blood vessels thicken, the lumen of the organ begins to decrease and aggressive microflora accumulates.
  • People suffering from varicose veins, thrombosis, and vasculitis are at risk.
  • Pregnancy. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the cecum shifts. In addition, pregnant women are predisposed to constipation, restructuring of the immune system, and impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  • Nutritional features. It is believed that the risk of the disease is higher in people who abuse protein foods (in particular, large amounts of meat).
  • It causes constipation. Those who eat food with a significant content of plant fiber (fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains) have a reduced risk.

    Fast food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, too fatty, salty and spicy foods contribute to the development of appendicitis. These products increase the load on the entire digestive tract and intestines in particular.

  • Age characteristics. The majority of cases are children and adolescents. They often have reduced immunity. Babies can swallow small objects whole (bones, parts from toys).
  • Seeds - myth or reality

    It is believed that gnawing on seeds is a direct path to the operating table.

    The products themselves contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the body. Just eat them peeled. Rinse before frying to avoid infection.

    How quickly does the disease develop?

    There are several stages:

    Catarrhal (first 12 hours). Changes occur in the mucous membrane of the organ. Pain sensations appear in the stomach area, which gradually cover the entire abdominal cavity.

The pain intensifies with palpation (examination, pressing with fingers). It also becomes sharper when walking.

Nausea begins, then vomiting, which does not bring relief. The temperature rises and a feeling of dry mouth occurs. There is a defecation disorder - the inability to empty the intestines. Phlegmonous (about a day). The pain becomes acute. Perforation (breaking through, destruction) of the walls of the appendix and purulent inflammation begins.

The patient's condition is serious: temperature is about 38 degrees, vomiting, possible diarrhea or constipation. On palpation, tension in the appendix is ​​observed, the pain intensifies, Gangrenous (up to 3 days). Necrosis (death) of the tissues of the appendix and adjacent vessels and nerve endings begins.

The patient experiences imaginary relief, the pain becomes less.

However, the inflammatory process continues to spread. The skin is pale. Possible tachycardia (increased heart rate) Perforated. The appendix ruptures and pus ends up in the abdominal cavity.

Peritonitis develops. Severe abdominal pain and continuous vomiting begin.

The temperature is very high. High probability of death

Diagnosis of appendicitis at home

You should be suspected of the disease if the following symptoms are observed:

    Abdominal pain. At first, it is impossible to indicate a clear localization of pain, but then they shift to the right, and a feeling of heaviness and fullness arises.

Source: //

Why is appendicitis dangerous?

If the inflamed appendix is ​​not quickly removed or carelessly pressed on it, it may rupture. As a result, bacteria and pus that has accumulated in the appendix will enter the abdominal cavity and cause inflammation of its mucous membrane. This condition is called peritonitis, and it is deadly because it often causes blood poisoning.

From the appearance of the first symptoms to the rupture of the appendix, as a rule, about a day passes. 9 Appendicitis Symptoms You Should Know, According to Doctors. Therefore, it is extremely important to act quickly.

Alexander J. Grinstein, MD, surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital (New York)

However, sometimes up to three days can pass between the first symptoms and rupture. But you shouldn’t delay calling an ambulance: it’s unknown how fast the process will go in your case.

Consider one more point. Once the appendix ruptures, the pain may subside for a while. Do not under any circumstances trust this imaginary improvement in your well-being. If you had symptoms of appendicitis, and then they seemed to go away on their own, you still need to see a doctor. There is a risk that the pain will return, and with peritonitis it is even stronger.

In very rare cases, acute appendicitis becomes chronic. Chronic appendicitis: uncommon cause of chronic abdominal pain form. But at any moment this chronicle may again require urgent surgical intervention.


The main symptoms of inflammation of the appendix in adult patients, regardless of gender, are:

  1. severe pain in the navel area (pain can shift to the right side and descend to the pelvis);
  2. increased body temperature;
  3. feeling of general malaise and lethargy;
  4. nausea (mostly without obvious urge to vomit or with single vomiting);
  5. disorders of stool and urination;
  6. lack of appetite.

In children

It is important to know! In children and adolescents, unlike adults, pain is mainly concentrated in the navel area, subsequently shifting to the right iliac region.

At this age, local symptoms are not as pronounced as intoxication ones. In children, the temperature rises more than in adults, and nausea may be accompanied by repeated vomiting.

There is severe bloating and frequent stools (usually liquid).

I can note a number of specific signs of appendicitis in children, one of which is the so-called “light spaces”.

These are periods during which symptoms disappear abruptly and completely.

This is an alarming sign, since such “lulls” occur shortly before the appendix ruptures.

The shift in the localization of pain in childhood is explained by the incomplete formation of the body: in children the appendix is ​​located higher than in adults, so pain can be diagnosed not in the iliac region, but in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

Sometimes the appendix is ​​located behind the cecum, and the pain syndrome extends to the lumbar region, and the characteristic bloating may be absent.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, symptoms in the first trimester are no different from typical ones, but after this period, when the uterus increases significantly, internal organs shift.

In this case, the cecum and appendix can move behind the uterus or rise higher, so pain with appendicitis in pregnant women can be felt above the navel.

In adults

Erased symptoms may also occur here. Usually adults endure pain, thinking that they ate something wrong, and in the meantime the disease is gaining momentum.

Actions upon detection of the first signs

  • Call an ambulance immediately as this is a medical emergency. Before the doctor arrives, you should lie down and apply an ice pack or a bottle of cold water to your right side.
  • Under no circumstances should you apply a warm heating pad, as this will increase inflammation.
  • You should not take painkillers; they will only temporarily alleviate the pain syndrome, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease. In addition, taking painkillers can make it difficult to properly diagnose the disease.
  • You cannot take laxatives or do an enema.
  • Don't eat anything. A maximum of a couple of spoons of liquid mashed potatoes is allowed. Drinking is also not recommended, except to take a few small sips.

Traditional recipes for prevention

Folk remedies consisting of herbs have proven themselves on the positive side. Some gastroenterologists and therapists recommend them for prevention.

Infusion of tarragon (tarragon)

Pour a tablespoon of dry tarragon (or 2 tablespoons of fresh) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink for 3 days before meals. Contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

Clefthoof infusion

1 tbsp. l. dry hoofed leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of cuff

25 g of mantle, 15 g of dried strawberry leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. Use 2-3 times a day.

Milk with cumin

Add a pinch of cumin to a glass of milk and boil for 1-2 minutes. Drink warm, for 2-3 days in the evening, a glass before meals.

White clover infusion

Pour 10 g of dried white clover into 50 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Take 3 times a day. The course is no more than 4 days. Prohibited for pregnant women and children.

Vegetable juice

100 g carrots, 50 g cucumber, 50 g beets. Take for 10 days on an empty stomach. Perfectly cleanses the intestines. For children from 6 to 14 years old, reduce the portion by 2-3 times.

It should be remembered that folk remedies are aimed exclusively at prevention! It is strictly forbidden to treat appendicitis at home using these recipes. At the first symptoms of inflammation of the appendix, urgent surgical intervention is required. The earlier the operation is performed, the fewer complications for the body.

How to treat appendicitis

So far, the only effective treatment for appendicitis is removal of the appendix. This operation is called an appendectomy. It is performed under general anesthesia.

Of course, first the doctors will clarify whether it is really appendicitis. To do this, you will have to take several Appendicitis tests:

  1. Physical examination . The surgeon will palpate the site of potential inflammation to determine where the painful area is located.
  2. Blood analysis . It will show the number of leukocytes - white blood cells that indicate an inflammatory process.
  3. Analysis of urine . It is needed to rule out other common causes of abdominal pain, such as a urinary tract infection or kidney stones.
  4. Hardware Research . Most likely, you will have an ultrasound of your abdominal organs. A computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan may also be needed to confirm appendicitis or make another diagnosis.

Appendicitis is removed either through one large incision in the abdomen 5-10 cm long (this may leave a scar), or through several small ones (this type of operation is called laparoscopy, it leaves minimal marks on the skin). Before surgery, you will be asked to take an antibiotic to reduce the risk of bacterial complications.

After an appendectomy, you will have to spend several days in the hospital. And it will take another 7 days or more to recover.

You will be able to return to school or work within a week after the operation if it goes well. But the gym or other physical activity should be postponed for 2-4 weeks - the specific date will be determined by the attending physician.

Children's prevention

Acute appendicitis syndrome is extremely rare in children under two years of age (up to 5%). This trend is developing due to special nutrition (food is crushed, extremely balanced) and better functioning of the digestive system (defecation is complete, nothing clogs the lumen of the appendicular process).

To prevent your baby from having inflammation of the appendix, you should:

  • Take preventive measures to strengthen the immune system. In childhood, infections and inflammations are more difficult to tolerate. It is impossible to diagnose many diseases in the early stages; complications may begin, which will lead to the development of acute appendicitis.
  • Make sure that children do not swallow difficult-to-digest parts of foods (bones, seeds, peels, husks).

  • Prohibit children from eating a lot of sweets and overeating (problems with defecation, dysbacteriosis, and helminths may develop).

If you complain of abdominal pain, you should definitely visit a pediatrician and gastroenterologist (sometimes an examination by a surgeon is required).

The appendix is ​​a small extension of the large intestine

It is located in the lower abdomen on the right and is similar in size to a finger. Sometimes the appendix becomes inflamed. This is called appendicitis. An inflamed appendix must be removed surgically. This has been done successfully for 120 years.

. If the appendage bursts, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) is likely to develop, which can cause death.

Many people are afraid of appendicitis and even more afraid of surgery. This topic was very fashionable twenty years ago. It turned out that uncomplicated versions of appendicitis can be treated without surgery.

Prevention of appendicitis: folk remedies

If you want to avoid appendicitis, use the following recipes:

  • Take 15 grams of white foot root, add 150 ml of alcohol to the raw material and leave for a week in a dark place. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of digestive system disorders, take a couple of drops of the infusion every two hours. The product can be diluted with a small amount of warm water.
  • Take 100 grams of mantle grass and 40 grams of strawberry and blackberry leaves. Pour 4 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 750 ml of boiling water. The broth should simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. You need to drink one teaspoon every hour and a half.

Development of the disease

This disease cannot be treated at home. Rapid surgical removal of the appendage is required. The result of inaction in acute appendicitis is death. It sounds scary, but we don't want to scare you. Our goal is to alert you so you can quickly take appropriate action when signs of appendicitis occur. In this article we will talk about:

  • what can quickly cause appendicitis (including whether there is a danger of developing the disease at home);
  • Is it possible to protect yourself from inflammation of the appendix? Are there any rules for preventing this disease?
  • How to make money quickly and get sick?

    Important fact! According to statistics, inflammation occurs in only 10% of people, and this is mainly due to the structure and location of the process itself.
    It connects to the intestines through a narrow passage, which due to various circumstances can become clogged.

    As a result, the pressure in this appendage increases and metabolic processes are disrupted, and the functions of the immune system are also disrupted. Thanks to the following microorganisms, the process becomes inflamed:

    1. shigella;
    2. streptococci;
    3. staphylococci;
    4. coli;
    5. Klebsiella;
    6. enterococci;
    7. pseudomonas;
    8. Escherichia.

    Such microflora, multiplying in the appendix, provokes the development of inflammatory processes, but blockage of the lumen itself can occur for other reasons:

    • enlarged lymph nodes in the lumen area;
    • entry into the lumen of helminths that block the passage;
    • the appearance of slow-growing tumors in this area (carcinoids);
    • formation of adhesions and scars.

    In some cases, the lumen narrows due to spasms of the arteries feeding the appendix, which provokes disturbances in the outflow of lymph from nearby nodes.

    In rare situations, inflammatory processes can also be triggered by severe allergies, in which the immune system begins to actively fight allergens, while the protective mechanisms of the appendix are weakened, and pathogenic microflora penetrates it.

    Pathogenic microflora can also become active in “lazy gut” syndrome, when intestinal transit is reduced due to constant consumption of meat and the almost complete absence of dishes with plant fibers in the diet.

    As a result, stagnation of intestinal contents occurs, which leads to constipation and the subsequent spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, including penetrating into the appendage.

    Remember! As for pregnant women, this question often comes up in my practice. In pregnant women, in addition to these reasons, the development of inflammation in the appendix can be provoked by impaired blood supply to the appendix as a result of its kinks due to displacements.

    They, in turn, are inevitable with an enlarged uterus. In such cases, the appendix under pressure can shift in different directions, which explains the atypical localization of pain in appendicitis during pregnancy.

    I would also like to note that it is impossible to develop appendicitis in one day, this is a process that has a cause-and-effect relationship.


    The disease is so common that in many cases the correct diagnosis can be made without even seeing a doctor. The complex of symptoms includes:

    • pain in the right lower abdomen - it can be severe, or, on the contrary, dull, aching;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • low temperature;
    • the abdomen may become hard or swollen.

    Appendicitis can be acute or chronic. In the first case, treatment is surgical, and the operation must be done urgently. In chronic cases, the help of a surgeon is not needed, and treatment can be carried out without surgery.

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